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A Train Station

It is half past ten now, I have been waiting for the next train. I was late to train
station since I was doing overtime at my office. The station is always alive and
full of people. It gets so crowded that as if you were in a bee hive. The shouting
of porter’s whistle of the security guards and most importantly the rumbling
whistle of the train which can be heard from miles away awaring other people
the a train is on their way. These are the only things that makes the train
station feel alive.
Everyday before I was introduced to the fact that it was possible to buy e-
tickets I had to buy tickets by standing a beeline of people who are buying
tickets. The worst part begins when the person behind you starts coughing or
sneezing randomly without covering themselves. Then there is the problem of
annoying salesman trying to scam you into buying unnecessary souvenirs or
snacks and drinks. It also caused me and others a lot of hassle to travel by
train. Even though it is only fast and reliable route to our destination.
During night time it is a totally different case, it isolated with no soul in sight. I
was in full relaxed mood that day. I bought a can of coffee from the vending
machines and sipped on it and the calm sweety crispy breeze passes me by.
After a few mins my train finally arrived, I got on it and sat on a seat and found
myself dozing off as my body gives up on me and shuts down to recharge.
I love traveling with trains even it could be a hassle and be a cause of many
trubles but try ti enjoy it with all the goodness and troubles it offers me.

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