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C Programming language Console based Project List - 2023

(File handling, Data structures)


Bus Reservation System

Bus Reservation System is based on the concept of reserving bus seats for the
passengers. While booking tickets, the user has to enter bus number then the system
displays total bus seat numbers with passengers name and the user has to enter the
number of tickets, seat number, and name, age and phone number of the person.
CP001 Features:
1. View bus list
2.Book Tickets
3.Modify bus record
4.Check bus status
5. View booked tickets by the ticket id

Airline Seat Reservation System

Airline Seat Reservation System is based on the concept of reserving airline seats for the
Here the user has to select the seat class whether to choose Business or Economy class.
Then the system displays available seats, and the user has to enter that particular seat
number in order to reserve it and has to enter their details like name, age, phone
number, Departure city, arrival city and journey dates. After reserving a seat, that
particular seat won’t be available anymore for other users.
1. Book tickets
2. Modify tickets
3. View the booked ticket by ticket id
4. Modify Airline record
5. Check airline status
C Programming language Console based Project List - 2023
(File handling, Data structures)
Hospital Management System
Hospital Management System is based on the concept of managing a patient’s record of
a hospital
The user can perform the CRUD operations to it. Like, add patient details by entering
his/her name, disease name, phone number, age, gender, blood group, Doctor name
and cabin number. The user can also view all the available patient records. Search a
patient by their patient id, name, age, disease and doctor name. Besides, the user can
edit information as well as remove a patient’s whole data by using the patient ID.
1.Add patient records
2.View available records
3.Search patient by ID, name, disease, age, Doctor name.
4.Edit records
5.Delete patient’s record

When user accessing the information related to the college then
1.Collect User details
2.Chatbots answer questions and enquiries
3.collect customer feedback
4.Teacher's assistant and administrative tasks
5.Course registration and enrollment queries
C Programming language Console based Project List - 2023
(File handling, Data structures)
Food Order Management System
Food Order Management System is based on the concept of ordering food and
managing employee records. This application has two categories; Admin section and
customer section. Admin section, from where the user can manage employee and
customer section from where a user can order food.
The user can simply order foods by selecting food items, entering a customer name,
quantity, address and phone number. From the admin section, the user can manage
employee records by entering his/her name, phone number, address, department, date
of birth, and joining date. The admin can also view the last orders of the customers.
1.Order Food
2.Add Employee Records
3.View last orders
4.View all employee records
5.Search employee by ID or Name
6.Remove Employee records

Movie Ticket Booking System

Movie Ticket Booking System is based on the concept of booking movie tickets.
Customer section: The customer can book movie tickets for this, the user has to select a
movie name and ticket type i.e. Gold or Silver (according to the type, ticket price should
vary), enter customer details such as name, phone number and seat number. After this,
CP006 the booking is done. The last feature of this project is about cancelling the tickets which
can be done by entering the booking id.
1.Booking tickets
2.Cancel tickets
3.View the booked ticket by using ticket ID

Student information system

In this project where you can perform the operations such as insert record, modify a
CP007 record, search the record and also delete the record. one of the best features of this
project is that you can generate the mark sheet of the students.
C Programming language Console based Project List - 2023
(File handling, Data structures)
Food Ordering System
Food Ordering System is based on the concept of ordering and serving food in a cafe.
The user can easily order available foods. For this, the user has to enter his/her name,
the total number of the item, item code number, and quantity. There’s CRUD feature
for food items.
Each of the items has its own size and the user also has to select the size before
ordering any item. After ordering an item, the system displays the total amount and the
food will be served. The user can also view the bill details by Bill ID (Bill should display
CP008 the café name, date when the bill is generated, Item, quantity and amount). The user
can also check total records of the cafe which displays the total number of order taken.
1.Food Order
2.View particular Bill
3.Display Total Records
4.Add Food details
5.Modify Food details
6. Delete Food details

Hostel Management System

Hostel Management System is based on a concept to maintain data of the students of a
college living in different hostel premises. Before stepping into the main system a user
has to pass through login system to get access, then only user can use the features of
the system which includes Adding, Removing, Updating and viewing student’s records
of a particular hostel.
While entering student’s record user has to provide USN, name, date of birth, age, city,
phone number, email id, father’s name, father’s phone number, room number, and
select hostel name. Under this, there should be different hostels, ex: B -1, B -2, B -3, G -
CP009 1(user can only select the hostel). But while updating customer’s information from
existing account, user can only change room number and phone number. There are two
methods to check a Student’s account in detail i.e. by USN /student’s name or can view
students of a particular hostel (list should consist USN, name, room number, phone
number and hostel name)
1.Login system
2.Add/Modify/Delete data
3.Check details of existing data
4.View all records of a particular hostel

Rock, Paper And Scissor Game in C language

CP010 c project for the classic rock, paper, and scissor game
The user has to enter the choice and system should display its choice.
The result will be displayed after printing the choice of the computer.
C Programming language Console based Project List - 2023
(File handling, Data structures)
2048 Game in C language
This project is a remake of the game – 2048; single-player sliding block puzzle game. The
main objective of this game is to move numbered tiles on a grid to merge them to form
a tile with number 2048; after all, you can keep on playing the game by creating larger
CP011 numbers. In each move, a new tile falls with the number of 2 or 4. The player has to
enter the name before starting a game and start the game. Player has to move the tiles
using arrow keys and try to collide the same two numbers which create a new tile with
the total sum of the two numbers/tiles. Top right corner contains name of the player
and score board, the player has maximum 2048 try to win the game.

This is a simple calendar program. The program should help in finding out the date and
CP012 day you want to know about. Also, it comes with some extra features, Jump to date,
calculate days, Add notes to a particular date.

Result System
System consist of 3 menus.
1. Admin
2. Teacher
3. Students
Admin login: The admin can add the student’s details (USN, Name, Phone number,
branch, Semester and year) and teacher’s details (ID, name, phone number and
subjects) to the system and can also modify / delete the details. Can also view the
details by ID / USN.
CP013 Teacher login: The user enters the USN and select the semester. The user need to enter
the number of subjects and marks for each subjects
Student login: The user enters the USN and select the semester, system should display
the result of the student. (USN, Name, Branch, Year, semester, marks and grade).
1. Add details
2. Modify/Delete details
3. Display result
4. Search a record

Bank Management System

Bank Management System is based on a concept to generate and maintain daily
CP014 payment transactions with the customer’s account. Before stepping into the main
system a user has to pass through login system. The system which includes CRUD
operations, withdraw and deposit cash feature, check details of existing customers
C Programming language Console based Project List - 2023
(File handling, Data structures)
While entering customer’s record he/she has to provide the IFSC number, Account
number, current date, name, date of birth, age, email, address, Aadhar card / PAN
number, phone number, the amount deposited while creating an account and select
account type (Under this, there are diff types of account ex: Saving, Current, Fixed). But
while updating customer’s information from existing account, he/she can only change
name, address and phone number. There are two methods to check a user’s account in
detail i.e. by Account number or by Account name. The other listing record displays
customer’s name with an Account number, IFSC number, address and contact detail.

Transaction through a bank is either done by Depositing or Withdrawing amounts.

Whenever a user wants to withdraw or deposit some amount of money he/she has to
provide Amount then the system automatically maintains his/her Transaction record
with total bank balance.

1. CRUD operations
2. Transactions(Debit/Credit)
3. Check balance

ATM Banking system

ATM Banking system project is based on a concept of managing an account
personally. From this system, the user can check total balance, Deposit Amount and
CP015 Withdraw Amounts easily.
1. Deposit money
2. Withdraw money
3. Check balance

Store management system

Store management system is based on a concept of managing stores.
The user adds the details of the items like item code, item name, quantity, price per
piece, Manufactured date, Expiry date. The system which includes CRUD operations.
Search item details by item code or item name which includes detail of item code, item
CP016 name, expiry date, number of quantity available.
1. Add items
2. Remove items
3. Update items
4. View items

Telecom Billing System

Telecom Billing System is based on a concept to generate telecom office records, to
add, update and maintain the records.
C Programming language Console based Project List - 2023
(File handling, Data structures)
From this system users can Add, Modify, Delete record as well as this contains a
Payment system too which helps for the bill payments of the customers. All the records
can be managed and payments can be made in a short period of time.
Add record: The user has to select the network type (JIO, Airtel, etc.), enter the name,
phone number, ID proof and address.
Update record: Search the record by name or phone number, then update name of the
customer, Network or address.
Payment method: The user need to enter the phone and details need to be displayed.
Then select the type of connection (Pre-paid, Post-paid), based on connection the
amount to be paid will be displayed. Enter the amount to be paid for successful
1. CRUD operations
2. Payment method

Dino Game
This project is a simple remake of Dinosaur jump game that appears in Offline google
chrome. User can play the game any time they want. The whole project is developed
CP018 using C programming language. Only two buttons are used in the game; “x key” and
“space bar”. X key to quit the game and Spacebar to jump. Play and score as much as
you can, this is an interesting simple game developed specially for the beginners too
and it’s easy to operate and understand by the users.

Quiz Game
This Quiz Game is specially designed for the purpose of Playing Quiz Contest. In this
CP019 system, user has to enter their name and Before the game. Every round there should be
5-6 set of questions to reach the next round.
Scores and name should be displayed at the top the of the screen.

Electricity Bill System

Electricity Bill system is specially designed for the purpose of calculating total electricity
CP020 bill consumed. In this system, user has to enter total units consumed and the total sum
amount is displayed.
Note: 1 unit = 0.590 ₹

Snake Game
Snake Game is a common game where Snake has to eat Food which will be available in
different Coordinates. The user should find it simple to play. User has to move the
CP021 direction of snake simply using arrow keys. There will be no graphics used, the game is
designed simply using C Programming Language. Snake game gives users a total of five
lives to play the game. The life-count decreases as the snake hit the wall or its own
body. The system should allow to pause or continue the game.
C Programming language Console based Project List - 2023
(File handling, Data structures)
Library Management
CP022 Library Management is based on the concept of recording the book’s details. The user
can perform all the tasks like adding (Book id, book name, Author, quantity), viewing,
modifying, and deleting book records.

Phone book management system

CP023 Phonebook Management System allows you to perform the simple phonebook
operations as you do in the mobile phonebook. You can do operations like insert,
modify, list as well as you can also do a search and delete operations.

Contact Management System

CP024 In this project, you can do the operations like add a new contact of a person with their
name, phone number, address and email. Listing all the contacts which are stored in the
contact file. You can also edit any contact’s name, mobile number, address and also
delete any account you want.

Cyber Management System.

The concept of file handling is used in the project to store the data in the file. This
project utilizes the popular features like Multithreading, Sockets etc.

Departmental Store Management

manage items, list, add, modify, billing

Employee Record System

Medical Store Management

perform operations like insert, delete and modify the records of customers, medicine
and the suppliers which is added into the stock.

Personal Dairy Management

CP029 Personal Dairy Management System is used to store the personal data of an individual
person. We can store data like person name, mobile number, address, date of birth,
living place, etc.

Quiz Game Project

In this game number of questions are asked. If the user gives the correct answer then
the cash prize is awarded to each correct individual answer.
C Programming language Console based Project List - 2023
(File handling, Data structures)

School Billing System

CP031 insert, modify, search and delete the records of both the types of accounts. It also
displays the fees of the student, fee dues and the salary-related information.

Hangman Game Project

You will have to guess one character when you run the game and you will be given five
chances to do this

CP032 Key points to remember:

 Not a single graphics card is used while construction.

 User-defined functions and user-defined header files are not used.
 Very user-friendly in nature

Real-estate Advisor

CP033 Insert, delete ,modify and register the properties that include buy and sell options . the
peoples who want to buy the properties those can see the properties details that are
already there in application

Tariff Calculation

The amount of money raised by the supplier for the supply of electrical energy to several
kinds of consumers is known as an “electrical tariff”.The tariff includes the total cost of
production and supplying electrical energy and extension to a reasonable cost. The actual
tariff that the consumer pay depends on the consumption of electricity. Industrial
consumers pay more tariffs because people use more power for a longer time than
domestic consumers. The electricity tariff depends on the following factors: 1) Type of
load, Time at which load is required, and The amount of energy utilized. The total bill of
the consumer has these parts specifically fixed charge, rate of charge, customer charge,
Electrical duty, and no of units consumed.
C Programming language Console based Project List - 2023
(File handling, Data structures)
Customer’s Virtual Wallet

This project need to perform the basic CRUD operations. that will have some amount
CP035 when-ever user want to buy something from store, shop and café etc…
You can use this application to keep the records of user using file handling concept

Vaccine Registration System

This project helps us to track the details of the peoples who all already taken vaccine and
CP036 who all are left by using file handling concept .to take vaccine the credential is aadhar
number (that should include basic CRAD operation)

Password Manager System

insert, modify, search and delete the password and the admin need to manage those
password and the complete system .

Computation Transmission Parameters In Power System

The application(project) should take inputs from the user how much they are consumed.
User can able to operate the basic CRAD operations with respective Bills.

Pharma Store Management System

CP039 It will help us to insert new stock, delete existing stock and alter the price and update
existing medicines to the list. The application help the user to check the invoice and allow
the use to download that particular invoice.

Snakes And ladders

board with numbered, gridded squares. It is a fun and interesting game played by all age
CP040 groups. This game can play with multiple players. And here we need score board for all
the players.

DTH Billing System

The concept of file handling is used in the project to store the data in the file. This
project utilizes the popular features like Multithreading, Sockets etc.

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