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Hama Cheikh/ Bella,ach Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Unit 3


Activate (v.) to cause sth to start

Admire (v.) to find sb or sth attractive and pleasant to look at

Adventure (n.) an unusual, exciting and dangerous activity such as a journey

Adventurer (n.) sb who enjoys and seeks dangerous and exciting experiences

appreciate (v.)
to understand that sth is valuable and when you are thanking someone or showing that you are grateful
beat (v.)
to defeat or do better than sb
bite (n.)
to use your teeth to cut into small pieces
bleed (v.)
to lose blood
cabin crew (n.)
in an aircraft, the people whose job it is to take care of the passengers
chute (n.)
steep slope down which people can slide
coast( n.)
the land next to( or close to) the sea
Pr. Hama Cheikh/ Bella,ach Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Unit 3

companion (n.)
a person you spend a lot of time with
crime (n.)
illegal activities
damage( v.)
to harm or spoil sth
dangerous (adj.)
describes a person, animal, thing or activity that could harm you
dearly (adv.)
very much
endanger( v.)
to put sb or sth in danger of being damaged or destroyed
enormous (adj.)
extremely large
explode (v.)
to break up into pieces violently
explosion (n.)
when sth such as a bomb explodes
when you are recognized by many people because of your achievements, skills
fangs (pl.)-( n.)
long sharp teeth
flight attendant( n.)
sb who serves passengers on an aircraft
folk hero (n.)
sb who is popular with and respected by
forest (n.)
large area of land covered with trees and plants, usually larger than a wood
forestry (adj.)
the science of planting and taking care of large areas of trees
Pr. Hama Cheikh/ Bella,ach Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Unit 3

fountain (n.)
a stream of water that goes into the air through a small hole
furiously (adv.)
in a very angry way
guide (n.)
a person whose job is showing a place or a route to visitors
gun (n.)
a weapon from which bullets or shells are fired
half-time( n.)
a short rest period between the two parts of a sports game
hammock (n.)
a type of bed that consisting of a net or long strong cloth which you tie between two trees
headline (n.)
a line of words printed in large letters as the title of a story in a newspaper, or broadcast on television or
hostile (adj.)
unfriendly and not liking or agreeing with sth
injured (adj.)
hurt or physically harmed
a tropical forest in which trees and plants grow very closely together
knives (pl.)-( n.)
tools, usually with a metal blade and a handle, used for cutting
land (v.)
to (cause to) arrive at a place after moving down through the air
length (n.)
the measurement of sth from end to end
locker (n.)
a cupboard, often tall and made of metal, in which someone can keep their possessions
lost his cool
Pr. Hama Cheikh/ Bella,ach Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Unit 3

lost his control over himself because of anger

mend (v.)
to repair sth that is broken or damaged
monkey (n.)
an animal that lives in hot countries, has a long tail and climbs trees
overhead (adj.)
above your head, usually in the sky
PA system (n.)
a public address system
permission (n.)
allowance to do it
quit (v.)
to stop doing sth or leave a job or a place
react (v.)
to act in a particular way as a direct result of sth else
record (v.)
to store sounds or moving pictures using electronic equipment so that they can be heard or seen later
refuse (v.)
to say that you will not do or accept sth
robbery (n.)
the crime of stealing from somewhere or sb
runway( n.)
a long piece of ground with smooth hard surface on which aircrafts take off and land
sleeping pill (n.)
a pill which you take to help you to sleep better
snake (n.)
a reptile with a long cylindrical body and no legs
source (n.)
the place sth comes from or starts at, or the cause of something
star (v.)
Pr. Hama Cheikh/ Bella,ach Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Unit 3

to play a role in a film, s/he is the main actor in it

to refuse to continue working because of an argument with an employer about working conditions, pay
levels or job losses
sympathy (n.)
understanding and caring for someone else's suffering
taxiing (v.)
moving slowly on the ground
temper( n.)
when sb becomes angry very quickly
terrified (adj.)
very frightened
theft( n.)
dishonestly taking sb's belonging and keeping it
thieves (pl.)-( n.)
people who steal
tribe (n.)
a group of people who live together, sharing the same language, culture and history
trip (n.)
a journey in which you go somewhere, usually for a short time, and come back again
vase( n.)
a container for holding flowers or for decoration
webpage (n.)
a page of information on the Internet about a particular subject, that forms a website

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