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REPUBLIC ACT 8491 THE FLAG AND time of peace, and the red field

HERALDIC CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES to the right (left of the observer)

in time of war.
d. Section 12
a. The flag of the Philippines shall
When the Philippine flag is flown
be red, white and blue, with the
with another flag, the flags, if
sun and three stars as
both are national flags, must be
consecrated and honored by the
flown on separate staffs of the
people and recognized by law
same height and shall be of
(Section 1, Article XVI, Philippine
equal size. The Philippine flag
shall be hoisted first and lowered
b. b. The Congress may, by law,
last. If the other flag is not a
adopt a new name for the
national flag it may flown on the
country, a national anthem or
same line yard as the Philippine
national seal, which shall all be
flag but below the latter and it
truly reflective and symbolic of
cannot be of greater size than
the ideals, history and traditions
the Philippine flag.
of the people. Such law shall
e. Section 13
take effect only upon its
When displayed with another
ratification by the people in a
flag, the Philippine flag shall be
national referendum (Section 2,
on the right of the other flag. If
Article XVI, Philippine
there is a line of other flags, the
Philippine flag shall be in the
middle of the line. When carried
in a parade with other flags that
a. Section 2
are not national flags, the
Reverence and respect shall at
Philippine flag shall be in front
all times be accorded the flag,
and center of the line.
the anthem, and other national
f. Section 14
symbols which embody the
A flag worn out through wear and
national ideals and traditions and
tear shall not be thrown away. It
which express the principles of
shall be solemnly burned to
sovereignty and national
avoid misuse or desecration. The
flag shall be replaced
The heraldic items and devices
immediately when it begins to
shall seek to manifest the
show signs of wear and tear.
national virtues and to inculcate
g. Section 15
in the minds and hearts of our
The flag shall be raised at
people a just pride in their native
sunrise and lowered at sunset. It
land, fitting respect and affection
shall be on the pole at the start
for the national flag and anthem,
of official office hours and shall
and the proper use of national
remain flying throughout the day.
motto, coat-of-arms and other
h. Section 16
heraldic items and devices.
The Flag maybe displayed:
b. Section 4
a) Inside or outside the building
The flag of the Philippines shall
or on a stationary flagpoles.
be blue, wand red with an eight-
If the flagpole displayed
rayed golden-yellow sun and
indoor on a flagpole, it shall
three five pointed stars, as
be placed at the left of the
consecrated and honored by the
observer as one enters the
c. Section 10
b) From the top of the flagpole,
The flag is flown from a flagpole,
which shall be at prominent
shall have its blue field on top in
place or a commanding
time of peace and red field on
position in relation to the
top in time of war; if in a hanging
sorounding buildings;
position, the blue field shall be to
c) From a staff projecting
the right (left of the observer) in
upward from the window sill,
canopy, balcony or facade of All persons present shall place
a building; their right palms over their left
d) In a suspended position from chests, those with hat shall
a rope extending from a uncover; while those in military,
building to pole erected away scouting, security guard, and
from the building; citizens military training uniforms
e) Flat against the wall shall give the salute prescribed
vertically with the sun and by their regulations, which salute
stars on top; shall be completed upon the last
f) Hanging in a vertical position note of the anthem. The
across a street, with the blue assembly shall sing the
field pointing east, if the road Philippine National Anthem,
is heading south or north, or accompanied by a band, if
pointing north if the road is available, and at the first note
heading east or west the flag shall be raised briskly.
g) The flag shall not be raised M. Section 22
when the weather is During the flag lowering, the flag
inclement. If already raised, shall be lowered solemnly and
the flag shall not be lowered. slowly so that the flag shall be
down the mast at the sound of
i. Section 17 the last note of the anthem.
The flag shall be hoisted to the Those in the assembly shall
top briskly and lowered observe the same deportment or
ceremoniously. The flag shall shall observe the same behavior
never touch anything beneath it, as for the flag-raising ceremony.
such as the ground, floor, water N. Section 23
or other objects. After being The flag shall be flown at half-
lowered, the flag shall be mast as a sign of mourning on all
handled and folded solemnly as the buildings and places where it
part of the ceremony. is displayed, as provided for in
j. Section 18 this Act, on the day of official
All government offices and announcement of the death of
educational institutions shall any of the following officials:
henceforth observe the flag- a. The President or a former
raising ceremony every Monday President for ten (10) days.
morning and the flag lowering b. The Vice-President, the Chief
ceremony every Friday Justice, the President of the
afternoon. The ceremony shall Senate and the Speaker of the
be simple and dignified and shall House of Representatives, for
include the playing or singing of seven (7) days.
the Philippine National Anthem. c. Other persons to be
k. Section 20 determined by the Institute, for
The observance of the flag any period less than seven (7)
ceremony in official or civic days. The flag when flown at
gatherings shall be simple and half-mast shall be first hoisted to
dignified and shall include the the peak for a moment then
playing or singing of the anthem lowered to the halfmast position.
in its original Filipino lyrics and The flag shall again be raised to
march tempo. the peak before it is lowered for
l. Section 21 the day.
During the flag-raising ceremony,
o. Section 24
the assembly shall stand in
formation facing the flag. At the The flag may be used to cover
moment the first note of the the caskets of the honored dead
anthem is heard, everyone in the of the military, veterans of
premises shall come to attention; previous wars, national artist,
moving vehicles shall stop. and of civilians who have
rendered distinguished service to c) To use the flag;
the nation, as may be
1) As a drapery, festoon, tablecloth;
determined by the local
government unit concerned. 2) As covering for ceilings, walls, statues or
other objects;
In such cases, the flag shall be
placed such that the white 3) As a pennant in the hood, side, back and
triangle shall be at the head and top of motor vehicles;
the blue portion shall cover the 4) As a staff or whip;
right side of the caskets. The flag
shall not be lowered to the grave 5) For unveiling monuments or statues; and
or allowed to touch the ground,
6) As trademarks, or for industrial
but shall be folded solemnly and
commercial or agricultural labels or designs
handed over to the heirs of the
deceased. d)To display the flag:
p. Section 25 1. Under any painting or picture;
The following shall be the Pledge of 2. Horizontally face-up. It shall always be
Allegiance to the Philippine Flag hoisted aloft and allowed to fall freely;
Ako ay Pilipino 3. Below any platform; or
Buong katapatang nanunumpa Sa watawat 4. In discotheques, cockpits, night and day
ng Pilipinas clubs, casinos, gambling joints and places
of vice or where frivolity prevails.
At sa bansang kanyang sinasagisag Na
may dangal, 5. To wear the flag in whole or in part as a
costume or uniform;
katarungan at kalayaan
6. To add any word, figure, mark, picture,
Na pinakikilos ng sambayanang
design, drawings, advertisement, or imprint
Maka-Diyos Maka-tao Makakalikasan at of any nature on the flag;
7. To print, paint or attach representation of
Such pledge shall be recited while standing the flag on handkerchiefs, napkins,
with the right hand with palm open raised cushions, and other articles of merchandise.
shoulder high. Individuals whose faith and
8. To display in public any foreign flag,
religious beliefs prohibit them from making
except in embassies and other diplomatic
such pledge must nonetheless show full
establishments, and in offices of
respect when the pledge is being rendered.
international organizations;
q. Section 26
9. To use, display or be part of any
The period of May 28 to June 12 of each advertisement of infomercial; and
year is declared as flag days, during which
10.To display the flag in front of buildings or
period all offices, agencies and
offices occupied by aliens
instrumentalities of government, business
establishments, institutions of learning and s. Section 35
private homes are enjoined to display the
flag. The National Anthem is entitled Lupang
r. Section 34
t. Section 36
Prohibited Acts: It shall be prohibited
The National Anthem shall always be sung
a) To mutilate, deface, defile, trample on or in the national language within or without
cast contempt or commit any act or the country. The following shall be the lyrics
omission casting dishonor or ridicule upon of the National Anthem:
the flag or over its surface;
u. Section 37
b) To dip the flag to any person or object by
way of compliment or salute;
The rendition of the National Anthem, published at least once in a newspaper of
whether played or sung, shall be in general circulation.
accordance with the musical arrangement
The Department of Education Culture and
and composition of Julian Felipe.
Sports and the Commission on Higher
v. Section 38 Education, upon the recommendation of the
Institute and after proper notice and
When the National Anthem is played at a
hearing, shall cause the cancellation of the
public gathering, whether by a band by a
recognition or permit of any private
singing or both, or reproduced by any
educational institution which fails or refuses
means, the attending public shall sing the
to observe the provisions of this Act for the
anthem. The singing must be done with
second time.
y. Section 49
As a sign of respect, all persons shall stand
at attention and face the Philippine flag, if The Department of Education Culture and
there is one displayed, and if there is none, Sports (DECS), now Department of
they shall face the band or the conductor. Education (DepEd) and the Commission on
Higher Education (CHED) shall ensure that
At the first note, all persons shall execute a
the National Anthem, as adopted by law,
salute by placing their right palms over their
shall be committed to memory by all
left chests. Those in military, scouting,
students of both public and private
citizen’s military training and security guard
educational institutions, and performed
uniforms shall give the salute prescribed by
during the flag ceremony conducted in
their regulations. The salute shall be
accordance with the rules and regulations
completed upon the last note of the anthem.
issued by the Office of the President.
The anthem shall not be played and sung
for mere recreation, amusement or In addition, they shall make available the
entertainment purposes except on the vocal, piano or band scores of the National
following occasions: Anthem, as adopted by law, to all private
and public schools, as well as the general
a. International competitions where the
Philippines is the host of has a
representative; z. Section 50
b. Local competitions; Any person juridical entity which violates
any of the provisions of this Act shall, upon
c. During the “signing off” and “signing on”
conviction be punished by a fine of not less
of radio broadcasting and television
than Five thousand pesos (P5,000) not
more than Twenty thousand pesos
d. Before initials and last screening of films (P20,000), or by imprisonment for not more
and before the opening of theater than one (1) year, or both such fine and
performances; and imprisonment, at the discretion of the court:

e. Other occasions as may be allowed by Provided, that for any second and additional
the Institute. offenses, both fine and imprisonment shall
always be imposed: Provided, further, that
w. Section 40 in case the violation is committed by a
The National Motto shall be “MAKA-DIYOS, juridical person, its President or Chief
MAKA-TAO, MAKAKALIKASAN at Executive Officer thereof shall be liable.
x. Section 48
Failure or refusal to observe the provisions
of this Act; and any violation of the
corresponding rules and regulations issued
by the Office of the President, shall after
proper notice and hearing, shall be
penalized by public censure which shall be
Community volunteers will be accredited
and given package of incentives
Hazard …is a thing, situation or
phenomenon that poses threat to the
people, structure or economic assets and
which may cause a disaster. It could be
natural or humanmade.
DISASTER RISK REDUCTION AND Vulnerability are conditions, locations,
MANAGEMENT characteristics, habits that renders a
Accident is an unexpected event with community prone to suffer from the effect of
negative consequences occurring without hazards that turns into disaster.
the intention of the one suffering the Risk A combination of likelihood of an
consequences. occurrence of a hazardous event with the
Herbert William Heinrich specified period in or in specified
circumstances and the severity of injury or
98% of workplace accidents are preventable damage to health of people, property,
and only 2% are non-preventable. Of the environment or any combination of these
98% preventable accidents, 88% is due to caused by the event.
unsafe/unhealthy acts or “man failure” and
10% is due to unsafe/unhealthy conditions. NATURAL HAZARDS

Disasters are natural or human-made FLOODS

events wherein communities experience TYPHOONS AND STORM SURGES
severe danger and incur loss of lives and
properties causing disruption in its social EARTHQUAKES
structure and prevention of the fulfillment of
all or some of the affected community’s
RA 10121
 “Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Act of 2010” GROUND SUBSIDENCE

 An act strengthening the Philippine Understanding Disasters

Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
System, providing for the National Disaster
Risk Reduction and Management (c)
Framework and institutionalizing the
National Disaster Risk Reduction and 1. What is the hazard?
Management Plan, appropriating funds 2. What are vulnerabilities?
therefor and for other purposes
3. What elements are at risk?
PD 1566
4. What constitute capacities?
Heavy reliance on volunteers; DCC
structures; civil society organization 5. Which one is the most at risk

No system of recognizing and giving Fire is chemical reaction accompanied by

incentives to community volunteers the evolution of light and heat.


• Mandatory trainings for LGU personnel, CLASS A FIRES

sangguniang kabataan and part of NSTP
Defined as fires involving ordinary
combustible materials, such as wood, cloth,
paper, and other solid burnable fuel.
Defined as fires involving flammable
petroleum products such as gasoline,
kerosene, diesel, and other flammable
CLASS C FIRES 6. Give your contact number to the other
party to return your call in case the need
Defined as fires involving electrical
equipment where the electrical non
conductivity of the extinguishing agent is of 7. Wait for the other party to put down
first importance. his/her phone first before putting down
Defined as fires involving combustible
metals such as titanium, zirconium, sodium, A typhoon forms when winds blow into
and potassium. areas of the ocean where the water is
warm. These winds collect moisture and
rise, while colder air moves in below. This
• Fires involving combustible vegetable or creates pressure, which causes the winds to
animal non-saturated cooking fats in move very quickly. The winds rotate, or
commercial cooking equipment. spin, around a center called an eye.


• STARVATION is the condition that occurs when water

overflows the natural or Artificial confines of
Taking out of fuel from the fire triangle. a stream or body of water, or when run-off
• SMOTHERING from heavy rainfall accumulates over low-
lying areas.
Taking out of oxygen from the fire triangle .
Another term used in this procedure is WHEN WARNED OF FLOOD
blanketing . Watch for rapidly rising waters.
• COOLING  Listen to your radio for emergency
Removing heat from the fire triangle instructions.

• INHIBITION OF CHEMICAL CHAIN  If necessary, evacuate to a safe area

REACTION before access is cutoff by flood waters.

How to use a fire extinguisher  Store drinking water in containers, water

service may be interrupted.
Pull the pin at the top of the extinguisher
that keeps the handle from being  Move household belongings to higher
accidentally pressed. levels.

Aim the nozzle toward the base of the fire.  Get livestock to higher ground.

Squeeze the handle to discharge the  Turn off electricity at the main switch in the
extinguisher. If you release the handle, the building before evacuating and also lock
discharge will stop your house
Sweep the nozzle back and forth at the BEFORE THE FLOOD
base of the fire. Watch carefully for re-
ignition.  Find out the frequency of occurrence of
flood in your locality.
 All family members must know the flood
1. (Who) Identify yourself. warning system in your community.
2. (What) Identify the nature of call.  Keep informed of daily weather condition.
3. (Where) State the exact address/  Inquire on designated evacuation areas
location. for families and livestock.
4. (When) State the exact time and date.  Keep a transistorized radio and flashlight
5. (How) State the additional information with spare batteries.
which may be relevant to the incident.
 Store supplies and other household City or Barangay Emergency Medical
effects above expected flood water level. Services Nearest Police Station
 Securely anchor weak dwellings and Fire Department
VECO/CEBECO or its equivalent name in
DURING THE FLOOD your locality
 Avoid areas subject to sudden flooding.  MCWD or its equivalent name in your
 Do not attempt to cross rivers of flowing
streams where water is above the knee. EARTHQUAKES
 Beware of water-covered roads and are earth’s vibrations produced when the
bridges.  Do not go swimming or boating stability of rock masses under the surface of
in swollen rivers. the earth is disturbed. These disturbances
usually occur along existing fault lines or
 Eat only well-cooked food. Protect left- zones of structural weaknesses.
over against contamination.
BEFORE… The key to effective prevention
 Drink clean or preferably boiled water is PLANNING.
– Do the Non-Structural Mitigation 
AFTER THE FLOOD Suspended ceilings  Light Fixtures 
o Do not turn on the main switch or use Windows  Furnitures
appliances and other equipment until they
 Kitchen Cabinets
have been checked by a competent
electrician.  Computers
o If necessary, consult health authorities for  Appliances
immunization requirements.
 Display Cabinets
o Do not go “sight-seeing “ in disaster
areas. Your presence might hamper rescue – Do the Structural Mitigation
and other emergency operations.
- Determine whether the site is along the
o Re-enter dwellings with caution using active fault and/ or prone to liquefaction or
flashlights, not lanterns or torches. There landslide which may cause damage to your
may be flammable materials inside. house or building.

o Be alert of fire hazards like broken wires. - Be sure that proper structural design and
engineering practice is followed when
After the flood continuation… constructing a house or a building.
• Do not eat food or drink water until they Evaluate the structural soundness of
have been checked for flood water building and important infrastructures;
contamination. strengthen or retrofit if necessary
• Report broken utility lines (electricity, • Prepare your place of works and
water, gas and telephone) to appropriate residence for the event.
– Strap heavy furniture, cabinets to the wall
EMERGENCY HOTLINES to prevent sliding or toppling.
Note: Kindly get the contact numbers of the – Breakable items, harmful chemicals and
following agencies to serve as your flammable materials should be stored in the
emergency hotlines lower most shelves and secure firmly
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and – Make it a habit to turn off gas tanks when
Management Council not in use.
City Disaster Risk Reduction and • Most causes of injuries during
Management Council earthquakes are from falling objects.
Nearest Hospital
– heavy materials should be kept in lower If any damage is suspected, turn the
shelves. system off in the main valve or switch.
– check the stability of hanging objects Check your surroundings.
which may break loose and fall during
If you must evacuate your residence, leave
– Prepare and maintain an earthquake
a message stating where you are going .
survival kit consisting of a battery powered
radios, flashlight, first aid kit, potable water, – Take with you your earthquake survival kit
candles, ready-to-eat foods, whistle and which should contain all necessary items for
dust mask. your protection.
• If you are inside a structurally sound Phase 1 - Alarm - during the drill, the
building, stay there! siren/bell indicates earthquake/shaking.
– Protect your body from falling debris by  Phase 2 - Response - everyone should
bracing yourself in a doorway or by getting perform “duck, cover and hold” under desks,
under a sturdy table or desk. tables or chairs. Remain in this position until
• If you are outside, move to an open area. the “shaking” stops.

–Get away from power lines, post walls and  Phase 3 - Evacuation - once the “shaking”
other structures. stops, teachers and students should
evacuate the school building and proceed
– Stay away from building with glass using pre-determined routes to go to
panes. When driving a vehicle. identified evacuation areas.
– pull to the side of the road and stop  Phase 4 - Assembly - at the designated
– park away from bridges, overpasses, evacuation area, students must be grouped
overhead wires, post which may fall on the together according to the class where they
vehicle belong.

If you are along the shore and you feel a  Phase 5 - Head Count - teachers should
very strong earthquake. check and make sure all students are
accounted for.  Phase 6 - Evaluation - an
- Run away from the shore towards a higher evaluation of the drill must be conducted to
grounds. identify problems encountered during the
drill and how this can be corrected in.
If you are inside an old, weak structure,
take the fastest and safest way out!
– Do not rush to the exit, get out calmly in
an orderly manner.
– Do not use elevators use the stairs.
– Check yourself and others for injuries –
Clean up chemical spills, toxic and
flammable materials to avoid any chain of
unwanted events.
– Check for fire and if any, have it
controlled. Check your surroundings.
– Check your water and electrical lines for

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