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Insecurities, a burden to bear,

A weight that's heavy, hard to share,

Shadows lurking in the night,

They plague us, dimming our light.

We hide them well, from all to see,

Afraid of judgment, we hold the key

To the locked chamber of our fears,

Where doubts and worries shed their tears.

The mirror shows us what we lack,

Our flaw, our imperfections, staring back.

We compare ourselves to those around,

And feel like we can never be crowned.

But beauty lies in the eye of the beholder,

It's what's inside that truly makes us bolder,

Our strengths, our talents, our passions true,

Can shine brighter than any physical view.

So let us embrace our insecurities,

For they make us human, unique entities,

And though they may weigh us down,

We can rise above, and wear our crown.

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