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Year, Section and Semester: 2B5, Sem-IV
Case Study contains 3 sections:
Section-I (application development using java)
Section-II (Applets, AWT, swings)
Section-III (HTML page design)

Note: for each of these applications, raise at least one exception (Checked or user-defined)
1. Union Bank of India: Banking Application
Implement bank operations like check balance, deposit, withdraw, exit, etc for one
customer. Take input from the user using Scanner class and write the function definitions
corresponding to the operations of the bank. When the user enters a particular option
(operation), that operation has to be executed. Once a user presses Exit option it should
come out of the application. Identify the variables and the methods required for developing
the application.
Concepts used:
Scanner class, String, how to print in java, variables, if/else statements, switch case,
methods, loop, Exception handling etc.
Sample OUTPUT:
Welcome to Union Bank of India: Banking Application
Customer ID: 101
Select an option:
1. Check Balance
2. Deposit
3. Withdraw
4. Exit
Modify the program to include an exception handling code: Ensure that the minimum
balance maintained in the account is Rs500, if the user tries to withdraw an amount from
the account which has less than Rs.500 then an exception(checked) should be raised and
display a message “Insufficient funds, minimum of Rs.500 needs to be maintained for any

2. Telecom Billing System:

The tasks to be provided in the program are:-
1. A: for adding new records.
2. L: for list of records.
3. M: for modifying records.
4. P: for payment.
5. S: for searching records.
6. D: for deleting records.

3. Medical store management system

Keep details of customer, suppliers and medicine. You can view the report and billing
information also. You can add, edit, delete and search the record also.

4. Employee record system:

In a small firm employees are given in serial numerical order that is 1, 2, 3 etc.
a. Store employee data with the following information: employee number,
name, sex, gross salary.
b. If more employees join, append their data to the employee.
c. If an employee with serial number 25(say) leaves, delete the records by
making gross salary 0.
d. If some employee’s gross salary increases, retrieve the record and update the

5. Library management system:

Should to hold accession number, title of the book, author name, price of the book and
flag indicating whether the book is issued or not. Write a menu-driven program that
implements the working of a library. The menu options could be:
a. Add book information
b. Display book information
c. List all the books of given author
d. List the title of specified book
e. List the count of books in the library
f. List the books in order of accession number
g. Exit

6. Quiz Game
7. Tic-tac-toe game
8. Student record system
9. Cricket score sheet management
10. Department store management

SECTION II: Applets, AWT and Swings

1. Write a java program to draw a rectangle on an applet by passing the rectangle parameters; starting
co-ordinates(x,y), length and breadth from HTML to applet.
2. Create an applet program for drawing color lines, rectangle, filled rectangle, rounded rectangle, filled
rounded rectangle, and oval, filled oval, arc, and fill arc and polygon. Every drawing shape should be in
different color. Write a text “hello everyone” at the center.
3. Create an applet to include labels (Name, email, Country, Phone No), Text Boxes, Buttons (Submit,
Clear).Set the background color to cyan.
4. Create an applet to include labels, text boxes, checkboxes, and buttons

5. Create an applet with the following output:

6. Draw a human face using the methods of Graphics class on an applet as shown below.

7. Develop a java program using java Swings to design a Student Registration form using AWT(Abstract
Window Toolkit) components as per the given below snippet :
Note: Include Event-Handling code for “Gender (M/F)” , “Course” and “save” components.
Set the background color of the frame to cyan.

8. Create an applet program for banner; banner text (Your Roll No.) should be passed as parameter. This
applet creates a thread that scrolls the message contained in message right to left across the applet's
window & also uses status window.

9. Write a program that displays the x and y position of the cursor movement using mouse.

10. Develop a program for the demonstration of the following Layout managers: Border Layout, Flow
Layout, Grid Layout, and Grid Bag Layout. You can design a simple calculator using the above layouts.
SECTION III: HTML PAGE (Either do 1 or 2, 3 is compulsory)

1. Design a HTML page (web page, static) which includes heading1 (GITAM (Deemed to be
University)), heading2 (CSE DEPARTMENT, Visakhapatnam) of different sizes, insert an image of
your Institute, a horizontal line, a paragraph describing about CSE Department. Also create list of
items: ordered and unordered.
2. Design a HTML page (web page) describing your profile in one paragraph. Design in such a way that
it has a heading, a horizontal rule, three links and a photo of your institution.

3. Design a HTML page (static) of the application done by you from section-I (use concepts: heading,
paragraph, insert image, links, basic concepts) ------------MANDATORY.

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