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College of Engineering and Computer Studies 1




A Project Design presented to the

College of Engineering and Computer Studies

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

Balili, Aaron Brian E.

Cajucom, Raphael Royce S.

Manguiat, Charisse Chelsea J.

Rana, Mc Eidref A

March 2023
College of Engineering and Computer Studies 2



Due to the large number of populations in Calamba, Laguna, residential,

commercial, and other properties highly contribute with the number of wastes dumped

in landfills. The large quantity of wastes in the city has been a major problem

nowadays but is continuously neglected by people. A part of these wastes includes the

organic waste where a great contribution comes from markets, restaurants, and

residential areas. Organic waste or green waste is organic material such as food,

garden, and lawn clippings. It can also include animal and plant based material and

degradable carbon such as paper, cardboard, and timber. These organic wastes can

post potential hazard due to its capacity to decompose and thus making it harmful on

neighborhoods. Moreover, due to the cumulative garbage quantity on dumpsites and

landfills, there can be soil degradation and decrease in vegetation. Much of the land

used for waste disposal cannot be reused in the future because of contamination. This

occurs when rubbish in landfills is compressed, and the air is squeezed out. The

rubbish breaks down anaerobically (without oxygen), which means that acids are

produced (Miller, 2021).

In-vessel composting (IVC) is one type of composting which is done in a

vessel or container. It is highly recommended for urban areas where composting

within the soil is limited due to constructed pavements. It can be used to treat food and
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garden waste mixtures on a large scale. These systems ensure that composting takes

place in an enclosed environment, with accurate temperature control and monitoring

(Kim et al., 2007).

Furthermore, Polprasert, C. (2015) supported that when organic waste is sent to

landfill, it is placed in an anaerobic environment (without oxygen) because the waste

is buried or capped with dirt and/or clay. When waste breaks down in these anaerobic

environments, with the help of specialized microorganisms, it produces carbon dioxide

and methane gas, a potent greenhouse gas. Most landfill gas is made up of 54%

methane and 40% carbon dioxide. Methane is twenty-four times more damaging as a

greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. The more organics disposed in landfill, the more

carbon dioxide and methane gas would be produced, which contributes to climate

change. Like recycling and reuse, the proper processing and use of organics, offers

tremendous environmental and economic opportunities. It is important to reduce the

amount of organic waste going to landfill. Methane is, however, also a valuable carbon

source which makes organic waste a good source of minerals for soil and plants when

composted properly (Westerman & Bicudo, 2004).

According to Stentiford (1996), composting is one of the ways that treats solid

waste so that microorganisms break down the organic material, helping along the

natural process of decay until it can be safely handled, stored, and applied to the

environment. It is one of the methods nowadays that reduces organic wastes for it uses

it and its decomposing properties to create fertilizers mostly called as organic

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fertilizers. By composting wasted food and other organics, methane and carbon

dioxide emissions are significantly reduced.

As stated by Bertoldi et al., (2014), composting is relatively simple to manage

and can be carried out on a wide range of scales in almost any indoor or outdoor

environment and in almost any geographic location. It has the potential to manage

most of the organic material in the waste stream including restaurant waste, leaves and

yard wastes, farm waste, animal manure, animal carcasses, paper products, sewage

sludge, wood etc. and can be easily incorporated into any waste management plan. As

supported by Cerda et al., (2018), approximately 45 - 55% of the waste stream is

organic matter, composting can play a significant role in diverting waste from landfills

thereby conserving landfill space and reducing the production of leachate and methane

gas. In addition, an effective composting program can produce a high-quality soil

amendment with a variety of end uses. Composting is nature’s process of recycling

decomposed organic materials into rich soil known as compost. Compost provides

many essential nutrients for plant growth and therefore is often used as fertilizer. It

also improves soil structure so that soil can easily hold the correct amount of moisture,

nutrients and air improving the texture of both clay soils and sandy soils, making

either type rich, moisture retentive, and loamy (Misra et al., 1970)

In urban areas, composting is not usually practiced since it causes bad odor

accompanied by pests due to the organic wastes compiled in it. A typical method of

composting may also require a lot of space and energy. It is in these reasons that the
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researchers started to think of ways on how urban areas perform composting that can

maximize the use of organic materials since they use and consume a high percentage

of it. This research aims to analyze the potential of in-vessel composting as a waste

reduction technique by examining its performance, environmental benefits, and

economic viability. By evaluating the existing literature on in-vessel composting, this

research aims to provide insights into the role of in-vessel composting in sustainable

waste management practices.

1.2 Review of Related Literature

1.2.1 Foreign Literature

Biodegradable Waste

Any product that may be quickly degraded naturally by natural agents is

considered to be biodegradable waste, according to a Safeopedia article from 2017.

These substances aid in the breakdown of biodegradable waste, which in turn

replenishes and feeds the soil. According to a subsequent article from Vedantu (2021),

biodegradable materials are those that spontaneously decay or decompose with the aid

of natural agents like sunlight, microorganisms, water, ozone, and others.

Biodegradable trash is safe for the environment and non-toxic thanks to this natural

process. Various sources contribute to the generation of biodegradable waste.

According to an article from Eco-Business (2017), biodegradable waste is

generated by businesses and individuals, including local governments, supermarkets

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and hypermarkets, the restaurant industry, and the agro-food industry. Biodegradable

waste undergoes natural processes such as microbial degradation, photo-degradation,

or chemical degradation, which break down the materials into simpler compounds that

can be assimilated by the environment. These sources produce biodegradable waste in

the form of organic materials, food scraps, yard waste, and sludge from wastewater

treatment plants.

Biodegradable waste used as fertilizer must be safe not only for the

environment and wildlife, but also for those who consume the crop or food product.

Improvement of soil fertility and crop yield can be attained by the use of simultaneous

recycling of waste to improve soil physical, chemical, and microbial properties.

Organic farming, farming without using chemicals, requires organic fertilizers. All

matter, living or dead, contains chemical compounds. Therefore, chemicals are being

used in organic farming. Continue of using organic fertilizers brings benefits to the

soil such as increase of soil organic matter, reduce the risk of erosion, better water

infiltration and aeration, high biological properties of soil as material decomposes in

soil, and increase yield of crops and plants in the soil. Proper handling of organic

fertilizers improves its effectiveness and quality. The best result of fertilizer use is

obtained if the soil has a high inherent fertility level which means high organic matter

status. A good practice is retaining crop residues in the field to increase inherent

fertility of soil.
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According to “Soil Nutrient Testing: How to get meaningful results” by Dr.

Donald S. Loch, the term “soil testing” refers to a soil’s physical, chemical, and

biological properties to identify the present nutrients in the soil. Organic fertilizers

usually contain plant nutrients in low concentrations. These nutrients must be

converted into inorganic forms by soil bacteria and fungi before plants can use them,

so they typically are more slowly released, over time. There are three major nutrients

present in organic fertilizer:

• Nitrogen (N) - responsible for vegetative growth, and as nitrogen rates

increase, so does yield. Nitrogen is also essential in the formation of protein,

and protein makes up much of the tissues of plants.

• Phosphorus (P) - is linked to a plant’s ability to use and store energy, including

the process of photosynthesis. It is also critical in root development, crop

maturity and seed production.

• Potassium (K) - strengthens plant’s ability to resist disease. It protects the plant

from cold and hot weather, drought, and pests, strengthening its root system

and preventing wilt.

Another test used to see if a soil is effective for agricultural use is pH test.

According to Mosaic Crop Nutrition, Soil pH is a measure of the acidity and alkalinity

in soils which ranges from 0 to 14. If a soil has a pH level of 7 below, it is most likely

to be acidic. 7 above is alkaline and 7 is neutral. pH level ranges from 5.5 to 7 for most

of the plants. However, many plants have been adapting other than the optimal pH
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range. To have enough nutrients in the soil, pH level controls many chemical

processes which is required to maintain the proper level of pH for the plants to reach

its full yield potential.

According to “Soil Amendments for Agricultural Production” by George

Antonious, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) states that “Organic

farming is a production system which avoids or largely excludes the use of

synthetically compounded fertilizers, pesticides, and growth regulators.” The potential

health risks are now receiving attention due to results of conventional agriculture such

as pesticide residues, nitrates, and phosphates. (Antonious G. 2016).

Advantages of In-Vessel Composting

According to (Manyapu et al., 2017), the Advantages of In-Vessel Composting

System Compared to Traditional Methods are:

1. Reduced dependency on malignant chemical fertilizers: In-vessel

composting allows for the production of nutrient-rich compost that can be

used as a natural fertilizer. This reduces the need for harmful chemical

fertilizers that can have negative environmental impacts and promotes a

more sustainable approach to soil fertility management.

2. Reclamation of soil health and enhancement of beneficial micro- and

macro-organisms: In-vessel composting produces compost that is rich in

organic matter, which can improve soil health and structure. The addition
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of compost to soil can also promote the growth of beneficial micro- and

macro-organisms, such as bacteria, fungi, and earthworms, which play a

crucial role in nutrient cycling, soil aeration, and overall soil health.

3. Efficient organic waste management: In-vessel composting provides a

controlled and enclosed environment for composting, which allows for

faster and more efficient decomposition of organic waste materials. This

can help to reduce the volume of waste generated and minimize odors and

other environmental impacts associated with traditional waste disposal

methods, such as landfilling or open-air composting.

4. Saving the cost of transportation and fertilizer purchase: In-vessel

composting can be implemented at or near the source of organic waste

generation, reducing the need for transportation and associated costs.

Additionally, using compost produced from in-vessel composting as a

fertilizer can save costs compared to purchasing chemical fertilizers, which

can be expensive.

5. Improved environmental protection: In-vessel composting promotes

aerobic decomposition, which produces lower levels of greenhouse gases,

such as methane, compared to anaerobic decomposition in landfills. By

diverting organic waste from landfills and promoting aerobic

decomposition, in-vessel composting can help reduce greenhouse gas

emissions and contribute to environmental protection efforts.

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6. Potential income generation through selling the outcome: The nutrient-

rich compost produced through in-vessel composting can be sold or used as

a value-added product, providing a potential source of income. This can

help offset the costs of implementing and maintaining an in-vessel

composting system and create economic opportunities for businesses or


7. Enhanced corporate image: Adopting sustainable waste management

practices, such as in-vessel composting, can improve the corporate image

of businesses or organizations by demonstrating their commitment to

environmental stewardship and sustainability. This can enhance their

reputation among customers, stakeholders, and the public.

8. Strengthened relationships with local communities, other industries,

organizations, and market advantages: Implementing in-vessel

composting can foster positive relationships with local communities, as it

reduces the environmental impacts associated with waste disposal and can

contribute to community well-being. It can also create opportunities for

collaboration and partnerships with other industries, organizations, or

stakeholders interested in sustainable waste management practices.

Furthermore, using compost produced from in-vessel composting as a soil

amendment can provide market advantages for agricultural or horticultural

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products, as consumers increasingly value environmentally-friendly and

sustainable practices.

Disadvantages of In-Vessel Composting

While in-vessel composting offers numerous advantages for organic waste

management, it is important to consider the potential disadvantages associated with in-

vessel composting:

1. Higher costs compared to other composting methods: In-vessel composting

typically requires higher capital expenditures compared to other composting

methods. The construction and installation of specialized equipment and

infrastructure, such as vessels, shredders, and mixers, can result in increased

costs. Additionally, the higher level of mechanization involved in in-vessel

composting may require more frequent equipment maintenance, further adding

to the overall costs.

2. Increased need for equipment maintenance: In-vessel composting systems

are typically more mechanized compared to other composting methods, which

can result in increased requirements for equipment maintenance. Regular

inspections, repairs, and replacements of mechanical components, such as

shredders, mixers, and aeration systems, may be necessary to ensure smooth

operation of the composting process. This can add to the operational costs and

require skilled personnel for maintenance.

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3. Risk of fires: One significant drawback of in-vessel composting is the

potential for fires. The large amount of carbonaceous material, including wood

chips, sawdust, and other organic materials, stored and used at composting

facilities creates the potential for fires in storage areas as well as in the active

composting mass. Adequate aeration and moisture management are crucial to

prevent the build-up of heat and the risk of spontaneous combustion. Proper

monitoring and management of temperature, moisture, and aeration levels are

necessary to avoid fires and ensure safe operations.

4. Need for careful facility design: The design of in-vessel composting facilities

requires careful consideration to prevent potential issues. Adequate ventilation

and temperature control systems need to be in place to manage heat generated

during the composting process and minimize the risk of fires. Proper storage

and handling of composting materials, including maintaining appropriate

moisture levels, avoiding overloading of vessels, and ensuring proper turning

and mixing, are critical to achieve optimal composting results and prevent

potential problems.

It is important to carefully consider the disadvantages and address them

during the design, construction, and operation of in-vessel composting facilities

to ensure safe and efficient composting operations (US Environmental

Protection Agency 2000).

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Organic Fertilizer Facility Location

In accordance with FanWay Fertilizer Machinery, the selection of a suitable

location for an organic fertilizer facility is crucial as it directly affects production costs

and production management relations. Several factors need to be considered, including

the proximity to the farm, avoidance of transportation costs for raw materials with

high water content, and the potential for infectious diseases from being too close to the

farm. The plant should also be situated away from residential or work areas to

minimize the impact of malodorous gases.

Additionally, the location should have flat terrain, hard geology, low water

table, and good ventilation, while avoiding areas prone to slides, flooding, or collapse.

Land conservation and utilization of idle or wasteland should be prioritized, and the

factory area should be preferably rectangular and of appropriate size. Proximity to

power lines and water supply should also be considered. (FanWay Fertilizer

Machinery, 2018).

1.2.2 Local Literature

Fertilizer Production and Utilization

An article posted by Lewis Olivia (2016) highlighted that the Philippines is

predominantly an agricultural country where a significant portion of the population

lives in rural areas and relies on agriculture for their livelihood. Around 50% of the

total workforce is employed in agriculture. However, the use of chemical fertilizers is

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widespread, with around 1.4 million mt used in 1995 alone. Urea accounted for 37%

of the total usage, half of which was imported. The country also exported roughly

700,000 mt of chemical fertilizers while importing about 1,237 thousand mt, with urea

comprising half of the imported fertilizers. Notably, more than half of the chemical

fertilizer utilized in the Philippines (52%) is devoted to rice and corn farming. The

dependence on chemical fertilizers has several implications for agriculture, the

environment, and human health. The excessive use of chemical fertilizers can lead to

soil degradation, loss of soil fertility, and water pollution. In addition, the cost of

imported fertilizers can be a significant burden for farmers, particularly those with

limited financial resources. The high demand for rice and corn production has led to a

significant amount of chemical fertilizer usage, which has further exacerbated these

issues. However, the Philippine government has implemented various programs to

promote the use of organic farming and reduce reliance on chemical fertilizers.

Through these initiatives, the country aims to improve soil fertility, increase crop

productivity, and protect the environment while also promoting sustainable agriculture

practices (Olivia, 2016).

Promotion and Commercialization of Organic Fertilizer

An article written by Ani & Abeleda (2018), they stated Bio-fertilizers are

organic fertilizers that are derived from natural sources, such as plant residues, animal

manure, and microbial cultures, and are known to improve soil health, enhance crop
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growth, and promote sustainable agricultural practices. The implementation of the

Organic Agriculture Act has led to increased awareness and adoption of organic

farming practices in the Philippines, including the use of bio-fertilizers. Farmers are

now encouraged to produce their own organic fertilizers, reducing their reliance on

chemical fertilizers and promoting environmentally-friendly agricultural practices.

This has resulted in the growth of the bio-fertilizer sub-industry in the country, with

more local production and use of bio-fertilizers in organic farming systems.

Furthermore, the promotion of community-based organic agriculture systems

under the Organic Agriculture Act has also fostered knowledge-sharing and

collaboration among farmers, researchers, and government agencies. This has led to

the development of locally-adapted bio-fertilizer production methods, utilizing locally

available resources and addressing specific soil and crop requirements of different

regions in the Philippines. This localized approach has contributed to the sustainability

and effectiveness of the bio-fertilizer sub-industry in the country, making it a

significant component of the overall development and promotion of organic

agriculture in the Philippines.

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1.2.3 Foreign Studies

In-Vessel Composting

In-vessel composting is a widely used waste management technique that

involves controlled decomposition of organic waste within an enclosed container. This

process is gaining popularity as a sustainable solution for managing biodegradable

waste, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and producing nutrient-rich compost. In-

vessel composting is a controlled aerobic process that occurs in a closed system,

typically a container or a vessel.

The process involves the breakdown of organic waste materials, such as food

scraps, yard waste, and agricultural residues, through microbial activity and natural

decomposition processes (Bernal et al., 2009). The enclosed system provides optimal

conditions for the composting process, including temperature, moisture, and oxygen

levels, which can be monitored and regulated to accelerate the decomposition process

(Thirumoorthy et al., 2003). The duration of the composting process varies depending

on the type and size of the waste materials, as well as the environmental conditions

within the vessel.

Compost provides the needs of a soil and on the other hand, fertilizers provide

the needs of the plants. With these, fertilizers, whether it be organic or chemical, is

only into feeding the plant itself and not the soil which is known as the main source of

nutrients for the plant. Chemical fertilizers could be used on composts to amplify its

effectiveness but in a longer time of usage, microbes on the soil might be affected
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which will lead to an ineffective output. Organic fertilizers are known as beneficial on

compost and soil food web which is useful for the plant growth (Keeler, 2016).


According to Papale et al. (2021), composting is a process in which organic

waste materials are broken down into a humus-like substance called "compost". This

self-heating, aerobic, solid-phase process is considered as a natural way of recycling

and helps in the carbon flow and nutrient cycling in both developed and developing

countries. The composting process involves the rapid growth of microorganisms such

as bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes, and their enzymes which stabilize and convert

various types of organic waste into a nutrient-rich and hygienically safe final product.

This process reproduces natural processes that recycle nutrients in a controlled and

accelerated way.

According to a study by Trautman & Krasny (1998), compost can be added to the

soil as a soil amendment to improve the soil's physical qualities and production. To

lessen soil erosion, evaporation, and weed growth, it can also be used as mulch around

shrubs, trees, and other plants. Plant growth should be aided by a compost that is

mature, largely contaminant-free, and has advantageous physical and chemical


Furthermore, (Manyapu et al., 2017) emphasized that by providing an additional

source of organic matter, compost modifies the physical, chemical, and biological
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characteristics of soil, hence improving its suitability for plants' nutrient needs. soil

characteristics such as texture, structure, porosity, particle density, microbial activity,

etc. It has great soil conditioning properties. As a rich source of nutrients, it replaces

the need for dangerous chemical fertilizers that destroy the soil. Composting also helps

to stop soil erosion. Composting is the controlled biological decomposition of organic

substrates by successive microbial populations combining both mesophilic and

thermophilic activities, resulting in the production of a final product that is sufficiently

stable for storage and application to land without adverse environmental effects

(Iyengar & Bhave, 2006).

The microorganisms break down organic matter in wastewater solids into

carbon dioxide, water, heat, and compost during the process. According to Smith et al.

(2014), the composting process involves four main components: organic matter,

moisture, oxygen, and bacteria. There are five main areas that must be controlled

during composting:

1. Nutrient Balance

Organic materials include a mixture of brown organic materials, such as

dry leaves, branches, twigs, and wood chips, and green organic materials, such

as leftovers from vegetables, scraps from fruits, coffee grounds, etc. Brown

materials provide large amounts of carbon that help slow down the

decomposition process to prevent rotting. Green materials contain large

amounts of nitrogen that help bacteria break down the ingredients. Carbon and
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nitrogen must be present in the proper balance in the mixture to ensure optimal

conditions for microbial growth. The ideal carbon-to-nitrogen ratio ranges

from 25 to 35 parts carbon for each one part of nitrogen by weight.

Ammonia odors can occur on lower ratio and a higher ratio will not

create an optimal condition for microbial growth causing a slower rate of

degradation and temperature to remain below levels required for pathogen

destruction (Dickson, Richard, and Kozlowski. 1991).

2. Particle Size

Grinding, chipping, and shredding materials increases the surface area

on which microorganisms can feed. The smaller the size of the organic refuse

particle, the more quickly it can be consumed by the microbes. Smaller

particles also produce a more homogeneous compost mixture. If the particles

are too small, however, they might prevent air from flowing freely through the

pile (Masabni & Lillard. 2014).

3. Moisture Content

Enough Moisture is essential for microbial activity and not having

enough of it will delay the process. Water is the key element that helps

transports substances within the compost pile and makes the nutrients in

organic material accessible to the microbes. Organic material contains some

moisture in different amounts and may come in the form of rainfall or

intentional watering (Masabni & Lillard. 2014).

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4. Oxygen Flow

Porosity is important to ensure the adequate oxygen reaches

composting mass so bulking agents are added. Also, through active means such

as blowers and piping or through passive means such as turning to allow more

air, oxygen is supplied to the composting mass. However, it must be noted not

to provide too much oxygen, which can dry out the pile and impede the

composting process (US Environmental Protection Agency 2000).

5. Temperature

Microbial decomposition during composting releases large amounts of

energy as heat. This raises the temperature and causes rapid composting and

destroying pathogens and weed seeds. Microbial activity can raise the

temperature of the pile’s core to at least 140° F. The materials lose heat as

water evaporates and as air movement carries away the water vapor and other

gases. Turning and aeration of a compost pile accelerates the heat loss and can

be used to reduce the temperature (Cochran, 1996).

The composting process has two phases: decomposition and curing.

The composting process has two phases: decomposition and curing. In the first

stage, microorganisms do the initial breakdown of organic materials into

simpler compounds, thus producing heat because of their metabolic activities.

Under controlled conditions, the composting process is done by grinding or

chopping large waste particles. In the second stage, heat generation gradually
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diminishes and when this curing stage is complete, the compost is considered

“mature” (Das, 2017).

Importance of Composting Biodegradable Wastes

Composting biodegradable wastes is a crucial practice for addressing

environmental and societal challenges associated with waste management. It can

reduce environmental pollution, conserve valuable resources, and offer social and

economic benefits. Composting promotes aerobic decomposition of organic matter,

reducing methane emissions and producing stable compost as a valuable end-product.

It also helps in the conservation of resources by recycling organic matter back into the

soil, supporting nutrient cycling and sustainable agricultural practices (Waqas et al.,

2022). In addition, Monson & Murugappan (2010) noted that composting is the

controlled biological degradation of wastes including organic compounds of plant or

animal origin to a state stable enough for nuisance-free storage and usage. To make

high-quality compost, it is necessary to manage the entire process, from start to finish,

by managing the feed components as well as process factors like temperature, moisture

content, bulk density, aeration rates, and C/N ratio. Furthermore, composting can

create employment opportunities, generate income through the sale of compost, and

promote community engagement and education on sustainable waste management

practices, leading to improved corporate image and relations with local communities,

organizations, and markets (Tchobanoglous et al., 2014).

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In conclusion, composting biodegradable wastes is supported by research from

various sources and should be prioritized as an important waste management practice.

It offers multiple benefits, including reducing environmental pollution, conserving

resources, and providing social and economic advantages. Governments,

organizations, and individuals should promote and implement composting as a

sustainable solution for managing biodegradable waste and mitigating the adverse

impacts of improper waste disposal.

1.2.4 Local Studies

Compost and Fertilizer

Basically, a fertilizer is any substance that is added to the soil to supply those

elements which are required for the nutrition of plants. These are commercially

available which has been processed to contain several essential nutrients. These could

be organic or chemically produced depending on its components and process of

production. These are commonly used since it is widely available and proven to

produce a crop as to what is expected but several harmful effects are not really

considered especially on chemical fertilizers (Keeler, 2016). These are used in

promoting plant growth which is produced specifically on varieties that has individual

uses. This could be applied in several ways such as broadcasting and banding.

A study written by (Buquiran et al., 2007) they have found that the economic

data acquired suggests that the processing of 1 ton of organic waste using a reliable,
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but inexpensive composting technique, such as fresh compost production with

subsequent vermiculture, cannot be realized below 50 US-$ operation cost per ton. It is

suggested that municipalities either give a sufficient budget for composting based on

local trash generation or find and support a private operator to treat organic waste to

avoid such materials reaching the local garbage disposal site. In fact, most towns

"assume" composting can be adopted with no or very little municipal investment.

However, household composting is not done, although garbage burning in backyards

and along streets is still a regular and daily activity in the Philippines.

In Vessel Applicability

Based on the study of (Tansengco et al., 2016) the usage of a composter

accelerates the initial deterioration of materials due to its slow rotation for 8 hours

each day. During the composting process, no leachate or offensive odors were

detected. The composter's efficiency was tested using biodegradable garbage gathered

within DOST. Temperature is a significant factor that influences composting success.

Thermophilic conditions achieved during active composting. Three composting

operations produced high-quality composts with total NPK ranging from 4.55 to

5.81%. The composter device is portable, requires little effort, and is simple to use.

The composter created is ideal for communities that generate a limited amount of

biodegradable trash.
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Altering the chemical properties of soil would be beneficial to plant growth, in

which, several methods are performed to be able to produce an output better than the

usual set-up. Development of soil chemical properties leads to enhancing plant

nutrition which is good to produce good quality products to the market. (Savoy, 2016).

1.2.5 Synthesis and Justification

One of our community's main concerns is the use of something economical and

sustainable, and doing so will help us meet demand from the public. This research,

which focuses on in-vessel composting, offers a potential compatibility that is long-

lasting, affordable, organic, and environmentally benign. According to studies,

incorporating food waste increases a project's cost effectiveness because of its source.

The use of in-vessel composting is undoubtedly an important research topic,

and the conclusions that have been synthesized here are highly significant to the

current study because they are designed to advance knowledge and understanding. For

instance, these insights assist the researchers in realizing that this study must be

properly conducted to provide possibilities that could potentially be used and to

establish a new concept of innovation. that it can also offer substantial benefits to local

farmers and people, in addition to researchers.

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1.2.6 Theoretical Framework

Biodegradable In-Vessel Soil

waste from Composting Conditioner
Calamba Public (Compost)/
Market Fertilizer

Figure 1: Process of getting the data.

1.3. Conceptual Framework

INPUT Process Output

Design Parameters Structural Plan Design of In Vessel

• 30-Gallon Bin • AutoCAD
Composter Drum
Drum Project Scheduling
• Screws and Data Management

• Joints • MS Excel

• Metal Welding In-Vessel

• Biodegradable
waste from
Calamba Market

Figure 2: Research paradigm of in-vessel composting

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Depicts the process data that will be collected for this project. The first step is

to collect all the data needed to build this project, including the codes and loads for the

design standard. After gathering all the it will be used as an input in the structural

analysis and design computer program called AutoCAD.

1.4 Objectives of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to analyze a way of how to reduce the

biodegradable waste in Calamba Public Market, Calamba, Laguna and to help in the

production of organic fertilizers. Its specific objectives are:

1. To identify strategic locations where Composting Facilities for

Biodegradable Wastes (CFBW) can be placed.

2. To identify how much is the daily production of biodegradable waste in

Calamba Market and its percentage reduction using In-Vessel Composting.

3. To determine the effectiveness of In-Vessel composting in Calamba

Market, in producing Compost.

4. To determine if the sample can be considered as organic fertilizer.

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1.5 Hypotheses

• In-Vessel composting can significantly reduce the amount of biodegradable

market waste from Calamba Public Market.

• Compost produced from the In-Vessel composting cannot be considered as


1.6 Significance of the Study

The study's conclusions will be beneficial to society given that in-vessel

composting plays a vital part in today's safety standards. The following will gain from

the study's findings:

Future Researchers: Since in-vessel composting is a broad topic, future

researchers may use this work as a starting point. This will help people to

minimize waste as quickly as possible for the safety of society.

Citizens: People would benefit from in-vessel composting since it composts

trash considerably more quickly and reduces the amount of organic waste that

people produce. It is comparable to destroying bacteria and other hazardous

organisms to humans much more quickly.

Farmers: Many farms will profit from in-vessel composting because it

produces compost much more quickly than the other methods. As a result, they

won't require as many chemical fertilizers.

College of Engineering and Computer Studies 28
1.7 Scope and Limitations

This study will focus on the effectiveness of using In-Vessel Composting as an

organic waste reduction technique in Calamba Public Market. The data collection will

be conducted by analyzing the possible locations of composting facilities in Calamba,

Laguna, the daily production of biodegradable waste, and the availability and the

benefits of the organic compost produced in In-Vessel Composting in Calamba Public


Therefore, the study will be limited only to the biodegradable waste produced

in Calamba Public Market. This study will be beneficial not only to the citizens and

customers of the Calamba Public Market, but also the environment.

1.8 Definition of Terms

Anaerobic - refers to the living, active, occurring, or existing in the absence of free


Brown Waste - Carbon-rich materials such as dried leaves, straw, and wood chips.

CFBW - Composting Facilities for Biodegradable Wastes

Composting - refers to nature’s process of recycling decomposed organic materials

into a rich soil known as compost.

EPA - United States Environmental Protection Agency

FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization

Friable - means easily crumbled or reduced to powder.

College of Engineering and Computer Studies 29
Green Waste - Nitrogen-rich materials such as grass clippings and kitchen scrap.

In-Vessel Composting - a type of composting which can be used to treat food and

garden waste mixtures and it takes place in an enclosed environment, with accurate

temperature control and monitoring.

Inoculant - Microbial inoculants also known as soil inoculants or bioinoculants are

agricultural amendments that use beneficial rhizosphericic or endophytic microbes to

promote plant health.

Methane - a colorless, odorless flammable gas that is the main constituent of natural

gas. It is the simplest member of the alkane series of hydrocarbons.

Organic Compost - organic matter that has been broken down by microbes.

Organic Fertilizer - an essential element for growth of microorganisms in the soil and

improve the soil’s structure or its “workability.”

Organic Waste - This refers to materials such as food, garden, and lawn clippings. It

can also include animal and plant based material and degradable carbon such as paper,

cardboard, and timber.

Porosity - the presence of tiny openings or spaces between grains or trapped in grains

in a microstructure.

Segregation - This is the process dividing waste whether it is dry and wet waste or

biodegradable and recyclable/non-biodegradable waste.

Waste - any substance which is discarded after primary use, or it is worthless,

defective and of no use.

College of Engineering and Computer Studies 30


2.1 Research Design

This project has undergone a descriptive, analytical, and experimental research

design to achieve the required information for further analysis of this study.

Descriptive research deals with the description of certain variables. One of which is

the acquisition of factual, accurate and systematic data. All these must be gathered

from reliable sources and will be used as a basis for the research.

The analytical part of the research goes after all the factual data are gathered.

With these, the researchers will have to analyze them to make a critical evaluation of

the situation. The analytical method is primarily concerned with the interpretation of

relationships given the facts and the data gathered in the study. The experimental

method is an appropriate way of gathering data in the study. It is the scientific way of

testing the hypotheses that are presented in the study. It is the observation of controlled


2.2 Research Setting

The study site will be within Calamba City, Laguna, where the proposed facility

will be located. The researchers will be targeting one of the major sources of

biodegradable waste in Calamba City, Laguna which is the Calamba Public Market. It

will be the source of biodegradable waste to produce organic compost in the study.
College of Engineering and Computer Studies 31
2.3 Respondents of the Study

Along with the research locale, which is also a participant in the study, there

are additional participants from the Lyceum of the Philippines University - Laguna,

Engineering Community: the researchers, who receive guidance by their faculty

adviser Engr. Marlou Mico Malabuyoc, who oversees the feasibility of the study step-

by-step and provides recommendations; and Engr. Marxon Mane, the researchers'

technical adviser, who voluntarily contributed through the early stages of the study.

2.4 Data Gathering Procedure

Organic Wastes Sourcing

The researchers will collect the biodegradable market waste from Calamba

Public Market to produce experimental organic compost with the use of In-vessel

composting as the biodegradable waste reducing technique in which the researchers

will also be performing. The researchers will also determine the daily production of

biodegradable market waste in terms of weight (kilograms).

Location of the Facility

With the factual data gathered with regards to In-Vessel composting (space

needed, environment, etc.). The researchers must gather information on the ideal

locations if they are to pass the requirements based on the needs of such composting

method. Most of the locations gathered by the researchers were vacant and frequently
College of Engineering and Computer Studies 32
used spaces that have been stagnant up to present time. For the distance of the location

from the market, the researchers considered the road traveled assuming with the use of

a vehicle. The said parameter with the area was identified through Google Maps.

In-Vessel Composting Process Sample Technique

For the evaluation of the final product (organic fertilizer), the researchers will

use an experimental small scale In-Vessel composting with all its requirements needed

that will represent the large-scale process.

Figure 3: In-Vessel Composting process.

College of Engineering and Computer Studies 33
2.4.1 Preparation of Set-Up

The In-vessel composting was made from a 30-gallon bin drilled with holes for

aeration. It was assembled to perform a rotating motion for the sample to be regularly

mixed for a faster process.

Figure 4: 30-gallon bin used for In-Vessel Composting

2.4.2 Collection

The collection of biodegradable wastes was done on 8:00 PM of December 10,

2022, at Calamba Public Market. The market closes at this hour and all the wastes are

usually segregated by vendors before being taken by the waste collecting units.

Since the biodegradable market waste will be in terms of weight, the

researchers used a weighing scale to obtain the weight. The waste was segregated per

stall and packed in large sacks, so the researchers weighed all of it one at a time.

Having the summation of all the weights will give the researchers the total

biodegradable waste produced in the market for one day.

College of Engineering and Computer Studies 34
2.4.3 Shredding

The organic wastes content is shredded into smaller particles to speed up the

process of composting allowing air to pass through. Since the experimental small-scale

composting will be conducted, shredding of organic waste will be done manually by

the researchers with the use of cutting tools.

For the dried leaves, manual shredding with the use of shears is done by the

researchers having an average of one-fourth (¼) – one-half (½) inch diameter of

leaves. The waste from the market was chopped by bolo knives to smaller pieces up to

half an inch.

2.4.4 Mixing

All gathered wastes (green and brown) are mixed in the bin with 1:5 ratio. The

ratio is done in terms of volume where a container was used for both green and brown

waste. All the foreign materials such as plastics must be removed. The contents must

be thoroughly mixed by rotating the drum.

Most of the brown wastes from the market were vegetables such as:

● Eggplant

● Cabbage

● Potato

● Lettuce

● Tomato
College of Engineering and Computer Studies 35
● Bitter Gourd

● River Spinach

According to EPMMA (Environmental and Productivity Management of

Marginal Soils in the Philippines), the bin contained 4.07 kg of biodegradable wastes.

The bin must have an ample space of ¼ of the total bin capacity for the sample to be

mixed properly inside.

2.4.5 Composting

The researchers let the sample decay for eight (8) weeks. It was kept moist all

throughout and was regularly mixed every day. It was placed outdoors with little

exposure to weather.

After the third week, the researchers added coffee grounds as inoculant to the

sample to speed up the composting process. The addition of coffee grounds was

gradual, taking about 110 every other day up to the end of the seventh week.

2.4.6 Maturation

The researchers took about two (2) kilograms of sample and let it stay for a

whole day before it was tested in Laboratory.

College of Engineering and Computer Studies 36
2.4.7 Screening and Dispatching

The screening and dispatching process were skipped in the research because it

is done for packaging and a preparation for market. Since the research did not include

the marketing process, these processes were not performed.

2.5 Data Gathering Instruments

The design project additionally made use of AutoCAD for structural designs,

as well as other design aspects, Microsoft Excel for material and labor cost estimation

and data management. Compost drums are used for storing raw materials like food

waste etc. Coco lumbers are also used as a firm stand for compost drums to raise the

elevation of the drums to avoid any water or flood from environment water waste or

any natural disaster. Lastly, the metal rod is used for shredding and mixing the raw

materials to speed up the process of composting.

2.6 Design Standards

The project was based and patterned according to the safety guidelines and

procedures provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

about the different types and processes of composting. These procedures secure the

stability, quality and safety of the design that are used in the study of in-vessel

College of Engineering and Computer Studies 37


This chapter presents the data gathered during experimentation. In addition,

this also covers the interpretation of the said data.

Data analysis

The analysis of the final sample product done in the experimental in-vessel

composting performed by the researchers will be tested in a laboratory for its

fundamental contents such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium or so called as NPK

contents and pH level. The sample was delivered to F.A.S.T Laboratories (The First

Analytical Services and Technical Cooperative) on February 9, 2023, and was

wrapped in plastic to avoid exposure to external environment. The researchers

provided two (2) kilograms of sample to be tested that divides it to 500 grams per

parameter. The following tests are done by the laboratory:

a. Electrometry for pH - a method used to determine the pH level of the

sample using a pH meter provided with a glass electrode, which is

calibrated using a series of standard solutions of known pH.

b. Kjeldahl method for Nitrogen - used to determine the nitrogen content in

organic and inorganic samples which involves three major steps: Digestion;

Distillation; and Titration. It is also used for nitrogen determination in

wastewater, soils, and other samples.

College of Engineering and Computer Studies 38
c. Colorimetry for Phosphorus - is frequently used in biochemical

investigations. This involves the quantitative estimation of colors. This

means that if you want to measure the quantity of a substance in a mixture,

you could use the technique of colorimetry, by allowing the substance to

bind with color forming chromogens.

d. Flame AES for Potassium - detects elements in each sample and hence for

structure elucidation using an instrument used for recording spectrum

known as spectrometer or spectrophotometer.

The results of the laboratory tests and the sample’s characteristics will be

evaluated using the table of Specifications of Organic Fertilizer and Compost provided

by Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Product Standards.

College of Engineering and Computer Studies 39

Properties Organic Fertilizer Compost/Soil Conditioner

Total NPK 5-7% 2.5-<5%

pH level 5.5-8 5.5-8

Organic Matter ≥ 20% ≥ 20%

Color brown to black brown to black

Consistency friable friable

Odor no foul odor no foul odor

Table 1: Specifications of Solid Organic Fertilizer and Compost/Soil Conditioner

Source: Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Product Standard (PNS/BAFPS 40:2012)

To determine the reduction percentage done by In-Vessel Composting, the

researchers has derived a formula:


C – Capacity of unit (m3)

T – Total biodegradable waste produced in Calamba Public market (m3/day)

College of Engineering and Computer Studies 40
Locations of the Facilities

The following locations presented below are obtained through site

investigation done last February 26, 2023, by the researchers.

Figure 5: Possible location of the facilities

College of Engineering and Computer Studies 41

Facility Area Vehicle Travel Elevation Remarks

Locations (sq. m) Distance (m) from sea level


80 JP Rizal St. 170.0 400 2 Vacant Lot; Around

Food Stalls

78 JP Rizal St. 71.0 410 2 Vacant Lot

Real Rd 50.0 850 2 Vacant Lot

Table 2: Possible locations for the facilities

The researchers searched for possible locations for the facility and gathered

information on each location relevant in considering the ideal locations for the facility.

The elevation will be the most important parameter to be considered as the facility

should not be in places prone to flooding. The area for each location was also

considered since this will be the basis for the capacity of the organic wastes the facility

can accommodate. Lastly, the distance is not based on the displacement from Calamba

Public Market, but rather based on the distance traveled by vehicle.

College of Engineering and Computer Studies 42
Percentage reduction of In-Vessel composting

Based on the data gathered by the researchers on the night of December 10,

2022, the total weight of biodegradable wastes produced in Calamba Public Market

was 147.8 kilograms (estimated). Most of the biodegradable wastes were vegetables

scraps with poor quality conditions which are unsuitable for selling while some were

already showing signs of rotting.

At an assigned (3/4 of bin) maximum capacity, the In-Vessel bin can only

accommodate 4.07 kilograms of biodegradable waste not including green waste such

as dried leaves.

Getting the percentage reduced:


C – Capacity of unit (m3)

T – Total biodegradable waste produced in Calamba Public Market (m3/day)

After the composting process, approximately 8.9 kilograms of compost were

produced. Based on the result, 1 unit can reduce 2.75 % of the total biodegradable

waste for a day.

College of Engineering and Computer Studies 43
NPK contents of Biodegradable wastes

The following tables presented below are the NPK contents of the

biodegradable wastes produced in the market and was included in making the

compost. Through the percentage given by George Mateljan Foundation, researchers

were able to find the NPK content added to the compost with respect to all the

biodegradable wastes gathered from market.

Biodegradable Phosphorus
Grams (g) Nitrogen Potassium (%)
waste (%)

Eggplant 99 0 2 3

Cabbage 150 0 7 11

Potato 173 0 17 26

Tomato 180 0 6 12

Lettuce 100 0 4 4

River Spinach
180 0 14 24

Bitter gourd
100 0 0 6

Table 3: NPK content of brown wastes according to the study of George Mateljan
College of Engineering and Computer Studies 44

Biodegradable Potassi
Grams (g) Nitrogen (g) Phosphorus (g)
waste um (g)

Eggplant 950 0 19 28.5

Cabbage 300 0 21 33

Potato 250 0 42.5 65

Tomato 400 0 24 48

Lettuce 300 0 12 12

River Spinach
1020 0 142.8 244.8

Bitter Gourd
850 0 0 51

Table 4: NPK content of brown wastes added to compost as per ratio and proportion.
College of Engineering and Computer Studies 45

Biodegradable waste pH content

Eggplant 5.5 – 6.5

Cabbage 5.2 – 6.8

Potato 5.4 – 5.9

Tomato 4.3 – 4.9

Lettuce 5.8 – 6.15

River Spinach (Kangkong) 5.5 – 6.8

Table 5: Ph content of brown waste according to the Master List of Typical pH and
Acid Content of Fruits and Vegetables for Home Canning and Preserving
Laboratory results of Sample

The following data were obtained from laboratory testing done from March 9,

2023, to March 27, by F.A.S.T Laboratory conducting the following tests:

● Electrometry for determining pH level,

● Kjeldahl for Nitrogen,

● Colorimetry for Phosphorus, and

● Flame AES for Potassium.

College of Engineering and Computer Studies 46

Parameter Unit Test Result

pH - Electrometer 7.83@25˚C

Nitrogen % Kjeldahl 2.7

Phosphorus % Colorimetry 0.004

Potassium % Flame AES 0.002534

Table 6: Laboratory Results for NPK content and pH level

Source: F.A.S.T Laboratory

Organic Compost/Soil In-Vessel Composting

Fertilizer Conditioner Sample

Total NPK 5-7% 2.5<5% 2.706534%

pH level 5.5-8 5.5-8 7.83

Color brown to brown to black black


Consistency friable friable friable

Odor no foul odor no foul odor no foul odor

Table 7: Comparison of Results to BAFPS standards

College of Engineering and Computer Studies 47


The researchers have come up with the following conclusions and recommendations

based on the laboratory test results and site investigations conducted.

4.1 Summary of Findings

Based on the results, adding the total NPK and comparing to the minimum

requirements of total NPK for organic fertilizer and soil conditioner, the product of

biodegradable waste collected from Calamba Public Market using In-vessel

Composting falls under the soil conditioner. The product’s nitrogen content based on

the results is 2.7 percent. This is possibly because of the inoculant added to the

compost while the in-vessel composting process is ongoing. As for the phosphorus and

potassium, the nutrient loss from the biodegradable waste is possibly because of

soaking of the organic waste during composting process. Too much water may cause

leaching of nutrients from the organic waste the same way how soils lose its nutrients

due to surface runoffs.

College of Engineering and Computer Studies 48
4.2 Conclusions

The site investigation done by the researchers provided them with possible

locations for the In-Vessel facility. From these possible locations, the researchers

weighed their characteristics with respect to its standards and have come up with ideal

locations for the said facility.

a) 80 J.P Rizal Street

b) 78 J.P Rizal Street

c) Real Rd

Based on the data gathered by the researchers with regards to the waste

accommodated by one (1) unit, it takes 2.75% of the total biodegradable wastes (4.07

kg out of 147.8 kg) to produce approximately 8.9 kilograms of compost. Applying the

concept of ratio and proportion; the total biodegradable wastes from Calamba Public,

Market being 147.8 kilograms can yield 323.2 kilograms of compost. For one unit of

In-Vessel composting bin, thirty-seven (37) number of 30-gallon bins can

accommodate 147.8 kilograms of biodegradable wastes.

Based on the results of the tests done in laboratory stated in Table 6, the

sample has a total NPK of 2.71% falling under the range of compost or soil

conditioner (2.5% < 5%). The pH level of the compost product having 7.83 falls under

the normal compost range of (5.5 - 8). Physical characteristic of compost of having

friable earth like consistency was achieved although it still presents undecayed leaves
College of Engineering and Computer Studies 49
that can still be identified. In-Vessel composting done was effective. This can be seen

in Table 7 (Comparison of Results to BAFPS standards).

The sample cannot be considered as Organic Fertilizer because it has a total

NPK of 2.71% as stated in Table 6 (Laboratory Results for NPK content and pH

level). To be considered as fertilizer the NPK must be in range from 5% < 7% based

on Table 1 (Specifications of Solid Organic Fertilizer and Compost/Soil Conditioner).

4.3 Recommendations

For future study purposes, below are some recommendations that may improve

further research:

• Future researchers can use shredding machines for the organic waste to be

properly shredded into smaller pieces that may help in faster decomposition

and saves effort. The researchers, for this study, shred the waste manually

causing inconsistent pieces.

• For better monitoring of the compost, future researchers can consider

temperature measures on the compost itself if it corresponds to the

requirement. A high temperature indicates a proper composting process.

Varying temperature may affect the composting process. Too much

moisture may cause loss of nutrients and may lower temperature.

College of Engineering and Computer Studies 50

• To have a better compost, future researchers should perform the composting

process beyond eight (8) weeks to half a month for the waste to decompose

further. Dried leaves may take longer to decompose.

• The researchers also would recommend using other inoculants.

• In the implementation of the In-Vessel composting, the researchers

recommend that the collection of biodegradable wastes for the facility will

not be daily but on a one-day basis collecting a larger number of wastes.

This waste will be composted for 8 weeks and after that, another batch can

proceed with composting.

• For the height of one unit of In-Vessel composting, use a minimum

elevation of 1m from floor level considering the bottom of the bin to avoid

getting in contact with water in case flooding occurs.

College of Engineering and Computer Studies 51

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College of Engineering and Computer Studies 57

Figure A.1: 80 J. P Rizal Street

College of Engineering and Computer Studies 58

Figure A.2: 78 J. P Rizal Street

Figure A.3: Real Rd.

College of Engineering and Computer Studies 59

College of Engineering and Computer Studies 60

Fig B.1: Initial (January 10, 2023)

All wastes are visible, and temperature

increased inside the bin.

Fig B.2: Week 1 (January 17, 2023)

The compost decreased in volume and

darkened in color. Biodegradable wastes

are not recognizable. The temperature

remains the same.

College of Engineering and Computer Studies 61

Fig B.3: Week 2 (January 24, 2023)

Compost continually decreases in volume.

Fig B.4: Week 2 (January 24, 2023)

Its temperature remains the same.

College of Engineering and Computer Studies 62

Fig B.5: Week 3 (January 31, 2023)

Biodegradable wastes from the market

are not visible anymore and its volume

stops decreasing.

Fig B.6: Week 4 (February 7, 2023)

The addition of inoculant increased the

heat twice as regular. The sample turned

dark brown due to coffee grounds.

College of Engineering and Computer Studies 63

Fig B.7: Week 5 (February 14, 2023)

The temperature went back to normal as

same as the initial temperature.

Fig B.8: Week 5 (February 14, 2023)

Color remains unchanged.

College of Engineering and Computer Studies 64

Fig B.9: Week 6 (February 21, 2023)

Unchanged temperature and color.

Fig B.10: Week 7 (February 28, 2023)

Unchanged temperature and color.

College of Engineering and Computer Studies 65

Fig B.11: Final (March 7, 2023)

Unchanged temperature and color.

Fig B.11.1: Final (March 7, 2023)

Unchanged temperature and color.

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Fig B.12: (March 18, 2023)

The presence of plant growth has been

observed inside the bin.

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