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S.Y. 2023-2024

Name____________________________________ Grade & Section: _____________________ Score_________

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space provided before the number

____1. Which of the following is a kind of text that is commonly characterized with being formal, objective, exact, direct and has the
to influence its readers?
A. Text B. Academic text C. Fictional Work D. Non-academic Text
____2. Which of the following refers to the use of signposts that allow readers to trace the relationships in the parts of a study?
A. Accuracy B. Explicitness C. Formality D. Objectivity
____3. Which of the following characterizes an academic text as impersonal, maintaining a certain level of social distance?
A. Accuracy B. Explicitness C. Formality D. Objectivity
____4. What feature of an academic text reflects the dignified stance in writing?
A. Accuracy B. Explicitness C. Formality D. Objectivity
____5. Which feature of an academic text indicates the use of exact descriptions, and unambiguous vocabulary?
A. Accuracy B. Explicitness C. Formality D. Objectivity
____6. Which part of the academic text presents the main topic?
A. Body B. Conclusion C. Introduction D. Recommendation
____7. Which part of the academic text provides relevant arguments and provides supporting details?
A. Body B. Conclusion C. Introduction D. Recommendation
____8. In which part of a text could the statement below be read?
“Therefore, it is important for the people to stay at home and prevent the spread of the disease.”
A. Body B. Conclusion C. Introduction D. Recommendation
____9. Which type of text structure shows how two or more things are alike and different?
A. Cause and Effect B. Compare and Contrast C. Problem/Solution D. Sequence
____10. Which type of text structure is written in a style that tells what happened and why?
A. Cause and Effect B. Compare and Contrast C. Problem/Solution D. Sequence
____11. What is referred to as a summary of text in the form of a list divided into headings and subheading?
A. Thesis statement B. Outline C. Paraphrase D. Summary
____12. Which is the correct arrangement of labels for an outline?
A) I, A, 1, a B) A, I, 1, a C) 1, I, A, a D) A, 1, I, a
____13. Which principle in outlining depicts the grouping of like ideas into on category so there would be no overlapping?
A. Classification B. Coordination C. Division D. Subordination
____14. Which principle in outlining maintains that more specific details must fall under major ideas?
A. Classification B. Coordination C. Division D. Subordination
____15. Which principle states that there should be parallelism in an outline?
A. Classification B. Coordination C. Division D. Subordination
____16. Which of the following outlines uses phrases only with no sentences or verbs involved?
A. Diagram Outline B. Sentence Outline C. Topic Outline D. Venn Outline
____17. 7. Which of these provides comprehensive and clear information by making use of complete sentences?
A. Diagram Outline B. Sentence Outline C. Topic Outline D. Venn Outline
____18. What is a topic sentence?
A. A sentence with signal words that increase the effectiveness of organization.
B. A way to conclude the paragraph so the reader knows what the paragraph was about.
C. Reasons, examples and other details to support the main point of the paragraph.
D. The sentence that expresses the main point, or idea, of a paragraph.
___19. Which paragraph is this?
II. Main Idea
A. Supporting detail
B. Supporting detail
C. Supporting detail
D. (Use as may as possible, but a minimum of 3-4)
A. Body B. Conclusion C. Introduction D. Topic Sentence
____20. What is the best thesis statement for the topic below? “Should cigarette smoking be made illegal?”
A. Smoking is bad.
B. Smoking is a leading cause of death in the United States.
C. Teenagers should be allowed to smoke if they choose to.
D. Although smoking has many negative health effects, making smoking illegal would not solve the problem.

For Numbers 21-30. Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer from the box. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers.
A. Feminism B. Formalism C. Reader-response D. Marxism
__A__21. This criticism examines how women characters are portrayed, exposing the patriarchal ideology implicit in the so-called
and demonstrating that attitudes and traditions reinforcing systematic masculine dominance are inscribed in the
literary canon.
__B__22. This criticism seeks to be objective in analysis, focusing on the work itself and eschewing external considerations. It pays
particular attention to literary devices used in the work and the patterns these devices establish.

__D__23. This criticism views literary works as a product of work and economics in broadly historical terms.
__C__24. Which of the following critical approaches attempts to describe what happens in the reader’s mind while interpreting a text?
__D__25. Which of the following critical approaches emphasizes the role of class and ideology as they reflect, propagate and even
challenge the prevailing social order?
__B__26. Which of the following critical approaches views that no text provides self- contained meaning?
__D__27. Identify the critical approach as reflected by the following question: How do the characters fare against economic and
political odds?
__A__28. Identify the critical approach as reflected by the following question: What roles do men and women assume and perform and
with what consequences?
__C__29. The audience reaction is very important with this type of literary criticism approach?
__B__30. In this approach in critiquing, the text is an independent entity.

_____31. What is a powerful catalyst for action?

A. Manifesto B. Position C. Survey D. Report
____32. What structure of a position paper should clearly identify the issue and? state the author’s position?
A. Arguments B. Body C. Conclusion D. Introduction
____33. Which structure of a position paper you may begin with some background information and should incorporate a discussion of
both sides of the issue?
A. Arguments B. Body C. Conclusion D. Introduction
____34. What is the first step in writing a position paper?
A. Decide on a topic. B. Decide what sort of claim you are writing.
C. Do pre-writing about your audience. D. Gather your sources.
____35. All is true about comparative type of position paper, EXCEPT?
A. It is not limited to specific topics.
B. It mainly compares and contrast various aspects of the subject.
C. It tries to explain how two subjects are either similar or different.
D. This writing provides factual information, critical analysis and space for more than one viewpoint.
____36. What do you call the circumstances, tools or material that is used in Demonstrating a behavior?
A. Audience B. Behavior C. Condition D. Criterion
____37. What do you call the description used to identify if a certain behavior has been demonstrated?
A. Audience B. Behavior C. Condition D. Criterion
____38. What section of a report show how you did your research?
A. Conclusion B. Finding C. Methodology D. Result
____39. In what area of the report will you find the surveys, interviews, questionnaires and observations?
A. Conclusion B. Finding C. Methodology D. Result
____40. Pandemic is rampaging across the world. This type of report Links the theory to practical issues. In what area of the report is
A. Conclusion B. Discussion C. Finding D. Result
____41. What action verbs are used to give emphasis to an objective in a report?
A. Calculate B. Describe C. Draw D. All of the above
____42. When we write an objective for our report does it serve as a guide through the structure of the report?
A. False B. True Sometimes C. Sometimes False D. True
____43. Is the structure of an essay exactly the same as that of a report?
A. False Sometimes B. True C. True D. Sometimes False
____44. At the end of lesson, the student should be able to describe what an objective is. Is this a valid Objective.
A. False B. True C. Sometimes True D. Sometimes False
____45.What section of a report will back up your claims in your explanations with regards to your evidence and your findings?
A. Discussion B. Introduction C. References D. Results
____46. Is it necessary to divide the material with appropriate headings to improve the readers' understanding of the content of the
A. Always B. Never C. Not Always D. Sometimes
____47. How will you identify the major issues and give your interpretation of them?
A. Conclude B. Experiment C. Invent D. Report
____48. In one of the sections of a report you have to recommend action-oriented topics to point for the future.
A. Always B. Never C. Not Always D. Sometimes
____49. What is NOT found in the statement “To truly appreciate the value of music.”
A. Measurable B. Observable C. Verb D. None of the above
____50. What section lists the different chapters and/or headings together with the page Numbers?
A. Introduction B. Reference C. Summary D. Table of Contents

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