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Hama Cheikh/ Bellamach Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Unit 5


1. Advertise (v.) ‫ُيعِلن‬ to make sth known in public, to sell it

2. Afterwards (adv.) ‫فيما بعد‬ later
3. Amazed (adj.) ‫َم ْذ هول‬ extremely surprised
4. Apply (v.) ‫َيَتَقَّدم ِبَطَلب‬ to request sth, especially by writing or sending in a form
5. Arrange (v.) ‫ينظم‬ to plan, to organize
6. Belarus (n.)‫بالروسيا‬ a landlocked country in Eastern Europe
7. Billion (n.) ‫بليون‬ the number 1 000 000 000
8. Biochemistry (n.) ‫الكيمياء‬ the scientific study of the chemistry of living things
9. Boomerang (n.)‫ارتداد‬ a curved stick that after you throw comes back to you
10. Boss (n.) ‫ُم دير‬ the person who is in charge of an organization and who tells others what to do
11. Camping (n.) ‫َتخييم‬ when you stay in a tent on holiday
12. Capricorn (n.) ‫ُبرج الَج دي‬ the tenth sign of the zodiac, represented by a goat (period from 23 December to 20
13. Celebrate (v.) ‫يختفل‬ to take part in enjoyable activities to show that this occasion is important
14. Communicate (v.) ‫يتواصل‬ to share information with others by speaking, writing, moving your body
15. Contaminate (v.) ‫يلوث‬ to make sth less pure or make it poisonous
16. Cycling (n.) ‫ُر كوب الَّدراجات‬ to ride a bicycle
17. Debts (pl.)-(n.) ‫ديون‬ money, which should be returned, or the state of owing sth
18. Delighted (adj.) ‫مبتهج‬ very pleased
19. Disaster (n.) ‫كارثة‬ great harm, damage or death
20. Divorced (adj.) ‫ة‬/‫مطلق‬ married in the past but not now married

Pr. Hama Cheikh/ Bellamach Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Unit 5


1. Driving test (n.) ‫أختبار السياقة‬ the test for checking the driving techniques
2. Exams (pl.)-(n.) ‫امتحانات‬ tests of a student's knowledge in a subject
3. Experts (pl.)-(n.) ‫الخبراء‬ people with a high level of knowledge or skill; a specialist
4. Fall out (v.) ‫َيَتشاَج ر‬ to argue with someone and stop the friendship
5. Farmers (pl.)-(n.)‫المزارعون‬ people who own a farm or take care of it
6. Fed up (adj.) ‫َس ئم‬ bored, annoyed or disappointed
7. Fluent (adj.) ‫سليق‬ smb who can speak a language easily, well and quickly
8. Full-time (adj.) ‫َدوام كاِم ل‬ doing sth whole working week
9. Get on (v.) – )‫َيتَقّدم في (َو ظيفة َم ثال‬ to manage or deal with a situation, especially successfully
‫ينسحم مع‬
10. Grown-up (adj.) ‫ باِلغ‬/ ‫راِش د‬ an adult, used especially when talking to children
11. Heavy (adj.)‫ثقيل‬ weighing a lot
12. Hope (n.) ‫َيأَم ل‬ to want sth to be true
13. Immediately(adv.)‫فورا‬ now or without waiting or thinking
14. Jumper (n.) ‫ُبلوَفر‬ clothing made from wool which covers the upper part of the body and the arms
15. Lawyer (n.)‫محامي‬ smb who gives advice to people about the law and speak for them in court
16. Look after (v.)‫يعتني ب‬ to take care of or be responsible for smb/sth
17. Look up (v.) ‫َيْبَح ث َعْن‬ to try to find information from a book or on a computer
18. lucky (adj.)‫محظوظ‬ when good things happen to you by chance
19. Medicine (n.)‫دواء‬ treatment for illness
20. Miserable (adj.) ‫بائس‬ very unhappy

Pr. Hama Cheikh/ Bellamach Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Unit 5


1. Miss (v.) to feel sad that a person or thing is not present or not next to you
2. Mushrooms (pl.)-(n) a fungus with a round top and short stem
3. Nephew (n.) a son of your sister or brother, or a son of the sister or brother of your husband or wife
4. Newsagent (n.) a shop which mainly sells newspapers and magazines
5. Nuclear (adj.) using the power produced when the nucleus of an atom is divided
6. Owe (v.) to need to pay or give sth to smb because they have lent money to you
7. Paramedic (n.) a person who does medical work, especially in an emergency, but who is not a doctor or nurse
8. Petrol (n.) a fuel for cars, aircraft and other vehicles
9. Philosophy (n.) understanding the nature of reality and existence, the use and limits of knowledge
10. Phrase book (n.) a small book with helpful groups of sentences and words in a foreign language
11. Pretty good good enough
12. Prime minister (n.) the leader of the government in some countries
13. Produce (n.) to make sth or bring sth into existence, create
14. Run out of when there is not enough of sth
15. Regret (v.) a feeling of sadness about sth wrong, or your mistake
16. Stressful (adj.) making you feel worried and nervous
17. Supper (n.) main meal we eat in the evening
18. Surfing (n.) the sport of riding on a wave on a special board
19. Test (n.) a way of discovering what smb knows by questions or practical activities
20. Traffic jam (n.) when many vehicles are close together and cannot move or moving very slowly
21. Warm welcome to meet and speak to smb in a friendly way when they come to your place


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