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You are negotiating a contract with a potentially very large customer whose representative has hinted

that you could almost certainly be assured of get-ting his business if you gave him and his wife an all-
expenses-paid cruise to the Caribbean. You know the representative’s employer would not approve of
such a “payoff,” but you have the discretion to authorize such an expenditure. What would you do?

Offering a bribe or any other form of personal benefit to secure business is unethical and can lead to
serious legal and reputational consequences. It is important to always act with integrity and honesty in
business dealings.

Instead of offering a bribe, you should focus on building a strong business case and highlighting the
unique value that your company can offer to the potential customer. This will demonstrate your
commitment to delivering a high-quality service or product, and show that you are focused on meeting
the customer's needs rather than trying to win business through unethical means.

If the customer continues to push for a personal benefit in exchange for their business, you should
politely decline and explain that your company operates with a strict code of ethics and values, and that
you are not willing to compromise these values.

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