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Exercise 1. Read the following passage and decide whether each of the statements is TRUE or FALSE.
Los Angeles is the most exciting city in the USA. It has got Hollywood, Disneyland, fantastic beaches
and the LA Dodgers baseball team. In 1900, Los Angeles was smaller and quieter and Hollywood was just a
small village. Then, film studios arrived, and the village of Hollywood changed. Today it is a part of Los
Angeles, and Hollywood’s ‘Walk of Fame’ is the most famous place in the city. It has got more than 2000
stars there. It’s always sunny in Los Angeles and there are lots of different tourist attractions. You can go
shopping on Sunset Boulevard or you can go surfing at Venice Beach. There are theatres, museums, the
biggest theme parks in the USA and the noisiest sports stadiums. Los Angeles is the best city in the world!
1. Los Angeles is the most exciting city in the USA. (T/F)
2. In the past, Hollywood was a big village. (T/F)
3. The weather is always rainy in Los Angeles. (T/F)
4. There are a lot of tourist attractions in Los Angeles. (T/F)
5. In Los Angeles, there are the noisiest museums. (T/F)
Exercise 2. Read the text carefully, then answer the questions.
A robot is a machine. However, it is not just a machine. It is a special kind of machine. It is a machine
that moves and follows instructions. The instructions come from a computer. Because it is a machine, it
does not make mistakes and it does not get tired. Robots are all around us. Some robots are used to make
things. For example, robots can help to make cars. Some robots are used to explore dangerous places. For
example, robots can help to explore volcanoes. Some robots are used to do housework. Some robots can
even recognize wrong words. They can be used to help to answer telephone calls. Some robots look like
humans, but most robots do not.
A long time ago, people imagined robots, but nobody was able to make a real robot. The first real
robot was made in 1961. It was called Unimate. It was used to help to make cars. It looked like a giant arm.
In the future, we will have even more robots. They will do things that we can’t do. They will do
things that are too dangerous for us. They will help to make life better.
1. What is a robot?
2. Why doesn’t a robot make mistakes?
3. When was the first robot made?
4. Will robots make our lives better?
5. How does the author feel about robots?
Exercise 3. Read the following passage and decide whether each of the statements is TRUE or FALSE. Circle
the correct answer.
In the future, technology will allow homes to be ‘smart’. There won’t be any housework to do because
everyone might have robot helpers to clean the house and cook the meals. Automatic fridges will tell you
what food to buy. Alarm clocks will read your daily schedule and know what time you need to get up. Robots
will go shopping, look after the children or drive you to work. Robots will be able to show feelings on their
faces, too. They might smile, make eye contact or speak to you. And computers might even think like humans.
In the future, we might not need to tell computers what to do because they might decide for themselves.
Moreover, space tourism will be a popular type of holiday in the future. People will go on holiday to the moon
or to other planets. I think that will be a really exciting life.

Sentences Answer
1. Thanks to robot helpers, we don’t have to do household chores. T / F
2. We will go shopping when the refrigerator tells us to go. T / F
3. Robots will express their emotions on their faces. T / F
4. Computers might be able to make their own decisions. T / F
5. Few people will have holidays on the moon or other planets T / F

Exercise 4. Read the passage, then complete the following statements with the missing information. For
each statement, write no more than FOUR WORDS and/or A NUMBER.
Life in space is not the same as life on Earth. Astronauts can live and work in the space station for
months. Every day, they get up, get dressed and have breakfast. Eating in space is interesting. Everything
floats around because there is no gravity. Space food is always dried and is put in small box and bags. After
breakfast, they start working. Their job is to observe the planets or take photos. Sometimes, astronauts need
to go outside the space station. They call this spacewalking. They have to wear spacesuits when they go for a
spacewalk. After work, astronauts have to spend 2.5 hours doing exercise, so they can maintain their muscles
and fitness. Finally, they go to bed. It’s difficult to sleep because astronauts can’t lie down. They have to lock
their sleeping bags to the walls.

1. How is life in space?

2. Why is eating in space interesting?
3. What do astronauts do when they are in the space station?
4. How much time do astronaunt spend doing exercise?
5. How about you? Do you like to live in space? Why?

Exercise 5. Read the article about homes in the future and write True (T) or False (F) for the statements.
The Future is Smart! by Professor Rendall
Do you have a smart device, like a mobile phone or a TV? In the future, smart technology will be
everywhere and it will make our lives easier. Do you hate washing and cleaning? I know I do! Well, soon we
might have robot helpers to do the housework! Don't like cooking? Buy an automatic food machine to do it for
you. Touch the screen to choose your meal and it will be ready in seconds! If you want new clothes or
furniture, get a 3D printer to make them for you. Some companies already make deliveries using drones. But
soon, everyone will use them. The sky will be full of these little machines. The future is smart and I can't wait
for it!

Sentences True/ False

1. Professor Rendall doesn’t enjoy washing and cleaning.
2. Now, smart technology are everywhere in the world.
3. If you hate cooking, you can buy an automatic food machine to do it for you.
4. We might not have robot helpers to do the housework soon.
5. Some companies already make deliveries using drones.

Exercise 6. Read the article and answer the questions.

Astronauts' lives are very different on a space station. They cannot have showers because there is no
gravity and everything floats in space. The astronauts have to use soap and wet towels. They have to use a
special toilet, too. Meal times are very different to the ones at home. The astronauts have to eat dried food in
bags. They have to sleep in sleeping bags when they are tired. Astronauts tie their sleeping bags to the walls so
they don't float around. Life in space is not the same as life on Earth.
1. Why can't astronauts shower in space?
2. How do astronauts clean themselves in space?
3. What do they eat in space?
4. Why do astronauts tie their sleeping bags to the wall?
5. Who was the first Vietnamese person to go to space?

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