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Pobre, Juan Miguel L.

LIT 1 – The Great Works


Essay on Educating the Literary Taste by Paz Latorena

The essay of Paz Latorena, Educating the Literary Taste, notes the undertaking of literary

taste and its distinctive factors that bring to life the history, the essence, and the definition, which

encompasses the details brought about by the numerous statements of profound and great writers

from the various times in history. The decision to tackle a diverse yet thorough thought is brought

about by man's need to understand the nature of human intelligence and emotion in correlating the

varied texts that exist for human consumption. Literary Taste, in itself, is an appreciation of

literature based on the consumer’s view, and whether a piece of literature is acceptable and

enjoyable or unpleasant and unsuitable, it is up to them to discern the piece as their taste is tangled

to their own sense of judgment and perceptions. Literary Criticism is the process of determining

the literary works of the perfections and imperfections that they may pose, as deemed as opposing

the accepted standards of great literary compositions.

There are three values that need to be addressed and emphasized for the progression toward

good literary taste based on Latorena’s essay. One of them is the Intellectual Value, which urges

the consumer of literature to think, bringing about a sense of a logical understanding of matters

within the literature. Another is the Emotional Value, which draws our tendency to have feelings

based on the consumed literature by understanding and yearn the emphatic thoughts of the

consumer. Lastly is the Ethical Value, which lets the consumer shape their sense of principles by

having the ability to recognize the rights from the wrongs of literary works. These standards are

present in the current era of literature as works of today’s time have the capacity to make

consumers yearn for intellect, draw emotional feelings, and challenge empathetic thoughts.

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