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Seisen International School

High School Student Council Constitution


• Article I: Name
• Article II: Mission and Objectives
• Article III: Membership Rules and Election Guidelines
• Article IV: Officer Roles
• Article V: Fundraising
• Article VI: Meetings
• Student Council Agreement (to be signed by all Student
Council members)

Article I: Name
The name of this body shall be the Seisen International School High School Student Council
(often shortened to HS StuCo).

Article II: Mission and Objectives

The Student Council is a representative structure for students only, through which they can
become involved in the affairs of the school, working in partnership with school management,
staff and parents for the benefit of the school and its students. Members of the Seisen
International School Student Council are a reflection of the Seisen student body who act as a
force for positive change in our community.

Role of the Student Council:

- To create in cooperation with the principals, staff and students, a better school life for
the students of our school
- To provide students with opportunities for leadership and to develop in all students a
sense of responsibility
- To encourage the students in the school to become more aware of how the school is run
and to constructively identify and express their needs
- To contribute to overall school development by being involved in school policy
development and to be a resource in working in partnership with the management of the
- To act as a liaison where appropriate between the students and the teaching staff and

Student Council Activities:

The Student Council can be involved in many activities in the school. Here is a sample of
some Student Council activities:

- Liaising with principals and staff on issues of concern to students

- Communication and cooperation with school staff
- Working with the Seisen Parents’ Association (SPA)
- Co-operating with administration and staff on the development of school rules,
regulations, and/or policies
- Organizing school events to support school spirit and identity
- Making suggestions about improving school facilities
- Running of and creation of extra-curricular activities
- Getting involved with the outside community
- Mentoring programmes for younger students
- Fundraising
- Suggesting and organizing guest speakers for the study body
- Organizing environmental initiatives within the school
- Carrying out surveys and questionnaires on issues and reporting back to the school
management with the gathered information
- Liaising with other Student Councils in the Kanto Plains area and organizing meetings
and/or events with them
- Organizing student award ceremonies
- Helping out during House Day or for House activities throughout the year

There are many more activities in which a Student Council can be involved. The Student
Council should listen to the views of the students, the staff, and the principals when drawing up
its calendar of activities.

Role of the Student Council Staff Advisor:

- To assist and advise the student council
- To promote the interests of the student council
- To be the link between students and staff

Responsibilities of the Student Council Staff Advisor:

- Attending student council meetings and providing guidance, advice, and information if
- Providing training and team development activities for the student council
- Assisting the student council in liaising with administration and staff
- Liaising between the student council and staff by putting student council issues on the
agenda at staff meetings, and inviting student council members to attend said meetings
- Helping to raise the profile of the student council
- Communicating student council information to the staff and greater community
- Chaperoning and organizing supervision at student council-led events
Article III: Membership Rules and Election Guidelines
Membership Eligibility:
To be a member of the student council, a student must meet the following
a) be in good academic standing
b) not be in arrears on tuition payment
c) represent the mission, values and expectations of Seisen International School

Dissolution/Removing a Member:
Normally, a student council is dissolved when the terms of office of the members expire. The
administration of the school may dissolve the student council before the expiry of the term in
accordance with the rules and procedures governing dissolution. This will only happen in
exceptional circumstances after consultation with all concerned.

Circumstances that may require the early dissolution of a student council include:
- Where a significant number of members of the council have been involved in a serious
breach of the school’s code of behaviour
- Where serious irregularities have occurred in the election of the council
A member of the council can be removed by the administration in accordance with the advice of
the principal and/or the staff advisor. Both the member concerned and the council should be
given adequate notice of the proposal, the reasons, therefore, and the opportunity to appeal the
removal. The general reasons for removal would be:
- The student is no longer eligible
- The student is not performing their duty in accordance with their job description
- The student has conducted themself in a manner not supportive of the school
- The student has become academically ineligible to participate in extracurricular activities

Nominations and Election Process:
- The administration, in conjunction with the staff advisor, should set a date for the election
of representative(s) to the student council.
- Job descriptions for all positions should be posted on the student council board (or
- All students in each class or grade group should be entitled to stand for election to the
council. Exceptions apply to G12 students for executive positions.
- Interested students put themselves forward for election by filling out an electronic
candidacy form which will be submitted to the student council staff advisor.
- Nominations for election must be made within the designated time period before the
- For grade reps, candidates will run by submitting a statement of intent. Students will
deliver a short campaign speech to their grade-level classmates and voting will occur
afterwards. The two highest vote-getters per grade will be winners.
- The school may, at its discretion, make provision for the principal or relevant teacher to
veto a nomination. As such, a right should be exercised with caution and only in
exceptional cases. The school should clearly state the circumstances in which any veto
may be used. Provision should be made that where a veto is exercised, those
exercising the veto must explain clearly to students the basis for their decision, and
students should be given an opportunity to respond.
- A list of all candidates for executive positions will be sent electronically to all staff and
- A campaign period will take place for approximately one week, with posters being
permitted in designated areas around the school.
- Speeches will either take place in the gym or be shared electronically at the end of the
campaign period.
- Students will then be asked to vote for one candidate for each of the executive
positions. Later, the election will be held for grade-level representatives – thus
candidates who were not successful in a bid to be elected to an executive post are
eligible to run.
- Voting will take place through an anonymous electronic form during homeroom, break,
before or after school for the period of one school day.
- The counting of votes should take place under the supervision of a member of the staff
and/or a representative of the administration team, as well as the previous student
council president (if necessary). Candidates for the election should not be involved in the
counting process as there may be some sensitivity around vote expectations.
- Election results will be announced and posted electronically.
- Students may only hold each particular executive role once, but they may hold a different
executive position in future terms.•

Article IV: Officer Roles

- Is the chief spokesperson and officer of the student council
- Calls meetings
- Chairs meetings in a fair manner ensuring that all have an equal say
- Has the casting vote if voting is divided equally
- Signs any letters, notices etc. that are issued by the student council
- Liaises with school administration
- Ensures that the student council is run effectively and efficiently
- Prepares the agenda for each meeting with the vice-president
- Signs the minutes from the previous meeting with the secretary, upon acceptance
- Represents the council at staff and parent meetings
- Will help coordinate the following year’s election (speeches, voting, etc.)
- Meets with the leadership team as needed to discuss the student council
- Acts as an active member of the KPSC (Kanto Plains Student Council) and
JISSA (Japan International School Student Association)
- Attends respective KPSC & JISSA meetings

- Takes over the responsibilities of the president when she is not available
- Assists the president in the organization of the student council on all occasions
- Accompanies the president to meetings at all times
- Assists in the organization of the student council on all occasions
- Helps coordinate the following year’s election (speeches, voting, etc.)
- Acts as an active member of the KPSC (Kanto Plains Student Council) and
JISSA (Japan International School Student Association)
- Creates an event schedule for the academic year along with the executives

- Sends out notices of meetings to all members, and circulates the agenda to all members
in advance of the meeting or at the start of the meeting
- Takes minutes at meetings and writes them up
- Takes attendance at meetings and keeps track of member absences
- Distributes/reads out minutes from the previous meeting and on acceptance, signs them
with the president
- Ensures that everyone is aware that meetings are being held

- Manages any funds raised by the student council
- Keeps financial records in order and reports to the student council on the current
financial status of the group
- Makes a brief financial report at the student council meeting after an event
- Provides the council and administration with a complete financial report at the end of the
school year
- Deposits and withdraws funds into/from the student council bank account in the school’s
accounting office. Receipts must be collected and submitted for all withdrawals. All
receipts must be signed by the treasurer and be countersigned or endorsed by the staff

Communications Officer
- Keeps the whole school informed about the activities of the student council
- Along with the previous Communications Officer, is the co-editor of the HS Explorer
- Keeps the student council notice boards updated
- Keeps the student council webpage updated
- Promotes good communication between the student council and students, staff and

Grade Representative
- Acts as a bridge between the respective grade as a whole, and the student council
- Communicates the essential information discussed in student council meetings to
students in that grade level
- Ensures that the student council is aware of any requests or concerns raised by
students in that grade level
- Contributes as an essential member of the council by representing the specific factor of
the student body
- Participate in school exchanges with schools within the KPSC
- Suggest events and/or activities to promote inter-grade relations
- Participate and contribute to every student council meeting

***The outgoing president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and communications officer will
be expected to meet with the incoming members at their respective positions and offer advice,
support, and transfer any electronic files over to them.

***As well, all members of the student council will be expected to attend the new student
orientation, attend leadership training, help organize and run a booth at the Festival of Nations,
help out during parent days and conferences, help out during House Day or for House activities
throughout the year, and possibly other school events.

Article V: Fundraising
The Council may decide to fundraise for its own activities or for charity. The agreement of the
school administration needs to be sought before planning any fundraising activities. The
treasurer has the responsibility for ensuring that any money raised by the council is used for the
purposes for which it was collected. A financial report should be provided by the council to the
administration at the end of each school year. The treasurer should keep good records of how
much was raised at each fundraising event and how it was spent.

Article VI: Meetings

- Meetings are called by the secretary (or president/vice-president) through the HS StuCo
group via ManageBac.
- Meetings usually occur on Wednesday mornings before school. Members are expected
to be on time and stay until the end of the meeting. Attendance will be taken at the start
of the meeting.
- If a student can not attend the meeting or will be late, they must send an explanation in
an email to the secretary, the president, and the staff advisor.

- After a member accumulates three unexcused absences from meetings, they may be
removed from the student council (at the discretion of the staff advisor).
- When making a decision, the president may call for a vote to be held and when the
votes are divided evenly, the president has the casting vote.

Seisen International School Student Council Agreement

I, _____________________, agree to hold the executive position of _____________________
for the duration of the 2023 - 2024 school year.

I agree to perform my duties to the best of my ability and in alignment with SIS’s mission.

I understand that failure to honour this agreement may lead to my dismissal from the council.

Member Name: _______________________________________

Member Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________ Date: ___________________

Staff Advisor Signature: ________________________________ Date: ___________________

Principal Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________

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