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Physica E 37 (2007) 21–25

Effects of Ni catalyst–substrate interaction on carbon

nanotubes growth by CVD
G.P. Veronesea,, R. Rizzolib, R. Angeluccib, M. Cuffiania,
L. Malferraric, A. Montanaric, F. Odoricic
Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Bologna, V.le B. Pichat 6/2, 40127 Bologna, Italy
Consiglio Nazionale Ricerche-IMM, Sezione di Bologna, V. Gobetti 101, 40129 Bologna, Italy
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Bologna, V.le B. Pichat 6/2, 40127 Bologna, Italy
Available online 16 October 2006


An investigation of the effects of substrate type and various treatments on carbon nanotubes (CNT) growth, using an evaporated
Ni thin film as a catalyst, is presented. Barrier layers of SiO2, Si3N4, and TiN on Si were used as substrates. The catalyst-insulating
substrate systems have been processed in several gaseous atmospheres (Ar, NH3 and H2) and in the temperature range 700–900 1C, in
order to obtain the most appropriate morphology, size and density of catalyst particles as seeds for the subsequent CNT growth. On this
kind of substrates, the smallest nanoparticles were obtained on SiO2 layers, in H2 or NH3 atmosphere even at 700 1C. However, the best
vertically aligned and well-graphitized CNT resulted from the NH3 annealing process, followed by the CNT deposition at 900 1C in
C2H2 and H2.
On TiN conducting substrates, the best vertically aligned CNT were deposited using a shorter annealing step and a deposition process
at reduced pressure. The samples were characterized by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Raman spectroscopy
r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

PACS: 61.46.Df; 61.46.Fg; 81.15.Gh

Keywords: Carbon Nanotubes; Nickel nanoparticles; CVD

1. Introduction nanoparticle (NP) precursor. An additional layer is

inserted between Ni and Si substrates as a diffusion barrier
Carbon nanotubes (CNT) have unique mechanical and to prevent silicides formation and metal diffusion through
electrical properties [1] but, in order to fully exploit their silicon, which would substantially reduce the catalytic
potential for nanoscale applications [2], the achievement of activity of the metal for CNT synthesis [4]. We have been
a complete control of their characteristics in the course of developing this kind of process to study the relationships
the synthesis process is mandatory. For applications in between catalyst and substrate. This preliminary work is
nanoelectronics, appropriate, easy and cheap CNT synth- aimed at the synthesis of vertically aligned CNT for
esis processes, compatible with the IC microelectronic applications such as particle detectors and cold cathode
technologies, must be developed. The catalyst-assisted emitters for high density memory devices [5,6].
chemical vapour deposition (CVD) [3] technique seems to Many models have been proposed to describe the CNT
be one of the best candidates for satisfying these require- growth. The oldest vapour–liquid–solid (VLS) model [7] is
ments. In this paper, we focus our attention on Ni as a currently one of the most widely accepted for processes
catalyst, starting with a thin film on Si substrates as a above 600 1C, whereas different growth models are
accepted at lower temperatures [8]. All models agree in
Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 051 6399120; fax: +39 051 6399216. predicting that CNT synthesis is strongly influenced by
E-mail address: (G.P. Veronese). catalyst features, especially in the early stages of growth,

1386-9477/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
22 G.P. Veronese et al. / Physica E 37 (2007) 21–25

being the CNT diameters correlated to the NP dimen-

sions [9].

2. Experimental

Either insulating or conductive layers (70 nm thick Si3N4

or SiO2 and 40 nm thick TiN, respectively) were deposited
on n+-type, 1 O cm, silicon substrates as barriers to the
diffusion of the catalyst. TiN films were deposited by RF
magnetron sputtering of Ti in N2/Ar reactive atmosphere,
holding the silicon substrate at 200 1C. Ni films, 2 nm thick,
were deposited by electron beam evaporation on the
insulating substrates, whereas on TiN the film thickness
was increased up to 30 nm. The catalyst film was then
fragmented into a randomly distributed NP population by
means of an annealing process. The samples were loaded at
room temperature in a quartz hot wall furnace. A three-
step reference process was then carried out at 750 Torr: (1)
a 100 min controlled warm up to the synthesis temperature
in the selected annealing gas, (2) a 20 min annealing and (3)
a 30 min deposition with a mixture of 5% C2H2 in a
reactive carrier gas (either H2 or NH3). Cooling was
performed in Ar flow. The effects of the annealing process,
step (2), on the Ni NP formation on Si3N4 and SiO2
substrates were studied by replacing the deposition, step
(3), with a ‘‘pseudo-deposition’’, during which no carbon
feedstock gas was injected in the furnace. Three different
gases (Ar, NH3 and H2) and three different annealing
temperatures (700, 800 and 900 1C) were investigated. The
synthesis of carbon nanotubes was studied at two different
temperatures (750 and 900 1C).
The samples were characterized by means of scanning
electron microscopy (FE-SEM LEO 1530) at low voltage
(5 kV) and micro-Raman spectroscopy (Renishaw 1000
spectrometer, with a HeNe laser source, at 633 nm,
maximum output power of 15 mW).

3. Results and discussion

Our investigation was first focussed on the effect of the Fig. 1. SEM plan views (same magnification) of Ni nanoparticles on
different substrates, annealing temperatures and gases on 70 nm thick Si3N4 (a) and SiO2 (b) substrates, annealed at 700 1C in H2.
Ni NP formation. Fig. 1 summarizes the results of the Size distributions of Ni nanoparticles on the two barrier layers (c).
reference process performed at 700 1C, using H2 as
annealing gas. On SiO2 (Fig. 1b) the NP are significantly NP size distribution (bars in Fig. 2) narrows around the
smaller than on Si3N4 (Fig. 1a), with an average dimension average at higher temperatures.
of about 20 nm compared with 40 nm; in addition, The effect of the annealing gas was investigated using
the width of the NP size distribution is narrower around Ar, NH3 or H2 atmospheres. No clear dependence of NP
the average, as can be seen in Fig. 1c. As a consequence, the dimension upon the gaseous atmosphere can be seen; on
NP density on SiO2 turns out to be an order of magnitude the other hand, there is an apparent change in the shape of
larger than on Si3N4 (approximately 1011 NP/cm2 and the NP. On SiO2, H2 annealing leads to the smallest NP
1010 NP/cm2, respectively). having the most regular morphology, Ar produces
The effect of temperature on the Ni NP formation in H2 elongated NP, while annealing in NH3 results in flatter
annealing atmosphere was then studied in the range NP than in the case of H2. Therefore, as far as the
700–900 1C. As shown in Fig. 2, with increasing the dimension of the catalyst NP is concerned, H2 seems to be
temperature the NP minimum dimensions remain constant the most appropriate annealing gas for obtaining thin
on both substrates. On Si3N4 substrates, the width of the CNT. However, the CNT carpet grown on those NP, at
G.P. Veronese et al. / Physica E 37 (2007) 21–25 23

750 and 900 1C in H2 and C2H2, turns out to be highly non- the CNT carpet (Fig. 3d) is less dense and thick (about
uniform on the sample area. On the other hand, when using 3 mm, with some isolated CNT growing up to 7 mm). The
NH3 as annealing and carrier gas, vertically aligned and Ni NP on this substrate (Fig. 3c) have an average
homogeneous CNT carpets were deposited on the whole dimension of about 100 nm, while the average diameter
sample area at both temperatures. Fig. 3 shows SEM of the corresponding CNT is about 60 nm. The SEM
micrographs of CNT grown at 900 1C using NH3 as investigation reveals Ni clusters inside the CNT hollows,
annealing and carrier gas. On SiO2, the average dimension with typical dimensions smaller than the starting NP. In a
of the Ni NP (Fig. 3a) is about 20 nm; the vertically aligned few samples, these clusters are located at the CNT tips.
CNT forming the 6 mm thick dense carpet, shown in Higher magnification images (Fig. 4) of the same sample
Fig. 3b, have diameters in the 20–25 nm range. On Si3N4, shown in Fig. 3d exhibit many elongated Ni clusters
(up to 300 nm long) distributed along the central CNT
hollows. A possible explanation of this result can be given
according to the VLS model [6]. The carbon feedstock gas
decomposes over the catalyst NP surface: carbon dissolves
inside the catalyst creating a liquid metal carbide com-
pound, which accumulates until a supersaturation is
reached. The excess carbon then precipitates in organized
structures, the CNT, whose graphene sheets tensile strength
can split part of the NP. The CNT internal diameter results
smaller than the starting NP diameter, because of the pear-
shape assumed by the liquid NP. The outer diameter also
depends upon the amorphous carbon which can deposit on
the CNT surface.
Further investigations concerning the H2 effects on the
synthesis of CNT were carried out by means of two mixed
processes at 900 1C: (1) ramp up and annealing in NH3 (NP
morphology as in Fig. 3a and 3c) and deposition in H2 and
C2H2; (2) ramp up and annealing in H2 and deposition in
NH3 and C2H2. In Fig. 5, the cross section SEM
micrograph of the sample grown using process (1) on
Fig. 2. Average Ni nanoparticle dimension on SiO2 and Si3N4 as a
SiO2 shows a 4 mm thick carpet, made up of almost
function of the H2 annealing temperature. Bars correspond to the width of vertically aligned multi-walls CNT, with diameter in the
the size distributions. range 25–35 nm. On the other hand, process (2) leads to

Fig. 3. SEM micrographs of Ni NP treated in NH3 at 900 1C, on SiO2 (a) and on Si3N4 (c). CNT grown on these NP at 900 1C in NH3 and C2H2 on SiO2
(b) and Si3N4 (d).
24 G.P. Veronese et al. / Physica E 37 (2007) 21–25

Fig. 4. Back scattered electrons (a) and secondary electrons (b) SEM
micrographs of the sample synthesized at 900 1C on Si3N4 in NH3 and
C2H2 gas mixture. The Ni clusters appear brighter in the back scattered
electron image.
Fig. 6. Raman spectra in the range 1000–3000 cm1 of CNT samples on
SiO2 substrates, synthesized at 900 1C using different gases for both the Ni
NP formation and the CNT synthesis.

Fig. 5. Cross section SEM micrograph of CNT grown on SiO2 substrates

at 900 1C in H2 and C2H2, following Ni NP formation in NH3 (see
Fig. 3a).

highly non-uniform CNT deposition on the sample area.

Therefore, at 900 1C the Ni NP formed in H2 produces a
Fig. 7. Raman spectra in the range 1000–3000 cm1 of CNT samples
non-uniform CNT synthesis, both for H2+C2H2 and synthesized on TiN substrate at 750 1C at 750 and 10 Torr. NH3 was used
NH3+C2H2 gas mixture. as the annealing and carrier gas during the deposition step.
Fig. 6 shows the Raman spectra of CNT deposited at
900 1C, using either a process with NH3 as annealing and
carrier gas (curve 2), or the mixed processes (curves 1 and 3) NP is important to keep the catalyst surface free of
described above. The ratios of the intensities of D and G amorphous carbon deposits during the first stages of CNT
peaks, ID/IG, and the normalized intensities of the D and G synthesis, so that the site density of the NP effectively
peak with respect to G0 (the second-order overtone of the D active can be increased.
peak) ID/IG0 , IG/IG0 , are also reported. The trend of these For applications such as cold cathode emitters, TiN/Ti
ratios [10] indicates that the CNT quality dramatically double layers can be used as CNT contacts on the Si
improves if Ni NP are formed in NH3, rather than in H2, substrate. However, the structural and electrical properties
and the following deposition is carried out in H2 and C2H2. of the TiN films are strongly dependent on their deposition
However, the high D peak intensity and the presence of a conditions and the following treatments. Hence, the CNT
shoulder in the G peak (at about 1618 cm1) of spectrum of growth process has to be optimized for the specific TiN
curve 1 prove that the multi-walls CNT (see Fig. 5) are still layers. In our sputtering conditions, TiN conductive films
defective. having an open microcrystalline structure were deposited.
The results discussed above agree with data reported in Consequently, Ni diffusion through these layers was
ref. [11], confirming that the NH3 treatment of the catalyst supposed to be large. The catalyst film thickness was then
G.P. Veronese et al. / Physica E 37 (2007) 21–25 25

increased up to 30 nm to balance the large diffusion of Ni annealing gas for obtaining the smallest nanoparticles
in these layers. In order to reduce Ni diffusion through the dimension. However, the best results in the synthesis of
TiN layers, the reference deposition process at 750 1C, with CNT are obtained using nanoparticles formed in NH3
NH3 as carrier and annealing gas, was modified: the rather than in H2, since a non-uniform CNT distribution
samples were introduced in the hot furnace, thus decreas- on the sample area is deposited in the latter case. After
ing the heating step duration, whereas the annealing and NH3 annealing, the best vertically oriented CNT are
deposition steps remained unchanged. SEM observations synthesized on SiO2 substrates at 900 1C using C2H2
showed highly defective carbon fibres, often covered by a and H2.
thick layer of amorphous carbon. In Fig. 7, the Raman On TiN conductive substrates the deposition of verti-
spectrum of that sample deposited at 750 Torr is compared cally aligned CNT carpets was achieved, using a shorter
with the spectrum of a CNT film deposited at 10 Torr. As annealing step and a reduced pressure process. The
can be deduced from Fig. 7, the sample quality dramati- fabrication of CNT structures on TiN patterned areas is
cally improves by performing the annealing and deposition under way, in order to measure the field emission proper-
steps at a reduced pressure of 10 Torr. The D peak intensity ties of our CNT.
is still high (even if the peak width is smaller) and the ID/IG
value is greater than in the spectrum of the sample
deposited at 750 Torr. Both spectra exhibit an ID/IG value Acknowledgement
of about 1.3, which has been previously reported in the
literature for films of CNT coated with amorphous carbon. This work was partially supported by the ‘‘NanoChanT’’
However, the ID/IG0 and IG/IG0 ratios, reported in Fig. 7, project of the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
largely decrease for the Raman spectrum of the sample (INFN). The authors thank Matteo Ferroni of the
deposited at 10 Torr, thus indicating a lower number of University of Brescia and Franco Corticelli of the CNR-
defects in the corresponding CNT or carbon fibres [10]. IMM for assistance during SEM observations.
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