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Tanggal Tugas : 2/16/2021

Materi : Recount text of a Historial Event

Nama : Jonathan Kevin B.P.

Kelas : X MIPA 1

Batak War
Orientation :
The Batak War was the resistance waged by the people of the Toba country, in North Sumatra, to the Dutch.
This war is also called the Batak / Tapanuli War because there most of the people come from the Batak tribe.
The tribes belonging to the Batak tribe are the Toba, Karo, Pakpak, Simalungun, Angkola, and Mandailing
tribes. This war occurred from 1878-1907.This resistance was led by Sisingamangaraja XII, namely the King
of Toba, North Sumatra.
He was born in Bakara, 18 February, 1845 and then ascended to the throne at the age of 19 in 1870. He was
one of Indonesia's most persistent fighters and heroes against the Dutch colonialists so that he was appointed
by the Indonesian government as a National Hero of Indonesia since 9 November 1961 based on Presidential
Decree No. 590/1961. Even his name is immortalized by being used as a street name in several parts of
Indonesia. The struggle and persistence of Sisingamangaraja XII in this Batak war will be discussed in the
following description:

Events :
 The period of Dutch arrival to Sumatra
The Batak war was triggered since the arrival of the Dutch to the Sumatra region, where the basis for the
arrival of the Dutch was the British Dutch Treaty (Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824). The British gave all their
territory in Sumatra to the Dutch. This opened the opportunity for the Dutch East Indies to annex all areas that
had not been controlled in Sumatra. From here the Dutch began to launch their monopoly on Bumi Sumatra.
The coronation of Sisingamangaraja XII as maharaja in the country of Toba coincided with the initiation of the
Dutch open door policy.
This policy was aimed at securing foreign capital operating in the Dutch East Indies, but the Sultanate of Aceh
and Toba (Batak) did not want to sign the Korte Verklaring (Short Agreement) in Sumatra, even though on the
other hand the entire Sumatra region had already opened cooperation with the Dutch. Aceh's rejection and
resistance can be seen in the history of the Aceh War against the Dutch.
At that time, during the XII Sisingamangaraja Government, to be exact, in the 18th century, North Sumatra
was still in peaceful conditions, with its people seeking a livelihood by hunting, farming, raising livestock and
some other trading. Meanwhile, other areas of Sumatra, except Aceh, were already under Dutch control.
Sisingamangaraja XII is a very wise king, anti slavery, anti oppression and upholds the value of
independence. He is also highly respected and loved by his people.

 Batak War Period

 1878 year
Resistance and the Scream of War from Sisingamangaraja XII was something the Dutch had been waiting for.
This made it easier for the Dutch to argue that the Batak Kingdom had waged war first. The Sisingamangaraja
XII attack was met with fierce response from the Dutch. At that time Sisingamangaraja's defense center was
in Bakara, while the Dutch defense center was in Bahal Batu. To deal with attacks from the Batak Kingdom,
on March 14, 1878, the Dutch brought Resident Boyle along with an additional 250 troops led by Colonel
Engels from Sibolga.
Then on May 1, 1878, Bangkara, which was the center of Sisingamangaraja government, was attacked by
Dutch colonial forces. But unfortunately, all Bangkara was conquered on May 3, 1878. Fortunately,
Sisingamangaraja XII and his followers were able to save themselves and were forced to leave the area to
flee. Meanwhile, the kings who were still living in Bangkara and did not have time to escape were forced by
the Dutch to pledge allegiance. So since the Dutch were able to control Bangkara, the area was declared to
be under the sovereignty of the Dutch East Indies government. The story of the ups and downs, winning and
losing the struggle against the Dutch colonialists, can also be seen in the History of the Banten War against
the Dutch VOC.
Singamangaraja XII did not surrender there, even though Bangkara had fallen under Dutch rule, he continued
to fight guerrillas, but until the end of December 1878 several areas such as Butar, Lobu Siregar, Naga
Saribu, and Huta Ginjang, were able to surrender under Dutch attacks. Due to the weakness of war tactics,
weapons, and troops, Sisingamangaraja XII established relationships with Acehnese troops and their figures
to improve the combat capabilities of their troops. He went to the Gayo, Alas, Singkel, and Pidie regions in
Aceh and participated in the Keumala war games. Since the Dutch were superior in weaponry, the Batak war
tactics were carried out secretly and suddenly, this was similar to the guerrilla war tactics.

 1888
In 1888, Batak fighters attacked Kota Tua with the help of Acehnese soldiers who came from Trumon. The
resistance was again suppressed by the Dutch troops led by J. A. Visser. At that time the Dutch also faced
difficulties in facing resistance in Aceh so that the Dutch were forced to limit their resistance to
Sisingamangaraja XII to avoid a troop crisis because they died in the war. The greatness of the Aceh kingdom
can be seen in the Heritage of the Kingdom of Aceh.

 1889 year
Sisingamangaraja XII troops, did not stop fighting at Lobu Talu, they again attacked the Dutch on August 8,
1889. In that battle, a Dutch soldier died, and the Dutch had to withdraw from Lobu Talu. However, Lobu Talu
was recaptured after the Dutch brought in reinforcements from Padang. Not only in Lobu Talu, Huta Paong
was also occupied by the Dutch on 4 September 1889. The Batak troops, which had been defeated, were
forced to withdraw to Passinguran but the Dutch troops continued to chase the Batak troops.
This made fierce fighting inevitable when they met at Tamba. The Dutch troops were fired upon by Batak
troops, and the Dutch responded continuously without stopping with bullets and artillery. This caused the
Batak troops to retreat to the Horion area. Worried about the persistent resistance of Sisingamangaraja XII,
the Dutch tried to win over Sisingamangaraja by promising him to be appointed as the Sultan of Batak.
However Sisingamangaraja XII firmly rejects the lure. He thought it was better to die than betray his own
Offended and furious with the refusal, the Dutch brought in a team of trackers from Africa to track down
Sisingamangaraja XII. This line of tracers consisted of Senegalese or by Batak warriors called "Si Gurbak Ulu
Na Birong". Even though the Dutch had mobilized all their strength, Sisingamangaraja XII's troops were not
afraid to continue fighting. A Commander of Sarbut Tampubolon and his troops attacked the Dutch barracksin
Butar, meanwhile the Dutch at that time were invading Lintong and facing off against Raja Ompu Babiat
Situmorang. But Sisingamangaraja XII troops also attacked Lintong Nihuta, Hutaraja, Simangarongsang, Huta
Paung, Parsingguran and Pollung.
 1906
The fierce fighting by Sisingamangaraja XII's troops against the Dutch spread to various parts of the Batak
region. Unfortunately, the Commander of Sisingamangaraja XII, Amandopang Manullang was caught by the
Dutch. And even more so, the Parmalim figure who became the Special Advisor to King Sisingamangaraja
XII, Guru Somaling Pardede was also taken prisoner by the Dutch. This happened in 1906. Sisingamangaraja
XII made so many sacrifices and struggles, until one by one people who were influential enough in the course
of the war were taken prisoner.

 1907
In 1907, Dutch troops nicknamed Colonel Macan or the Demon Brigade surrounded Sisingamangaraja XII.
However Sisingamangaraja XII continued to fight back and was not willing to give up. He fought to the death.
Boru Sagala, Sisingamangaraja XII's wife, was captured by Dutch troops as were Sisingamangaraja XII's
young sons and daughters. The Dutch also made arrests of Raja Buntal and Pangkilim, followed by the arrest
of Boru Situmorang, Mother Sisingamangaraja XII, Sunting Mariam, daughter of Sisingamangaraja XII and
other relatives.

Re-Orientation :
In 1907, to be precise on the edge of the river Aek Sibulbulon, in a village called Si Onom Hudon, on the
border of North Tapanuli Regency, in Dairi Regency, Sisingamangaraja XII was killed by the bullet of Dutch
Marsuse, who at that time the attack was led by Captain Christoffel. Sisingamangaraja XII died with his two
sons, namely Patuan Nagari and Patuan Anggi and their daughter, Lopian.

His followers were divided and scattered but still tried to keep fighting back. Meanwhile, the Sisingamangaraja
XII family who were still alive were taken prisoner, humiliated and humiliated. The fall of Sisingamangaraja XII
was a sign of the fall of the Batak lands into Dutch rule. After the fall and defeat of the archipelago warriors in
the kingdom era, the dark times of our Nation began for many years, this can be seen in the European
colonial period in Indonesia.

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