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Explain the term “Variability” of culture? And describe the various factors of cultural variability.


The term variability of culture indicates the different components of culture among societies. Every
society has its culture. However, the cultural components do not need to be the same. Culture can be
divided into material and non-material culture.

Non-material culture indicates the intangible components and material culture indicates the
tangible components of culture. Every society has different languages, social norms, values, and taboos.
Similarly, their food and clothing patterns, arts, architecture, and technology are also different from one

These material and non-material cultural components are responsible for the cultural variability
among societies. However, the cultural variability does not indicate the superiority and inferiority of any
culture. It simply shows the difference in cultural components.

Non-material culture

Language is a universal phenomenon. Every culture or society has language, but the meanings attached
to the words are not the same across the world.
In the English language, gift means ‘to give present’. Whereas, in the German language, gift means ‘to

Social Norms and Values

Every society has different norms and values. Social norms are the expected behaviour, and social values
are the standards of good and bad.
In Pakistani society, giving respect to elders is a social norm. Similarly, marriage and having children are
also the social values of Pakistani culture.

Sanctions are expressions of approval or disapproval of violating social values. Positive sanctions are
used to encourage an act. Negative sanctions contribute to discourage a particular behaviour. Sanctions
vary from society to society.
In Pakistani society, if a couple has children without marriage, they have to face negative sanctions.
Whereas, in developed countries, this will be considered normal behaviour.

Taboo is a norm so strong that it brings extreme sanctions, even revulsion if violated. Every society has
different taboos that influence the behaviour of its members.
In Pakistani society, eating pork is a taboo. Whereas in American society, eating pork is as normal as
eating meat or chicken. This example indicates the variability of culture in different societies.
Material culture

Following are the components of cultural variability

Food and clothing

Food and clothing manifest the cultural variability of different societies. People adopt their food and
dressing patterns according to their geographical environment.
In Pakistan, people from hot regions wear shalwar kameez and consume a low-protein diet. However,
people from cold regions often wear waistcoats with shalwar kameez and consume a high-protein diet.

Art and Architecture

Art and architecture not only indicate the design of buildings or the skills of people, but they also show
the cultural values of that society.
In Pakistani society, dancing is not considered an appropriate act for women, but in Indian society, it is a
cultural value. Similarly, the house designs of Pakistani society often indicate the cultural value of a joint
family system.

Technology has a significant impact on social life. It can transform human lives. In the 15th century, the
printing press was considered a modern technology to transform the production of knowledge.
Whereas, in today’s modern world, microchips are doing so.
In Pakistan, mobile phones have revolutionized the communication system. People can communicate
frequently in far-flung areas. This helps them to grow their business. Online shopping is the practical
manifestation of this example.


Language, social norms, sanctions, and taboos are the components of non-material culture. Whereas,
food, clothing, art, and technology are the components of material culture. Material and non-material
components play an essential role in cultural variability.

Sociologists are not only interested in the factors that contribute towards cultural variability. They
are also interested in how this cultural variability influences the behaviour of the members of different

Human biological characteristics vary according to geographical areas. Similarly, their behaviour
also varies because of cultural variability. Cultural variability is the main factor that causes a change in
human behaviours.

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