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// A3TI

force A3TI_ACE_JAVELIN = true;

force A3TI_ALLOW_TANK_DRIVER = false;
force A3TI_ALLOW_VANILLA_TI = true;
force A3TI_ENABLE_ZEUS = false;
force A3TI_HD_VISION_FIGHTER = false;
force A3TI_HD_VISION_LANDVEH = false;
force A3TI_HD_VISION_SHIP = false;
force A3TI_HD_VISION_UAV = false;

// Aaren's Blast Effect

force tracer_illuminate_list = 1;

// ACE Advanced Ballistics

force ace_advanced_ballistics_ammoTemperatureEnabled = true;
force ace_advanced_ballistics_barrelLengthInfluenceEnabled = true;
force ace_advanced_ballistics_bulletTraceEnabled = true;
force ace_advanced_ballistics_enabled = true;
force ace_advanced_ballistics_muzzleVelocityVariationEnabled = true;
force ace_advanced_ballistics_simulationInterval = 0.05;

// ACE Advanced Fatigue

ace_advanced_fatigue_deployedSwayFactor = 1;
force ace_advanced_fatigue_enabled = true;
force ace_advanced_fatigue_enableStaminaBar = false;
force ace_advanced_fatigue_fadeStaminaBar = true;
force ace_advanced_fatigue_loadFactor = 0.794177;
force ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor = 1.75962;
force ace_advanced_fatigue_recoveryFactor = 3.01888;
ace_advanced_fatigue_restedSwayFactor = 1;
force ace_advanced_fatigue_swayFactor = 0.50035;
force ace_advanced_fatigue_terrainGradientFactor = 1;

// ACE Advanced Throwing

force ace_advanced_throwing_enabled = true;
force ace_advanced_throwing_enablePickUp = true;
force ace_advanced_throwing_enablePickUpAttached = true;
force ace_advanced_throwing_showMouseControls = true;
force ace_advanced_throwing_showThrowArc = true;

// ACE Advanced Vehicle Damage

force ace_vehicle_damage_enableCarDamage = true;
force ace_vehicle_damage_enabled = false;
force ace_vehicle_damage_removeAmmoDuringCookoff = true;

ace_ai_assignNVG = false;

// ACE Armor Adjuster

force AAA_VAR_DEBUG = false;
force AAA_VAR_MOD_ENABLED = true;

// ACE Arsenal
force ace_arsenal_allowDefaultLoadouts = true;
force ace_arsenal_allowSharedLoadouts = true;
force ace_arsenal_camInverted = false;
ace_arsenal_defaultToFavorites = false;
force ace_arsenal_enableIdentityTabs = true;
force ace_arsenal_enableModIcons = true;
force ace_arsenal_EnableRPTLog = true;
ace_arsenal_favoritesColor = [0.9,0.875,0.6];
force ace_arsenal_fontHeight = 4.5;
force ace_arsenal_loadoutsSaveFace = false;
force ace_arsenal_loadoutsSaveInsignia = false;
force ace_arsenal_loadoutsSaveVoice = false;

// ACE Artillery
force ace_artillerytables_advancedCorrections = true;
force ace_artillerytables_disableArtilleryComputer = true;
force ace_mk6mortar_airResistanceEnabled = true;
force ace_mk6mortar_allowCompass = true;
force ace_mk6mortar_allowComputerRangefinder = false;
force ace_mk6mortar_useAmmoHandling = true;

// ACE Captives
force ace_captives_allowHandcuffOwnSide = true;
force ace_captives_allowSurrender = true;
force ace_captives_requireSurrender = 2;
force ace_captives_requireSurrenderAi = false;

// ACE Casings
force ace_casings_enabled = false;
force ace_casings_maxCasings = 140;
// ACE Common
force ace_common_allowFadeMusic = true;
force ace_common_checkPBOsAction = 0;
force ace_common_checkPBOsCheckAll = false;
force ace_common_checkPBOsWhitelist = "";
force ace_common_displayTextColor = [0,0,0,0.1];
force ace_common_displayTextFontColor = [1,1,1,1];
ace_common_epilepsyFriendlyMode = false;
force ace_common_progressBarInfo = 2;
force ace_common_settingFeedbackIcons = 1;
force ace_common_settingProgressBarLocation = 0;

// ACE Cook off

force ace_cookoff_ammoCookoffDuration = 0.530986;
force ace_cookoff_destroyVehicleAfterCookoff = true;
force ace_cookoff_enable = 2;
force ace_cookoff_enableAmmobox = true;
force ace_cookoff_enableAmmoCookoff = true;
force ace_cookoff_enableFire = true;
force ace_cookoff_probabilityCoef = 0.42344;

// ACE Crew Served Weapons

force ace_csw_ammoHandling = 2;
force ace_csw_defaultAssemblyMode = true;
force ace_csw_dragAfterDeploy = true;
force ace_csw_handleExtraMagazines = true;
force ace_csw_handleExtraMagazinesType = 0;
force ace_csw_progressBarTimeCoefficent = 0.69993;

// ACE Dragging
ace_dragging_allowRunWithLightweight = true;
force ace_dragging_dragAndFire = true;
ace_dragging_skipContainerWeight = false;
ace_dragging_weightCoefficient = 1;

// ACE Explosives
force ace_explosives_customTimerDefault = 5;
force ace_explosives_customTimerMax = 900;
force ace_explosives_customTimerMin = 5;
force ace_explosives_explodeOnDefuse = true;
force ace_explosives_punishNonSpecialists = true;
force ace_explosives_requireSpecialist = true;

// ACE Field Rations

force acex_field_rations_affectAdvancedFatigue = true;
force acex_field_rations_enabled = true;
force acex_field_rations_hudShowLevel = 50;
force acex_field_rations_hudTransparency = -1;
force acex_field_rations_hudType = 1;
force acex_field_rations_hungerSatiated = 5;
force acex_field_rations_terrainObjectActions = true;
force acex_field_rations_thirstQuenched = 5;
force acex_field_rations_timeWithoutFood = 8;
force acex_field_rations_timeWithoutWater = 5.5;
force acex_field_rations_waterSourceActions = 2;

// ACE Fire
force ace_fire_dropWeapon = 2;
force ace_fire_enabled = true;
force ace_fire_enableFlare = true;
force ace_fire_enableScreams = true;

// ACE Fortify
force ace_fortify_markObjectsOnMap = 1;
force ace_fortify_timeCostCoefficient = 1;
force ace_fortify_timeMin = 1.5;
force acex_fortify_settingHint = 1;

// ACE Fragmentation Simulation

force ace_frag_enabled = true;
force ace_frag_maxTrack = 10;
force ace_frag_maxTrackPerFrame = 10;
force ace_frag_reflectionsEnabled = true;
force ace_frag_spallEnabled = true;

// ACE G-Forces
force ace_gforces_coef = 0.796864;
force ace_gforces_enabledFor = 2;

// ACE Goggles
force ace_goggles_effects = 2;
force ace_goggles_showClearGlasses = false;
force ace_goggles_showInThirdPerson = true;

// ACE Grenades
force ace_grenades_convertExplosives = true;

// ACE Headless
force acex_headless_delay = 15;
force acex_headless_enabled = false;
force acex_headless_endMission = 0;
force acex_headless_log = false;
force acex_headless_transferLoadout = 2;

// ACE Hearing
force ace_hearing_autoAddEarplugsToUnits = true;
force ace_hearing_disableEarRinging = false;
force ace_hearing_earplugsVolume = 0.543545;
force ace_hearing_enableCombatDeafness = true;
force ace_hearing_enabledForZeusUnits = false;
force ace_hearing_unconsciousnessVolume = 0.751466;

// ACE Interaction
force ace_interaction_disableNegativeRating = true;
force ace_interaction_enableGroupRenaming = true;
force ace_interaction_enableMagazinePassing = true;
force ace_interaction_enableTeamManagement = true;
force ace_interaction_enableWeaponAttachments = false;
force ace_interaction_interactWithTerrainObjects = false;

// ACE Interaction Menu

ace_gestures_showOnInteractionMenu = 2;
ace_interact_menu_actionOnKeyRelease = true;
ace_interact_menu_addBuildingActions = false;
ace_interact_menu_alwaysUseCursorInteraction = true;
ace_interact_menu_alwaysUseCursorSelfInteraction = true;
ace_interact_menu_colorShadowMax = [0,0,0,1];
ace_interact_menu_colorShadowMin = [0,0,0,0.25];
ace_interact_menu_colorTextMax = [1,1,1,1];
ace_interact_menu_colorTextMin = [1,1,1,0.25];
ace_interact_menu_consolidateSingleChild = true;
ace_interact_menu_cursorKeepCentered = false;
ace_interact_menu_cursorKeepCenteredSelfInteraction = true;
ace_interact_menu_menuAnimationSpeed = 1;
ace_interact_menu_menuBackground = 1;
ace_interact_menu_menuBackgroundSelf = 1;
ace_interact_menu_selectorColor = [1,0,0];
ace_interact_menu_shadowSetting = 1;
ace_interact_menu_textSize = 2;
ace_interact_menu_useListMenu = true;
ace_interact_menu_useListMenuSelf = true;

// ACE Logistics
force ace_cargo_carryAfterUnload = true;
force ace_cargo_enable = true;
force ace_cargo_enableRename = true;
force ace_cargo_loadTimeCoefficient = 5.00746;
force ace_cargo_openAfterUnload = 1;
force ace_cargo_paradropTimeCoefficent = 2.5;
force ace_rearm_distance = 20;
ace_rearm_enabled = true;
force ace_rearm_level = 2;
force ace_rearm_supply = 1;
ace_refuel_cargoRate = 10;
force ace_refuel_hoseLength = 29.3493;
force ace_refuel_progressDuration = 2;
force ace_refuel_rate = 1;
force ace_towing_addRopeToVehicleInventory = true;

// ACE Magazine Repack

force ace_magazinerepack_repackAnimation = true;
force ace_magazinerepack_repackLoadedMagazines = true;
force ace_magazinerepack_timePerAmmo = 1.95;
force ace_magazinerepack_timePerBeltLink = 6.65;
force ace_magazinerepack_timePerMagazine = 2.45;

// ACE Map
force ace_map_BFT_Enabled = false;
force ace_map_BFT_HideAiGroups = true;
force ace_map_BFT_Interval = 20.8837;
force ace_map_BFT_ShowPlayerNames = false;
force ace_map_DefaultChannel = 5;
force ace_map_mapGlow = true;
force ace_map_mapIllumination = true;
force ace_map_mapLimitZoom = false;
force ace_map_mapShake = true;
force ace_map_mapShowCursorCoordinates = false;
force ace_markers_moveRestriction = 3;
force ace_markers_timestampEnabled = true;
force ace_markers_timestampFormat = "HH:MM";
force ace_markers_timestampHourFormat = 24;

// ACE Map Gestures

force ace_map_gestures_allowCurator = true;
force ace_map_gestures_allowSpectator = true;
force ace_map_gestures_briefingMode = 3;
ace_map_gestures_defaultColor = [1,0.88,0,0.7];
ace_map_gestures_defaultLeadColor = [1,0.88,0,0.95];
force ace_map_gestures_enabled = true;
force ace_map_gestures_interval = 0.03;
force ace_map_gestures_maxRange = 7;
force ace_map_gestures_maxRangeCamera = 14;
ace_map_gestures_nameTextColor = [0.2,0.2,0.2,0.3];
force ace_map_gestures_onlyShowFriendlys = false;

// ACE Map Tools

force ace_maptools_drawStraightLines = true;
force ace_maptools_rotateModifierKey = 1;

// ACE Medical Interface

force ace_medical_feedback_bloodVolumeEffectType = 0;
force ace_medical_feedback_enableHUDIndicators = true;
force ace_medical_feedback_painEffectType = 2;
ace_medical_gui_bodyPartOutlineColor = [1,1,1,1];
force ace_medical_gui_enableActions = 0;
force ace_medical_gui_enableMedicalMenu = 1;
force ace_medical_gui_enableSelfActions = true;
force ace_medical_gui_interactionMenuShowTriage = 1;
force ace_medical_gui_maxDistance = 3;
force ace_medical_gui_openAfterTreatment = true;
ace_medical_gui_peekMedicalInfoReleaseDelay = 1;
ace_medical_gui_peekMedicalOnHit = false;
ace_medical_gui_peekMedicalOnHitDuration = 1;
force ace_medical_gui_showBloodlossEntry = true;
ace_medical_gui_showDamageEntry = false;
ace_medical_gui_tourniquetWarning = false;

// ACE Name Tags

force ace_nametags_ambientBrightnessAffectViewDist = 1;
force ace_nametags_defaultNametagColor = [1,0.772975,0.357135,1];
force ace_nametags_nametagColorBlue = [0.67,0.67,1,1];
force ace_nametags_nametagColorGreen = [0.67,1,0.67,1];
force ace_nametags_nametagColorMain = [1,1,1,1];
force ace_nametags_nametagColorRed = [1,0.220959,0.213786,1];
force ace_nametags_nametagColorYellow = [1,1,0.67,1];
force ace_nametags_playerNamesMaxAlpha = 0.8;
force ace_nametags_playerNamesViewDistance = 8.78132;
force ace_nametags_showCursorTagForVehicles = true;
force ace_nametags_showNamesForAI = true;
force ace_nametags_showPlayerNames = 3;
force ace_nametags_showPlayerRanks = false;
force ace_nametags_showSoundWaves = 1;
force ace_nametags_showVehicleCrewInfo = true;
force ace_nametags_tagSize = 2;

// ACE Nightvision
force ace_nightvision_aimDownSightsBlur = 0.0401735;
force ace_nightvision_disableNVGsWithSights = false;
force ace_nightvision_effectScaling = 1;
force ace_nightvision_fogScaling = 0;
force ace_nightvision_noiseScaling = 0.0976798;
force ace_nightvision_shutterEffects = true;

// ACE Overheating
force ace_overheating_cookoffCoef = 0;
force ace_overheating_coolingCoef = 2.11;
force ace_overheating_displayTextOnJam = true;
force ace_overheating_enabled = true;
force ace_overheating_heatCoef = 1.25591;
force ace_overheating_jamChanceCoef = 1.18023;
force ace_overheating_overheatingDispersion = true;
force ace_overheating_overheatingRateOfFire = true;
force ace_overheating_particleEffectsAndDispersionDistance = 3000;
force ace_overheating_showParticleEffects = true;
force ace_overheating_showParticleEffectsForEveryone = true;
force ace_overheating_suppressorCoef = 1.67567;
force ace_overheating_unJamFailChance = 0.1;
force ace_overheating_unJamOnreload = true;
force ace_overheating_unJamOnSwapBarrel = true;

// ACE Pointing
force ace_finger_enabled = true;
force ace_finger_indicatorColor = [1,1,0,1];
force ace_finger_indicatorForSelf = true;
force ace_finger_maxRange = 6.5;
force ace_finger_proximityScaling = true;
force ace_finger_sizeCoef = 1;

// ACE Pylons
force ace_pylons_enabledForZeus = true;
force ace_pylons_enabledFromAmmoTrucks = true;
force ace_pylons_rearmNewPylons = false;
force ace_pylons_requireEngineer = true;
force ace_pylons_requireToolkit = false;
force ace_pylons_searchDistance = 21.9309;
force ace_pylons_timePerPylon = 5;

// ACE Quick Mount

force ace_quickmount_distance = 3;
force ace_quickmount_enabled = true;
force ace_quickmount_enableMenu = 3;
force ace_quickmount_priority = 3;
force ace_quickmount_speed = 18;

// ACE Repair
force ace_repair_addSpareParts = true;
force ace_repair_autoShutOffEngineWhenStartingRepair = false;
force ace_repair_consumeItem_toolKit = 0;
force ace_repair_displayTextOnRepair = true;
ace_repair_enabled = true;
force ace_repair_engineerSetting_fullRepair = 1;
force ace_repair_engineerSetting_repair = 1;
force ace_repair_engineerSetting_wheel = 0;
force ace_repair_fullRepairLocation = 3;
force ace_repair_fullRepairRequiredItems = ["ace_repair_anyToolKit"];
force ace_repair_locationsBoostTraining = true;
force ace_repair_miscRepairRequiredItems = ["ace_repair_anyToolKit"];
ace_repair_miscRepairTime = 15;
ace_repair_patchWheelEnabled = 0;
ace_repair_patchWheelLocation = ["ground","vehicle"];
ace_repair_patchWheelMaximumRepair = 0.3;
ace_repair_patchWheelRequiredItems = ["ace_repair_anyToolKit"];
ace_repair_patchWheelTime = 5;
force ace_repair_repairDamageThreshold = 0.780074;
force ace_repair_repairDamageThreshold_engineer = 0.4;
ace_repair_timeCoefficientFullRepair = 1.5;
ace_repair_wheelChangeTime = 10;
force ace_repair_wheelRepairRequiredItems = [];

// ACE Respawn
force ace_respawn_removeDeadBodiesDisconnected = true;
force ace_respawn_savePreDeathGear = true;

// ACE Scopes
force ace_scopes_correctZeroing = true;
force ace_scopes_deduceBarometricPressureFromTerrainAltitude = true;
force ace_scopes_defaultZeroRange = 100;
force ace_scopes_enabled = true;
force ace_scopes_forceUseOfAdjustmentTurrets = true;
force ace_scopes_overwriteZeroRange = false;
force ace_scopes_simplifiedZeroing = false;
force ace_scopes_useLegacyUI = false;
force ace_scopes_zeroReferenceBarometricPressure = 1013.25;
force ace_scopes_zeroReferenceHumidity = 0;
force ace_scopes_zeroReferenceTemperature = 15;

// ACE Sitting
force acex_sitting_enable = true;

// ACE Spectator
force ace_spectator_enableAI = false;
force ace_spectator_maxFollowDistance = 5;
force ace_spectator_restrictModes = 0;
force ace_spectator_restrictVisions = 0;

// ACE Switch Units

force ace_switchunits_enableSafeZone = true;
force ace_switchunits_enableSwitchUnits = false;
force ace_switchunits_safeZoneRadius = 100;
force ace_switchunits_switchToCivilian = false;
force ace_switchunits_switchToEast = false;
force ace_switchunits_switchToIndependent = false;
force ace_switchunits_switchToWest = false;

// ACE Trenches
force ace_trenches_bigEnvelopeDigDuration = 25;
force ace_trenches_bigEnvelopeRemoveDuration = 15;
force ace_trenches_smallEnvelopeDigDuration = 20;
force ace_trenches_smallEnvelopeRemoveDuration = 12;

// ACE Uncategorized
ace_fastroping_autoAddFRIES = false;
force ace_fastroping_requireRopeItems = false;
force ace_gunbag_swapGunbagEnabled = true;
force ace_hitreactions_minDamageToTrigger = 0.1;
force ace_inventory_inventoryDisplaySize = 2;
force ace_laser_dispersionCount = 2;
force ace_laser_showLaserOnMap = 0;
force ace_marker_flags_placeAnywhere = true;
force ace_microdagr_mapDataAvailable = 2;
force ace_microdagr_waypointPrecision = 3;
force ace_noradio_enabled = true;
force ace_optionsmenu_showNewsOnMainMenu = true;
force ace_overpressure_distanceCoefficient = 1;
force ace_parachute_failureChance = 0.15;
force ace_parachute_hideAltimeter = true;
force ace_tagging_quickTag = 3;

// ACE User Interface

force ace_ui_allowSelectiveUI = true;
force ace_ui_ammoCount = false;
force ace_ui_ammoType = true;
force ace_ui_commandMenu = true;
force ace_ui_enableSpeedIndicator = true;
force ace_ui_firingMode = true;
force ace_ui_groupBar = false;
force ace_ui_gunnerAmmoCount = true;
force ace_ui_gunnerAmmoType = true;
force ace_ui_gunnerFiringMode = true;
force ace_ui_gunnerLaunchableCount = true;
force ace_ui_gunnerLaunchableName = true;
force ace_ui_gunnerMagCount = true;
force ace_ui_gunnerWeaponLowerInfoBackground = true;
force ace_ui_gunnerWeaponName = true;
force ace_ui_gunnerWeaponNameBackground = true;
force ace_ui_gunnerZeroing = true;
ace_ui_hideDefaultActionIcon = false;
force ace_ui_magCount = true;
force ace_ui_soldierVehicleWeaponInfo = true;
force ace_ui_staminaBar = true;
force ace_ui_stance = true;
force ace_ui_throwableCount = true;
force ace_ui_throwableName = true;
force ace_ui_vehicleAltitude = true;
force ace_ui_vehicleCompass = true;
force ace_ui_vehicleDamage = true;
force ace_ui_vehicleFuelBar = true;
force ace_ui_vehicleInfoBackground = true;
force ace_ui_vehicleName = true;
force ace_ui_vehicleNameBackground = true;
force ace_ui_vehicleRadar = true;
force ace_ui_vehicleSpeed = true;
force ace_ui_weaponLowerInfoBackground = true;
force ace_ui_weaponName = true;
force ace_ui_weaponNameBackground = true;
force ace_ui_zeroing = true;

// ACE Vehicle Lock

force ace_vehiclelock_defaultLockpickStrength = 10;
force ace_vehiclelock_lockVehicleInventory = true;
force ace_vehiclelock_vehicleStartingLockState = -1;

// ACE Vehicles
force ace_novehicleclanlogo_enabled = true;
ace_vehicles_hideEjectAction = true;
force ace_vehicles_keepEngineRunning = true;
force ace_vehicles_speedLimiterStep = 3;
force ace_viewports_enabled = true;

// ACE View Distance Limiter

force ace_viewdistance_enabled = false;
force ace_viewdistance_limitViewDistance = 12000;
force ace_viewdistance_objectViewDistanceCoeff = 4;
force ace_viewdistance_viewDistanceAirVehicle = 11;
force ace_viewdistance_viewDistanceLandVehicle = 0;
force ace_viewdistance_viewDistanceOnFoot = 0;

// ACE View Restriction

force acex_viewrestriction_mode = 0;
force acex_viewrestriction_modeSelectiveAir = 1;
force acex_viewrestriction_modeSelectiveFoot = 0;
force acex_viewrestriction_modeSelectiveLand = 1;
force acex_viewrestriction_modeSelectiveSea = 1;
force acex_viewrestriction_preserveView = true;

// ACE Volume
force acex_volume_enabled = true;
force acex_volume_fadeDelay = 2;
force acex_volume_lowerInVehicles = true;
force acex_volume_reduction = 9;
force acex_volume_remindIfLowered = true;
force acex_volume_showNotification = true;

// ACE Weapons
force ace_common_persistentLaserEnabled = false;
force ace_reload_displayText = true;
force ace_reload_showCheckAmmoSelf = true;
ace_reloadlaunchers_displayStatusText = true;
force ace_weaponselect_displayText = true;

// ACE Weather
force ace_weather_enabled = true;
force ace_weather_showCheckAirTemperature = true;
force ace_weather_updateInterval = 60;
force ace_weather_windSimulation = false;

// ACE Wind Deflection

force ace_winddeflection_enabled = true;
force ace_winddeflection_simulationInterval = 0.05;
force ace_winddeflection_vehicleEnabled = true;

// ACE Zeus
force ace_zeus_autoAddObjects = true;
force ace_zeus_canCreateZeus = 0;
force ace_zeus_radioOrdnance = false;
force ace_zeus_remoteWind = false;
force ace_zeus_revealMines = 0;
force ace_zeus_zeusAscension = false;
force ace_zeus_zeusBird = false;

// ACRE2
force acre_sys_core_automaticAntennaDirection = true;
force acre_sys_core_defaultRadioVolume = 0.8;
force acre_sys_core_fullDuplex = true;
force acre_sys_core_godVolume = 1;
force acre_sys_core_ignoreAntennaDirection = true;
force acre_sys_core_interference = true;
force acre_sys_core_postmixGlobalVolume = 1;
force acre_sys_core_premixGlobalVolume = 1;
force acre_sys_core_revealToAI = 0.283373;
force acre_sys_core_spectatorVolume = 1;
force acre_sys_core_terrainLoss = 0.479224;
force acre_sys_core_ts3ChannelName = "ACRE 2";
force acre_sys_core_ts3ChannelPassword = "12345678";
force acre_sys_core_ts3ChannelSwitch = true;
force acre_sys_core_unmuteClients = true;
acre_sys_radio_defaultRadio = "ACRE_PRC343";
force acre_sys_signal_signalModel = 2;

// ACRE2 Animations
force radioAnims_cba_ads = true;
force radioAnims_cba_Earpieces = "'[ headgear player, goggles player]'";
force radioAnims_cba_main = true;
force radioAnims_cba_preference_Others = "Vest";
force radioAnims_cba_preference_PRC148 = "Vest";
force radioAnims_cba_preference_PRC152 = "Vest";
force radioAnims_cba_preference_PRC343 = "Vest";
force radioAnims_cba_preference_SEM52SL = "Vest";
force radioAnims_cba_vehicles = false;
force radioAnims_cba_vestarmor = true;
force radioAnims_cba_vests = "'[vest player]'";

// ACRE2 Gestures
force acre_sys_gestures_enabled = true;
force acre_sys_gestures_stopADS = true;

force acre_sys_godmode_rxNotification = true;
force acre_sys_godmode_rxNotificationColor = [0.8,0.8,0.8,1];
force acre_sys_godmode_txNotification = true;
force acre_sys_godmode_txNotificationCurrentChatColor = [0.8,0.8,0.8,1];
force acre_sys_godmode_txNotificationGroup1Color = [0,0,0.8,1];
force acre_sys_godmode_txNotificationGroup2Color = [0.8,0,0,1];
force acre_sys_godmode_txNotificationGroup3Color = [0.816402,0.350092,0.479224,1];
force acre_sys_gui_volumeColorScale = [[1,1,0,0.5],[1,0.83,0,0.5],[1,0.65,0,0.5],
force acre_sys_list_CycleRadiosColor = [0.66,0.05,1,1];
force acre_sys_list_DefaultPTTColor = [1,0.8,0,1];
force acre_sys_list_HintBackgroundColor = [0,0,0,0.8];
force acre_sys_list_HintTextFont = "RobotoCondensedBold";
force acre_sys_list_LanguageColor = [1,0.29,0.16,1];
force acre_sys_list_PTT1Color = [1,0.8,0,1];
force acre_sys_list_PTT2Color = [0,0,1,1];
force acre_sys_list_PTT3Color = [1,0,0,1];
force acre_sys_list_SwitchChannelColor = [0.66,0.05,1,1];
force acre_sys_list_ToggleHeadsetColor = [0.66,0.05,1,1];

// ACRE2 Zeus
force acre_sys_zeus_zeusCanSpectate = true;
force acre_sys_zeus_zeusCommunicateViaCamera = true;
force acre_sys_zeus_zeusDefaultVoiceSource = false;

// Advance Aero Effects

force burner_flare_fn = true;
force burner_fn = true;
force camshake_fn = false;
force camshake_sdr = 200;
force gBreathe_sound_fn = true;
force gear_fn = true;
force gear_snd_alarm_fn = false;
force gear_snd_rum_fn = true;
force gearP_sdr = 499.085;
force Gforces_fn = false;
force gforces_sdr = 1;
force Gforces_Vol_fn = false;
force gforces_Vol_sdr = 30;
force ground_fn = true;
force groundP_sdr = 47.6372;
force landingVEF_fn = true;
force sonicboom_fn = true;
force sonicboom_tmp_fn = true;
force taxiing_fn = false;
force Taxiing_sound_fn = true;
force Taxing_sound_fn = true;
force TDSound_fn = true;
force turbulent_sdr = 0;
force turbulent_snd_alarm_fn = false;
force turbulent_snd_rum_fn = false;
force turbulentH_fn = false;
force turbulentH_snd_alarm_fn = false;
force turbulentP_fn = false;
force turbulentS_fn = false;
force turbulentS_snd_alarm_fn = false;
force turbulentT_sdr = 135.883;
force vapor_fn = true;
force vapor_sdr = 3000;
force vapor_sim_fn = true;
force wingspan_fn = true;

// Advanced Vault System

force AVS_Jump_MAINWEAP_X = "4";
force AVS_Jump_MAINWEAP_Z = "1.8";
force AVS_Jump_PIST_X = "6";
force AVS_Jump_PIST_Z = "2.3";
force AVS_Jump_UNARMED_X = "8";
force AVS_Jump_UNARMED_Z = "2.7";
force AVS_Jumping = true;
force AVS_Rolling = true;
force AVS_Sliding = false;

// AH-64D Official Project

force fza_ah64_aiFireControl = true;
force fza_ah64_aiFireResponse = 15;
force fza_ah64_aiFloodlight = true;
force fza_ah64_enableClickHelper = true;
force fza_ah64_headTrackAllowCursorMove = true;
force fza_ah64_headTrackSensitivity = 0.5;
force fza_ah64_sfmPlusStabilatorEnabled = 1;
force fza_ah64_showPopup = true;
force fza_ah64_vanillaTargetingEnable = true;

// Aiming Deadzone Fix

force PCT_lookfix_aim_coef = 1;
force PCT_lookFix_allow_vertical = false;
force PCT_lookfix_coef = 1;
force PCT_lookFix_freelook = true;
force PCT_lookFix_function = 1;
force PCT_lookFix_RTZ = true;
force PCT_lookfix_RTZ_constant = 0.1;
force PCT_lookFix_vertical_cap = 0;
// Aircraft Turbulence

// Alternative Running (Client Settings)

force AR_DefaultAnimationPlayed = "ARMA_AlternativeRun";
force AR_DefaultAnimationPlayed_Bolt = "ARMA_AlternativeRun_WW2Style";
force AR_DefaultAnimationPlayed_MG = "ARMA_AlternativeRun_WW2Style";

// Animated grenade throwing

force AGT_AI_on = true;
force AGT_enhanced_on = true;
force AGT_loop_on = true;
force AGT_noList_on =
force AGT_noSmoke_on =
force AGT_noSound_on =
force AGT_ring_on = false;
force AGT_script_on = "[['rhs_mag_rgo','rhs_mag_rgn'], [_unit, _initiation],
[['rhsgref_mag_rkg3em'], [_unit, _initiation], 'rhsgref\addons\rhsgref_c_weapons\
force AGT_Sight_on = true;
force AGT_Sight_Size = 20;
force AGT_Sight_Transperency = 3.21287;
force AGT_thrap_on = false;
force AGT_Throw_Angle_DOWN_1 = 4;
force AGT_Throw_Angle_DOWN_11 = 4;
force AGT_Throw_Angle_DOWN_12 = 4;
force AGT_Throw_Angle_MIDDLE_1 = 20.023;
force AGT_Throw_Angle_MIDDLE_11 = 11.7277;
force AGT_Throw_Angle_MIDDLE_12 = 14.9182;
force AGT_Throw_Angle_UP_1 = 90;
force AGT_Throw_Angle_UP_11 = 81.9186;
force AGT_Throw_Angle_UP_12 = 81.9186;
force AGT_Throw_Force_DOWN_1 = 8;
force AGT_Throw_Force_DOWN_11 = 6;
force AGT_Throw_Force_DOWN_12 = 4;
force AGT_Throw_Force_MIDDLE_1 = 16.7763;
force AGT_Throw_Force_MIDDLE_11 = 10.51;
force AGT_Throw_Force_MIDDLE_12 = 5.87844;
force AGT_Throw_Force_UP_1 = 7.51312;
force AGT_Throw_Force_UP_11 = 3.69886;
force AGT_Throw_Force_UP_12 = 2.47285;
force AGT_Throw_Prone_Angle_DOWN_1 = 12;
force AGT_Throw_Prone_Angle_DOWN_11 = 12;
force AGT_Throw_Prone_Angle_DOWN_12 = 12;
force AGT_Throw_Prone_Angle_MIDDLE_1 = 16;
force AGT_Throw_Prone_Angle_MIDDLE_11 = 16;
force AGT_Throw_Prone_Angle_MIDDLE_12 = 16;
force AGT_Throw_Prone_Angle_UP_1 = 80;
force AGT_Throw_Prone_Angle_UP_11 = 80;
force AGT_Throw_Prone_Angle_UP_12 = 80;
force AGT_Throw_Prone_Force_DOWN_1 = 6;
force AGT_Throw_Prone_Force_DOWN_11 = 4;
force AGT_Throw_Prone_Force_DOWN_12 = 3;
force AGT_Throw_Prone_Force_MIDDLE_1 = 12;
force AGT_Throw_Prone_Force_MIDDLE_11 = 8;
force AGT_Throw_Prone_Force_MIDDLE_12 = 6;
force AGT_Throw_Prone_Force_UP_1 = 6;
force AGT_Throw_Prone_Force_UP_11 = 4;
force AGT_Throw_Prone_Force_UP_12 = 3;
force AGT_Torque_on = true;

// Anti-Bounce System
force ABS_AssistUnflip = false;
force ABS_enableManualUnflip = false;
force ABS_enableMod = true;
force ABS_minAngle = 60;
force ABS_NoAutoUnflipPlayer = true;
force ABS_perFrameKey = true;

// AWESome Aerodynamics
force orbis_aerodynamics_dynamicWindMode = 2;
force orbis_aerodynamics_enabled = true;
force orbis_aerodynamics_fuelMassMultiplierGlobal = 1;
force orbis_aerodynamics_pylonDragMultiplierGlobal = 1;
force orbis_aerodynamics_pylonMassMultiplierGlobal = 1;
force orbis_aerodynamics_windMultiplier = 0.44427;

// AWESome ATC
force orbis_atc_displayCallsign = 0;
force orbis_atc_displayProjectileTrails = true;
orbis_atc_personalCallsign = "";
force orbis_atc_radarTrailLength = 5;
force orbis_atc_radarUpdateInterval = 0.5;
force orbis_atc_unitSettingAlt = true;
force orbis_atc_unitSettingHozGCI = false;
force orbis_atc_unitSettingLatGCI = false;
force orbis_atc_unitSettingSpd = true;
force orbis_atc_updateIntervalATIS = 15;

// AWESome Cockpit
force orbis_cockpit_checklistUnits = "KIAS";
force orbis_cockpit_groundMultiplier = 0.704519;
force orbis_cockpit_shakeEnabled = true;
force orbis_cockpit_speedMultiplier = 0.54501;

force orbis_gpws_automaticTransponder = true;
force orbis_gpws_defaultVolume = false;
force orbis_gpws_personalDefault = "f16";

// Barotrauma
force Barotrauma_DoomMode = false;
force Barotrauma_FineSplatterEnabled = true;
force Barotrauma_FineSplatterIterations = 10.2445;
force Barotrauma_GibsEnabled = true;
force Barotrauma_GibSmearEnabled = true;
force Barotrauma_MaxGibs = 77.6861;
force Barotrauma_MaxMajorSplatters = 15.0597;
force Barotrauma_MaxMinorSplatters = 800;
force Barotrauma_VaporizationDamageThreshold = 0.484964;

// BettIR
force BettIR_ViewDistance = 2088.11;

// Blastcore Murr Edition

force WarFXPE_BlastWave = 0.829316;
force WarFXPE_HeatHaze = true;
force WarFXPE_WeatherEffects = true;

// Brush Clearing
force ClearBrush_requireEntrenchingTool = true;

// Community Base Addons

cba_diagnostic_ConsoleIndentType = -1;
force cba_diagnostic_watchInfoRefreshRate = 0.2;
force cba_disposable_dropUsedLauncher = 2;
force cba_disposable_replaceDisposableLauncher = true;
cba_events_repetitionMode = 1;
force cba_network_loadoutValidation = 2;
cba_optics_usePipOptics = true;
cba_ui_notifyLifetime = 4;
cba_ui_StorePasswords = 0;

// Counter-Drone Suite
force RUF_Commercial = "[]";
force RUF_DisabledBeg = 3;
force RUF_DisabledEnd = 10;
force RUF_EWResistanceCommercial = 10;
force RUF_EWResistanceHighEnd = 80;
force RUF_EWResistanceLowEnd = 40;
force RUF_FriedBeg = 0;
force RUF_FriedEnd = 3;
force RUF_FrozenBeg = 10;
force RUF_FrozenEnd = 15;
force RUF_HighEnd = "[]";
force RUF_LowEnd = "[]";

// Death and Hit Reactions

force WBK_DeathAnimMod_Death_Chance = "100";
force WBK_DeathAnimMod_Deaths_AI = true;
force WBK_DeathAnimMod_Deaths_HUGEANIMS = true;
force WBK_DeathAnimMod_Deaths_NECKSHOTS = true;
force WBK_DeathAnimMod_Deaths_PLR = true;
force WBK_DeathAnimMod_Flinch_AI = true;
force WBK_DeathAnimMod_Flinch_PLR = true;
force WBK_DeathAnimMod_Hit_AI = true;
force WBK_DeathAnimMod_Hit_Chance = "100";
force WBK_DeathAnimMod_Hit_Chance_PLR = "50";
force WBK_DeathAnimMod_Hit_PLR = true;

// Dynamic View Distance

force DVD_applyBaseViewDistance = false;
force DVD_baseViewDistance = 1.92689;
force DVD_enabled = true;
force DVD_maxAltSetting = 10.1438;
force DVD_maxViewSetting = 21.708;
force DVD_startingAltSetting = 0.5;

// dzn Rifle Tripod

force dzn_Rifle_Tripod_AllowedBipods = "";
force dzn_Rifle_Tripod_AllowForAllBipods = false;
force dzn_Rifle_Tripod_DeployedAimCoef = 0.1;
force dzn_Rifle_Tripod_EnableAimCoef = true;
force dzn_Rifle_Tripod_Enabled = true;

// Enhanced Movement Rework

force emr_main_allowMidairClimbing = true;
force emr_main_animSpeedCoef = 1;
force emr_main_animSpeedStaminaCoef = 0.4;
force emr_main_blacklistStr = "";
force emr_main_climbingEnabled = true;
force emr_main_climbOnDuty = 3.4;
force emr_main_climbOverDuty = 3;
force emr_main_dropDuty = 0.7;
force emr_main_dropViewElevation = -0.7;
force emr_main_enableWalkableSurface = true;
force emr_main_enableWeightCheck = false;
force emr_main_hintType = 2;
force emr_main_jumpDuty = 1;
force emr_main_jumpingEnabled = false;
force emr_main_jumpingLoadCoefficient = 1;
force emr_main_jumpVelocity = 3.4;
force emr_main_maxClimbHeight = 2.6;
force emr_main_maxDropHeight = 6;
force emr_main_maxWeightClimb1 = 146.708;
force emr_main_maxWeightClimb2 = 148.502;
force emr_main_maxWeightClimb3 = 85.7296;
force emr_main_maxWeightJump = 171.817;
force emr_main_preventHighVaulting = false;
force emr_main_staminaCoefficient = 1;
force emr_main_whitelistStr = "";

// Fawks' Enhanced NVGs

force PDT_ENVG_ACE = true;
force PDT_ENVG_Blacklist = "";
force PDT_ENVG_Effect = "wpEffect";

// Field Artillery Radar: 1L271 Aistyonok

force NER_1l271_aistyonok_mapDrawingEnabled = true;

// FPV Settings
FPV_DefaultText = "CROCUS";
FPV_isUavCaptive = true;

// GRAD Trenches
force grad_trenches_functions_allowBigEnvelope = false;
force grad_trenches_functions_allowCamouflage = true;
force grad_trenches_functions_allowDigging = true;
force grad_trenches_functions_allowGiantEnvelope = false;
force grad_trenches_functions_allowLongEnvelope = false;
force grad_trenches_functions_allowShortEnvelope = true;
force grad_trenches_functions_allowSmallEnvelope = true;
force grad_trenches_functions_allowVehicleEnvelope = false;
force grad_trenches_functions_bigEnvelopeDigTime = 40;
force grad_trenches_functions_buildFatigueFactor = 1;
force grad_trenches_functions_camouflageRequireEntrenchmentTool = true;
force grad_trenches_functions_giantEnvelopeDigTime = 90;
force grad_trenches_functions_LongEnvelopeDigTime = 100;
force grad_trenches_functions_shortEnvelopeDigTime = 15;
force grad_trenches_functions_smallEnvelopeDigTime = 30;
force grad_trenches_functions_stopBuildingAtFatigueMax = true;
force grad_trenches_functions_vehicleEnvelopeDigTime = 120;

// GreenMag
force greenmag_main_CBAS_enable = true;
force greenmag_main_CBAS_maxMags = 0;
force greenmag_main_CBAS_simpleGM = true;

// Grenades in Tank Hatches

force Grenade_Drop_Types = "HandGrenade,MiniGrenade,rhs_mag_m67";

// Illuminate The Night

force gjb_itn_setting_drawDist = 2049.58;
force gjb_itn_setting_interfaceOverlay = true;
force gjb_itn_setting_simpleCtrl = true;

// Improved Melee System (Client Settings)

force IMS_CustomCamer_Y = 6;
force IMS_CustomCameraUsedByUserAllowed = false;
force IMS_EnablePlayerSounds = true;
force IMS_HudCoordinate_X = 0.01;
force IMS_HudCoordinate_Y = 0.9;
force IMS_ShowHealthHud = false;

// Improved Melee System (Server Settings)

force IMS_AddKnifeToUnit = false;
force IMS_BayonetDistance = "6";
force IMS_BayonetOnAI = false;
force IMS_BluntWeapon = true;
force IMS_CustomAIHEALTH = "2";
force IMS_DamageMultiplierParam = "1";
force IMS_DamageMultiplierParamPlayer = "1";
force IMS_ExecutionChanceParametr = "20";
force IMS_isFistsAllowd = false;
force IMS_isHumansCanHitSM = false;
force IMS_isImsCanHitAllies = false;
force IMS_isKickButtInstaKill = true;
force IMS_isStaticDeaths = true;
force IMS_RifleDodgeSet = false;
force IMS_StealthAI_Ears = 5.39487;
force IMS_StealthAI_Eyes = 29.27;
force IMS_WBK_MAINFPTP = true;

// KAT - ADV Medical: Airway

force kat_airway_Accuvac_time = 8;
force kat_airway_autoTriage = true;
kat_airway_block_headTurning_ifAirwayItem = true;
force kat_airway_CancelRecoveryPosition_Time = 6;
force kat_airway_CheckAirway_time = 2;
force kat_airway_checkbox_puking_sound = true;
force kat_airway_enable = true;
force kat_airway_Guedeltubus_time = 6;
kat_airway_HeadTurn_Interval = 3;
force kat_airway_Larynxtubus_time = 3;
force kat_airway_medLvl_Accuvac = 0;
force kat_airway_medLvl_Guedeltubus = 0;
force kat_airway_medLvl_Larynxtubus = 0;
kat_airway_occlusion_cooldownPeriod = 6;
force kat_airway_occlusion_repeatTimer = 60;
force kat_airway_Overstretch_time = 3;
force kat_airway_probability_headturning = 83.2141;
force kat_airway_probability_obstruction = 15;
force kat_airway_probability_occluded = 10;
force kat_airway_RecoveryPosition_Time = 6;
force kat_airway_ReusableAirwayItems = false;
force kat_airway_string_exit = "";

// KAT - ADV Medical: Breathing

force kat_breathing_advPtxChance = 5;
force kat_breathing_advPtxEnable = false;
kat_breathing_BVMOxygen_Multiplier = 1;
kat_breathing_clearChestSealAfterTreatment = false;
kat_breathing_deepPenetratingInjuryChance = 30;
force kat_breathing_deterioratingPneumothorax_chance = 10;
kat_breathing_deterioratingPneumothorax_interval = 60;
force kat_breathing_enable = true;
force kat_breathing_enable_selfChestseal = 1;
force kat_breathing_enableSPO2Flashing = true;
force kat_breathing_HPTXBleedAmount = 0.06;
force kat_breathing_hptxChance = 5;
kat_breathing_inspectChest_enable = 2;
kat_breathing_inspectChest_medLvl = 0;
kat_breathing_inspectChest_time = 6;
force kat_breathing_locationProvideOxygen = 3;
force kat_breathing_lowSPO2Level = 90;
force kat_breathing_medLvl_BVM = 0;
force kat_breathing_medLvl_BVM_Oxygen = 0;
force kat_breathing_medLvl_Chestseal = 1;
force kat_breathing_medLvl_hemopneumothoraxTreatment = 1;
force kat_breathing_medLvl_PocketBVM = 0;
force kat_breathing_medLvl_Pulseoximeter = 0;
force kat_breathing_mildValue = 75;
kat_breathing_PneumothoraxAlwaysVisible = false;
force kat_breathing_pneumothoraxChance = 5;
force kat_breathing_pneumothoraxDamageThreshold = 0.4;
kat_breathing_pneumothoraxDamageThreshold_TakenDamage = true;
force kat_breathing_PortableOxygenTank_RefillTime = 5;
force kat_breathing_PulseOximeter_SpO2Warning = 85;
force kat_breathing_severeValue = 66;
kat_breathing_showCyanosis = true;
force kat_breathing_showPneumothorax_dupe = false;
force kat_breathing_slightValue = 90;
force kat_breathing_SpO2_dieActive = true;
force kat_breathing_SpO2_dieValue = 65;
force kat_breathing_SpO2_MultiplyNegative = 1;
force kat_breathing_SpO2_MultiplyPositive = 1;
force kat_breathing_SpO2_perfusion = true;
force kat_breathing_SpO2_PerfusionMultiplier = 1;
force kat_breathing_SpO2_unconscious = 75;
force kat_breathing_Stable_spo2 = 85;
force kat_breathing_staminaLossAtLowSPO2 = true;
force kat_breathing_stethoscopeListeningTime = 15;
kat_breathing_stethoscopeSoundVolume = 2;
kat_breathing_TensionHemothoraxAlwaysVisible = false;

// KAT - ADV Medical: Chemical

force kat_chemical_affectAI = true;
force kat_chemical_availGasmask =
force kat_chemical_gasmask_durability = 1800;
force kat_chemical_infectionTime = 30;

// KAT - ADV Medical: Circulation

force kat_circulation_AdvRhythm = true;
kat_circulation_AdvRhythm_AED_ROSC_Chance = 50;
kat_circulation_AdvRhythm_asystoleBloodlossThreshold = 3.6;
kat_circulation_AdvRhythm_canDeteriorate = true;
kat_circulation_AdvRhythm_CPR_ROSC_Chance = 5;
kat_circulation_AdvRhythm_deteriorateAfterTreatment = true;
kat_circulation_AdvRhythm_deteriorateTimeMax = 900;
kat_circulation_AdvRhythm_deteriorateTimeWeight = 180;
kat_circulation_AdvRhythm_Hardcore_Enable = false;
kat_circulation_AdvRhythm_hardcoreDeteriorationChance = 10;
kat_circulation_AdvRhythm_PEAChance = 50;
kat_circulation_AdvRhythm_VTChance = 50;
force kat_circulation_AED_MaxChance = 80;
force kat_circulation_AED_MinChance = 40;
force kat_circulation_AED_X_MaxChance = 90;
force kat_circulation_AED_X_MinChance = 45;
force kat_circulation_AED_X_Monitor_SpO2Warning = 85;
kat_circulation_AED_X_VitalsMonitor_BloodPressureInterval = 0;
kat_circulation_AED_X_VitalsMonitor_BloodPressureInterval_Time = 30;
kat_circulation_AED_X_VitalsMonitor_SoundsSelect = 1;
kat_circulation_AEDX_VitalsMonitor_AttachTime = 6;
kat_circulation_AEDX_VitalsMonitor_DetachTime = 3;
force kat_circulation_blood_draw_limit = 3.6;
force kat_circulation_blood_drawTime_250ml = 25;
force kat_circulation_blood_drawTime_500ml = 50;
force kat_circulation_bloodGroups = true;
force kat_circulation_bloodTypeCustomList = "O,O,A,A,O_N,B,A_N,AB,B_N,AB_N";
force kat_circulation_bloodTypeRandomWeighted = true;
force kat_circulation_bloodTypeSetting = 1;
kat_circulation_bloodTypeSettingPlayer = "O_N";
kat_circulation_cardiacArrestBleedRate = 0.05;
kat_circulation_CPR_ChanceInterval = 15;
force kat_circulation_CPR_MaxChance_Default = 63.7052;
force kat_circulation_CPR_MaxChance_Doctor = 100;
force kat_circulation_CPR_MaxChance_RegularMedic = 100;
force kat_circulation_CPR_MinChance_Default = 32.8569;
force kat_circulation_CPR_MinChance_Doctor = 65.8574;
force kat_circulation_CPR_MinChance_RegularMedic = 63.7052;
kat_circulation_CPR_OxygenationPeriod = 15;
kat_circulation_Defibrillator_DistanceLimit = 6;
kat_circulation_DefibrillatorPads_AttachTime = 6;
kat_circulation_DefibrillatorPads_DetachTime = 3;
force kat_circulation_enable = true;
force kat_circulation_enable_CPR_Chances = true;
force kat_circulation_enable_selfBloodDraw = 1;
force kat_circulation_medLvl_AED = 1;
kat_circulation_medLvl_AED_Station_Interact = 0;
force kat_circulation_medLvl_AED_X = 1;
force kat_circulation_useLocation_AED = 0;

// KAT - ADV Medical: GUI

kat_gui_ColoredLogs = true;
kat_gui_overlayBodyPart = false;
kat_gui_showBleedRate = false;
kat_gui_showInactiveStatuses = false;
kat_gui_showPatientSideLabels = false;

// KAT - ADV Medical: Misc

force kat_misc_allowSharedVehicleEquipment = 0;
kat_misc_armbandSlingLeftArm = "0.2, -0.39, -0.2";
kat_misc_armbandSlingLeftArmRotation = "240, 33, 26";
kat_misc_armbandSlingLeftLeg = "0.435, -0.075, -0.38";
kat_misc_armbandSlingLeftLegRotation = "-160, -5, 45";
kat_misc_armbandSlingRightArm = "-0.228, -0.1, -0.43";
kat_misc_armbandSlingRightArmRotation = "5, -5, -5";
kat_misc_armbandSlingRightLeg = "-0.32, -0.29, -0.42";
kat_misc_armbandSlingRightLegRotation = "-30, -5, 38";
force kat_misc_enable = true;
force kat_misc_incompatibilityWarning = true;
force kat_misc_neckTourniquet = false;
force kat_misc_treatmentTimeDetachTourniquet = 7;

// KAT - ADV Medical: Pharmacy

force kat_pharma_blockChance = 20;
force kat_pharma_carbonateChance = 100;
force kat_pharma_chromatic_aberration_checkbox_fentanyl = true;
force kat_pharma_chromatic_aberration_checkbox_ketamine = true;
force kat_pharma_chromatic_aberration_checkbox_pervitin = true;
force kat_pharma_chromatic_aberration_slider_fentanyl = 1;
force kat_pharma_chromatic_aberration_slider_ketamine = 0.8;
force kat_pharma_chromatic_aberration_slider_pervitin = 1;
force kat_pharma_coagulation = true;
force kat_pharma_ivCheckLimbDamage = false;
force kat_pharma_IVdrop = 600;
force kat_pharma_IVdropEnable = true;
force kat_pharma_IVreuse = false;
force kat_pharma_kidneyAction = false;
force kat_pharma_MedicationsRequireInsIV = false;
force kat_pharma_medLvl_Amiodarone = 0;
force kat_pharma_medLvl_ApplyIO = 0;
force kat_pharma_medLvl_ApplyIV = 0;
force kat_pharma_medLvl_Atropine = 0;
force kat_pharma_medLvl_Carbonate = 0;
force kat_pharma_medLvl_EACA = 0;
force kat_pharma_medLvl_Etomidate = 0;
force kat_pharma_medLvl_Fentanyl = 0;
force kat_pharma_medLvl_Flumezenil = 0;
force kat_pharma_medLvl_Ketamine = 0;
force kat_pharma_medLvl_Lidocaine = 0;
force kat_pharma_medLvl_Lorazepam = 0;
force kat_pharma_medLvl_Nalbuphine = 0;
force kat_pharma_medLvl_Naloxone = 0;
force kat_pharma_medLvl_Nitroglycerin = 0;
force kat_pharma_medLvl_Norepinephrine = 0;
kat_pharma_medLvl_Penthrox = 0;
force kat_pharma_medLvl_Pervitin = 0;
force kat_pharma_medLvl_Phenylephrine = 0;
force kat_pharma_medLvl_Reorientation = 1;
force kat_pharma_medLvl_TXA = 0;
force kat_pharma_pervitinSpeed = 1.15;
force kat_pharma_Reorientation_Enable = true;
force kat_pharma_Reorientation_Slap = true;
force kat_pharma_reorientationChance = 100;
force kat_pharma_RequireInsIV = true;
kat_pharma_staminaMedication = false;
force kat_pharma_treatmentTime_Amiodarone = 7;
force kat_pharma_treatmentTime_ApplyIO = 7;
force kat_pharma_treatmentTime_ApplyIV = 7;
force kat_pharma_treatmentTime_Atropine = 7;
force kat_pharma_treatmentTime_Carbonate = 7;
force kat_pharma_treatmentTime_EACA = 7;
force kat_pharma_treatmentTime_Etomidate = 2;
force kat_pharma_treatmentTime_Fentanyl = 7;
force kat_pharma_treatmentTime_Flumazenil = 2;
force kat_pharma_treatmentTime_Ketamine = 7;
force kat_pharma_treatmentTime_Lidocaine = 7;
force kat_pharma_treatmentTime_Lorazepam = 2;
force kat_pharma_treatmentTime_Nalbuphine = 7;
force kat_pharma_treatmentTime_Naloxone = 7;
force kat_pharma_treatmentTime_Nitroglycerin = 7;
force kat_pharma_treatmentTime_Norepinephrine = 7;
kat_pharma_treatmentTime_Penthrox = 8;
force kat_pharma_treatmentTime_Pervitin = 5;
force kat_pharma_treatmentTime_Phenylephrine = 7;
force kat_pharma_treatmentTime_Reorientation = 2;
force kat_pharma_treatmentTime_TXA = 7;
force kat_pharma_weapon_sway_pervitin = true;

// KAT - ADV Medical: Surgery

force kat_surgery_closedLocation = 0;
force kat_surgery_closedReduction_MedLevel = 0;
force kat_surgery_closedReductionFailChance = 10;
force kat_surgery_closedTime = 10;
force kat_surgery_compoundChance = 30;
force kat_surgery_debridementAction_Location = 3;
force kat_surgery_debridementAction_MedLevel = 2;
force kat_surgery_enable_fracture = true;
force kat_surgery_enable_selfCheckFracture = 1;
force kat_surgery_etomidateTime = 45;
force kat_surgery_fractureCheck_MedLevel = 0;
force kat_surgery_fractureCheck_Time = 10;
force kat_surgery_incisionTime = 10;
force kat_surgery_intermediateTime = 8;
force kat_surgery_npwtTime = 20;
force kat_surgery_openTime = 15;
force kat_surgery_simpleChance = 60;
kat_surgery_Surgery_ConsciousnessRequirement = 1;
force kat_surgery_surgicalAction_MedLevel = 1;
force kat_surgery_surgicalLocation = 0;
kat_surgery_woundDebrideTime = 5;

// KJW's Two Secondary Weapons

force KJW_TwoSecondaryWeapons_blacklistedClasses = "[]";
force KJW_TwoSecondaryWeapons_Enabled = true;
force KJW_TwoSecondaryWeapons_whitelistedClasses = "[]";

// KNB
force KNB_book_aceAction = true;
force KNB_book_background = 1;
force KNB_panel_aceAction = true;
force KNB_panel_consume = true;

// Laxemann Align
force L_Align_enabled = false;
force L_Align_steadyShake_enabled = false;

// Laxemann Immerse
force L_Immerse_exShake = true;
force L_Immerse_force = false;
force L_Immerse_recoil = false;
force L_Immerse_twitch = true;

// LAxemann's Suppress
force L_Suppress_buildup = 0.386672;
force L_Suppress_enabled = true;
force L_Suppress_flyByEffects = true;
force L_Suppress_flyByIntensity = 1.17895;
force L_Suppress_halting = true;
force L_Suppress_intensity = 1.13593;
force L_Suppress_playerSwabEnabled = true;
force L_Suppress_recovery = 2.00273;

// Medical
force ace_medical_ai_enabledFor = 2;
ace_medical_ai_requireItems = 0;
force ace_medical_AIDamageThreshold = 0.14554;
force ace_medical_bleedingCoefficient = 0.4;
force ace_medical_blood_bloodLifetime = 238;
force ace_medical_blood_enabledFor = 1;
force ace_medical_blood_maxBloodObjects = 100;
force ace_medical_deathChance = 0.0703484;
ace_medical_dropWeaponUnconsciousChance = 0;
force ace_medical_enableVehicleCrashes = true;
ace_medical_engine_damagePassThroughEffect = 1;
force ace_medical_fatalDamageSource = 0;
force ace_medical_fractureChance = 0.8;
force ace_medical_fractures = 3;
ace_medical_gui_bloodLossColor_0 = [1,1,1,1];
ace_medical_gui_bloodLossColor_1 = [1,0.94,0.48,1];
ace_medical_gui_bloodLossColor_2 = [1,0.87,0.25,1];
ace_medical_gui_bloodLossColor_3 = [1,0.79,0.17,1];
ace_medical_gui_bloodLossColor_4 = [1,0.71,0.11,1];
ace_medical_gui_bloodLossColor_5 = [1,0.62,0.05,1];
ace_medical_gui_bloodLossColor_6 = [1,0.53,0.01,1];
ace_medical_gui_bloodLossColor_7 = [1,0.42,0,1];
ace_medical_gui_bloodLossColor_8 = [1,0.29,0,1];
ace_medical_gui_bloodLossColor_9 = [1,0,0,1];
ace_medical_gui_damageColor_0 = [1,1,1,1];
ace_medical_gui_damageColor_1 = [0.52,0.73,1,1];
ace_medical_gui_damageColor_2 = [0.38,0.68,1,1];
ace_medical_gui_damageColor_3 = [0.37,0.6,1,1];
ace_medical_gui_damageColor_4 = [0.35,0.53,1,1];
ace_medical_gui_damageColor_5 = [0.33,0.45,1,1];
ace_medical_gui_damageColor_6 = [0.3,0.37,1,1];
ace_medical_gui_damageColor_7 = [0.25,0.29,1,1];
ace_medical_gui_damageColor_8 = [0.18,0.18,1,1];
ace_medical_gui_damageColor_9 = [0,0,1,1];
force ace_medical_ivFlowRate = 2.5;
force ace_medical_limping = 2;
force ace_medical_painCoefficient = 1;
force ace_medical_painUnconsciousChance = 0.1;
ace_medical_painUnconsciousThreshold = 0.5;
force ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold = 1;
force ace_medical_spontaneousWakeUpChance = 0.149219;
force ace_medical_spontaneousWakeUpEpinephrineBoost = 10;
force ace_medical_statemachine_AIUnconsciousness = true;
force ace_medical_statemachine_cardiacArrestBleedoutEnabled = true;
force ace_medical_statemachine_cardiacArrestTime = 480;
force ace_medical_statemachine_fatalInjuriesAI = 0;
force ace_medical_statemachine_fatalInjuriesPlayer = 2;
force ace_medical_treatment_advancedBandages = 2;
force ace_medical_treatment_advancedDiagnose = 2;
force ace_medical_treatment_advancedMedication = true;
force ace_medical_treatment_allowBodyBagUnconscious = false;
ace_medical_treatment_allowGraveDigging = 1;
force ace_medical_treatment_allowLitterCreation = true;
force ace_medical_treatment_allowSelfIV = 1;
force ace_medical_treatment_allowSelfPAK = 1;
force ace_medical_treatment_allowSelfStitch = 1;
force ace_medical_treatment_allowSharedEquipment = 0;
ace_medical_treatment_bandageEffectiveness = 1;
ace_medical_treatment_bandageRollover = true;
force ace_medical_treatment_clearTrauma = 1;
force ace_medical_treatment_consumePAK = 1;
force ace_medical_treatment_consumeSurgicalKit = 0;
force ace_medical_treatment_convertItems = 0;
force ace_medical_treatment_cprSuccessChanceMax = 0.894859;
force ace_medical_treatment_cprSuccessChanceMin = 0.507698;
ace_medical_treatment_graveDiggingMarker = true;
force ace_medical_treatment_holsterRequired = 0;
force ace_medical_treatment_litterCleanupDelay = 329.12;
force ace_medical_treatment_locationEpinephrine = 0;
force ace_medical_treatment_locationIV = 0;
force ace_medical_treatment_locationPAK = 0;
force ace_medical_treatment_locationsBoostTraining = true;
force ace_medical_treatment_locationSurgicalKit = 0;
force ace_medical_treatment_maxLitterObjects = 100;
force ace_medical_treatment_medicEpinephrine = 0;
force ace_medical_treatment_medicIV = 1;
force ace_medical_treatment_medicPAK = 1;
force ace_medical_treatment_medicSurgicalKit = 1;
force ace_medical_treatment_timeCoefficientPAK = 1;
force ace_medical_treatment_treatmentTimeAutoinjector = 5;
force ace_medical_treatment_treatmentTimeBodyBag = 15.4841;
force ace_medical_treatment_treatmentTimeCPR = 12;
ace_medical_treatment_treatmentTimeGrave = 30;
force ace_medical_treatment_treatmentTimeIV = 12;
force ace_medical_treatment_treatmentTimeSplint = 7.31934;
force ace_medical_treatment_treatmentTimeTourniquet = 4.31127;
force ace_medical_treatment_woundReopenChance = 0.530986;
force ace_medical_treatment_woundStitchTime = 5;
// Military Tandem Tethered Bundle
force mttb_main_MaxCargoMass = 610.641;

// MRHSatellite Options
force MRH_SAT_allowFullscreen = true;
force MRH_SAT_allowLasering = true;
force MRH_SAT_allowTargetDetection = true;
force MRH_SAT_allowTargetTracking = true;
force MRH_SAT_MaxSatAltitude = 1000;

// NIArms
force niarms_magSwitch = true;

// NMG
force NMG_cbasetting_magnifieranimation = true;

// No More Aircraft Bouncing

force NMAB_setting_classExclusionsStr = "";
force NMAB_setting_pfxHelicopters = false;
force NMAB_setting_pfxPlanes = false;

// Realistic Boat Extraction

force Silence_RealisticBoatExtraction_Eject = true;

// Realistic_Driving_Terrains
force RT_AIdriver_exempted = false;
force RT_bump_all_level = 55.124;
force RT_bump_enableMod = true;
force RT_bump_Forest = 76.3501;
force RT_bump_grass = 44.9709;
force RT_bump_gravel = 50.6685;
force RT_bump_harddirt = 29.267;
force RT_bump_hardsand = 26.4134;
force RT_bump_Icy = 20;
force RT_bump_Marsh = 20;
force RT_bump_SlipperySnow = 80;
force RT_bump_softmud = 15.902;
force RT_bump_softsand = 7.86555;
force RT_bump_spd = 32.1572;
force RT_bump_stony = 82.0572;
force RT_bump_ThickSoftSnow = 50;
force RT_bump_VRsurface = 0;
force RT_Comass_Car_F = 4.5723;
force RT_Comass_enableMod_W = true;
force RT_damage_Forest = 25;
force RT_damage_grass = 5;
force RT_damage_gravel = 45;
force RT_damage_harddirt = 15;
force RT_damage_hardsand = 20.8298;
RT_damage_Icy = 0;
force RT_damage_Marsh = 1;
force RT_damage_SlipperySnow = 5;
force RT_damage_softmud = 27.5294;
force RT_damage_softsand = 1;
force RT_damage_stony = 47.627;
force RT_damage_T_enableMod = false;
force RT_damage_T_level = 10.781;
force RT_damage_T_spd = 55;
force RT_damage_ThickSoftSnow = 5;
force RT_damage_VRsurface = 0;
force RT_damage_W_enableMod = false;
force RT_damage_W_level = 24.1796;
force RT_damage_W_spd = 100;
force RT_gforcedamage_acceleration = 25.9057;
force RT_gforcedamage_enableMod = true;
force RT_gforcedamage_level = 10.781;
force RT_MASS_Car_F = 499.326;
force RT_MASS_sub_Quadbike_01_base_F = 59.0361;
force RT_MASS_Tank_F = 350;
force RT_slope_enableMod_T = true;
force RT_slope_enableMod_W = true;
force RT_slopedegree_TRACKED = 39.8966;
force RT_slopedegree_WHEELED = 36.2027;
force RT_stuck_in_mud = false;
force RT_stuck_in_mud_duration = 30;
force RT_stuck_in_mud_maxslope = 20;
force RT_stuck_in_mud_possiblity = 26.1683;
force RT_testmod_enable = false;

// Recoil coefficient changer

force RECOIL_accumulative_on = 1;
force RECOIL_AI_aimingAccuracyMax_on = 1;
force RECOIL_AI_aimingAccuracyMin_on = 1;
force RECOIL_AI_aimingShakeMax_on = 1;
force RECOIL_AI_aimingShakeMin_on = 1;
force RECOIL_AI_aimingSpeedMax_on = 1;
force RECOIL_AI_aimingSpeedMin_on = 1;
force RECOIL_AI_commandingMax_on = 1;
force RECOIL_AI_commandingMin_on = 1;
force RECOIL_AI_courageMax_on = 1;
force RECOIL_AI_courageMin_on = 1;
force RECOIL_AI_enduranceMax_on = 1;
force RECOIL_AI_enduranceMin_on = 1;
force RECOIL_AI_generalMax_on = 1;
force RECOIL_AI_generalMin_on = 1;
force RECOIL_AI_on = true;
force RECOIL_AI_reloadSpeedMax_on = 1;
force RECOIL_AI_reloadSpeedMin_on = 1;
force RECOIL_AI_skill_on = true;
force RECOIL_AI_skilladd_on = true;
force RECOIL_AI_spotDistanceMax_on = 1;
force RECOIL_AI_spotDistanceMin_on = 1;
force RECOIL_AI_spotTimeMax_on = 1;
force RECOIL_AI_spotTimeMin_on = 1;
force RECOIL_force_on = 125;
force RECOIL_handgun_on = true;
force RECOIL_incrase_on = 0.176296;
force RECOIL_limit_on = 1;
force RECOIL_loop_on = true;
force RECOIL_negative_on = 0.488399;
force RECOIL_new_on = true;
force RECOIL_random_on = false;
force RECOIL_randomMax_on = 0.176296;
force RECOIL_randomMid_on = 0.061584;
force RECOIL_randomMin_on = -1;
force RECOIL_Smooth_on = true;
force RECOIL_variety_on = false;
force SWAY_incrase_on = 0.1;
// Reeveli's Advanced Gestures
force Rev_advanced_gestures_color = [1,1,1,1];
force Rev_advanced_gestures_duration = 5;
force Rev_advanced_gestures_enable = true;
force Rev_advanced_gestures_font = "RobotoCondensedLight";
force Rev_advanced_gestures_offset = 2.3;
force Rev_advanced_gestures_size = 1;
force Rev_advanced_gestures_size_3d = 0.0892872;

// Remove Goggles on Caps

force rgoc_allowNoHelmet = false;
force rgoc_blacklist = "";
force rgoc_whitelist = "";

// Ride Where You Look

force RWYL_HopVehicleRange = 5;
force RWYL_OtherSeatsColour = [1,1,1,1];
force RWYL_SelectedSeatColour = [1,1,0,1];
force RWYL_ShowAllSeats = true;

// RP System
force rps_setting_dice_maxNumber = "20";

// Simple Craters
force simplecraters_setting_allowGroundTextures = true;
force simplecraters_setting_allowSmallExplosions = true;
force simplecraters_setting_craterScale = 1.44766;
force simplecraters_setting_debugMode = false;

// Training Magazines
force training_mag_dynamic_unconsciousTime = false;

// TSP Animate
force tsp_cba_animate_door = true;
force tsp_cba_animate_dynamicReadyBush = true;
force tsp_cba_animate_dynamicReadyFriend = 0;
force tsp_cba_animate_dynamicReadyFriendAngle = 0;
force tsp_cba_animate_dynamicReadyObject = 1.57059;
force tsp_cba_animate_dynamicReadyPoll = 0.25;
force tsp_cba_animate_dynamicReadyVertical = -0.328748;
force tsp_cba_animate_friendsAreObjects = false;
force tsp_cba_animate_map = true;
force tsp_cba_animate_nvg = true;
force tsp_cba_animate_walk = false;

// TSP Breach
force tsp_cba_breach = true;
force tsp_cba_breach_ace = true;
force tsp_cba_breach_ace_locking = false;
force tsp_cba_breach_ammo = "[""B_12Gauge_Slug_NoCartridge"",
""rhs_ammo_12g_slug"", ""rhs_ammo_12g_00buckshot""]";
force tsp_cba_breach_ammoMultiplier = 1;
force tsp_cba_breach_autoTime = 5;
force tsp_cba_breach_lockBlacklist = "[]";
force tsp_cba_breach_lockDoor = 0.75;
force tsp_cba_breach_lockHouse = 0.25;
tsp_cba_breach_military = "[
tsp_cba_breach_reinforced = "[
force tsp_cba_breach_vanilla = false;
force tsp_cba_breach_wall_physics = true;
force tsp_cba_breach_wall_velocity = "[0,0,-0.5]";

// UH-60M
force vtx_ace_viv_loadDistance = 15;
force vtx_ace_viv_timeFactor = 1;
force vtx_uh60_anvishud_defaultMode = 1;
force vtx_uh60_anvishud_settingBrightness = 0.515094;
force vtx_uh60_anvishud_settingColor = [0.082,0.608,0.039];
force vtx_uh60_flir_setting_AimSlewBlockMouse = true;
force vtx_uh60_flir_setting_AimSlewSpeed = 1;
force vtx_uh60_flir_setting_AimXFactor = 1;
force vtx_uh60_flir_setting_animateTurret = true;
force vtx_uh60_flir_setting_KeySlewSpeed = 1;
force vtx_uh60_flir_setting_KeyXFactor = 1;
force vtx_uh60_flir_setting_syncDelay = 0.015;
force vtx_uh60_hoist_setting_useAttachScript = true;
force vtx_uh60_sfmPlus_showDamageHints = true;
force vtx_uh60_sfmPlusStabilatorEnabled = 0;
force vtx_uh60_ui_showDebugMessages = false;
force vtx_uh60m_simpleCollective = true;
force vtx_uh60m_simpleStartup = false;
force vtx_uh60m_trackIR_interaction_cursor = false;
force vtx_uh60m_trackIR_interaction_cursorSensitivity = 2.5;

// Unit Ambient SFX Options

force UAS_option_chanceCough = 0.1;
force UAS_option_chanceRadio = 0.5;
force UAS_option_chanceSigh = 0.1;
force UAS_option_chanceWhistle = 0.03;
force UAS_option_disableOnPlayers = true;
force UAS_option_disableRadioOnPlayers = true;
force UAS_option_enableCough = true;
force UAS_option_enableRadio = true;
force UAS_option_enableSigh = true;
force UAS_option_enableWhistle = true;
force UAS_option_groupRadio = 0;
force UAS_option_intMultiplierCough = 2.5;
force UAS_option_intMultiplierRadio = 2.5;
force UAS_option_intMultiplierSigh = 2.5;
force UAS_option_intMultiplierWhistle = 2.5;
force UAS_option_maxDistCough = 250;
force UAS_option_maxDistRadio = 250;
force UAS_option_maxDistRadioInVehicle = 100;
force UAS_option_maxDistSigh = 150;
force UAS_option_maxDistWhistle = 250;
force UAS_option_minIntervalCough = 60;
force UAS_option_minIntervalRadio = 20;
force UAS_option_minIntervalSigh = 60;
force UAS_option_minIntervalWhistle = 120;
// Unit Voice-Over Options
force UVO_option_clientEnabled = false;
force UVO_option_deathShoutsVolume = 3;
force UVO_option_enableSentencesEast = true;
force UVO_option_enableSentencesGuer = true;
force UVO_option_enableSentencesWest = true;
force UVO_option_enableUVOEast = true;
force UVO_option_enableUVOGuer = true;
force UVO_option_enableUVOWest = true;
force UVO_option_killConfirmChanceAI = 1;
force UVO_option_killConfirmChancePlayer = 1;
force UVO_option_maxDistDeathShouts = 300;
force UVO_option_maxDistVoices = 300;
force UVO_option_soundsSamplePitch = 1;

force usaf_afterburner_setting_allow_ai = true;
force USAF_allowNuke = false;
force usaf_debug_setting_enabled_clients = false;
force usaf_debug_setting_enabled_server = false;
force usaf_f35a_allow_das_coverage = true;
force usaf_f35a_allow_sar_imagery = true;
force usaf_serviceMenu_setting_allowHangarRearm = true;
force usaf_serviceMenu_setting_allowHangarRefuel = false;
force usaf_serviceMenu_setting_allowHangarRepair = true;
force usaf_serviceMenu_setting_allowLoadoutModification = true;
force usaf_serviceMenu_setting_enabled = true;
force usaf_serviceMenu_setting_refuelTime = "100";
force usaf_serviceMenu_setting_reloadTime = "2";
force usaf_serviceMenu_setting_repairTime = "100";
force usaf_serviceMenu_setting_replaceSources = true;
force usaf_serviceMenu_setting_selectorSearchRadius = "15";
force usaf_setting_allow_aiFormlights = true;
force usaf_utility_core_allow_move_in_cargo = false;

// Volume Controllers
force heliEX_sdr = 100;
force heliEX_sim_sdr = 25;
force heliIN_sdr = 100;
force heliMulti_sdr = 1;
force planeBreathe_sdr = 100;
force planeEX_sdr = 100;
force planeEX_sim_sdr = 25;
force planeIN_sdr = 100;
force planeMulti_sdr = 1;
force planeRumbleG_sdr = 100;
force SoIV_fn = true;
force sync_fn = true;
force sync_heli_sdr = 100;
force sync_plane_sdr = 100;

// Volume Controllers (Debug)

force VCN_debug1_fn = false;
force VCN_debug2_fn = false;

// vurtual's tripod
force vurtual_tripod_filter = true;

// Weapon Slinging
force crow_sling_autoSling = false;
force crow_sling_restoreLoadout = true;
force crow_sling_slingType = "default_low";

// WebKnight HeadLamps
force WBK_HeadLamps_IsAIActivateHeadlamps = true;
force WBK_HeadLamps_IsVolumetricAppearOnAIParam = true;

// WebKnight's Two Primary Weapons

force WBK_DualWeapons_SaveWeaponAfterRespawn = false;
WBK_DualWeapons_WhereWeaponAt = "Pelvis";

// Zeus Enhanced
force zen_area_markers_editableMarkers = 0;
zen_building_markers_enabled = false;
force zen_camera_adaptiveSpeed = true;
force zen_camera_defaultSpeedCoef = 1;
force zen_camera_fastSpeedCoef = 1;
force zen_camera_followTerrain = true;
force zen_common_ascensionMessages = false;
force zen_common_autoAddObjects = true;
force zen_common_cameraBird = false;
force zen_common_darkMode = true;
force zen_common_disableGearAnim = true;
force zen_common_preferredArsenal = 1;
force zen_compat_ace_hideModules = true;
force zen_context_menu_enabled = 2;
force zen_context_menu_overrideWaypoints = false;
force zen_editor_addGroupIcons = false;
zen_editor_addModIcons = false;
force zen_editor_declutterEmptyTree = true;
force zen_editor_disableLiveSearch = false;
force zen_editor_moveDisplayToEdge = true;
force zen_editor_parachuteSounds = true;
force zen_editor_previews_enabled = true;
force zen_editor_randomizeCopyPaste = false;
force zen_editor_removeWatermark = true;
force zen_editor_unitRadioMessages = 0;
force zen_placement_enabled = true;
force zen_remote_control_cameraExitPosition = 1;
zen_visibility_enabled = 0;
zen_visibility_maxDistance = 5000;
force zen_vision_enableBlackHot = false;
force zen_vision_enableBlackHotGreenCold = false;
force zen_vision_enableBlackHotRedCold = false;
force zen_vision_enableGreenHotCold = false;
force zen_vision_enableNVG = true;
force zen_vision_enableRedGreenThermal = false;
force zen_vision_enableRedHotCold = false;
force zen_vision_enableWhiteHot = false;
force zen_vision_enableWhiteHotRedCold = false;

// Zeus Enhanced - Attributes

zen_attributes_enableAbilities = true;
zen_attributes_enableAmmo = true;
zen_attributes_enableArsenal = true;
zen_attributes_enableBuildingMarker = true;
zen_attributes_enableDamage = true;
zen_attributes_enableEngine = true;
zen_attributes_enableExecute = true;
zen_attributes_enableFuel = true;
zen_attributes_enableGarage = true;
zen_attributes_enableGroupBehaviour = true;
zen_attributes_enableGroupCombatMode = true;
zen_attributes_enableGroupExecute = true;
zen_attributes_enableGroupFormation = true;
zen_attributes_enableGroupID = true;
zen_attributes_enableGroupSide = true;
zen_attributes_enableGroupSkill = true;
zen_attributes_enableGroupSpeed = true;
zen_attributes_enableGroupStance = true;
zen_attributes_enableHealth = true;
zen_attributes_enableInventory = true;
zen_attributes_enableLights = true;
zen_attributes_enableMarkerAlpha = true;
zen_attributes_enableMarkerColor = true;
zen_attributes_enableMarkerText = true;
zen_attributes_enableName = true;
zen_attributes_enablePlateNumber = true;
zen_attributes_enableRank = true;
zen_attributes_enableRespawnPosition = true;
zen_attributes_enableRespawnVehicle = true;
zen_attributes_enableSensors = true;
zen_attributes_enableSkill = true;
zen_attributes_enableSkills = true;
zen_attributes_enableStance = true;
zen_attributes_enableStates = true;
zen_attributes_enableTraits = true;
zen_attributes_enableVehicleLock = true;
zen_attributes_enableWaypointBehaviour = true;
zen_attributes_enableWaypointCombatMode = true;
zen_attributes_enableWaypointFormation = true;
zen_attributes_enableWaypointLoiterAltitude = true;
zen_attributes_enableWaypointLoiterDirection = true;
zen_attributes_enableWaypointLoiterRadius = true;
zen_attributes_enableWaypointSpeed = true;
zen_attributes_enableWaypointTimeout = true;
zen_attributes_enableWaypointType = true;

// Zeus Enhanced - Faction Filter

zen_faction_filter_0_00VTN_MILFOR_MIW_EMR = true;
zen_faction_filter_0_01VTN_MILFOR_MIW = true;
zen_faction_filter_0_07VTN_MILFOR_TNG = true;
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zen_faction_filter_3_UK3CB_ADC_C = true;
zen_faction_filter_3_UK3CB_CHC_C = true;
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