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**Continuous Research and Evaluation:**

- Conduct ongoing research to explore evolving patterns and preferences related to sex and experience
in using AR. Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of AR applications in meeting the needs of students
with diverse profiles.

5. **Educator Awareness and Training:**

- Provide educators with awareness and training programs on the influence of sex and experience in
shaping students' perceptions of AR. Equip them with strategies to address varying needs and create an
inclusive learning environment.

6. **Integration of Profile Variables in AR Design:**

- Incorporate insights from studies like Chen et al. (2018) and Cheon et al. (2022) into the design phase
of AR applications. Consider sex and experience as integral components in designing user interfaces and
educational content.

7. **Collaboration with Educational Psychologists:**

- Collaborate with educational psychologists to gain deeper insights into the psychological aspects
influencing technology acceptance among students. Their expertise can contribute to a more nuanced
understanding of how sex and experience impact AR acceptance.

8. **Longitudinal Studies:**

- Conduct longitudinal studies to track changes in students' perceptions over time, considering how sex
and experience evolve as determinants of AR acceptance. This can provide valuable insights for the
continuous improvement of AR applications.

In conclusion, the significant relationship between sex and experience with perceived usefulness and
ease of use in AR learning underscores the importance of a nuanced and inclusive approach to
technology integration. Implementing the recommended strategies can contribute to creating a more
responsive and effective AR learning environment in higher education.

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