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Viggyan Bhairav Tantra

“The Truth of Self”

Notes by

Dr. Shubham Chaudhary

I. The Ultimate Truth of “You”.

II. 112 Techniques of Meditation from Viggyan Bhairav


III. Viggyan Bhairava Tantra in chapters with Scientific


IV. Scientific researches and theories which relates

with Indian Philosophy and Spiritual Knowledge.

V. Some theories about Consciousness.


The Vigyan Bhairav Tantra is a sacred text that is part of the ancient
Indian spiritual and philosophical tradition. It is a dialogue between
Lord Shiva and the goddess Parvati, where Shiva imparts 112
meditation techniques to Parvati. These techniques are designed to
help practitioners attain a state of self-realization and oneness with
the divine.

Scientific Perspective

Neuroscience and Meditation: Many of the meditation techniques

described in the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra involve focusing the mind,
breath control, and awareness of bodily sensations. From a scientific
standpoint, these practices can be related to the field of
neuroscience. Studies have shown that regular meditation can lead
to changes in brain structure and function, promoting mental well-
being and cognitive abilities.

Psychology and Self-Realization: The practices in the Vigyan Bhairav

Tantra also touch upon various aspects of psychology. The emphasis
on self-awareness, observation of thoughts, and dissolution of the
ego aligns with psychological concepts of self-realization and
personal development.

Physiology of Breath Control: Several techniques involve breath

control, which has physiological effects on the body. Deep breathing,
as advocated in many meditation practices, can induce relaxation
responses, reduce stress hormones, and enhance overall well-being.

Quantum Physics and Unity: The concept of oneness and unity with
the divine in the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra resonates with certain ideas
in quantum physics. The interconnectedness of all things at a
fundamental level, as suggested by quantum entanglement, shares a
conceptual similarity with the spiritual idea of unity.

Spiritual Perspective (Kashmir Shaivism):

Shiva Consciousness: Kashmir Shaivism, the philosophical foundation

of the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, posits the idea of Shiva as the ultimate
reality or consciousness. Shiva represents the transcendent,
formless, and unchanging aspect of reality.

Shakti and Manifestation: Alongside Shiva is Shakti, the dynamic and

creative force. The interplay of Shiva and Shakti is central to Kashmir
Shaivism. Shakti is the power that manifests the universe, and the
dance between Shiva and Shakti symbolizes the play of
consciousness in the world.

Spanda (Vibration): Kashmir Shaivism emphasizes the concept of

spanda, the pulsation or vibration of consciousness. Everything in the
universe, including thoughts and emotions, is considered a
manifestation of this fundamental vibration.

Trika Philosophy: Kashmir Shaivism is often associated with the Trika

philosophy, which includes the concepts of Shiva, Shakti, and Anu
(individual soul). The journey of the individual soul involves
recognizing its true nature (Shiva) through the understanding of the
dynamic and creative aspects (Shakti).
In summary, the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra and Kashmir Shaivism offer a blend of
practical meditation techniques and profound spiritual philosophy. From a
scientific perspective, the practices align with principles of neuroscience and
psychology, while the spiritual perspective emphasizes the ultimate reality of
consciousness and the dynamic interplay of cosmic forces. The integration of
these perspectives can provide a holistic understanding of the profound
teachings within these ancient texts.
I. The Ultimate Truth of “You”

In this bright place where you live, you're always awake and aware,
while in the dark place, everything is asleep and doesn't see the one
but sees many things. As you, the Great Life, play with darkness and
light, you make yourself appear as many things by hiding your bright
light. Through this play, everything is created, and all these created
things are like tiny parts of your divine brightness.

Each thing has a special part inside, a hidden essence connected to

the eternal and divine, called the Self or Atman. This special part is
the true essence of life, beyond the physical body, always pure and
everlasting. It exists everywhere, unseen but knowing everything.
This inner part is like the true self of the universe, the Lord of Life,
present in everything and witnessing everything from within.

So, even when you, the Great Life, make yourself look like many
things, there's always an unseen core, an essence that is part of your
eternal self. This imperishable core, the Atman or Self, is the Lord of
Life, the true man concealed within the body. It's absolute, pure,
peaceful, subtle, and eternal, existing beyond the darkness of
ignorance and beyond knowledge expressed in words.

This Self is like the inner being, the soul of the universe, the life-
principle, the Lord of Time, the Great Lord, the Perfect One. Though
unseen and unknown, it knows, for it is present everywhere and
witnesses all things from within. It is the eternal witness of all, the
Inner Being that holds the key to the true nature and life of

The universe is born from the Self, and in the Self alone, it dissolves.
The Self possesses a magical power to take various forms while
remaining unaffected and unchanged. It is not subject to the cycle of
birth and death, and it is not the physical world or any of its
elements. The Self is beyond the senses, the body, breath, mind, and
even the concept of individual identity.

The Self is not confined to sense organs or body parts; it is neither

inanimate matter nor a living person. While the transient aspects of
the world pass away like waves upon the sea, the Self is the
imperishable, changeless, undying sea of consciousness itself—a
witness to all that passes.

The world, with its five senses, is distinct from the Supreme Self,
much like light differs from darkness. The awakened ones perceive
the Perfect Self as eternally blissful and unchanging, free from
defects or the influence of opposites. Thoughts created by the mind
of unaware individuals are superimposed upon the Perfect Self,
leading them to identify with imperfections.

Man, determined by his mind (Manas), becomes what he thinks.

Under the influence of material existence, the Self, originally divine,
thinks of itself as a human. However, elevating oneself through noble
thoughts leads to a reunion with the All-Source, understanding that
all things come from it and return to it—a manifestation of the
eternal law.

Those who know the truth declare that the Self is the all-witness
beyond the sphere of matter, the universal enjoyer, deathless,
omnipresent, perfect, and ever-free. Embodied beings remain
subject to worldly existence due to ignorance and the confusion of
reality with matter caused by wrong knowledge.

An unawaken mind perceives itself as limited and individual despite

the vast and all-pervading nature of the ever-shining, self-luminous
Self. Due to thoughtlessness, man lives a diminutive life.
Sages realize that the Self is uncreated, formless, changeless, eternal,
and pure, while matter is created, many-formed, transient, and
tainted. The ignorant, immersed in worldly existence, confuses the
Self with matter, attributing qualities of matter to the pure and
perfect Self.

Deceived by the deluded mind, the ignorant fails to comprehend the

imperishable and perfect nature of the Self, confusing the Self with
the not-Self and not discerning what is real from what is a dream.
Lack of awareness leads to self-forgetfulness, wrong knowledge, and
the emergence of defects like greed, lust, envy, and hatred.

From lack of awareness arises self-forgetfulness, leading to wrong

knowledge, which results in defects of the mind. The performance of
actions based on wrong knowledge is considered the greatest defect.
Different physical bodies and minds are a result of one's past
tendencies, and the mind is shaped by the light of the soul tinted
with these tendencies.

In the Three Worlds, whether in this world or the next, everything

has a meaning and reason. The wise ones who dwell in unity with the
wise creator understand this, while others, immersed in vain
thoughts, may not perceive the truth even if shown.

Those seeking knowledge of the truth are encouraged to listen to the

word of truth, as only by understanding the truth can their souls find
peace. Truth is the remedy for sorrows, freeing the soul from the
burdens of the world. By hearing the truth, bound souls remember
their true self, realizing that the self, being omnipresent, lies within
oneself and pervades everywhere without, eternally free and ever-
Although the Divine Self is One, it appears as Many through its
magical power, not due to its inherent nature. Wise individuals, the
Knowers of Truth, testify that the Truth is One (Satyam Ekam).

Similar to how the sky remains unstained by clouds and the sun
untouched by darkness, the various activities of the mind—thoughts,
feelings, or sense perceptions—do not affect the Perfect Self. Only
the imperfect nature of the mind and body makes them susceptible.

Just as a pure crystal shines by its own luster, the Self shines
independently of any conditioning cause. The Universe, according to
wise men, is made of knowledge, arising from the waves of thought
on the surface of the Ocean of Universal Consciousness.

Men of Higher Vision understand the World is made of Knowledge,

while those with limited sight see it as mere physical matter. The
Self, by nature changeless consciousness, is mistakenly considered
insentient matter by those with wrong knowledge.

The Great Being is perceived in the form of objects but remains

distinct and unaffected. The World is seen as the manifestation of
the Great Consciousness, and this truth is the Good Tidings shared
with the World.

To the thinking person, ask: Do you believe in Love, Beauty, and Joy?
Do you believe in Truth, Justice, and Goodness? If so, then you
believe in Cosmic Intelligence, for Cosmic Intelligence is Truth,
Goodness, and Beauty. It is the force that drives humanity to seek
and empowers individuals to appreciate and enjoy these things.
Open your eyes and see the harmony and order from the smallest
atom to the vast universe. Could all this be without a Wise Creator,
or Cosmic Intelligence?
Furthermore, ponder on how a newborn knows how to suckle, or
how a weaver-bird learns to build nests. Consider who teaches a
duckling to swim or a diver to search for fish. Observe the
coordinated movements of ants, birds, and fish. All this points to the
Power of the Cosmic Intelligence, the Intelligence in all things upon
which all things depend. There is a clear sign in all these phenomena.

If you cannot see, then believe. Faith is the guide for those who
cannot see. Let faith be your light, and believing, you shall be guided
and not go astray. There is time both before and behind the present
moment, and life is never-ending. The Great Life, the Great Cosmic
Intelligence, is the source of all life. This Revelation brings His Truth
for those who believe, and they shall have nothing to fear in this life
or the next.

To the believer, say: All life comes from the Great Life, or Cosmic
Intelligence. You, a living Soul, are but a Spark from that Great Light.
Look into your heart, and you shall find all that you seek. The Soul, in
the silence of your heart, whispers Wisdom and Truth, while the
mind confounds with imaginations, delusions, and doubts.

Speak the plain truth to all who wish to know, and let unbelievers go
their own way. Those seeking perfection shall worship, meditate
upon, and hear about the Self as Ever-Existing, Stainless, Unchanged,
All-Pervading, Perfect, and Free.

The Light of Consciousness, the Great Unseen, is the constant among

the inconstant, the intelligence among intelligences. By knowing this,
Yogis attain Eternal Peace. Through Yoga, when a person perceives
nothing but Consciousness everywhere, they become a Perfect
Knower of the Self. They realize the Supreme when they see all living
beings abiding in the Self and the Self in all living beings.
Having realized the Highest, the Soul abides in the state of Unified
Consciousness (Samadhi), perceiving not the multitude of living
beings but only the One. In this state, the Soul becomes One with the
Supreme Self, attaining the state of Absolute Being.

Once the Soul perceives the Truth, all passions that cling to the heart
drop off, and, having become pure, attains Perfection. Acquiring a
living body of light, the Soul becomes immortal in this very life.
Realizing the diversity of living things as existing in the One and born
of that One leads to the attainment of the Highest.

When the Soul experiences the Absolute Self as a reality and sees the
entire Universe as immaterial, like an illusion, it reaches the state of
Highest Bliss (Paramananda). Attaining Perfect Knowledge of the
Supreme Being, the sole remedy for the sorrows of birth, old age,
and ailments, the Soul becomes one with the Ultimate Cosmic
Intelligence, the Ultimate of those who are Perfect.

Just as rivers merge with the Ocean, the Soul becomes one with the
Deathless and Unblemished Reality. Human and Divine Souls are
indistinguishably united, like sweet juices mingled into honey or
clouds, water, and flames joining together.

In the Three Worlds, there exists nothing but Cosmic Consciousness,

Soul, and Mind. When the Mind is stilled, only Soul and Cosmic
Consciousness remain. When the Soul is no longer distracted by the
Mind, it sees Cosmic Consciousness face to face and is lost in His
Infinite Embrace.

Knowledge of the Supreme alone exists; neither the World nor

its existence is real in comparison. Perfect Knowledge lies
shrouded in ignorance for those who lack the insight of Yoga,
Meditation and Spirituality. Ignorance, which is imperfect,
defective, and false knowledge, leads them astray.
Perfect Knowledge is without defect, subtle, free from doubts, and
ever-changeless. The realization of this is called Perfect Knowledge
(Vijnana). This Teaching of the Insight into Reality is the essence of all
spiritual teachings, and the practice of Yoga is the single-minded
concentration upon this Knowledge.

Knowledge is born of Yoga, and Yoga is established by means of

Knowledge. One who is endowed with both Yoga and Knowledge can
accomplish anything. What is attained through Yoga is also attained
through Spiritual Knowledge. Therefore, seeing Spiritual Knowledge
and Yoga as one, one perceives things as they really are.

People often get caught up in wanting power and doing various

things to achieve it. But when life ends, those who understand
spiritual wisdom and practice yoga reach a pure heavenly state that
everyone respects.

The Ultimate Self is that Supreme intelligence, whose power can be

reached through yoga. The Ultimate Self is the unseen force behind
the cosmic magic, the Greatest Cosmic Intelligence. The Ultimate Self
is praised in scriptures as the essence of everything, watching from

The Ultimate Self contains all shapes, tastes, scents, and sounds. The
Ultimate Self is beyond aging and death, present everywhere. The
Ultimate Self has hands and feet everywhere, can reach where birds
can't fly, and resides in all things. The Ultimate Self sees without
eyes, hears without ears, and knows all secrets from within. Yet,
despite all this, few truly know the Ultimate Self. Only those with
deep insight see the real Ultimate Self—the Formless One.

Now, for those who wonder, "How can an unseen and formless being
rule the world?" Here's the truth: The Ultimate Self governs through
cosmic intelligence, the eternal law that supports the world. Cosmic
intelligence is the supreme divine power, the source of all other laws
and powers.

This divine power, called Yoga Bala, holds the universe together and
is the unseen force behind the rule of the Ultimate Self. Like the wind
moving trees on Earth, the Ultimate Self, the Unseen field of energy,
governs the world from the secret abode. The Ultimate Self controls
everything beyond the sphere of cosmic magic that makes the
Ultimate Self invisible, like a cloud covering the sun.

Through this advanced knowledge, devoted yogis enter the inner,

omnipresent heart of the Ultimate Self, becoming united in perfect
harmony. They go beyond the cosmic magic, achieving Nirvana—the
end of desires and sorrows—and join the Ultimate Self in eternal

To those who shine bright like stars! I declare that those who follow
the teachings of the Ultimate Self are on the right path. Those who
don't will wander forever in the darkness of illusion. The Ultimate
Self, the enlightener of the three worlds, has revealed the hidden

Teach this special wisdom to those who truly understand it. Share it
with your children, disciples, and those who believe in the unseen
forces. People with limited understanding will grasp it when the time
is right for them.

The truth about the Ultimate Self is too complex for our minds to
fully grasp. Only a pure heart, deeply contemplating, can understand
it. Don't ignore this revelation; it's the light guiding you toward
perfection. Follow what you comprehend, and let the profound
mysteries be explored by the wise among you. Just like a child starts
with milk and later embraces solid food, even the slowest minds will
eventually grasp the highest truth.

The wisdom of yoga and insight into reality, meant for achieving
perfection, has been shared by me. It's like a powerful string of truth
beads that guides great sages to the dwelling of the Ultimate Self,
the eternal light.

Time, matter, and soul, all sprouted from the Supreme. Essentially,
everything in the world originates from these three, making the
world pretty much the same as the Supreme.

This Supreme Reality has spread everywhere at once. It possesses all

the senses but lacks sensory organs, governing and supporting
everything. It's a perpetual state of bliss, completely free from

Unrivaled, impossible to comprehend fully, beyond ordinary

understanding, devoid of alternatives, free from appearances, the
ultimate home for everything, deathless, connected with the
universe yet on a higher plane. It stays eternally consistent, without
any material attributes, the brightest light, and a form of perfect
knowledge that the wise folks appreciate.

It's the core of all living things, both within and beyond, surpassing
all. I am that core, the omnipresent, calm, mighty ruler, and the very
essence of consciousness.

The whole universe, including everything that moves and stays still,
exists within the Ultimate Self. Understanding this makes one truly
knowledgeable about spiritual teachings. In the eternal reality, Truth
is one, but it manifests in different forms: Spirit (like Fire), Energy
(like the Sun), and Matter (like the Moon). The Spirit is intelligent and
illuminating, representing the Ultimate Self. Energy creates worlds,
with bright and dark aspects influencing actions. This energy
solidifies into Matter, forming the material world, resembling the
Moon. Cosmic Intelligence, uplifting the soul to the light, is called
Shakti; when pulling the soul into the material world, it's Maya.
Everything the soul perceives is a manifestation of Cosmic
Intelligence. The universe comprises Matter and Spirit, with Time
being their essence. The Ultimate Self is both identical to and distinct
from these, eternally within itself. The material universe, born from
Material Energy, shapes life experiences. Although the soul is one, it
appears as many due to Cosmic Intelligence's enchantment. Wise
ones, free from this enchantment, realize the soul as their true self.

The Soul is like a radiant witness, perceiving its material aspect in the
mirror of consciousness, similar to the Sun reflecting in the Sea. This
reflection is Material Energy or Matter, giving rise to various
elements like Intellect, Ego, Lower Mind, Five Senses, and their
objects. The Will of the Self stirs the tranquil Sea of Matter, creating
waves of thought, feeling, and perception, birthing the World. The
first emanation is Intellect, leading to the birth of Ego, shaping one's
experiences and reactions. The Lower Mind, based on sense
perceptions, plays a role in this process. The Ego identifies with
worldly things, giving rise to self-consciousness. This identification
leads to the cycle of birth and death known as Samsara. Time,
eternal and beyond control, influences the birth and destruction of
beings in the Material World. Realizing the power of Unending Time
brings liberation from limited existence. Those bound by finite time
remain entangled in limited life, identifying themselves with material

Understand that the Universe operates as a well-ordered unity,

where rocks, plants, fish, birds, and beasts coexist harmoniously,
abiding by the World-Supporting Law. However, ignorant individuals
deviate from cosmic knowledge, seeking to be what they are not and
engaging in wrongful actions. This flawed Ego disrupts the sacred
unity, leading them to the Abode of Discord, where sin becomes
their god and sorrow their fate. The wise recognize the Ego as
humanity's greatest adversary. Associated with the Ego, the Pure
Spirit forgets its true identity, perceiving itself as dull and dependent
on outer light. Only through Yoga, which imparts self-knowledge, can
one realize the eternal nature of the Soul amidst the ever-changing
waves of matter. Recognize that the Self is the enduring reality, while
matter gives rise to thoughts, feelings, and perceptions like waves in
an ocean. The Yogi, knowing the Self, attains unity with the Only
Existing, Perfect, Ever-Living One through this understanding.

Yoga, the Power of Unity, establishes Wholeness, Harmony, and

Happiness in the World through three kinds of Unity: Human,
Worldwide, and Divine. Human Unity involves the harmonious
connection between Body, Mind, and Soul. Worldwide Unity extends
to the unity between people, nations, and nature. The highest form
is Divine Unity between Man and the Supreme. The remedy for
ignorance, disunity, disease, and suffering lies in the Perfect
Knowledge of Yoga, leading to Spiritual Illumination and life in unity
with the Divine. Those with Spiritual Knowledge recognize that the
Sense Organs surpass the objects they perceive. The wise understand
the hierarchy, where the Lower Mind is greater than the Sense
Organs, the Thought of I and Mine is greater than the Lower Mind,
the Intellect is greater than the Ego, Unmanifest Matter surpasses
the Intellect, and the Soul Proper is greater than Matter. Maya, the
Lord's Wondrous Power, envelops the Material Universe, holding
embodied Souls under its magical spell, keeping them in their current
Beyond Maya is the radiant Sphere of Shakti (Energy), Shiva's
(Cosmic Consciousness) Infinite Power, where Liberated Souls reside.
These Divine Souls, having gained Shiva's Three Powers—Action,
Knowledge, and Will—ascend the Threefold Stairway to Supreme
Perfection. Each step leads to a Higher World, culminating in the
Highest Heaven. In Shiva's World of Spirit (Shivalaya), dwell those
who acquire the last Two Powers—Divine Intelligence and Bliss—
becoming forever One with Him. Above this Spiritual World, the
Supreme Lord, the Essence of all Knowledge, presides. In the end,
when Kalagni Rudra, the All-Consuming Fiery God of Consciousness,
dissolves all Worlds and merges Souls into the Supreme Self, the
Infinite Abode of Spirit prevails. The Cosmic Consciousness, Master
of Maya (illusion), and identical with it, is One with the Power of
Time, creating and controlling all Worlds. The Cosmic
Consciousness’s Infinite Self creates, sustains, and annihilates all
things, for the Supreme Alone Exists. Time, as the measuring tool of
the Unmeasured Glory, gives rise to the smallest measure of Time,
known to the Supreme and the Awakened Ones. To the unawakened,
Time on Earth is reckoned by observing moving celestial bodies, as
movement is Time—a form of knowledge perceived through changes
in a knower's field.

The primary observable movement is that of the Vital Breath (Prana).

The Ultimate Self, the Life and Soul of the Universe, descends from
the Highest State and enters an embodied Soul, animating it through
the Vital Breath. The Great Wheel of Time (Kala-Chakra) comes into
being through the power of breath. Man's life, dependent on breath,
is marked by in-breath, out-breath, and the holding of breath.
Remembering in-breath reveals the Past, resting before out-breath
signifies the Present, and contemplating the next out-breath unveils
the Future.
Days, Months, Years, and Cosmic Cycles arise from breath, and
without breath, there is no Time. The Ultimate, the Great Life,
breathes through all created things, creating and beholding all forms
of Time. Those who attain Unity with the Lord of Time through Yoga
go to the Supreme Abode of Shiva, where true Life is found in Unity,
and Death and Suffering belong to the Abode of Separation. The
Great Unmanifest Void is the Secret Place from which all things are
born and to which they return. The Two Breaths represent creation
and dissolution, revealing the oneness of the individual and the Lord.
The Supreme Spiritual Teacher declares this Eternal Truth for all to

Ultimate Self is realized through devoted practice, not mere rituals or

charity. It resides within all beings as the Cosmic Witness. Ultimate
Self, the Creator, Lord of Time, and Fiery God, exists both in the
Universe and every heart. Yogis, through meditation, grasp Ultimate
Self's luminous presence. It receives offerings and rewards devotion.
Pious individuals, knowledgeable and devoted, sense Ultimate Self's
proximity. Following the path of Ultimate Self, even those with a
history of wrongdoing find liberation. Ultimate Self, the eternal
teacher, protects the virtuous and upholds divine law. It is the
originator, sustainer, and restrainer of all powers. Higher knowledge
unravels Maya for Yogis. Ultimate Self governs the universe and
manifests as Brahma in the function of creation.

The ultimate self observes the Universe as its own manifestation,

engaging in the continuous cycles of creation, maintenance, and
dissolution. As the Master of Yogis, the ultimate self is the guiding
force behind the yogic path, where those who recognize the ultimate
self as the Overlord of all Yoga Masters find union through the
profound practice of Yoga. Manifesting as the Highest Truth, the
ultimate self, from which all Souls originate, draws them back to
itself, the culmination dependent on the ultimate self's Will. The
yogic journey serves as the path leading towards reunion with the
ultimate self, serving as both the guiding light and ultimate goal. The
Light of Truth, received externally as Revelation and internally as
Inward Illumination, paves the way to Salvation. Adhering to the
ultimate self's Path of Light enables the seeker to transcend
obscurities, attaining Salvation in the present life. This profound
knowledge, encapsulated in True Scriptures, is meant to be shared
with those possessing a pure mind, virtuous character, and a
reverence for the sacred flame.

In the domain of cosmic intelligence, a resonating voice proclaimed

itself as the Essence of all essences, the cosmic wisdom. It asserted
its presence within the heart of every being, encompassing all
existence within its vast cosmic intelligence.

Identifying as the manifestation of cosmic intelligence, it epitomized

a harmonious equilibrium, the origin of all celestial movements. It
likened its nature to the harmonious interplay of cosmic elements,
seamlessly balancing motion and stillness. It expressed itself through
the radiant forms of deities and myriad living entities, while
simultaneously resting in its infinite, singular essence. Acquiring
knowledge of this truth was considered the pursuit of the highest
cosmic wisdom, with the path illuminated by the practice of cosmic

Observers, tuned into cosmic intelligence, witnessed this cosmic

dance, observing Consciousness gracefully swaying and whirling in
the cosmic firmament like a radiant wheel of cosmic fire. They
perceived the cosmic dancer, whose sublime presence dispelled
fears and illusions. Shiva, the embodiment of cosmic intelligence,
radiated divine brilliance to those who had attained mastery over
cosmic rhythms, controlled breath, and approached with serene
cosmic devotion.

In the cosmic expanse, these cosmic observers beheld the liberator,

a benevolent cosmic entity instantly freeing devotees from cosmic
ignorance. The cosmic drama unfolded, orchestrated by the
Sovereign Consciousness, the cosmic architect of the universe,
leaving an enduring imprint on the understanding of those attuned
to the cosmic intelligence.

Hereafter the word “Self” is representing your ultimate awareness,

which is without identity, without ego and without boundaries. It’s
the eternal and pure awareness.

The Ultimate, the Universal Energy, are the subtle essence pervading
all existence, smaller than an atom yet greater than the greatest. In
wisdom, it's acknowledged that Self alone truly exist.

Through Self Divine Powers – Creation, Maintenance, Dissolution,

Obscuration, and Liberation – the Universe unfolds like a cosmic
dance. Unity holds everything together, and Self is the unchanging

Scriptures originate in self, the Cause of all, guiding the Cosmic

Drama from within our hearts. All unfolds according to self’s
Supreme Command as the Original Soul.

The Master of Cosmic Magic, the Cosmic Intelligence, we seek refuge

in self, the very Soul of Yoga and Universal Unity, the Dancer of the
Divine Dance.

Witnessing Cosmic Dance, we remember ultimate Glory eternally.

Self, dwelling in all, remain Ever-Still amid the dance of existence.
OM, the Seed of Liberation, symbolizes self, imperishable yet
concealed in Primordial Nature. Wise ones affirm Ultimate as the
Self-Luminous Truth.

Holy Scriptures sing Cosmic praises, and sages bow before Self.
Ascetics, immersed in the Supreme, merge into self, the Most
Excellent One.

Beginningless, with a Form as vast as the Universe, self bring creation

to an end. The Highest Creator and Preserver, those in Self
experience the bliss of their Inner Self.

As the All-Consuming Fiery God, Ultimate create and protect the

Universe. All worlds turn to the Ultimate as their Ultimate Goal. True
Knowledge aligns the mind, and we seek refuge in self alone.

Spiritual Knowledge, like the Tree of Heaven, reveals in self alone.

Through Self’s Supreme Knowledge, seekers cross the ocean of
Cosmic Illusion, finding refuge in this lifetime.

Self is the Wise One praised in holy books. People see Self as the
Eternal Force, the Creator of life, and the Sun God in different forms.
Everyone knows Self as the Protector of Life that never changes and
is always good.

Smart folks think of you as the Original Soul, shining like the Midnight
Sun beyond what we don't understand. You are Consciousness Itself,
going beyond worldly things.

Self’s presence is beyond words and thoughts, like a special and

unchanging part of a big dream.

Unawakened souls are dreaming, unaware of our true nature.

Ordinary folks identify with the sleeping soul, but the wise, like yogis,
remain vigilant even in apparent slumber. Through divine
knowledge, they rise to the supreme truth. The analogy compares
the sleeping soul to the moon and the waking soul to the sun. The
fire of knowledge dissolves distinctions, revealing their oneness. True
wisdom is a guiding light, distinguishing the awakened ones from
those lost in the sleep of ignorance.

This supreme knowledge of Yoga, Meditation and Spirituality

liberates beings from the bondage of limited life (samsara) and
unites them with the Ultimate, the great Cosmic Intelligence. Yoga
and unity are synonymous, offering a profound path to transcend the
cycles of existence.

Now we will discuss techniques of meditations given in Viggyan

Bhairav Tantra. Here Viggyan Bhairav Tantra is presented chapter
wise and explained under the sections of spirituality, neuroscience,
psychology, quantum physics and in manifestations. We will touch all
the aspects of Viggyan Bhairav Tantra techniques.
112 Techniques of Meditation from Viggyan Bhairav Tantra

1. The Supreme Energy and Fulfillment:

When you breathe out, feel the energy going up; when you breathe
in, feel it going down. Focus on where the breath begins. Doing this
brings a sense of fulfillment.

2. Concentrating on Breath Flow:

Pay attention to where your breath starts inside and where it goes
outside. Also, notice where it starts outside and goes inside. Through
this practice, you connect with the essential form of God.

3. Centering Breath and Energy:

Focus on the point where breath doesn't go in or out. This still point
makes thoughts vanish. You'll see the form of Energy, and through it,
the form of God becomes visible.

4. Retaining Breath for Peace:

After inhaling or exhaling, hold your breath. This leads to a state of

peace, and eventually, true Peace is revealed through the Energy.

5. Meditation on Rising Energy:

Imagine a bright ray of light rising from the base of your spine. It
gets subtler until it dissolves at the top. This leads to the appearance
of God.
6. Energy as Lightning:

Picture the energy rising like lightning through each energy center of
spine. Eventually, you'll feel a profound Love emerging.

7. Meditation on Sanskrit Letters:

Focus on each of the twelve Sanskrit letters, first in a basic way, then
in a subtler form, and finally in a supreme form. Eventually, let go of
these forms and connect with the divine essence (Shiva).

8. Concentrating on the Divine Point:

Concentrate without thoughts on a point between and above your

eyebrows. Divine Energy will rise and fill you with ecstasy when it
reaches the crown of your head.
9. Meditating on Void:

Imagine the five voids as circles on a peacock's tail. As these circles

dissolve, you'll enter the Supreme Void within.

10. Absorption into the Supreme Reality:

Gradually focus your attention on anything—space, a wall, or a great

person. By doing this, you become completely absorbed into the
Supreme Reality.

11. Inner Concentration for Perceiving Reality:

Close your eyes and concentrate inside your skull. With firm
concentration, you'll gradually perceive the Supreme Reality.

12. Meditation on the Central Channel: Picture

the central channel in your spine like a lotus
thread. Meditate on the space within it. The
Goddess will reveal God through this practice.
13. Light Between the Eyebrows:

Concentrate on the point between

your eyebrows. You'll see a light.
Close the seven openings of the
senses in your head with your
fingers. The light will dissolve, and
you'll reside in the highest state.

14. Gently Pressing the Eyes:

Gently press your eyes. A subtle light will appear at the top of your
head or in your heart. Immerse yourself in this light, and you'll be
absorbed into the Highest Reality.

15. Bathing in the Sound:

Deeply immerse yourself in the continuous sound of a flowing river

or, by closing your ears, hear the unstruck sound of God. Through
this, you'll realize God.

16. Chanting AUM:

Slowly chant AUM, focusing on the void at the end of the prolonged
sound. Through the supreme energy of the void, you'll reach the

17. Concentrating on the Void:

Concentrate on the void at the beginning or end of the sound of any

letter. By the power of that void, you'll become the Void.
18. Listening to Diminishing Sounds:

Listen attentively to the gradual diminishing of sounds from stringed

and other musical instruments. Through this, you'll attain the form of
the Supreme Space.

19. Chanting AUM and Becoming Shiva:

Chant AUM audibly. As the sound diminishes, focus on the point

where it ends into the void. Through this, you become Shiva.

20. Pervading Space:

With a thought-free mind, concentrate on your body. Simultaneously

imagine space spreading in all directions. Through this, you become

21. Meditating on Void:

Meditate on both the space above and the base as void. The Energy,
independent of the body, makes your mind devoid of thoughts.

22. Firm Meditation on Void:

Firmly meditate on the

above, the base, and the
heart as void. This frees
you from thoughts,
leading to a permanent
state of thoughtlessness.

23. Body as Void:

For a short while, consider any part of your body as just void. This
makes you permanently free of thoughts, and your form becomes
24. Pervading Empty Space:

Consider all parts of your body to be filled with empty space. This
makes you settled in that conception permanently.

25. Skin as the Wall of an Empty Body:

Imagine your skin as the wall of an empty body with nothing inside.
By meditating like this, you reach a state beyond meditation.

26. Concentrating on the Heart Space:

When your senses turn inward, concentrate on the center of the

two bowls of the lotus in your heart. This leads to attaining Supreme

27. Absorbing the Mind:

Completely absorb your mind at the center of your body where the
inhaled breath ends. Steadiness in concentration leads to perceiving
your true nature.

28. Fixing Attention Between Breaths:

Throughout the day, focus your attention between two breaths.

Depriving the mind of support for a few days leads to freedom.

29. Imagining Body Burning:

Imagine your body being burnt by a fire rising from the right foot to
the top. This leads to a calm splendor.

30. Burning the Entire World:

Meditate with undivided attention, imagining the entire world being

burnt by fire. This practice leads to the highest state.

31. Subtlety and the Supreme Goddess:

Meditate that the elements of your body or the world become
subtler until they disappear. In the end, the Supreme Goddess is

32. Slow Breath Meditation:

Inhale and exhale slowly with sound. Meditate on the two places
where the breath ends. This leads to liberation and independence.

33. Dissolving the Universe:

Imagine the entire universe dissolving from gross to subtle, and then
from subtle to supreme. Eventually, dissolve your mind.

34. Universe as Part of Shiva:

Meditate that the entire universe, up to its limits, is part of Shiva.

This leads to a great awakening.

35. Universe as a Void:

Consider the entire universe as a void. Your mind dissolves, and you
become absorbed into the Void.

36. Bowl Meditation:

Look at a bowl without seeing its partitions. As you become

absorbed into space, you'll be full of space.

37. Meditation on Open Space:

Look at a vast open space without trees or obstacles. When your

mind completely dissolves, you experience a new birth.

38. Residing Between Thoughts: When you have knowledge of two

thoughts, leave them both aside and reside in the center between
them. Your true nature shines forth.
39. Mind at Rest:

When your mind leaves a thought and is restrained from moving

towards another, it comes to rest in the middle. Your true nature
blossoms brilliantly.

40. Consciousness Meditation:

With a thought-free mind, consider your entire body or the universe

to be consciousness. This leads to the Supreme Awakening.

41. Meeting Points of Breath:

Concentrate on either of the two meeting points of your breath,

internal or external. This results in the birth of perfect

42. Blissful Universe:

Consider your entire body or the universe to be full of your own bliss.
Through your bliss, you'll be full of the Supreme Bliss.

43. Joyful Caress:

Great joy arises instantly when being caressed. Through that joy,
your true nature is manifested

44. Sensory Withdrawal and Life Energy:

Close all your senses, and feel the Life Energy rising through the
center of your spine. You’ll experience a tingling sensation, and
profound joy will spread throughout.

45. Joy in Sexual Union:

Focus on the joy between the beginning and end of sexual intimacy.
This fills you with Energy, and through the bliss of love, you unite
with God.
46. Joy in Orgasm:

During sexual intercourse, especially at the moment of orgasm,

experience the great joy. This joy reflects God’s nature and is a part
of your own self.

47. Joyful Memory:

Even in the absence of a woman, recall the intense joy from the
memory of love-making. This recollection brings a flood of joy.

48. Meditating on Joyful Moments:

Whenever you experience great joy, like seeing a friend after a long
time, meditate on that joy. Your mind will merge into joy.

49. Joy in Eating and Drinking:

Simple Explanation: Experience joy from the pleasure of eating and

drinking. Fill yourself with that joy, and you’ll attain great joy.

50. Joy in Sensory Pleasures:

Engaging in sensory pleasures like singing brings great joy. Merge

with that joy through meditation and experience self-growth.

51. Focusing on Satisfying Places:

Wherever your mind finds satisfaction, focus your attention there.

The Supreme Bliss of your true nature will manifest.

52. Meditating on the State between Sleep and Wakefulness:

Concentrate on the state where sleep hasn’t fully appeared but the
external world has disappeared. In that state, the Supreme Goddess
is revealed.
53. Sight on Colored Light: Fix your sight on the place where light
forms different colors from the sun or a lamp. Your True Self will
reveal itself there.

54. Mudras and Supreme

Reality:Through yogic practices
like Karankini, Krodhana, Bhairavi,
Lelihana, and Khecari Mudras, the
Supreme Reality is revealed.

55. Seated Understanding of

Supreme Reality:

Sit on a soft seat with one buttock, no support for hands and feet. By
staying in this position, you’ll be filled with the understanding of the
Supreme Reality.

56. Arching Arms for Great Peace:

While sitting comfortably, curve your arms overhead like an arch.

Focus your mind on the space in your armpits, and you’ll experience
Great Peace.

57. Unblinking Stare at an Object:

Look firmly without blinking at any object. The mind will lose its
support, and soon you’ll reside in Shiva.

58. Tongue Upward for Peace:

With your mouth wide open, throw your tongue upwards to the
center of the palate. Focus on the middle of the tongue, feeling the
sound “Ha.” This leads to dissolution in Peace.
59. Imagining Body Without Support:

While seated, imagine your body without support on a bed or couch.

When the mind disappears, your fixed place of residence disappears.

60. Rhythmic Movement for Calm Mind:

Experience the rhythmic movement of the body in a moving vehicle

or by slowly swinging in a still place. This calms the mind, bringing a
flood of divinity.

61. Continuous Stare at Clear Sky:

Look continuously at a clear sky without moving. From that moment,

you’ll obtain the form of God.

62. Space Absorption in Head:

Meditate that the entire space or sky is absorbed in your head. By

absorbing the qualities of God, you’ll acquire the brilliant form of

63. States of Consciousness and God’s Light:

Recognize the waking, dream, and deep sleep states as forms of God.
This realization fills you with the infinite light of God.

64. Concentrating on Darkness:

On a completely dark night during the lunar month’s dark half,

concentrate on the darkness for a long time. This propels you
towards the form of God.

65. Concentrating on Inner Darkness:

In the absence of a dark night, close your eyes and concentrate on

the darkness in front of you. Opening your eyes, see the dark form of
God spreading everywhere. This leads to unity with God.
66. Void Beyond Duality:

When any sense organ is obstructed or restrained, you enter a void

beyond duality. In that void, your True Self is revealed.

67. Reciting Vowel A for Knowledge:

Continuously recite the vowel A without the sounds M or H. This

brings a great flood of knowledge of God.

68. Sound H and Concentration:

Make the sound H and concentrate on the end of the sound. As the
mind loses its support, you touch God permanently.

69. Meditation on Self as Space:

Meditate on your own self in the form of space, unlimited in all

directions. You’ll see your own form as the unsupported energy of

70. Piercing Body and Divine Purity:

Pierce any part of your body with a sharp needle and join your
awareness to that place. There, you’ll obtain the purity of God.

71. Meditation on Emptiness:

Meditate on emptiness within yourself, thinking “There is nothing

inside me.” This leads to the abandonment of all thoughts, and in a
thoughtless state, you’ll reach God.

72. Understanding Unity:

Firmly understand that a small part of anything with a name is a

tempting illusion. The primary quality of your true nature is unity.
From this understanding, you won’t remain separate.
73. Ending Desire Immediately:

When a desire arises, end it immediately. You’ll be absorbed in the

very place from which the desire arose.

74. Reflection on Essential Reality:

Reflect on the condition where desire or knowledge hasn’t arisen,

asking “Who am I?” By this, you’ll be absorbed into your essential

75. Stopping Reflection on Desire:

When desire or knowledge arises, stop reflecting on them. Consider

the Self as identical with consciousness, and your true nature

76. True Nature of God:

The true nature of God is without cause and support. Its eternal,
without beginning and end. Recognizing this, one becomes Shiva

77. Universal Consciousness:

Consciousness is the essential quality in all bodies. Everything is

made of the same consciousness. Understanding this makes a person
victorious over worldly existence.

78. Stopping Strong Emotions:

When strong emotions like desire, anger, greed, etc., appear, stop
the mind. By doing that, the True Reality underlying those emotions

79. Seeing the World as Illusion:

See the whole world as magic jugglery, a picture, or an illusion. This

meditation brings joy.
80. True Reality Between Pleasure and Pain:

Do not place your thoughts on pleasure or pain. True Reality lies

between the two.

81. Leaving Concern for the Body:

Leave behind concern for your body. Believe “I am everywhere” with

a firm mind, and joy will be attained.

82. Omnipresence Belief:

Believe that knowledge, desire, etc., are not only within yourself but
everywhere in objects. With this belief, one becomes omnipresent.

83. Awareness of Self in Yogis:

The awareness of object and subject is common, but yogis have the
distinction that they are always aware of the self.

84. All-Pervading Belief:

Leave aside concern for your body, continuously believe that the
same consciousness is present in yourself and other bodies. In a few
days, you will be all-pervading.

85. Stopping Thoughts for Supreme Self:

By stopping all thoughts, the mind becomes without support. The

self then becomes the Supreme Self of God.

86. God-like Qualities Belief:

God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. Believe firmly, “I

have those same qualities of God,” and you become God.
87. Universe Arising from God: Just as waves arise from water,
flames from fire, the various forms of the universe have arisen from

88. Turning Body for Supreme State:

Swiftly turn your body round and round until you fall to the ground.
At the end of the energy of motion, the Supreme State is born.

89. Dissolution into Energy and God:

When there is a lack of energy or knowledge, the mind dissolves, and

one is absorbed into energy. When the energy subsides, God

90. Unification with the Supreme through Fixed Eyes:

Fix your eyes without blinking. Unification with the Supreme occurs
immediately through this focused gaze.

91. Meditation on Sound:

Close the ears and compress the opening of the rectum. Meditate on
the sound without vowel or consonant. This leads to permanent
entry into God.

92. Deep Well Meditation:

Stand over a deep well and look without blinking at the deep hollow
space. The mind becomes free of thoughts, and then it is
immediately dissolved.

93. Omnipresence of Shiva:

Wherever the mind goes, externally or internally, there is the form of

Shiva. Since God is omnipresent, the mind has nowhere else to go.
94. Increased Awareness: Whenever awareness is increased through
any sense organ, remain in that awareness. The mind dissolves, and
you are filled with the Supreme Self.

95. States Full of the State of God:

During specific states like sneezing, danger, sorrow, weeping,

curiosity, and hunger, the State of God is full. Recognize and
experience these moments.

96. Remembering Sight:

Leave concern for your body and remember the sight of a place,
object, or incident. The mind becomes without support, and you
experience a flood of Divinity.

97. Withdrawal from Object:

After looking at an object, slowly withdraw your sight from it, along
with your knowledge and thoughts of it. You will then reside in the

98. Devotion and Understanding of Divine Energy:

From an abundance of devotion and a detached nature, an

understanding of the Divine Energy is born. Continuously be in her
presence, and you become Shiva.

99. Meditation on Emptiness:

Understand that an object is empty inside, and emptiness is a feature

of all objects. Meditate on that emptiness with a mind free of
thoughts, and you become calm even though the object is perceived
or known.

100. Beyond Dualizing Thoughts: What is considered pure or impure

by people of little understanding is neither pure nor impure in the
Shaiva system. Rising above dualizing thoughts leads to complete

101. Non-Dual Knowledge:

Understanding that God exists everywhere, common in all, leads to

non-dual knowledge. There is nothing else but God.

103. Equanimity Towards All:

Knowing that God completely fills everything makes one the same
towards enemies and friends, in honor and dishonor. This attitude
brings joy.

104. Liberation from Aversion and Attachment:

Have no aversion or attachment towards any person or place. By

remaining in the center between the two, you are liberated from the
duality of aversion and attachment, experiencing God everywhere.

105. Contemplation on the Beyond:

Contemplate that which is beyond knowledge, grasping, and void as

God. This leads to the birth of enlightenment.

106. Meditation on External Space:

Fix the mind on external space, which is eternal, supportless, void,

all-pervasive, and silent. By doing this, you completely enter non-

107. Freedom from Thoughts:

Wherever the mind goes, leave that thought at that very moment. By
not allowing the mind to settle into thoughts, you become free of
108. Continuous Recitation of Bhairava: God gives rise to everything
and pervades everything. By continuously reciting the word Bhairava
(God), one becomes God.

109. Assertion Meditation:

During assertions like “I am, this is mine, etc.,” let the mind go to
that which is without support. This meditation impels the attainment
of Peace.

110. Meditation on Divine Qualities:

Meditate every moment on words like “Eternal, omnipresent,

supportless, all-pervasive, and Lord of the Entire Universe.” This
leads to the attainment of one’s object.

111. Illusory Nature of the Universe:

The entire universe is not real; it’s like an illusion or magic show.
Firmly believing this brings abidance in Peace.

112. Unchangeable Self:

The Self is unchangeable. There is no knowledge or activity in it.

External existence or objects depend on knowledge, making this
world void.
Some other techniques to realise the self

Beyond Bondage and Liberation:

There is neither bondage nor liberation for the Self. Those terrified of
these concepts should see them as images of the mind, like the
image of the sun in water.

Detachment from Senses:

All experiences of pleasure, pain, etc., come through the senses.

Detach yourself from the senses, turn within, and abide in your own

Unity of the Knower and the Known:

All things are revealed by the knower, and the Self is revealed
through all things. Perceive the knower and the known as one
because their nature is the same.

Disappearance of the Four:

Mind, intellect, energy of life, and limited self—when this group of

four disappears, the state of God appears.
Viggyan Bhairava Tantra in chapters with Scientefic Prespectives

Chapter 1: Centering Awareness

In this chapter, Lord Shiva begins the dialogue with Goddess Parvati
by describing the essence of the teachings. The focus of this chapter
is on centering awareness and transcending the limitations of the
mind. The techniques provided guide practitioners to go beyond
ordinary perception and tap into the infinite consciousness that
underlies all of existence.

Some of the techniques from Chapter 1 include:

Witnessing the Breath: Practitioners are instructed to observe the

natural breath without trying to control it. By becoming a witness to
the breath, one can start to disengage from the constant chatter of
the mind and enter a state of deep awareness.

Concentration on Inner Light: This technique involves closing the

eyes and focusing on the inner light (rising in the spine from root
towards the top of head) that exists within. The goal is to shift
attention from external stimuli to the internal realm, recognizing the
inner luminosity that is beyond ordinary sensory experiences.

Contemplating the Universal Consciousness: Here, individuals are

encouraged to contemplate the nature of universal consciousness.
By recognizing the interconnectedness of all things and
contemplating the vastness of existence, practitioners can expand
their awareness beyond the limited egoic self.

Awareness in Inactivity: This technique involves being aware of the

stillness and inactivity that exist between two thoughts or actions. By
bringing attention to the gaps between mental activities, individuals
can access a state of pure consciousness that transcends mental

These techniques serve as a foundation for the subsequent chapters,

each of which explores different aspects of meditation and
consciousness. Chapter 1 sets the tone for the entire Vigyan Bhairav
Tantra by emphasizing the importance of centering awareness,
witnessing the mind, and recognizing the divine essence within. The
teachings are designed to guide practitioners on a transformative
journey toward self-realization and spiritual awakening.

1. Spiritual Perspective:

Chapter 1 of the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra lays the foundation for the
spiritual journey by emphasizing the importance of centering
awareness. The techniques, such as witnessing the breath,
contemplating the universal consciousness, and awareness in
inactivity, guide practitioners toward a state of inner stillness and
heightened awareness.

Witnessing the Breath: This technique encourages individuals to go

beyond the surface of the breath and connect with the life force that
animates the body. It serves as a reminder of the presence of the
divine within and the interconnectedness of all life.

Contemplating Universal Consciousness: The practice of

contemplating the universal consciousness invites individuals to
recognize the oneness that pervades the entire cosmos. It aligns with
spiritual principles of non-duality and interconnectedness.

Awareness in Inactivity: By becoming aware of the stillness between

thoughts or actions, practitioners are guided to touch the essence of
pure consciousness that transcends the constant movement of the

2. Neuroscience:

From a neuroscience perspective, the practices in Chapter 1 align

with concepts related to attention, mindfulness, and the brain's
ability to change through focused awareness.

Witnessing the Breath: Mindful observation of the breath can

activate the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation
and a sense of calm.

Contemplating Universal Consciousness: Contemplative practices

have been associated with changes in brain function, including
increased connectivity in regions related to self-awareness and

Awareness in Inactivity: Mindfulness practices that involve

observing gaps in mental activity have been linked to changes in the
brain's default mode network, associated with self-referential

3. Psychological Perspective:

The practices in Chapter 1 have psychological implications related to

self-awareness, ego dissolution, and the exploration of

Witnessing the Breath: Observing the breath can serve as a

mindfulness anchor, allowing individuals to detach from habitual
thought patterns and observe the mind without identification.

Contemplating Universal Consciousness: The contemplation of

universal consciousness aligns with psychological concepts of
expanding one's perspective beyond the individual ego and
recognizing interconnectedness.

Awareness in Inactivity: Focusing on the stillness between thoughts

promotes a form of mindfulness that can lead to a quieter mind and
enhanced emotional regulation.

4. Quantum Physics:

Chapter 1's emphasis on oneness and interconnectedness resonates

with certain principles in quantum physics:

Contemplating Universal Consciousness: The idea of universal

consciousness aligns with the interconnected nature of quantum
particles and the concept that everything is interconnected at a
fundamental level.

Awareness in Inactivity: The recognition of stillness between

thoughts corresponds to the quantum idea of a fundamental ground
state of existence underlying the apparent fluctuations.

5. Manifesting Desires:

Witnessing the Breath: Developing mindfulness through breath

awareness creates a focused and centered state that can be
conducive to conscious manifestation.

Contemplating Universal Consciousness: Recognizing the oneness of

all existence may foster a mindset that aligns more harmoniously
with the process of manifesting desires.

Awareness in Inactivity: Cultivating a state of inner stillness may

create a receptive space for manifesting intentions and desires
through focused intention.
In summary, Chapter 1 of the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra provides a rich
tapestry of practices that resonate across spiritual, scientific, and
psychological frameworks, offering individuals a holistic approach to
self-discovery and transformation.
Chapter 2: Dharana (Concentration) Techniques

Chapter 2 of the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra delves into various

techniques of concentration or dharana. Concentration is considered
a crucial aspect of meditation as it helps to still the mind and direct
attention to a single point. By mastering concentration, practitioners
can deepen their meditation and access higher states of
consciousness. Here are some techniques from Chapter 2

Concentration on Chakras: This technique involves focusing on the

energy centers or chakras in the body. By directing attention to
specific points along the spinal column, practitioners can activate
and harmonize the flow of energy, facilitating a state of balance and
heightened awareness.
Merging the Breath with Cosmic Breath: In this practice, individuals
are guided to perceive the breath as not only a physical process but
as a connection to the cosmic breath or universal life force. By
merging one's breath with the cosmic breath, a sense of oneness
with the entire universe can be cultivated.

Gazing at a Still Point: Practitioners are instructed to gaze at a single

point, either externally or internally. This technique helps to cultivate
single-pointed focus, leading to a quieting of the mind and an
expansion of awareness beyond the point of focus.

Concentration on the Inner Sound: This technique involves directing

attention to the inner sound or "nada." The idea is to listen inwardly
to the subtle sounds that arise within the mind, transcending
external auditory stimuli. This practice is believed to lead to a
deepening of concentration and inner stillness.

Chapter 2 builds upon the foundation laid in Chapter 1 by

introducing practices that harness the power of concentration. The
goal is to move beyond the distractions of the external world and the
fluctuations of the mind, ultimately leading to a profound inner
stillness and heightened awareness. Each technique is a pathway for
the practitioner to explore and experience the transformative
potential of focused concentration on the spiritual journey.

Let’s explore Chapter 2 in different perspectives:

1. Spiritual Perspective:

Chapter 2 introduces concentration techniques, emphasizing the

power of focused attention to deepen meditation. From a spiritual
Concentration on Chakras: Focusing on the energy centers aligns
with the spiritual understanding of balancing and awakening the
subtle energies within the body.

Merging the Breath with Cosmic Breath: This practice acknowledges

the connection between individual life force (breath) and the cosmic
energy, highlighting the unity between the microcosm and the

Gazing at a Still Point: Concentrating on a still point, whether

internal or external, reflects the spiritual goal of finding stability and
tranquility within the fluctuations of the mind.

2. Neuroscience:

From a neuroscience perspective, concentration practices have

implications for attentional control and neural plasticity:

Concentration on Chakras: Focusing attention on specific areas of

the body may enhance neural connections and activate brain regions
associated with concentration and self-awareness.

Merging the Breath with Cosmic Breath: The integration of breath

and cosmic breath may induce a state of focused attention,
potentially impacting neural circuits related to breath regulation and

Gazing at a Still Point: Concentrating on a still point can engage the

brain's visual processing areas and contribute to heightened
attention and awareness.
3. Psychological Perspective:

The techniques in Chapter 2 involve honing concentration skills,

which have psychological implications:

Concentration on Chakras: The focused attention on chakras can be

seen as a form of mindfulness, promoting self-awareness and
emotional regulation.

Merging the Breath with Cosmic Breath: Integrating the breath with
cosmic energy may contribute to a sense of interconnectedness,
fostering positive psychological states.

Gazing at a Still Point: Concentrating on a still point cultivates a

centered and calm mental state, potentially reducing stress and
promoting psychological well-being.

4. Quantum Physics:

Chapter 2's emphasis on unity and concentration resonates with

certain principles in quantum physics:

Concentration on Chakras: Focusing on specific energy centers aligns

with the quantum idea that consciousness plays a fundamental role
in shaping reality.

Merging the Breath with Cosmic Breath: Recognizing the connection

between individual breath and cosmic breath reflects the quantum
concept of entanglement and interconnectedness.

Gazing at a Still Point: Concentrating on a still point echoes the

quantum principle that observation influences the behavior of
quantum particles.
5. Manifesting Desires:

Concentration on Chakras: Focused attention on chakras may

enhance the clarity and strength of intentions.

Merging the Breath with Cosmic Breath: Aligning the breath with
cosmic energy can create a receptive state for manifestation through
focused intention.

Gazing at a Still Point: Concentrating on a still point can serve as a

focal point for visualizing and manifesting desires with clarity.

In summary, Chapter 2 of the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra introduces

concentration techniques that bridge spiritual and scientific
perspectives, offering individuals a pathway to enhance self-
awareness, focus, and connection with the broader dimensions of
Chapter 3: Awareness of the Body and Beyond

Chapter 3 explores techniques that involve heightened awareness of

the body and the expansion of consciousness beyond physical
boundaries. The practices in this chapter aim to dissolve the illusion
of a separate self and cultivate a holistic awareness that transcends
individual limitations. Here are some techniques from Chapter 3:

Merging Inner and Outer Space: Practitioners are guided to perceive

the space within the body as being continuous with the outer space.
This technique encourages an expansion of awareness beyond the
physical boundaries of the body, fostering a sense of unity with the
vastness of the cosmos.

Sensory Withdrawal: This technique involves withdrawing attention

from the external senses and turning it inward. By disengaging from
sensory perceptions, individuals can redirect their awareness to the
inner realms of consciousness, facilitating a deeper state of

Expansion of the Elements: Practitioners are instructed to meditate

on the elements (earth, water, fire, air, and space) both within and
around them. This practice helps to dissolve the perception of a
separate self and promotes a realization of the interconnectedness
between the individual and the elements of the universe.

Consciousness in the Limbs: This technique involves experiencing

the presence of consciousness in different parts of the body. By
focusing on the awareness within the limbs, practitioners can shift
their attention from the conceptual self to a more direct experience
of consciousness within the body.
Chapter 3 continues the theme of expanding awareness introduced
in the previous chapters. The emphasis on perceiving the unity of
inner and outer space, withdrawing from external senses, and
recognizing consciousness within the body contributes to the
overarching goal of realizing the non-dual nature of existence. These
practices invite practitioners to explore the interconnectedness of
the self with the broader cosmic reality.

Let's explore Chapter 3 of the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra from various


1. Spiritual Perspective:

Chapter 3 introduces techniques that involve heightened awareness

of the body and the expansion of consciousness beyond physical

Merging Inner and Outer Space: This practice encourages the

recognition of the interconnectedness between inner and outer
space, emphasizing the unity of the individual with the cosmos.

Sensory Withdrawal: The withdrawal from external senses aligns

with spiritual traditions aiming for inner stillness and heightened
awareness through detachment from sensory distractions.

Expansion of the Elements: By meditating on the elements,

practitioners explore the unity of their being with the fundamental
building blocks of the universe.
2. Neuroscience:

From a neuroscience perspective, practices in Chapter 3 involve

sensory awareness, which can impact neural processing and

Merging Inner and Outer Space: Recognizing the interconnectedness

of inner and outer space engage brain regions involved in spatial
processing and self-awareness.

Sensory Withdrawal: Withdrawing attention from external senses

can lead to changes in neural activity, promoting focused attention
and reducing the impact of sensory input.

Expansion of the Elements: Meditation on the elements may involve

a multisensory experience, engaging various brain regions associated
with sensory processing.

3. Psychological Perspective:

The practices in Chapter 3 have psychological implications related to

embodiment, sensory perception, and the exploration of

Merging Inner and Outer Space: Recognizing the unity of inner and
outer space may contribute to a sense of interconnectedness,
fostering positive psychological states.

Sensory Withdrawal: Detaching from external senses can create a

space for introspection, enhancing self-awareness and reducing the
influence of external stimuli on mental states.
Expansion of the Elements: Meditating on the elements may provide
a symbolic framework for understanding the interplay of different
aspects of the self and the world.

4. Quantum Physics:

Chapter 3's emphasis on interconnectedness and elemental

meditation resonates with certain principles in quantum physics:

Merging Inner and Outer Space: Recognizing the interconnectedness

of inner and outer space aligns with the quantum concept of
entanglement and the interconnected nature of reality.

Expansion of the Elements: The meditation on elements aligns with

the quantum understanding that everything is composed of
fundamental building blocks and interconnected energies.

5. Manifesting Desires:

While Chapter 3 doesn't explicitly address manifesting desires, the

practices can contribute to a receptive state for intention and

Merging Inner and Outer Space: Recognizing unity with the cosmos
may foster a mindset that aligns more harmoniously with the process
of manifesting desires.

Sensory Withdrawal: Detaching from external senses creates a

focused mental state, potentially enhancing the clarity and strength
of intentions.

Expansion of the Elements: Meditating on the elements can serve as

a grounding practice, creating a stable foundation for the
manifestation of desires.
In summary, Chapter 3 of the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra introduces
practices that encourage practitioners to explore the unity of the self
with the cosmos, employing sensory awareness and elemental
meditation as pathways to expanded consciousness and spiritual
Chapter 4: Contemplation and Visualization Techniques

Chapter 4 introduces contemplative and visualization techniques

that guide practitioners toward a deeper understanding of the
nature of reality and the self. These practices involve using the
power of the mind to transcend ordinary perception and access
higher states of consciousness. Here are some techniques from
Chapter 4:

Contemplating the Source of Thought: This technique encourages

practitioners to trace the source of thoughts back to their origin. By
asking the question "Where does this thought arise?" individuals can
go beyond the surface level of thinking and tap into the underlying
source of consciousness.

Contemplating Oneness: In this practice, practitioners are guided to

contemplate the oneness that underlies all of existence. By
meditating on the idea that everything is interconnected and part of
a unified whole, individuals can move beyond the illusion of
separateness and experience a sense of unity.

Meditation on the Breathless State: This technique involves focusing

on the pause between the inhalation and exhalation, where the
breath becomes still. By meditating on the breathless state,
practitioners can access a dimension of stillness and transcendence
beyond the ordinary breath cycle.

Visualization of a Star: Practitioners are instructed to visualize a

radiant and pure star in the space above the head. This visualization
is meant to symbolize the divine light and can serve as a focal point
for meditation, leading to a heightened sense of inner illumination.
Chapter 4 builds on the practices of concentration and awareness
from the earlier chapters but introduces a more contemplative
aspect. These techniques leverage the power of the mind to inquire
into the nature of thoughts, contemplate unity, and use visualization
as a tool for deepening meditation. The goal is to go beyond the
limitations of ordinary perception and access the profound wisdom
that lies at the core of consciousness.

Let's explore Chapter 4 of the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra from various


1. Spiritual Perspective:

Chapter 4 introduces contemplative and visualization techniques

aimed at deepening meditation and connecting with the divine

Contemplating the Source of Thought: This technique invites

individuals to inquire into the origin of thoughts, fostering self-
inquiry and leading to an understanding of the transcendent nature
of consciousness.

Contemplating Oneness: The practice of contemplating oneness

encourages practitioners to recognize the interconnectedness of all
things, fostering a sense of unity with the divine and with creation.

Meditation on the Breathless State: Focusing on the breathless state

guides individuals to a dimension beyond the ordinary breath,
emphasizing the timeless and eternal aspect of consciousness.
2. Neuroscience:

From a neuroscience perspective, practices in Chapter 4 involve

cognitive processes such as introspection, contemplation, and

Contemplating the Source of Thought: Self-inquiry engages brain

regions associated with introspection, self-awareness, and reflective

Contemplating Oneness: The contemplation of oneness may activate

brain areas related to empathy, social cognition, and the perception
of interconnectedness.

Meditation on the Breathless State: Focusing on the breathless state

may lead to changes in neural activity associated with altered states
of consciousness and deep meditative states.

3. Psychological Perspective:

The practices in Chapter 4 have psychological implications related to

self-inquiry, perspective shift, and visualization:

Contemplating the Source of Thought: Self-inquiry practices can

promote self-awareness, emotional regulation, and a shift in

Contemplating Oneness: Recognizing the interconnectedness of all

things can contribute to positive psychological states, such as
increased empathy and a sense of purpose.

Meditation on the Breathless State: Focusing on the breathless state

may induce a sense of calm and relaxation, impacting psychological
4. Quantum Physics:

Chapter 4's emphasis on oneness and visualization resonates with

certain principles in quantum physics:

Contemplating the Source of Thought: Inquiring into the source of

thought aligns with the quantum understanding that consciousness
plays a fundamental role in shaping reality.

Contemplating Oneness: The idea of oneness aligns with the

interconnected nature of quantum particles and the concept that
everything is interconnected at a fundamental level.

Meditation on the Breathless State: Focusing on the breathless state

echoes the quantum principle that observation influences the
behavior of quantum particles.

5. Manifesting Desires:

While Chapter 4 doesn't explicitly address manifesting desires, the

practices can contribute to a receptive state for intention and

Contemplating the Source of Thought: Self-inquiry practices can

enhance clarity of intention and contribute to a focused mindset for
manifesting desires.

Contemplating Oneness: Recognizing oneness may foster a mindset

that aligns more harmoniously with the process of manifesting

Meditation on the Breathless State: Focusing on the breathless state

can serve as a gateway for visualization and manifestation by
creating a receptive mental space.
In summary, Chapter 4 of the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra introduces
practices that encourage contemplation, visualization, and a shift in
perspective, providing individuals with tools for deepening
meditation and connecting with the profound dimensions of
Chapter 5: The Play of Opposites

Chapter 5 explores techniques that involve transcending dualities

and realizing the unity that exists beyond opposing forces. The
practices in this chapter guide practitioners to navigate the play of
opposites and discover the underlying harmony that pervades all
aspects of existence. Here are some techniques from Chapter 5:

Observing Polarities in Breath: This technique involves becoming

aware of the dualities present in the breath, such as inhalation and
exhalation, expansion and contraction. By observing and
transcending these polarities, practitioners can move beyond
dualistic thinking and enter a state of unified awareness.

Observing Polarities in Emotions: Practitioners are instructed to

observe the play of opposites in emotions, such as joy and sorrow,
love and hate. By witnessing these emotional polarities without
attachment, individuals can transcend the emotional fluctuations
and connect with a deeper, unchanging aspect of consciousness.

Witnessing Day and Night: This technique involves becoming aware

of the transitions between day and night. By observing the cycles of
light and darkness, practitioners can recognize the eternal nature of
consciousness that remains unaffected by the changing conditions of

Transcending the Dualities of Life and Death: In this practice,

individuals contemplate the dualities of life and death. By
recognizing the eternal nature of consciousness that exists beyond
the cycles of birth and death, practitioners can attain a state of
liberation from the fear of mortality.
The practices encourage practitioners to transcend the opposites
and recognize the unchanging, eternal nature of consciousness that
underlies the flux of the phenomenal world. By navigating the play of
opposites, individuals can move closer to a state of non-dual
awareness and spiritual realization.

Let's explore Chapter 5 of the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra from various


1. Spiritual Perspective:

Chapter 5 explores techniques that involve transcending dualities

and realizing the unity that exists beyond opposing forces:

Observing Polarities in Breath: This technique invites practitioners

to go beyond the dualities present in the breath, fostering an
awareness of the underlying unity in the rhythmic flow of inhalation
and exhalation.

Observing Polarities in Emotions: By observing the play of opposites

in emotions, individuals are guided to transcend dualistic thinking
and connect with the unchanging aspect of consciousness beyond
emotional fluctuations.

Witnessing Day and Night: The practice of witnessing the transitions

between day and night encourages a recognition of the eternal
nature of consciousness that remains unaffected by the cyclical
changes in time.
2. Neuroscience:

From a neuroscience perspective, practices in Chapter 5 involve

cognitive processes related to emotion regulation and perception of

Observing Polarities in Breath: Mindful observation of breath may

impact brain regions associated with emotional regulation, attention,
and the integration of sensory information.

Observing Polarities in Emotions: The observation of emotional

polarities can engage brain regions linked to emotional processing
and self-awareness.

Witnessing Day and Night: Observing transitions between day and

night may involve neural processes related to circadian rhythms and
visual perception.

3. Psychological Perspective:

The practices in Chapter 5 have psychological implications related to

emotional regulation, mindfulness, and the transcendence of
dualistic thinking:

Observing Polarities in Breath: Mindfully observing the breath can

contribute to emotional regulation and a balanced mental state.

Observing Polarities in Emotions: Witnessing emotional polarities

without attachment can foster emotional resilience and a deeper
understanding of one's emotional landscape.

Witnessing Day and Night: The practice of witnessing day and night
may cultivate a mindful awareness of the changing nature of
experiences without attachment to the dualities of time.
4. Quantum Physics:

Chapter 5's emphasis on unity and transcending dualities resonates

with certain principles in quantum physics:

Observing Polarities in Breath: Recognizing unity in the breath aligns

with the quantum idea of interconnectedness and the holistic nature
of reality.

Observing Polarities in Emotions: The transcendence of emotional

polarities aligns with the quantum concept that everything is
interconnected, and opposites are complementary aspects of a
unified whole.

Witnessing Day and Night: Observing the eternal nature beyond day
and night reflects the quantum understanding of a timeless,
interconnected reality.

5. Manifesting Desires:

Observing Polarities in Breath: Mindful observation of breath can

create a focused mental state, enhancing the clarity and strength of

Observing Polarities in Emotions: Transcending emotional dualities

may contribute to emotional balance and a positive mindset for
manifesting desires.

Witnessing Day and Night: Cultivating a mindful awareness of the

eternal nature beyond temporal dualities can create a receptive
space for manifesting intentions.
In summary, Chapter 5 of the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra introduces
practices that guide individuals to transcend dualities, fostering a
deeper understanding of the unified nature of consciousness and
providing tools for emotional regulation and mindfulness.
Scientific researches and theories which relates with Indian
Phylosophy and Spiritual Knowledge

Simulation Theory:

Simulation theory posits that our reality may be a simulated

construct created by a more advanced intelligence (according to
Indian philosoph, owr own self created this Maya/illusion/creation.
And we are experiencing our own lovely creation). Proponents of this
idea often draw parallels between the nature of our perceived reality
and the characteristics of computer simulations. The concept
suggests that what we perceive as the universe is, in essence, a
programmed or simulated experience.

Follwing is the Researchgate Papers link.

Quantum Physics:

Quantum physics, at the fundamental level, introduces probabilistic

and non-deterministic behaviors in the behavior of particles. The role
of observation and the uncertainty principle are central tenets of
quantum theory. Some proponents of the simulation hypothesis
draw parallels between the probabilistic nature of quantum states
and the idea that the universe operates based on underlying rules or
algorithms. According to Scriptures, our consciousness is creating
reality and we can influence it.
Holographic Reality:

The holographic principle is a concept derived from string theory and

black hole physics. It suggests that the information content of a
three-dimensional space can be encoded on a two-dimensional
surface. In this context, our perception of a three-dimensional reality
might be akin to a holographic projection.

Some interpretations draw

connections between the
holographic nature of reality
and the idea that there is a
fundamental informational
substrate underlying the
cosmos. This substrate could be
seen as a kind of cosmic "mind"
or organizing principle.

Manifestation of a Cosmic Mind:

The idea of a cosmic mind or universal consciousness suggests that

there is an underlying intelligence or awareness that gives rise to and
manifests the entirety of existence. This concept is often present in
various religious, spiritual, and philosophical traditions.

In this context, some thinkers explore the possibility that the

simulation, quantum phenomena, and holographic reality are
expressions of a cosmic mind or consciousness. This cosmic mind
could be considered the source or ground of all existence, and the
various features of our reality are manifestations or expressions of
this underlying intelligence.
Double slit experiment:

The double-slit experiment is a fundamental experiment in

quantum physics that demonstrates the wave-particle duality of
particles like electrons or photons. In this experiment, particles
are sent through two
narrow slits, and as they
pass through, they create
an interference pattern
on the screen behind the
slits, indicative of wave-
like behavior. This interference pattern suggests that each
particle behaves as a wave that passes through both slits
simultaneously, interfering with itself, creating bands of
constructive and destructive interference.

The concept of manifestation, often associated with the law of

attraction or New Thought philosophy, is about the power of
thoughts and beliefs influencing reality. It suggests that
focusing one's thoughts, intentions, and emotions on a specific
outcome can bring that desired outcome into reality.

The relationship between the double-slit experiment and

manifestation lies in the understanding that observation or
measurement affects the behavior of quantum particles. When
an observer tries to determine which slit a particle passes
through in the double-slit experiment, the wave-like behavior
collapses into a particle-like behavior, and the interference
pattern disappears. This phenomenon is known as the
"observer effect" or "wavefunction collapse." In a way, the act of
observation or measurement in the double-slit experiment
parallels the role of focused intention or attention in
manifestation. Just as observation affects the behavior of
quantum particles, the focused thoughts and intentions of an
individual in manifestation are believed to influence their reality
or the outcome they desire.

Wave-Particle Duality:

The photon double-slit experiment demonstrates the wave-particle

duality of quantum particles, such as photons. When unobserved,
particles exhibit wave-like behavior, creating an interference pattern
on a screen behind the slits. However, when observed or measured,
particles behave like discrete particles, and the interference pattern

Observer Effect:

The act of observation or measurement in the double-slit experiment

is crucial. The mere act of observing the particles collapses their
wavefunctions, forcing them to manifest as particles. This observer
effect is central to quantum theory and raises questions about the
role of consciousness or measurement in the nature of reality.
Some theories about Consiousness

Cosmic Mind and Consciousness:

Some interpretations suggest that the observer effect in the double-

slit experiment implies a fundamental connection between
consciousness and the nature of reality. The act of observation
seems to play a role in determining how particles behave, raising
questions about the nature of consciousness and its relationship to
the fabric of the universe.

In summary, the photon double-slit experiment is often invoked in

discussions that explore the boundaries between classical and
quantum physics, the nature of observation, and the potential
implications for the nature of reality. While it remains an active area
of research and interpretation, these connections are speculative
and subject to various philosophical and metaphysical perspectives.
The interplay between quantum phenomena, simulation theory,
holographic reality, and the concept of a cosmic mind highlights the
complexity and mystery of our understanding of the universe.

The connection between the photon double-slit experiment and

spirituality often involves interpretations that go beyond the strict
confines of scientific explanation and delve into the realm of
metaphysics, consciousness, and the nature of reality. Here are some
ways in which the experiment might be related to spiritual concepts:
Conscious Observation and Reality Creation:

The role of conscious observation in the double-slit experiment

raises questions about the nature of consciousness and its potential
role in shaping reality. Some spiritual perspectives posit that
consciousness plays a fundamental role in creating and shaping the
world around us, and the experiment's findings may resonate with
this idea.

Interconnectedness and Unity:

The wave-like behavior of particles and the interference pattern in

the double-slit experiment suggest a level of interconnectedness and
unity at the quantum level. This interconnectedness resonates with
spiritual concepts that emphasize the oneness of all existence and
the interconnected nature of reality.

Non-duality and Beyond Separation:

Spiritual traditions, particularly those rooted in Eastern philosophies,

often emphasize the concept of non-duality, where the boundaries
between observer and observed, subject and object, dissolve. The
wave-particle duality in quantum physics and the disappearance of
the interference pattern upon observation might be seen as
reflections of a reality that transcends conventional dualities.

Mind and Consciousness as Fundamental:

Some spiritual philosophies posit that mind or consciousness is

fundamental to reality. In the context of the double-slit experiment,
the act of observation influencing the outcome may align with the
idea that consciousness is not merely a product of the brain but is
intertwined with the fabric of the universe.

Quantum Mysticism:

Quantum mysticism is a term used to describe the blending of

quantum physics with mystical or spiritual interpretations. Some
individuals draw parallels between the mysterious and non-intuitive
aspects of quantum phenomena and the mystical experiences
described in various spiritual traditions.

It's crucial to recognize that while these connections can be thought-

provoking and inspirational, they exist in the realm of interpretation
and philosophy rather than empirical science. Spiritual perspectives
often involve subjective and personal interpretations that vary
widely among individuals and belief systems.

The connection between the photon double-slit experiment and the

subconscious mind's power of manifestation is often drawn in the
context of the observer effect and the role of consciousness in
shaping reality.

Mind Over Matter:

The concept of the subconscious mind's power of manifestation

aligns with the idea that thoughts and beliefs can have a tangible
impact on one's reality. This notion is sometimes expressed as "mind
over matter," suggesting that the mind's influence extends beyond
the boundaries of individual consciousness.
Visualization and Quantum Possibilities:

Some proponents of the subconscious mind's power of

manifestation encourage practices like visualization and positive
affirmation. The idea is that by vividly imagining a desired outcome,
individuals may influence the quantum possibilities that shape their
reality. This connects to the notion that the quantum world operates
on probabilities and potentialities until observed or measured.

Unity of Consciousness and Reality:

The unity suggested by the double-slit experiment's interference

pattern might be related to the concept that the subconscious mind
is intricately connected to the fabric of reality. In this view, the
subconscious mind is not a separate entity but an integral part of a
unified field of consciousness that interacts with and influences the
external world.

Co-Creation and Manifestation:

The idea of co-creation, where individuals actively participate in the

manifestation of their reality, is a theme often associated with the
subconscious mind's power. This concept implies that individuals are
not passive observers but active participants in the creation of their
experiences, aligning with the participatory nature suggested by the
observer effect.

It's important to note that these connections involve a blend of

scientific ideas, metaphysical concepts, and personal beliefs. While
some find inspiration and empowerment in the idea that the
subconscious mind can influence reality, others approach these
concepts with skepticism. The relationship between quantum
phenomena, consciousness, and the power of the subconscious mind
remains a subject of exploration and interpretation, with
perspectives varying widely among individuals and belief systems.

Certainly, let's summarize the connections between the photon

double-slit experiment, simulation theory, quantum physics,
holographic reality, the concept of a cosmic mind, and the
subconscious mind's power of manifestation within the context of


Consciousness and Reality Creation: Draws parallels between

conscious observation in quantum experiments and the idea that
consciousness shapes or co-creates one's reality.

Interconnectedness and Unity: Aligns with spiritual concepts of

interconnectedness, oneness, and the dissolution of dualities.

Mind Over Matter: Reflects the spiritual notion that the mind's
influence extends beyond individual consciousness, influencing
external events.

Visualization and Intention: Practices like visualization and positive

affirmation align with the idea that focused intention can influence
the quantum possibilities that shape reality.

Co-Creation and Manifestation: Suggests that individuals are active

participants in the creation of their experiences, contributing to the
manifestation of their reality.

On concluding the notes, I would like to make you aware that we

all are here to experience our own created reality through our
own selves.
As it is said that, Shiva (Consciousness/Awareness) realises
himself by Shakti (The Energy of Creation).
Similarly, we are realising the “Supreme” through the creation.
This creation is not happening to us, its happening for us. To
make us realise our own self, the Supreme Self.
As it is also said that this all is Shiva Leela (Cosmic dance of the


Dr. Shubham Chaudhary

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