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Farhan Agustian

Cerita Pendek Tentang Pahlawan - Kapitan Pattimura

(Short Story About Pahlawan - Kapitan Pattimura)

Cerita pendek tentang pahlawan Kapitan Pattimura. Memiliki nama asli Thomas
Matulessy, beliau lahir di Negri Haria Pulau Saparua Maluku Selatan pada tanggal 8
Juni 1783.
Short story about the hero Kapitan Pattimura. Having the real name Thomas
Matulessy, he was born in the State of Haria, Saparua Island, South Maluku on
June 8, 1783.

Menurut buku biografi Pattimura versi Pemerintah yang pertama kali terbit. M. Sapija
menulis “Pahlawan Kapitan Pattimura termasuk turunan bangsawan, yang berasal
dari Nusa Ina (Serang)”
According to the government version of Pattimura's first published biography.
M. Sapija wrote "Heroes of Kapitan Pattimura include noble descendants, which
originated from Nusa Ina (Serang)"

Ayahnya yang bernama Antonim Matulessy dan kakeknya bernama Kasimiliali

Pattimura mattulessy. Pattimura adalah pahlawan yang berjuang berjuang melawan
Belanda (VOC). Dahulu Pattimura merupakan mantan Sersan pada tantara Inggris,
namun tahun 1816 Inggris kalah oleh Belanda.
His father named Antonim Matulessy and his grandfather named Kasimiliali
Pattimura mattulessy. Pattimura is a hero who fought against the Dutch (VOC).
Formerly Pattimura was a former Sergeant in the tantara of England, but in 1816
England was defeated by the Dutch.

Kembalinya kolonial Belanda pada tahun 1817 ditentang keras oleh rakyat, karena
selama 2 abad belanda memonopoli perdagangan dan memiliki hubungan
kemasyarakatan yang buruk.
The return of Dutch colonialism in 1817 was strongly opposed by the people,
because for two centuries the Dutch had monopolized trade and had poor
community relations.
Rakyat Maluku berusaha melawan dengan pimpinan Pattimura. Masyarakat Saparua
menobatkannya sehingga memiliki gelar Kapitan Pattimura.
Maluku people tried to fight with the leadership of Pattimura. The Saparua
community crowned him so that he had the title Kapitan Pattimura.

Pada tanggal 16 Mei 1817, suatu pertempuran yang luar biasa terjadi. benteng
Duurstede berhasil direbut kembali, termasuk semua tentara Belanda ditaklukan
bersama Resident Johannes Rudolph van den Berg.
On May 16, 1817, an extraordinary battle took place. Duurstede's fort was
recovered, including all Dutch troops conquered with Resident Johannes
Rudolph van den Berg.

Pasukan Belanda yang dikirim untuk merebut benteng Duurstede, berhasil ditaklukan
pasukan Kapitan Pattimura. Alhasil selama tiga bulan benteng tersebut berhasil
dikuasai pasukan Kapitan Pattimura, namun Belanda tidak mau menyerahkan begitu
Dutch troops sent to seize the fortress of Duurstede, were captured by the
Kapitan Pattimura forces. As a result, for three months the fort was successfully
controlled by Kapitan Pattimura forces, but the Dutch did not want to give up.

Belanda yang tidak mau kalah, kembali menyerang dengan membawa pasukan
dengan senjata modern, akhirnya pasukan Kapitan Pattimura berhasil dikalahkan dan
The Dutch who did not want to lose, again attacked by carrying troops with
modern weapons, finally the Kapitan Pattimura forces were defeated and

Kapitan Pattimura ditangkap kembali oleh pasukan Belanda di Siri Sori, beberapa
temannya dia dibawa ke Ambon. Sesampainya di sana beliau terus dibujuk agar
bersedia bekerjasama, namun selalu ditolaknya.
Kapitan Pattimura was arrested again by Dutch troops in Siri Sori, some of his
friends were taken to Ambon. Arriving there he continued to be persuaded to be
willing to cooperate, but he was always refused.
Akhirnya, Kapitan Pattimura mendapatkan hukuman gantung. Belanda yang masih
ingin memaksanya untuk bekerjasama, masih berusaha satu hari sebelum hukuman
gantung, tetapi masih saja ditolaknya, beliau menunjukkan sebuah contoh perjuangan
Finally, Kapitan Pattimura received a hanging sentence. The Dutch who still
wanted to force him to cooperate, were still trying one day before the hanging
sentence, but still refused, he showed an example of true struggle.

Di depan benteng Victoria Ambon tanggal 16 Desember 1817, eksekusi terhadap

Kapitan Pattimura pun dilakukan. Sebagai bentuk penghitmatan, setiap tanggal 15
Mei di Kota Ambon diadakan acara memperingati perjuangan Pattimura. Masyarakat
Ambon akan turun kejalan menari Cakalele, sambil membawa Parang salawaku yang
juga menjadi senjata andalan Pattimura.
In front of the Victoria Ambon fort on December 16, 1817, the execution of
Kapitan Pattimura was carried out. As a form of observance, every May 15 in
Ambon City was held to commemorate Pattimura's struggle. The Ambonese
people will go down to the Cakalele dance, while carrying Parang Salawaku,
which is also the main weapon of Pattimura.

Kapitan Pattimura gugur sebagai pahlawan nasional dari perjuangannya dia

Meninggalkan pesan tersirat kepada waris bangsa ini agar sekali-kali Jangan pernah
menjual kehormatan diri keluarga terutama bangsa dan negara ini.
Kapitan Pattimura died as a national hero from his struggle. He left an implied
message to the inheritance of this nation so that never once sold the family's
honor, especially this nation and country.

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