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Week 12 & 13 : Java Swings with

Database (Add and Delete)

By: Sir Kent
What is Database?
• A database is a structured collection of data that is organized and
stored in a way that allows for efficient retrieval, updating, and
management. It is designed to manage and store large amounts of
information, making it easy to organize, search, and retrieve data
as needed.
What is MySQL?
• MySQL is an open-source relational database management
system (RDBMS) that is widely used for managing and organizing
MySQL Installation
Its okay not to used STRONG Password since
this is just for class usage only.
Click Configure Build Path
• Click On Module Path then “Add
External Jars”
• Choose your mysql jar detector
• Then Click “Apply” and then
“Apply and Close”
Code for Add:
Code for Delete:
Activity 1:
• Create a Java Swing Program that Inserts & Deletes the following value in the
Table name: CS(your section)_tbl
1. Generate 5 examples first before Deleting.
2. When you use the Delete function it should be deleted in its ID number.

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