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16 British English Grammar

Cancer of the lung, hardening of the arteries, intlamation of the throat.

NOTE : ~ idioms t '5ft' fcfi.(ft Preposition + Part of the body~ iR t,
~ Part of the body~ ~ the~ t?tJldl t; tt-
At hand, In hand, On foot
(D) ~ parts of the body~~ 'qiJ' lP-fPI Countable Nouns$~ if lit,
mm m A/An Sllflll ,t ~ ~; t t -
Man has a head, a nose and a ·mouth.
35. ~ Nouns~m-~ ~el~~ (Phrase)cJT cilcf4i~I (Clause)~ Aflqd
◄ -iil4 1Tl'{ ~; t t -
The girl in red is a singer. The boy ,vith the flute is a musician.
The woman ,vhom I like is you. The house in which he lives js old.
36. ~{ft Proper Noun* 7iffG Noun in Apposition~ ~ ~ S(1ckt Profession
~dlZl ~ :11<1· ~ ~ ; tt-
Dr. Sinha, the professor. Mohan, the singer.
Madhuri Dixit, the actress. Sahnan Khan, the actor.
37. TI1e ~ ~ idiomatic S1lfl 11-
\l"O to the station What is the matter ?
in the riuht._. ::,
. go to the bus st ~ 1J1atis the~
in the wrong
tun1 to the right
tum to the left
on the who]e
go to the ·
. '

for the time being

all the tune
. rUl(eJ vlV .:)1 UUC,! V l .) {P· "-VJ
NOTE : ~ idioms ~ -an- fq;:fft Preposi tion + Part of the body lt' ~ t,
~ Part of tl1e body* ~ the~ t?f Jldl t; ~ -
At hand, In l1and, On foot
(D) 7-fR parts of the body ~~ cfiT ~l.fl'I Counta ble Nouns $ ~q 1)= lr(,
m ~ ffi A/An Sllflll ~ mm" t; t t -
Man has a head, a nose and a·mouth . .
35. ttNou ns~~ -~ fifi{fl "'<
-EtJit(Phrase)cITqlcf4i"r (Clause )~All= .:ia
a. ... ,~ ~m; ~-
The giri in red is a singer. The boy ,vith the flute is a 1nusici an.
.The woman ,vhom I like is you. The house in which he lives is ol_d·.
36. f4;:gl Proper Noun* 4"G' Noun in Apposi tion* ~ ~ >{~c@" Profess ion
dldl4 ~ :ti<!. ~~; tt-
Dr. Sinha, the professor. Mohan, the singer.
Madhu ri Dixit, the actress. Sahnan Khan, the actor.

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