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To foster diversity and inclusion in new global locations, Nike's HR team can employ several
Diversity Training: Implement mandatory diversity and inclusion training programs for all
employees, including leadership. This can help raise awareness, promote understanding, and
provide tools for addressing bias and discrimination.
Diverse Hiring Practices: Develop inclusive hiring practices that prioritize diversity. This might
involve setting specific diversity recruitment goals, actively seeking candidates from
underrepresented groups, and ensuring diverse hiring panels.
Inclusive Leadership: Encourage inclusive leadership behaviors by providing leadership training
that emphasizes the importance of inclusivity, empathy, and creating a safe and welcoming
environment for all employees.
Employee Resource Groups (ERGs): Establish and support employee resource groups for
different communities (e.g., LGBTQ+, women, people of color) to provide a platform for
networking, mentorship, and advocacy within the organization.

Inclusive Policies and Benefits: Review and update HR policies and benefits to ensure they are
inclusive, equitable, and support a diverse workforce. This might include flexible work
arrangements, family support, and healthcare benefits.
Regular Diversity Audits: Conduct regular diversity audits to track progress and identify areas
needing improvement. This involves collecting and analyzing demographic data on employees to
ensure representation is increasing across all levels of the organization.
Mentorship and Sponsorship Programs: Implement mentorship and sponsorship programs that
connect employees from underrepresented backgrounds with mentors or sponsors who can help
them advance in their careers.
Supplier Diversity: Extend diversity and inclusion efforts to the supply chain by partnering with
diverse suppliers and contractors.
Transparent Communication: Maintain open and transparent communication channels where
employees can express concerns, provide feedback, and report incidents of bias or
Celebration of Diversity: Celebrate cultural and diversity events within the company, such as
cultural heritage months or international holidays, to promote appreciation and engagement
among employees.
b. To evaluate the effectiveness of Nike's diversity initiatives, the company can use the following
metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs):
Representation Metrics: Track the percentage of employees from underrepresented groups at all
levels of the organization, including leadership positions.
Employee Satisfaction and Engagement Surveys: Conduct regular surveys to measure
employees' perception of the company's commitment to diversity and inclusion, as well as their
sense of belonging and inclusion within the organization.
Retention Rates: Monitor the retention rates of employees from underrepresented groups
compared to the overall workforce to ensure that diverse talent is not leaving the organization at
higher rates.
Promotion Rates: Analyze the rate at which employees from different backgrounds are being
promoted within the company to ensure equitable career advancement opportunities.
Pay Equity: Regularly review compensation data to identify and address any gender or racial pay
Incident Reporting and Resolution: Measure the number of diversity-related incidents reported
and the effectiveness of their resolution processes.
Supplier Diversity Spend: Track the company's spending with diverse suppliers and monitor the
growth of such partnerships.
Market Reputation: Assess the company's reputation in the market for its commitment to
diversity and inclusion through surveys, awards, and external recognition.
Training Participation: Monitor the participation and completion rates of diversity and inclusion
training programs.
Progress on Diversity Goals: Measure progress against the diversity goals set by the company in
terms of hiring, promotion, and retention of underrepresented groups.
By regularly reviewing and acting upon these metrics and KPIs, Nike can gauge the success of
its diversity and inclusion efforts and make necessary adjustments to ensure a more inclusive
corporate culture worldwide.

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