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Neurology in Practice


Disorders of the spinal cord

and roots
Lionel Ginsberg

Correspondence to INTRODUCTION bodies are arranged in 10 layers or ‘nuclei’ (Rexed’s

Professor Lionel Ginsberg, The distinctive patterns of myelopathy (disorder laminae):
Department of Neurology, Royal of the spinal cord) and radiculopathy (disorder of ▶ The laminae in the dorsal horns are where the
Free Hospital, Pond Street,
London NW3 2QG, UK; spinal roots) are a direct consequence of the strik- primary cutaneous afferent fibres terminate ing anatomy of the spinal cord: having reached the cord via the dorsal roots
▶ its near cylindrical, segmental structure of of the spinal nerves. They then synapse with
great length (42–45 cm in adults) second order neurons in the substantia gelati-
▶ the marked proximity of ascending and nosa of the dorsal horns, directly or through
descending long tracts within the confi nes of interneurons. These second order neurons
a narrow cross sectional area (the maximum decussate in the ventral white commissure and
circumference of the cervical enlargement of ascend in the contralateral spinothalamic tract
the cord is approximately 38 mm) (this pathway may be contrasted with that for
▶ enclosure by meninges and vertebral column proprioceptive and exteroceptive information
▶ vulnerable blood supply.
ascending in the dorsal columns where the
Having established that a patient’s clinical pre- central axons of the primary afferents remain
sentation localises to the spinal cord and/or roots, ipsilateral and may not synapse until reaching
clues to the pathological diagnosis emerge from the gracile and cuneate nuclei in the medulla).
the timing of the symptoms (table 1), as is usually ▶ The lateral horns of the central grey matter are

the case in neurology. small projections in the thoracolumbar cord

(T1 to L2) which contain the cell bodies of
preganglionic sympathetic neurons.
NEUROANATOMY AND SPECIFIC SYNDROMES ▶ The ventral (anterior) horns are much larger
Spinal cord and contain the cell bodies of lower motor
The relationships of the white matter tracts to one neurons. Anterior horn cells are arranged so
another and to the central grey matter are most those whose axons are destined to innervate
easily appreciated in transverse section (figure 1). flexor muscles lie dorsal to those supplying
Within the major pathways, there is a relatively the extensors; lower motor neurons to the
orderly somatotopic arrangement: limb muscles originate lateral to those des-
▶ In the spinothalamic tracts, the most super- tined for the truncal musculature in the ven-
ficial fibres are related to the sacral der- tral horns.
matomes. These overlie the lumbar fibres, These microscopic arrangements and relation-
with thoracic still deeper in the tracts, and ships all have clinical relevance when specific cord
the cervical fibres closest to the central grey syndromes are considered:
matter. Pain and temperature sensation are
conveyed in the lateral spinothalamic tracts Extrinsic compression
whereas touch and pressure pathways are A lesion gradually compressing the spinal cord
anterior (ventral). can produce weakness below the level of the
▶ In the posterior (dorsal) columns, fi bres from lesion (spastic paraparesis, spastic tetraparesis, or
the lower limbs ascend medially in the grac- upper motor neuron signs in the legs with a com-
ile tracts, those from the upper limbs are lat- bination of upper and lower motor neuron signs
eral in the bulkier cuneate tracts. Pathways in the arms), sphincter disturbance and sensory
for position and touch sensation generally loss, ultimately to all modalities. There may be
lie deep to those for vibration and pressure. local or radicular pain. The area of cutaneous
▶ In the lateral corticospinal tracts, descending sensory impairment typically includes the sacral
fibres to the upper limbs are medial to those dermatomes because the fibres from this area lie
to the lower limbs. closest to the surface of the cord in the spinotha-
The organisation is similar in the central grey lamic tracts and are therefore most vulnerable to
matter of the cord where the neuronal cell extrinsic compression.

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Neurology in Practice

Table 1 Speed of onset and likely cause of myeloradiculopathy thoracic cord imaged, a surgically treatable lesion
further up the spine may be missed.
Onset Examples of pathophysiology

Hyperacute ...seconds, minutes, hours... Traumatic

Vascular (haemorrhagic or ischaemic) Acute complete transverse lesions
Acute ...hours, days, weeks... Compressive (abscess, tumour, intervertebral disc)* Acute complete transverse lesions produce an
Inflammatory (including infective and post- extreme version of the pattern seen with extrin-
infective)† sic cord compression of more gradual onset; com-
Subacute ...days, weeks, months... Metabolic (eg, B12 deficiency) plete paralysis and sensory loss to all modalities
Inflammatory below the level of the lesion, and loss of sphincter
Chronic ...months, years, decades... Compressive (eg, spondylotic) control. Immediately after the injury, however,
Inflammatory (eg, HTLV-1 infection, primary there is a period of spinal shock typically lasting
progressive multiple sclerosis) 1–2 weeks or sometimes longer when the motor
Syringomyelia signs are paradoxical, with fl accid paralysis and
absent tendon reflexes. This is why acute cord
*Compression from abscess, tumour or disc may also be subacute or acute-on-chronic.

Non-infective inflammatory lesions are usually subacute or chronic in onset, but can occasionally strike lesions enter the differential diagnosis of the
abruptly, as in ‘stroke-like’ presentations of multiple sclerosis. Guillain–Barré syndrome. Upper motor neuron
signs only develop after spinal shock has resolved.
A similar sequence of events is seen with sphinc-
ter function after severe spinal cord injury, with
an initially atonic bladder and bowel, later becom-
ing spastic. Acute complete transverse lesions can
be traumatic or non-traumatic (eg, vascular).

Central cord syndrome

Some patients with limited trauma to the cer-
vical cord may have disproportionate damage
to the central grey matter, with relative sparing
of the long tracts; the dominant clinical fi nd-
ings are then of lower motor neuron signs in the
arms, with variable sensory loss. Mild, reversible
trauma, often in the context of pre-existing cervi-
cal spinal stenosis, may result in numb, clumsy or
Figure 1 Transverse section of the spinal cord in the mid-cervical region. Many ‘burning’ hands without weakness or long tract
ascending and descending tracts have been omitted to emphasise the most clinically features, the pathology presumably residing in or
relevant. near the dorsal horns.
A similar pattern, albeit much more chronic,
is seen in syringomyelia where a cavity develops
This pattern is the opposite of that in intrinsic
within the cord, usually starting close to the cer-
cord lesions, where there may be sacral sparing.
vicothoracic junction and gradually extending ros-
The upper limit of the impaired sensation—the
trally and caudally, in association with a Chiari
sensory level—may correspond to the level of the
malformation. The cavity affects the decussating
compressive lesion, but not always. Thus a sensory
spinothalamic fibres in the ventral white com-
level at T10, for example, implies that the lesion is
missure, producing a characteristic suspended or
at T10 or above. The explanation is again related
cape-like loss of pain and temperature sensation,
to the lamination of the spinothalamic tracts.
with upper and lower sensory levels. Eventually,
Early in its evolution, a compressive lesion at the
the long tracts are involved, so the patient has a
cervicothoracic junction (C8/T1), for example,
combination of lower motor neuron signs in the
may only cause relatively mild cord impingement,
upper limbs and upper motor neuron signs in the
damaging the outermost layers of the spinotha-
lower limbs, but a degree of dissociated anaesthe-
lamic tracts—that is, those relating to the sacral
sia persists—ie, with sparing of dorsal column
and lumbar dermatomes. In time, however, as the
compression worsens and deeper fibres within the
A syrinx may also occur in association with
tracts become affected, the sensory level ascends
intramedullary spinal tumours and after trauma
towards where the lesion actually is—at T1. The
and other causes of extrinsic cord compression.
upper level of the sensory disturbance therefore
depends on the stage of evolution of the lesion.
Indeed patients may describe this process in their Ventral cord syndrome
history, saying that the numbness began in their The blood supply of the spinal cord is vulnerable
feet, gradually ascended to the knees and even- to hypotension. The anterior spinal artery supplies
tually to their trunk. This evolving pattern is of the anterior two-thirds of the cord and is a func-
great practical importance in the investigation tional end artery. The cord’s longitudinal arteries
and management of acute cord lesions. If a patient (one anterior and two posterior) are insufficient to
with a sensory level at T10 has only the lower provide its entire transverse or longitudinal needs

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Neurology in Practice

and are supplemented by segmental medullary cervical cord lesions sometimes produce physical
feeder vessels. Of these, the largest is the artery of signs in the arms which suggest lower motor neu-
Adamkiewicz which arises from a segmental ves- ron involvement, with distal wasting and weak-
sel of the aorta, usually between T9 and L2 on the ness, and depressed tendon reflexes.
left, and this can be responsible for most of the
supply to the lower cord. The upper to mid tho- Spinal roots
racic cord is distant from this and other feeders, The ventral and dorsal roots at each spinal level
hence it is at particular risk of ischaemia at times unite to form mixed (sensory and motor) spinal
of hypotension. Anterior spinal artery infarction nerves. The point of union is in or close to the
produces paraplegia or tetraplegia, loss of pain and intervertebral foramen. Spinal nerves and roots
temperature sensation below the lesion, with rel- are numbered according to the adjacent vertebrae
ative sparing of dorsal column function (because (figure 2). Thus in the cervical region, the nerve is
the posterior one-third of the cord is supplied by the same number as the vertebra below it (eg, the
the posterior spinal arteries). right and left C7 nerves emerge from the spine

Dorsal cord syndrome

While the dorsal columns can sometimes be
selectively damaged by vascular occlusion, the
more usual pathology (in combination with that
of the lateral corticospinal tracts) is metabolic or
inflammatory (see below).

Hemicord syndrome
The typical features of the Brown–Séquard syn-
drome, when the lesion is confi ned to one side
of the cord, arise because of the decussation of
spinothalamic fibres in the ventral white com-
missure. As a result, corticospinal tract and dor-
sal column function are impaired on the side of
the lesion whereas pain and temperature sen-
sation are affected on the opposite side of the
body. Patients may also have a narrow band of
spinothalamic sensory loss, sometimes accompa-
nied by pain, on the side of the lesion and close to
its level, caused by damage to fibres which have
not yet decussated to join the contralateral spi-
nothalamic tract. Originally described (and still
seen) in the context of trauma, any asymmetrical
cord lesion, such as a plaque of demyelination,
can cause this, albeit often partial.

Conus lesion
A lesion at the lower end of the spinal cord can
produce a mixture of upper and lower motor
neuron signs in the legs, typically absent ankle
reflexes (due to damage to the reflex arc) with
upgoing plantar responses (due to damage to the
corticospinal tract). Weakness in the lower limbs
is mild or absent but there is profound sphincter
disturbance and saddle anaesthesia.

Foramen magnum lesion

Lesions of the high cervical cord can produce con-
fusing symptoms and signs. Weakness may begin
in one arm and then spread in a clockwise or anti-
clockwise fashion to the ipsilateral leg, then the
contralateral leg and fi nally to the contralateral
arm. Lower cranial nerve palsies may be pres-
ent, along with downbeating nystagmus. Pain Figure 2 Diagram showing the relationship of the
and paraesthesiae may affect the upper limb fi rst spinal cord segments and spinal nerves to the vertebrae.
showing motor involvement. For poorly under- (Reproduced with permission from Ginsberg L. Lecture
stood reasons, possibly vascular in basis, high notes on neurology, 9th Edn. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.)

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at C6/7). The C8 nerves lie between the C7 and from a conus lesion but there will be no upper
T1 vertebrae so spinal nerves below this level motor neuron signs. Cauda equina syndrome is
exit below the vertebrae with which they share also typically more painful than a conus lesion,
a number. However, a disc prolapse in the lumbar and more likely to cause lower limb weakness.
region will still generally impinge on the root(s)
with the same number as the vertebra below
(because of the three-dimensional arrangement
of the roots in the lower spinal canal). A lateral (AND RADICULOPATHY)
disc prolapse at L4/5, for example, will generally Spinal cord and root disease may fi rst be divided
cause an L5 root lesion. It will only involve the into extrinsic (usually compressive) and intrinsic
L4 nerve if there is a far lateral protrusion. causes, then the familiar ‘surgical sieve’ can be
A spinal cord segment is defi ned by the zone applied (table 3).
of attachment of the rootlets of a pair of spinal
nerves (right and left, dorsal and ventral roots, Genetic
6–8 rootlets per root). As the cord occupies only ▶ Hereditary spastic paraplegia is a neurode-
the upper two-thirds of the spinal canal, there will generative process primarily affecting upper
necessarily be non-correspondence between the motor neurons, rather than a disease of the
cord segments and the vertebrae (figure 2). This spinal cord per se. It can resemble a ‘true’
divergence becomes more marked the more caudal myelopathy clinically, however, even in its
the segment, so that the lower roots have a longer relatively uncomplicated forms where there
intraspinal course than those arising more rostrally. may be sphincter and sensory involvement.
Ultimately, with the spinal cord ending around The pattern of inheritance is most commonly
L1/2, the neural elements in the lowest part of the autosomal dominant but can be autosomal
theca consist solely of the roots forming the cauda recessive or sex linked.
equina, crowded around the fi lum terminale. ▶ Adrenomyeloneuropathy is one presentation
of X linked adrenoleukodystrophy. Males
Monoradiculopathies (and occasionally female manifesting carriers)
Monoradiculopathies are usually compressive develop a slowly progressive spastic parapare-
but can be infl ammatory or infective. Their sis in young adulthood, followed by sensory
clinical features comprise radicular pain, der- and sphincter involvement. Adrenal failure
matomal sensory loss, weakness and some- need not occur. Raised very long chain fatty
times loss of reflex(s). Radicular pain may be acid levels are diagnostic in males but muta-
perceived in the relevant myotome, rather than tion analysis may be required in females.
the dermatome—a useful practical point. For ▶ Other leukodystrophies, for example, metach-
example, C5 pain may localise medial to the romatic leukodystrophy, can have prominent
scapula, in the rhomboids. Testing the strength upper motor neuron features, but the pres-
of particular muscles may indicate which root is ence of cognitive deterioration and brain MRI
affected—segment-pointer muscles (table 2). changes usually help clarify the diagnosis.
▶ Some of the hereditary ataxias may occasion-
ally present with a predominant spastic para-
paresis. In particular, variant patients with
Polyradiculopathies may be compressive, inflam-
Friedreich’s ataxia may have lower limb spastic-
matory or infi ltrative. A compressive lesion of the
ity, pyramidal weakness and retained reflexes.
cauda equina (caused by central intervertebral
Similarly, some patients with spinocerebellar
disc prolapse or tumour) may be indistinguishable
ataxia type 3 (Machado–Joseph disease) have
clinical features resembling hereditary spastic
paraplegia early in the course of their illness.
Table 2 Segment-pointer muscles*
▶ Genetic disorders can also cause extrinsic
Root Muscle(s)
compressive cord lesions, for example, in the
C3 Diaphragm mucopolysaccharidoses where the metabolic
C4 Diaphragm defect may lead to spinal dysostosis, dural
C5 Deltoid, biceps thickening or atlanto-axial instability.
C6 Brachioradialis, extensor carpi radialis longus
C7 Triceps, extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor digitorum
C8 Wrist and finger flexors Congenital (ie, starting during fetal development)
T1 Intrinsic muscles of the hand ▶ Syringomyelia is probably congenital, in asso-
L3 Quadriceps femoris ciation with a Chiari malformation.
L4 Quadriceps femoris, tibialis anterior ▶ Spinal dysraphism varies in severity from the
L5 Extensor hallucis longus
chance radiographic fi nding of spina bifida
S1 Gastrocnemius
occulta to a full blown lumbar myelomenin-
*Most muscles are innervated by fibres from more than one root. gocoele with consequent lower cord/cauda
However, in these examples, only one or two roots predominate for a
particular muscle, aiding lesion localisation. The root values assume equina syndrome and neonatal hydrocephalus.
that the plexus is neither pre- nor post-fi xed. Adults presenting with a partial conus or cauda

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Neurology in Practice

Table 3 Causes of myelopathy Infective

Extrinsic Mixed or indeterminate Intrinsic
Extrinsic infective processes compressing the cord or
cauda equina include epidural abscess, usually due
Genetic Mucopolysaccharidoses Hereditary spastic to Staphylococcus aureus (sometimes streptococci
Adrenomyeloneuropathy and anaerobes). The clinical presentation is with
Other spinocerebellar the triad of pain (local, with tenderness and/or
degenerations and radicular), fever and signs of myeloradiculopathy.
Tuberculous spinal osteomyelitis (figure 3A) is
Congenital Arachnoid cyst Syringomyelia
Dysraphism encountered particularly in at risk groups (those
Traumatic Vertebral fracture and/or in or from developing countries, or immunocom-
dislocation promised individuals) and leads to neural com-
Missile and stab injuries pression which may be associated with spinal
Infective Epidural abscess Acute viral myelitis deformity, ultimately the angular gibbus of Pott’s
Tuberculous osteomyelitis Tuberculosis
Syphilis disease of the spine.
Schistosomiasis Intrinsic infective myelopathies can be acute or
HIV chronic:
▶ Acute infective myelitis is less common in
Inflammatory Rheumatoid arthritis Multiple sclerosis
Ankylosing spondylitis Neuromyelitis optica developed countries than a post-infective pro-
Post-infective cess (see below). It may be viral (zoster, her-
Sarcoid, Behçet’s pes simplex, HIV at seroconversion), bacterial
Connective tissue
disorders (tuberculosis, secondary syphilis) or, rarely,
Neoplastic Extradural tumours Intramedullary tumours parasitic (schistosomiasis).
Extramedullary intradural Paraneoplastic ▶ Chronic infective myelopathies include the
tumours vacuolar myelopathy of advanced HIV infec-
Vascular Epidural haematoma Dural arteriovenous Haematomyelia
fistula Ischaemic infarction
tion. Another chronic retroviral myelopathy
Metabolic Paget’s disease Vitamin B12 deficiency
is associated with human T cell lymphotropic
Copper deficiency virus infection (tropical spastic paraparesis,
Liver failure human T lymphotropic virus type 1 associ-
Toxic Myodil induced arachnoiditis Radiation Nitrous oxide ated myelopathy) which is endemic in the
Intrathecal methotrexate Electrical injury Clioquinol
Caribbean, sub-Saharan Africa and the Far
Konzo East. Transmission is vertical, sexual or
Degenerative Spondylosis Amyotrophic lateral through blood transfusion. Only a small
Disc prolapse sclerosis minority of infected individuals develop neu-
Primary lateral sclerosis rological problems following an incubation
period of many years. The clinical picture is
equina syndrome in association with devel- of a progressive spastic paraparesis (usually
opmental lumbosacral skin changes (dimples, slow) with prominent sphincter involvement
pits, sinuses, lipomas, haemangiomas or tufts and painful paraesthesiae in the legs.
of hair) may have a variety of underlying spi- Infective radiculopathies include herpes zoster
nal defects, for example, tethering of the cord, and also the meningoradiculopathy of Lyme dis-
or a lumbar syrinx or lipoma. Further up the ease. A polyradiculitis of the cauda equina caused
spine, a bony spur can separate the cord into by cytomegalovirus occurs in AIDS patients with
two halves—diastematomyelia. very low CD4 cell counts.
▶ Arachnoid cysts are also probably congenital.
Although usually asymptomatic, they can Inflammatory and demyelinating
occasionally cause chronic cord compression, Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common cause
sometimes with secondary syrinx formation. of a spastic paraparesis in young adults in tem-
perate zones. Although a complete transverse
Traumatic myelitis may occur, the clinical features of a cord
Missile and stab injuries to the spine are encoun- relapse of MS are typically asymmetrical, reflect-
tered in civilian life but the more common trauma ing the likely irregular disposition of the causative
is crushing of the cord consequent on fracture– plaques. The Lhermitte phenomenon is helpful
dislocation of the spine, potentially exacerbated by in the diagnosis of MS, but not pathognomonic,
hyperflexion/hyperextension and by any pre-exist- because it also occurs in compressive cervical cord
ing narrowing of the spinal canal. Such injuries usu- lesions and vitamin B12 deficiency. The Uhthoff
ally transect the cord with instantly fatal results if phenomenon is also useful, but may be more subtle
the lesion is in the high cervical region, unless there than the patient simply complaining of worsening
is immediate respiratory support (the respiratory symptoms after a hot bath. Thus patients with
muscles are innervated by motor fibres arising from spinal cord demyelination may describe exercise
C3 to the lower thoracic cord). More caudally, the induced deterioration in their walking, mimicking
degree of paralysis depends on the level of the lesion vascular or compressive spinal lesions.
but there will generally be a phase of spinal shock Theoretically, there is no limit to the length of a
followed by the development of hyperreflexia. spinal plaque of MS. However, very long intrinsic

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Figure 3 Spinal MRI. (A) Tuberculous spinal osteomyelitis and discitis—sagittal T2 weighted image of the thoracic spine showing destruction of
the T8 vertebral body and extradural compression of the spinal cord. (B) Neuromyelitis optica—sagittal T2 weighted image of the cervicothoracic
spine showing longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis, involving much of the cord caudally from C5. (C) Spinal meningioma—sagittal T1 weighted
image of the thoracic spine post-gadolinium. The lesion was isointense with the spinal cord on the pre-contrast images but can be seen to enhance
avidly post-gadolinium. (D) Spondylotic compression at C3/4—sagittal T2 weighted image of the cervicothoracic spine. There is anterior and posterior
cord impingement, resulting in damage to its parenchyma (myelomalacia), shown as high signal within cord substance at the point of maximal
compression. (Figure 3C is reproduced with permission from Ginsberg L. Lecture notes on neurology, 9th Edn. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.)

cord lesions identified on MRI are increasingly Neoplastic

being associated with other causes. This has led Spinal tumours are classified as extradural,
to the emergence of the awkwardly named but extramedullary–intradural and intramedullary:
clinically useful concept of longitudinally exten- ▶ Extradural tumours include metastases to the
sive transverse myelitis (extending at least three vertebrae (typically breast, lung, prostate, thy-
vertebral segments, figure 3B). This can be seen roid and kidney cancers) and other bony malig-
in neuromyelitis optica (NMO, Devic’s disease) nancies (myeloma, lymphoma). These lesions
where the clinical cord syndrome is usually much impinge on the cord, roots or cauda equina
more severe than in MS. by invading the epidural space, or by causing
Post-infective or post-immunisation transverse vertebral collapse. Patients present with acute
myelitis may be a forme fruste of acute disseminated cord compression, back pain and tenderness,
encephalomyelitis. The typical presentation is with but the history can often be traced back days
a monophasic acute or subacute transverse myelopa- or even weeks. Sometimes, malignant dis-
thy a few days or weeks after an infection or immu- ease can spread through the epidural space,
nisation. The initial trigger may be relatively trivial, ‘picking off’ roots and compressing the cord
for example, an upper respiratory tract infection. at multiple levels, without involving the ver-
Often, no specific organism is identified but recog- tebrae. This applies particularly to lymphoma
nised associations include Epstein–Barr virus, vari- and prostatic carcinoma. The result can be a
cella zoster virus and Mycoplasma. Spinal MRI may confusing mixture of upper and lower motor
show a longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis neuron signs, even mimicking motor neuron
and the CSF is usually moderately lymphocytic. disease. Non-malignant extradural tumours
Various systemic infl ammatory and autoim- include chordomas and lipomas.
mune diseases have occasionally been linked to
▶ Extramedullary–intradural tumours lie on the
cord syndromes that resemble MS. The diagnosis
surface of the cord, having arisen from the
is relatively straightforward if the patient already
meninges or a root, mainly meningiomas and
has clinical and/or paraclinical features of the
neurofibromas. Spinal meningiomas (figure
systemic disease, as may occur in sarcoidosis and
3C) have a much more marked female prepon-
(rarely) Behçet’s disease. A diagnosis of sarcoi-
derance than their intracranial counterparts.
dosis is harder to reach if there are no systemic
Neurofibromas may occur in isolation or in the
features. The situation is more controversial for
context of neurofibromatosis. They are more
systemic lupus erythematosus and Sjögren’s syn-
likely to generate radicular symptoms than
drome. Again, there is some diagnostic security
if there are systemic features of the autoimmune
▶ Intramedullary tumours lie within the spinal
disease. However, if the only evidence of lupus
or Sjögren’s is serological, the patient may in fact cord, sometimes with a syrinx. They are very
have NMO with non-pathogenic antibodies. rare and include astrocytomas, ependymomas,
Systemic infl ammatory disorders may also haemangioblastomas and metastases.
cause extrinsic cord lesions. The most notorious is An acute necrotising myelopathy may occur as
atlanto-axial subluxation, a rare complication of a paraneoplastic phenomenon, most commonly
rheumatoid arthritis, where the combination of a with small cell lung cancer. The cord syndrome
build-up of infl ammatory tissue and weakening of may antedate the discovery of the cancer by many
ligaments puts the patient at risk of a catastrophic months. Antineuronal antibodies (anti-Hu) are
compressive foramen magnum lesion. usually present.

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Neurology in Practice

Vascular picture. At risk patients include those who have

Like the brain, the cord can be affected by both undergone partial gastrectomy or gastric bypass
haemorrhagic and ischaemic vascular events. surgery (hence impairing copper absorption) and
Bleeding into the epidural or subdural space, individuals with excessive zinc intake (zinc com-
for example, through anticoagulant excess, will peting with copper for absorption in the proximal
cause an acute compressive transverse myelopa- duodenum). The diagnosis is confi rmed by very
thy. Haemorrhage within the cord (haematomy- low serum copper and caeruloplasmin levels. The
elia) may be due to an underlying arteriovenous haematological fi ndings of copper deficiency are
or cavernous malformation. different from vitamin B12 deficiency, sideroblastic
Ischaemic cord infarction most commonly anaemia with neutropenia.
affects the anterior spinal artery territory, produc- Chronic liver failure may lead to a range of neu-
ing a ventral cord syndrome of abrupt and pain- rological deficits, including a slowly progressive
ful onset. Causes include atherosclerosis of feeder myelopathy.
vessels (in particular, the artery of Adamkiewicz), Toxic causes of myelopathy include:
aortic dissection, and aortic surgery (especially if ▶ Nitrous oxide inhalation producing clinical fea-
complicated by hypotension). Rarer possibilities tures resembling subacute combined degenera-
are thrombosis of the anterior spinal artery itself, tion. Patients having multiple anaesthetics are
vasculitis, infective endocarditis, decompression at risk, as are dentists and veterinary surgeons
sickness and fibrocartilaginous embolism. who self-administer for recreational purposes.
Spinal dural arteriovenous fi stula is uncom- ▶ Oil based contrast medium (Myodil), previ-
mon but potentially treatable. Patients are usu- ously used for myelography, causes spinal
ally male and middle-aged or elderly, presenting arachnoiditis with consequent cord and cauda
with a subacute or chronic, stepwise, fluctuating equina damage. Arachnoiditis can also develop
deterioration in gait, with pain in the back or leg, after spinal surgery.
sensory disturbance and ultimately sphincter ▶ Radiation—a slowly progressive myelopathy
involvement. Exercise may trigger deterioration. may occur months or years after
On examination, a combination of upper and radiotherapy.
lower motor neuron signs may be seen. Although ▶ Dietary toxins—lathyrism from consumption
the fi stula is usually in the lower cord, the sensory of the chickling vetch Lathyrus sativus, konzo
level may be several segments higher because of from cassava.
ascending venous congestion. Spinal MRI may
show only subtle signal change in the lower cord
and conus or an enlarged draining vein, although Degenerative
spinal MR angiography may be more informative. Cervical spondylotic myelopathy is the most
Confi rmation of the diagnosis ultimately requires common cause of a spastic paraparesis in elderly
selective catheter angiography. The fistula may be patients. The extrinsic compression arises from a
amenable to embolisation or surgical occlusion. combination of degenerative disc disease, osteo-
phyte formation and ligamentous hypertrophy,
leading to myelomalacia (figure 3D). A single
Metabolic and toxic level in the lower or mid cervical region may be
As the name implies, subacute combined degen- affected (as shown in figure 3) but often there is
eration of the cord, secondary to vitamin B12 defi- multilevel disease. The clinical features are of a
ciency, is characterised by a combination of dorsal spastic paraparesis, with or without sphincter
column and corticospinal tract dysfunction, usu- and sensory involvement, in association—but not
ally evolving over the course of a few weeks. always—with neck pain and stiffness, and radicu-
There is also a significant component of peripheral lar arm pain. Upper limb signs may be a mixture
neuropathy (hence the coexistence of lower motor of upper and lower motor neuron. It is often possi-
neuron with the upper motor neuron signs from ble to discern the site of the lesion clinically from
the myelopathy—absent ankle reflexes and exten- the presence of a ‘reflex level’. Thus an absent or
sor plantar responses) and, later, optic neuropathy inverted biceps reflex, with brisk reflexes below,
and cognitive impairment. Vitamin B12 deficiency implies myeloradiculopathy at C5.
is remarkable as one of the few causes of periph- Lumbar spondylosis, frequently superimposed
eral neuropathy where the hands may be affected on a congenitally stenotic spinal canal, may cause
before the feet, but this is largely because of the chronic cauda equina compression. Patients pres-
coexistent myelopathy; spinal MRI shows signal ent with back and leg pain, with sensory and motor
change in the dorsal columns of the cervical cord. symptoms in the lower limbs, which may be exer-
The neurological complications of vitamin B12 cise induced—intermittent claudication of the
deficiency may occur in the absence of any hae- cauda equina. Neurogenic claudication is typically
matological disorder, even with a normal mean triggered by walking and relieved by sitting or lean-
corpuscular volume. Investigation should include ing forwards for 5–15 min, considerably longer than
measurement of serum methylmalonic acid and is required to relieve claudication from peripheral
homocysteine as well as vitamin B12 levels. vascular disease. This relationship of symptoms to
Copper deficiency has been recognised recently posture is thought to reflect the cross sectional area
as a cause of a subacute combined degeneration of the lumbar canal, which is least on standing and

2011;11:259–267. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2011-000069 265

Neurology in Practice

walking, hence resulting in maximal compression Less clearcut is the surgical management of
of the cauda equina and its blood supply. chronic spondylotic compression, where there is
Disc protrusions usually occur spontane- a serious lack of high quality evidence:
ously, in the context of disc degeneration, rather ▶ Patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy
than being linked to a specific traumatic event. are often very elderly, with significant comor-
Lateral disc protrusions typically cause a cervi- bidities. The course of the neurological impair-
cal or lumbar monoradiculopathy. Central disc ment is not necessarily progressive. However,
prolapse in the lumbar region may cause an with advancing myelopathy and deteriorating
acute cauda equina syndrome, a neurosurgical disability, in a patient fit for surgery, there is
emergency. a case for decompression, mainly to prevent
Motor neuron disease (amyotrophic lateral further deterioration (any improvement being
sclerosis) occasionally presents as a spastic a bonus). The posterior operation of decom-
paraparesis—an intrinsic (neuro)degenerative pressive laminectomy may be preferred if
cause of myelopathy. In the absence of lower motor multiple levels are affected. Anterior surgery
neuron signs, the diagnosis may be supported by (eg, Cloward’s procedure) is used for predomi-
detecting subclinical evidence of denervation on nantly discogenic disease.
electromyography. Primary lateral sclerosis is a ▶ Many patients presenting with radicular pain
virtually pure symmetrical spastic paraparesis, from a lateral disc prolapse in the cervical or
progressing to tetraparesis then pseudobulbar lumbar region are satisfactorily managed with-
palsy, with sphincter involvement and emotional out surgery (see below). Operative intervention
lability only occurring late in the course of the should be contemplated only after a failed trial
disease. Primary lateral sclerosis has a much bet- of conservative therapy of at least 6 weeks,
ter prognosis than amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. but sometimes sooner if there are significant
The diagnosis rests on a minimum disease dura- symptoms and signs of root compression.
tion of 3 years and the absence of pointers to other
causes (eg, no family history to suggest hereditary
spastic paraplegia, no oligoclonal bands in CSF to Medical treatment
suggest primary progressive MS). Some medical causes of myelopathy demand
treatment as urgently as those amenable to sur-
gery, to minimise irreversible cord damage, for
PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT example, vitamin B12 replacement for subacute
Investigation combined degeneration or plasma exchange for a
The key investigation for a patient presenting relapse of NMO.
with a myelopathy or lumbar polyradiculopa- Most patients with acute radicular pain from a
thy is spinal MRI to identify or exclude cord or lateral cervical or lumbar disc prolapse are man-
cauda equina compression. The decision to image aged successfully with analgesia, maintenance of
a patient with a cervical or lumbar monoradicu- mobility and, if necessary, the involvement of a
lopathy depends on the severity and duration of multidisciplinary pain management team. Epidural
symptoms. If cord or cauda equina compression and root directed injections of corticosteroids are
has been excluded, further investigation will be of uncertain benefit but are sometimes used with
determined by the patient’s clinical presentation the aim of delaying or avoiding surgery.
and spinal MRI fi ndings (table 4).
Surgery Specialist spinal units have revolutionised the
The need for urgent surgery is not controversial prognosis for survival of patients with severe cord
for patients with cord or cauda equina compres- injury. Their environment promotes the atten-
sion from: tion to detail required to prevent potentially life
▶ benign extradural or extramedullary–intra-
threatening complications, including venous
dural tumour thromboembolism, pressure sores and urinary
tract damage. Other important areas of manage-
▶ epidural abscess
ment for paraplegic and tetraplegic patients are:
▶ epidural haematoma
▶ prevention of contractures
▶ acute central disc prolapse.
▶ control of spasticity
Indeed, the last three diagnoses are neurosurgi-
▶ bladder, bowel and sexual function
cal emergencies. Malignant extradural tumours
respond as well to radiotherapy with dexametha- ▶ maintenance of nutrition

sone as they do to surgery. ▶ psychological stress.

Surgery for severe trauma should be restricted Educating and hence empowering patients in the
to spinal stabilisation where there is any risk of management of their own condition is vital.
further injury, and to aid early rehabilitation. Autonomic dysreflexia is a particular complication
There is no justification for prolonged courses of cervical and high thoracic spinal cord injuries.
of corticosteroids but methylprednisolone It is a reflex response to a noxious stimulus, such
within 8 h of injury may have some modest as bladder distension, urinary tract infection or
benefit. lower body trauma. The response manifests as

266 2011;11:259–267. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2011-000069

Neurology in Practice

Table 4 Investigation of myelopathy CONCLUSIONS

Investigation Purpose/diagnosis ▶ The most important investigation for a patient
presenting with a myelopathy or lumbar
Commonly performed
polyradiculopathy is spinal MRI, to detect
Spinal MRI Detect compression, identify intrinsic lesions, abnormal
vessels or eliminate spinal cord or cauda equina
Brain MRI Evidence of demyelination, leukodystrophy* compression.
Chest x-ray Occult neoplasm, sarcoid ▶ The most common cause of a spastic parapare-
EMG/nerve conduction Evidence of lower motor neuron involvement to support sis in young adults in temperate zones is MS,
a diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, evidence whereas cervical spondylotic myelopathy pre-
of a coexistent neuropathy
dominates in the elderly.
CSF (cells, protein, oligoclonal bands, Evidence of inflammation, infection
culture, PCR) ▶ A spinal epidural abscess presents with
Visual evoked potentials Coexistent optic nerve involvement the triad of pain (local, with tender-
Routine haematology and biochemistry Subacute combined degeneration, other metabolic ness and/or radicular), fever and signs of
including vitamin B12 causes myeloradiculopathy.
Serology including autoimmune panel, Autoimmune connective tissue disorders, specific ▶ In myelopathy, a sensory level implies a lesion
evidence of specific infections infections (HIV, syphilis)
Less commonly used, selected patients only
at or above that level; a motor or reflex level
HTLV-1 serology Tropical spastic paraparesis
generally has greater localising value.
Aquaporin-4 antibodies Neuromyelitis optica ▶ Spinal shock may last 1–2 weeks after the onset
Antineuronal antibodies Paraneoplastic myelopathy of an acute severe transverse myelopathy and
Very long chain fatty acids Adrenomyeloneuropathy mimic a lower motor neuron syndrome.
Serum copper/caeruloplasmin Copper deficiency myeloneuropathy ▶ The blood supply to the spinal cord is vulnera-
Blood cultures Causative organism of epidural abscess, suspicion of ble to hypotension; the artery of Adamkiewicz,
infective endocarditis
may be responsible for most of the supply to
Mutation analysis For example, for hereditary spastic paraplegia genetics
the lower cord.
Angiography Dural arteriovenous fistula, arteriovenous malformation
▶ A Brown–Séquard syndrome, albeit often par-
*Brain imaging may serve additional purposes, such as revealing focal atrophy of the precentral gyrus,
supporting a diagnosis of primary lateral sclerosis or occasionally leading to the discovery of a parasagittal tial, may be caused by any asymmetrical cord
meningioma, masquerading as a myelopathy by causing a spastic paraparesis, albeit asymmetrical. lesion, such as a plaque of demyelination.
▶ The Lhermitte phenomenon occurs com-
monly in MS, but also with other cervical cord
Further reading lesions, such as spondylotic compression and
subacute combined degeneration.
▶ Longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis,
Anatomical source texts defi ned as extending for at least 3 vertebral
▶ Brodal A. Neurological anatomy in relation to clinical medicine, 3rd Edn.
segments, is typical NMO, but also of post-
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981. infective transverse myelitis.
▶ Standring S, ed. Gray’s anatomy: the anatomical basis of clinical practice.
▶ Subacute combined degeneration is typically
39th Edn. Amsterdam: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2005 (chapters 18
due to vitamin B12 deficiency but a similar
and 46).
clinical picture may be seen with copper
Commoner causes and complications of myelopathy; some of the diseases
deficiency and nitrous oxide inhalation.
mentioned in this article are described in more detail in other contributions to
the ‘Bare essentials’ series ▶ Acute cauda equina syndrome from a lumbar
▶ Coles A. Multiple sclerosis. Pract Neurol 2009;9:118–26.
central disc prolapse is a neurosurgical emer-
▶ Davies N, Thwaites G. Infections of the nervous system. Pract Neurol
gency; look for ‘red fl ags’: bilateral leg pain and
2011;11:121–31. lower limb motor features, sphincter distur-
▶ Panicker JN, Fowler CJ. Uro-neurology. Pract Neurol 2010;10:178–85.
bance and saddle anaesthesia.
▶ Talbot K. Motor neuron disease. Pract Neurol 2009;9:303–9. ▶ Cord or cauda equina compression from a
Rarer causes malignant extradural tumour is a neuro-
▶ Wong SH, Boggild M, Enevoldson TP, et al. Myelopathy but normal MRI: oncological emergency; treatment with radio-
where next? Pract Neurol 2008;8:90–102. therapy and steroids is as good as surgical
Management and rehabilitation intervention.
▶ Lin VW, ed. Spinal cord medicine: principles and practice. New York: ▶ Many patients presenting with radicular pain
Demos, 2003. from a cervical or lumbar lateral disc prolapse
are successfully managed conservatively.
▶ Early transfer of patients with severe spinal
sympathetic overactivity with severe headache cord injury to specialist rehabilitation units
and hypertension, the latter occasionally fatal. improves outcome.
Prevention may involve the judicious use of
α-adrenergic blocking antihypertensive drugs, as Acknowledgements To Jonathan Rohrer, London who com-
well as avoidance of potential precipitants. Acute mented on this article, and to Richard Davenport, Edinburgh, who
treatment of autonomic dysreflexia includes sit- reviewed it.
ting the patient upright, removing the precipitant Competing interests None.
and control of hypertension, for example, with Provenance and peer review Commissioned;
sublingual nifedipine. externally peer reviewed.

2011;11:259–267. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2011-000069 267

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