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Magnetic levitation in two-dimensional geometry with translational invariance

C. Lorin and A. Mailfert

Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 104, 103904 (2008); doi: 10.1063/1.3000633

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Magnetic levitation in two-dimensional geometry with translational

C. Lorina兲 and A. Mailfert
LEM, UMR CNRS–INPL 7569, Nancy University, 2 Av. de la Forêt de Haye, 54500 Vandoeuvre, France
共Received 25 June 2008; accepted 30 August 2008; published online 17 November 2008兲
The development of activities in space and of the corresponding technologies requires research on
the behavior of both matter and biological organisms under weightless conditions. Various methods
have been invented in order to simulate weightlessness, for example, drop towers, sounding rockets,
or parabolic flights. Magnetic field ground-based devices have also been developed. This paper
introduces an optimization method of the magnetic field so as to obtain magnetic levitation in a
two-dimensional cylindrical geometry. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.
关DOI: 10.1063/1.3000633兴

I. INTRODUCTION rium or water have been published.20,39 Our team also ex-
plored this cylindrical geometry38,39 in adding centrifugal
Braunbeck carried out the ground-based levitation of forces existing in spacecraft.28
bismuth by means of magnetic fields in 1939,1 then after- In the present paper, previous works are developed so as
wards Beaugnon and Tournier levitated various materials to study in detail the possibilities offered by magnetic levi-
such as pieces of wood or plastic, water, or ethanol in 1991.2 tation in two-dimensional 共2D兲 cylindrical geometry. The
Some years later, Berry and Geim accomplished the spec- harmonic analysis method of the magnetic field used here
tacular levitation of living beings—the famous flying frogs.3 provides results on both the limits and possibilities of this
In addition, in the presence of a background fluid, the use of technique.
magnetic fields made possible the magneto-Archimedean The paper first deals with fundamental concepts in mag-
buoyancy of materials such as gold, silver, or diamond.4–8 netic levitation. Then, a method treating the harmonic analy-
The magnetic levitation technique has been applied to sis of magnetic fields is developed in order to control or
study several phenomena under weightless conditions, for manage the resulting acceleration configurations. The impact
example, the crystal growth of ammonium chloride or of each magnetic field harmonic on levitation is thus well
lysozyme, or both glass and water solidification.9–16 This understood. Afterward, some numerical computations of
practical method has mostly been used to simulate the oxygen magnetic levitation are fulfilled so as to investigate
weightlessness behavior of fluids such as liquid oxygen or the possibilities opened by this harmonic approach. The last
liquid hydrogen often used as propellants.17–22 Partial or total section allows one to contemplate experiments 共fluid me-
compensation of gravity allows modifying or controlling the chanics, heat exchange, etc.兲 thanks to various reachable ac-
heat exchange by convection in these fluid media on account celeration configurations.
of the free convection is due to the gravity.12,23,24 For spacecrafts such as satellites, spaceships, or orbital
The magnetic fields experimentally used for magnetic stations in steady state flight conditions, the sum of the grav-
levitation are generally higher than 10 T. It is worth using ity and centrifugal forces must be zero if no momentum is to
superconducting wires so as to design magnetic levitation be imparted to the body. If the moving body is not deform-
apparatuses, which are axisymmetric for the most part.25–27 able and has no kinetic motion, so that all components of the
Our previous works demonstrated the significance of the har- body are subjected to zero acceleration: the body is in
monics of the magnetic field distribution in order to control weightlessness. Other roughly compensated bodies are in a
the levitation.28,29 The design of highly capable magnetic microgravity environment. Under real flying conditions, nu-
levitation facilities must satisfy requirements which are simi- merous phenomena such as a body in rotation on itself or the
lar to those of the coils of nuclear magnetic resonance movement of an astronaut, lead to various residual accelera-
共NMR兲 machines. Garrett, among others, worked on axisym- tions. The term microgravity is used to describe an accelera-
metric coils for NMR machines.30,31 tion less than 10−2 g.
In addition, the development of large superconducting
coils has been made necessary by that of particle accelerators
such as relativistic heavy ion collider 共RHIC兲 or large hadron
collider 共LHC兲.32–34 The large accelerators need of multipo- II. FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS AND QUANTITIES
lar windings—dipole, quadrupole, etc.—to guide the beam in
cylindrical geometry,35–37 i.e., with translational invariance. This section introduces the quantities qualifying mag-
Recently, theoretical studies on magnetic levitation of deute- netic levitation, which are the magnetic force, the residual
acceleration 共including gravity兲, and the magnetogravita-
Electronic mail: tional equipotentials.

0021-8979/2008/104共10兲/103904/12/$23.00 104, 103904-1 © 2008 American Institute of Physics

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103904-2 C. Lorin and A. Mailfert J. Appl. Phys. 104, 103904 共2008兲

A. Gravity and magnetic force

On the laboratory scale and that of the magnetic com-
pensation of gravity experiments, gravity can be hypoth-
esized as a constant, since its variation is about 10−8 g over
0.1 m in length. To take into account this tiny variation is
unnecessary because numerous phenomena around the ex-
periment may generate higher accelerations. These consider-
ations confirm this hypothesis.
In a magnetic gradient background, slightly magnetic
materials, such as paramagnetics 共liquid oxygen with ␹m
= 3.5e − 3 at 90 K兲 or diamagnetics 共liquid hydrogen, ␹m =
−2.4e − 6兲 are submitted to a magnetic force density. This
force, counterbalancing the gravity, can be expressed as

dfជ 1
= ␹m ជ
grad共B2兲, 共1兲 FIG. 1. 2D cylindrical coordinates linked to geometry with translational
dV 2␮o invariance.

where dfជ / dV is the magnetic force density 共N / m3兲, ␮0 is the

a៝ res = g␧៝ . 共4兲
vacuum permeability 共H/m兲, ␹m is the magnetic susceptibil-
ity 共dimensionless兲, and B៝ is the magnetic flux density 共T兲. The norm of ␧ less than 1% means an acceleration less
One has to equalize to zero the sum of the magnetic and than 10−2 g.
gravitational forces in order to levitate a material. This in-
duces a particular value of G៝ =ជgrad共B2兲,
C. Magneto-gravitational potential
ជ = − 2␮0␳ gជ ,
G 共2兲 For users of magnetic levitation devices, the last inter-
␹m esting quantity to know is the magnetogravitational potential
where g = 9.81 m s−2 is the terrestrial acceleration and ␳ the ⌺L. The inhomogeneity vector is derived from this potential.
density 共kg/ m3兲, which depends on the levitated matter. The magnetogravitational equipotentials allows one to know
the inhomogeneity throughout the system. The magneto-
gravitational equipotential is expressed as
B. Resulting acceleration or inhomogeneity ជ 兩2
vector ⌺L = − x, 共5兲
Previous works of our team have demonstrated the im-
where x is the height 共meters兲. If a static fluid, near its criti-
possibility of obtaining a uniform vector G ៝ in a three-
cal point, i.e., with a surface tension close to zero, is sub-
dimensional domain, and thus of exactly compensating con- jected only to gravity and the magnetic force, then its menis-
stant gravity by using only magnetic forces in a volume.19 cus must be given by the magnetogravitational
This is no longer the case when one considers real terrestrial equipotentials, equi⌺L 共⌺L = constant兲.
gravity, which is a Coulombian field centered on the Earth.
Nevertheless, the exact compensation of real gravity in each
point of a material needs too high a magnetic flux density. III. GENERAL EXPRESSION OF G
The magnitude has to be of the orders of 3500 T for strong
paramagnetics such as oxygen and up to 65 000 T for water Let us define the system geometry which is cylindrical,
levitation taking into account the variation of gravity!19 On i.e., with translational invariance 共see Fig. 1兲. The direction
diamagnetic substances, the problem of perfect gravity com- of gravity is along the x-axis,
pensation can be circumvented by means of centrifugal force gជ = − geជx . 共6兲
addition,28 the setting up of such a system certainly being
very complicated. This problem leads to defining an inhomo- In the currentless domains, the general expression of V is
geneity vector ␧ of the magnetic compensation of gravity. ␧ provided by solving the Laplace’s equation:
represents the relative error between the effective compensa- ⬁

tion G៝ and the perfect constant one G៝ ,

1 V共r, ␪兲 = 兺 共An⬙ . rn + Bn⬙ . r−n兲关Cn⬙ sin共n␪兲 + Dn⬙ cos共n␪兲兴,
ជ −G
G ជ
␧ជ =
, 共3兲 共7兲
where An⬙, Bn⬙, Cn⬙, and Dn⬙ are mathematical constants de-
where G1 is the algebraic value of G ជ . pending on the boundary/limit conditions. With the
This vector allows one to know the resulting acceleration boundary/limit conditions, one thus determines both the out-
throughout the working zone, since they are proportional up side and inside potential in relation to a cylinder defined by a
to g៝ , R0 radius circle:
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103904-3 C. Lorin and A. Mailfert J. Appl. Phys. 104, 103904 共2008兲

⬁ According to Eqs. 共11兲 and 共12兲, the magnetic force,

Vint共r, ␪兲 = 兺 rn关Cn sin共n␪兲 + Dn cos共n␪兲兴, r ⬍ R0 , namely G ៝ , is obtained by calculation of the square of the
magnetic flux density within the R0 cylinder. The only quan-
共8兲 tities of interest are the inner ones, as in multipolar
windings—dipole, quadrupole, etc.—of particle accelerators,

where the magnetic field in the working zone is generated by
Vext共r, ␪兲 = 兺 r−n关Cn⬘ sin共n␪兲 + Dn⬘ cos共n␪兲兴, r ⬎ R0 , outer windings. The outer vector G ៝ , in our opinion, is not of
interest for microgravity. All quantities used are now the in-
共9兲 ner ones.

where Cn = An⬙Cn⬙, Dn = An⬙Dn⬙, Cn⬘ = Bn⬙Cn⬙, and Dn⬘ = Bn⬙Dn⬙.
In addition, the magnetic field is derived from a scalar B 共r, ␪兲 =
␮20 兺 nrn−1⌳n sin共n␪ + ␣n兲
potential V,

ជ =−ជ
H grad V. 共10兲 ⫻ 兺 pr p−1⌳ p sin共p␪ + ␣ p兲
This introduces the expressions of the cylindrical har- ⬁
+ ␮20 兺 nrn−1⌳n cos共n␪ + ␣n兲
monics of the magnetic field on both sides of the R0 circle:

H intn 冏
ជ 共r, ␪兲 = − nr ⌳n sin共n␪ + ␣n兲 ,

− nrn−1⌳n cos共n␪ + ␣n兲

冏 r ⬍ R0 , 共11兲 ⬁

⫻ 兺 pr p−1⌳ p cos共p␪ + ␣ p兲. 共13兲

冏 冏
ជ 共r, ␪兲 = nr−共n+1兲⌳n⬘ sin共n␪ + ␣n⬘兲
H extn , r ⬎ R0 . ៝ field expression is derived from the above rela-
The G
− nr−共n+1兲⌳n⬘ cos共n␪ + ␣n⬘兲
ជ =ជ
G grad兩B2兩. 共14兲
⌳n, ⌳n⬘, ␣n, and ␣n⬘ are physical constants depending on the
boundary/limit conditions where the subscript n is related to ៝ in all points as a
Equation 共14兲 allows one to determine G
the nth harmonic. function of the field harmonics.

ជ 共r, ␪兲 = 2␮2
G 0 冋兺⬁
nr n−1

⌳n sin共n␪ + ␣n兲 兺 p共p − 1兲r p−2⌳ p sin共p␪ + ␣ p兲 eជr 册
冋兺 册
n=0 p=0
⬁ ⬁
+ 2␮20 nr n−1
⌳n cos共n␪ + ␣n兲 兺 p共p − 1兲r p−2⌳ p cos共p␪ + ␣ p兲 eជr

冋兺 册
n=0 p=0
⬁ ⬁
+ 2␮20 nrn−1⌳n sin共n␪ + ␣n兲 兺 p2r p−2⌳ p cos共p␪ + ␣ p兲 ជ

冋兺 册
n=0 p=0
⬁ ⬁
− 2␮20 nrn−1⌳n cos共n␪ + ␣n兲 兺 p2r p−2⌳ p sin共p␪ + ␣ p兲 ជ
e␪ . 共15兲
n=0 p=0

Let G ៝ be carried only by e៝ at ␪ = 0. The equality Let B1 be the magnetic flux density norm at the center,
G␪共r , 0兲 = 0 can be translated by the use of Eq. 共15兲 in a whence the first harmonic value is
harmonic field relation
⬁ ⬁

兺 兺 np2rn+p−3⌳n⌳ p sin共␣n − ␣ p兲 = 0. 共16兲 ⌳1 =

= H1 . 共18兲
n=0 p=0 ␮o
A trivial solution appears: ∀共n , p兲 苸 N2 , ␣n = ␣ p = ␣. The The magnetic flux density does not depend on the shift
magnetic field thus becomes ៝ is thus independent
␣, if it is the same for all harmonics. G
ជ 共r, ␪兲 =
H n 冏 − nrn−1⌳n sin共n␪ + ␣兲
− nrn−1⌳n cos共n␪ + ␣兲.
冏 共17兲
of ␣. This property will thereafter be, illustrated by compu-
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103904-4 C. Lorin and A. Mailfert J. Appl. Phys. 104, 103904 共2008兲

ជ 共r, ␪兲 = 2␮2
G 0 冋兺 ⬁
nr n−1

⌳n sin共n␪兲 兺 p共p − 1兲r p−2
册 冋兺
⌳ p sin共p␪兲 eជr + 2␮20

nr n−1

⌳n cos共n␪兲 兺 p共p − 1兲r p−2⌳ p cos共p␪兲 eជr 册
冋兺 册 冋兺 册
n=0 p=0 n=0 p=0
⬁ ⬁ ⬁ ⬁
+ 2␮20 nrn−1⌳n sin共n␪兲 兺 p2r p−2⌳ p cos共p␪兲 ជ
e␪ − 2␮20 nrn−1⌳n cos共n␪兲 兺 p2r p−2⌳ p sin共p␪兲 ជ
e␪ . 共19兲
n=0 p=0 n=0 p=0

冉 冊 冉 冊
冨 冨 冨 冨
In a cylindrical geometry, the general expression of G ៝ is ␲ ␲
⳵nGr r, ⳵nG␪ r,
determined. To obtain this expression, one assumes all field 2 2
harmonics to have the same shift ␣. The field harmonic se- ∀n 苸 N, = = 0.
⳵ rn r=0 ⳵ rn r=0
ries 共⌳i兲i苸N leading to G␪共r , 0兲 = 0 is not unique. Three most
interesting series, in our opinion, are introduced in this paper. 共21兲
These series depend directly on the inhomogeneity condi- This double condition can be satisfied because Gr共r , ␲ / 2兲 is
tions of the gradient G ៝ . These conditions are then written an odd polynomial in r and G␪共r , ␲ / 2兲 is an even polynomial
with the successive derivatives of the gradient. in r.

3. Third series of solutions

The vector G has to be as uniform as possible over the
This work is restricted to three inhomogeneity condi- ␪ = 0 plane. Thus, ␧r共r , 0兲 must tend toward zero, so one con-
tions providing three harmonic series. However, there are an siders the following relation:

冏 冏
infinite number of other series, which describe transitional
conditions. The first series leads to a central inhomogeneity ⳵nGr共r,0兲
∀n 苸 N*, = 0. 共22兲
vector whose norm varies linearly with the radius r like a ⳵ rn r=0
centrifugal force.28 The second series creates a constant gra- The expressions of Gr共r , 0兲, Gr共r , ␲ / 2兲, and G␪共r , ␲ / 2兲
dient G៝ over a horizontal plane defined by x = 0 共see Fig. 1兲.
allow determining the harmonics for each type of solution.
The inhomogeneity is equal to zero over the x = 0 plane. The From the general gradient expression 关see Eq. 共19兲兴, the co-
third and last series generates a constant gradient G ៝ over a sine and sine simply have to be substituted by their values at
vertical plane defined by y = 0 共see Fig. 1兲. The inhomogene- ␪ = 0 and ␪ = ␲ / 2.
ity is equal to zero over the y = 0 plane. The second harmonic is derived from both the first one
and the Gr共r , 0兲 expression. The second harmonic fixes the
gradient value at the apparatus center O 共see Fig. 1兲,
A. Mathematical formulation of the three G1
inhomogeneity conditions ⌳2 = . 共23兲
4 ␮ o 2⌳ 1
៝ always satisfies the two previous condi-
The gradient G According to Eq. 共18兲, one obtains
tions, i.e., the compensation is perfect at the center O, so
along the Oz axis of the cylinder, and it is only carried by e៝ r G1
⌳2 = . 共24兲
at ␪ = 0. 4␮oB1
The ⌳1 and ⌳2 values are suitable for any harmonic series.
These values depend only on the gradient and field values at
1. First series of solutions the center, which are the same for each case.
The inhomogeneity vector is central, so the orthoradial
component ␧␪共r , ␪兲 has to be zero. According to Eq. 共3兲, this B. Calculation of harmonics, vector G and
condition can be written as follows: magnetogravitational potential ⌺L

G␪共r, ␪兲 = − G1 sin ␪ . 共20兲 A detailed calculation is beyond the scope of this paper.
Only results with a brief description of the calculus method
are given.

2. Second series of solutions

1. Circular harmonic series
The vector G ៝ has to be as uniform as possible over the a. Harmonic coefficients The values of the first two har-
␪ = ␲ / 2 plane. Thus, ␧r共r , ␲ / 2兲 and ␧␪共r , ␲ / 2兲 must tend to- monics are known, Eqs. 共18兲 and 共24兲. G␪共r , ␪兲 can be found
ward zero, so one considers the following relation: from Eqs. 共19兲 and 共20兲 can be written as
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103904-5 C. Lorin and A. Mailfert J. Appl. Phys. 104, 103904 共2008兲

2␮o 2
兺 np2⌳n⌳ p sin关共n − p兲␪兴rn+p−3 = − G1 sin ␪ .

The third harmonic value is provided by
⌳3 = 0. 共26兲

Higher order coefficients are calculated by recurrence and

thus one obtains for the circular case,
⌳1 = ,

⌳2 = , 共27兲

∀n ⱖ 3,⌳n = 0.
b. Gradient and complex magnetic potential W On account
៝ be-
of the harmonic values 关see Eq. 共27兲兴, the gradient G FIG. 2. The current density is spread over the R0 radius cylinder which
comes delineates the working zone. The working zone and the complex magnetic

冋 冉 冊册
potential are respectively related to the two different frames 共O , r , ␪兲 and
共O1 , r1 , ␪1兲.
៝ 共r, ␪兲 = G cos ␪ + G G1 r e៝ − G sin ␪e៝
G 共28兲
1 1 r 1 ␪

or ៝ = G1 r e៝ .
G 共35兲
1 r1

冋 冉 冊册
៝ 共x,y兲 = G + G G1 x e៝ + G G1 ye៝ .
G 1 1
x 1
y 冉 冊 共29兲 The vector G ៝ must then be written in the O-centered frame
with the 共r , ␪兲 coordinates
As for the inhomogeneity vector, it can be formulated ac-
cording to Eqs. 共3兲, 共28兲, and 共29兲, G 1冋 1
r 1 册
៝ = G cos ␪ + G r e៝ − G sin ␪e៝ .
␪ 共36兲

␧៝ 共r, ␪兲 = 冉 冊 G1
re៝ r 共30兲 This above expression is similar to Eq. 共28兲. A pure ra-
dial inhomogeneity vector, 关see Eq. 共30兲兴, is thus reachable
with the use of the complex magnetic potential W of Eq.
else, 共32兲. In practice, this complex potential is able to be obtained

␧៝ 共x,y兲 = 冉 冊 冉 冊
xe៝ x +
ye៝ y . 共31兲
in a pure quadrupolar winding, where the working zone is
located out of the magnetic axis of the quadrupole.
c. Magnetogravitational potential ⌺L According to Eq.
The above G ៝ expression is related with a complex mag- 共5兲, ⌺L is easily found by calculating the square of the mag-
netic potential W linked to another frame centered at the netic flux density
point O1 共see Fig. 2兲,40 B21 G1 2
⌺L = + r . 共37兲
W̄ = − ␤cz̄2 , 共32兲 G1 4B21

where ␤c is equal to the second harmonic Thus, the magnetogravitational equipotentials are O-centered
circles 共see Fig. 2兲, their values increase from the origin 共per-
G1 fect compensation兲 as r2.
␤c = = ⌳2 , 共33兲

and the OO1 共see Fig. 2兲 length, namely rc, depends on both
2. Horizontal harmonic series
magnetic field B1 and gradient G1 at the point O,
a. Harmonic coefficients Adapted from Eq. 共21兲, the even
B21 and odd coefficients are provided by setting the G␪共r , ␲ / 2兲
rc = 2 . 共34兲 and Gr共r , ␲ / 2兲 polynomial terms, respectively, equal to zero.
With the help of a recurrence method on both the even and
The gradient generated by the complex magnetic poten- odd coefficients, one calculates all the horizontal harmonic
tial of Eq. 共32兲 is expressed in the O1-centered frame coefficients
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103904-6 C. Lorin and A. Mailfert J. Appl. Phys. 104, 103904 共2008兲

∀n 苸 N*, ⌳n =
2n−1n ! B2n−3␮o
. 共38兲 ⌺L =
冉 冊
exp 2 x − x.

Both Eqs. 共18兲 and 共24兲 satisfy the previous condition re- This suggests that the equipotentials equi⌺L are horizontal
spectively for n = 1 and n = 2. planes defined by x = constant 共see Fig. 1兲.
b. Gradient and complex magnetic potential W The gradi-
ent expression is determined by substituting the horizontal 3. ŠŠvertical‹‹ harmonic series
harmonics of Eq. 共38兲 in Eq. 共19兲. Then it remains to express a. Harmonic coefficients With a recurrence method, one
this gradient as a function of e៝ x and e៝ y. Taking into account obtains all the 具具vertical典典 harmonics from Eq. 共22兲,
that G៝ = Gx共x , y兲e៝ + Gy共x , y兲e៝ , a rather complicated calcula-
x y
tion demonstrates that B1
⌳1 = ,

GK−2 xK−3
Gx = 兺 2K−6
K=3 B
共K − 3兲!
1 ⌳2 = , 共48兲
Gy = 0. 共40兲 共− 1兲n共2n − 5兲 ! Gn−1
∀n ⱖ 3, ⌳n = .
22n−4n ! 共n − 3兲 ! ␮oB2n−3
An exponential power series appears in Eq. 共39兲, so the
gradient becomes b. Gradient and complex magnetic potential W The com-

冉 冊

plex magnetic potential, as in Eq. 共49兲,38 provides a vector G
៝ = G exp G1 x e៝ .
G 共41兲 satisfying the Eq. 共22兲,
1 x
W̄ = − ␤vz̄3/2 . 共49兲
The above G ៝ expression is related with a complex magnetic
potential W linked to the same frame centered at the point O This potential W, linked to the 共O1 , r1 , ␪1兲 frame, creates
共see Fig. 2兲, ៝ , in the 共O , r , ␪兲 frame, defined by Eq. 共50兲,
a gradient G

冉 冊 冉 冊兺 冉 冊

2␲ ៝ 共r, ␪兲 = Go . cos ␪ + r r n
W̄ = − ␤h exp z̄ , 共42兲 G 共− 1兲n Pn共cos ␪兲e៝ r
␭ rv n=0 rv

兺冉 冊

where ␤h 共in amperes兲 and ␭ 共in meters兲 are two constants r n
depending on the magnetic field B1 and the gradient G1 at the − Go sin ␪ 共− 1兲n Pn共cos ␪兲e៝ ␪ , 共50兲
n=0 rv
center O,
where 共see Fig. 2兲 rv is
␮o ␤h = B1 , 共43兲 B21

rv = . 共51兲
4␲B21 If the 具具vertical典典 harmonics are substituted by their val-
␭= . 共44兲
G1 ues in Eq. 共48兲 in Eq. 共19兲, the gradient G ៝ becomes a per-
According to Eq. 共42兲 and calculation of the square of fectly defined polynomial in r. A symbolic computation al-
the magnetic flux density, one obtains, with Eq. 共14兲, the lows showing that at least the 20 first coefficients of this
៝ 关see Eq. 共45兲兴, which is the same
expression of the vector G polynomial—depending on ␪—coincide with those of the
as in Eq. 共41兲, polynomial in r in Eq. 共50兲. One thus assumes that the two

冉 冊
expressions are similar, with
៝ = G exp G1 x e៝ .
G 1 x 共45兲 2 冑G 1
B21 ␤h = . 共52兲
The wavelength 关see Eq. 共44兲兴 depends on the first two har-
This is just a conjecture because demonstration of this result
has not yet been done.
⌳1 c. Magnetogravitational potential ⌺L Using the square of
␭= ␲. 共46兲 magnetic flux density and Eq. 共3兲, the magnetogravitational
equipotentials equi⌺L can be expressed in the 共O1 , r1 , ␪1兲
In practice, this complex magnetic potential of Eq. 共42兲 is frame. The expression is very simple,
created by a sinusoidal surface current distribution
⌺L = r1共1 − cos ␪1兲 + rv . 共53兲
关wavelength= ␭ as in Eq. 共46兲兴 over the horizontal x = 0 plane
共see Fig. 1兲. In the second section below, an inverse magnetostatic
c. Magnetogravitational potential ⌺L ⌺L of Eq. 共3兲, is problem is solved. The aim is to find a surface current dis-
expressed as: tribution generating the wanted magnetic field configuration
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103904-7 C. Lorin and A. Mailfert J. Appl. Phys. 104, 103904 共2008兲

within a cylinder carrying these currents. An infinite number

of current distributions can create the same inner magnetic
field, so let us add further conditions. In this paper, the cur-
rent distributions have to be superficial and spread over a R0
radius cylinder. The current layer is unique except a constant
factor. Yet, this constant current must be equal to zero for a
physical problem, and the problem thus has a unique solu-


The three current layers, which are spread over the R0
cylinder, are determined from knowledge of the magnetic
field harmonics. These three current distributions generate
the three spatial organizations of magnetic forces within the
R0 cylinder.
Continuity of the normal components of the magnetic
field H ៝ ៝
N int = HN ext at the radius R0, and discontinuity of the
tangential components due to the current layer H ៝
T int n FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 First three harmonic simulation of horizontal mag-
−H ៝ = ៝
n ⫻ ៝ , where n៝
K is the normal outward netic compensation of gravity. The arrows represent the spatial organization
T ext n int→ext n int→ext
vector and K ៝ the nth order harmonic of the current, allow of the inhomogeneity vector ␧, the grayscale is the norm of ␧ in percent and
n the white lines are the magnetogravitational equipotential ⌺L, within the
obtaining all the current harmonics from Eqs. 共11兲 and 共12兲, working zone 40 cm in radius.
ជ 共R , ␪兲 = 2nRn−1⌳ cos共n␪ + ␣兲eជ .
K 共54兲
n 0 0 n z

If one considers that the current depends on the angle ␪ than 1%, consequently, liquid oxygen 共G1 = 8 T2 / m兲 is used
only, a specific volume distribution Jn in A / m2 can thus be as example. The strong susceptibility of this fluid leads to
easily calculated. The expression of each harmonic is pro- remarkable results.
vided below, The superconducting materials 共NbTi at 1.8 K兲 allow
reaching magnetic fields up to 10 T. This technological limit
1 suggests a magnetic field equal to B1 = 8 T at the center of
∀n 苸 Nⴱ − 兵2其, Jn共␪兲 = 2n⌳n cos共n␪ + ␣兲,
1 1 the working zone.
− In the simulations 共see Figs. 3, 4, and 7–15兲, the follow-
bn−2 an−2
ing are reported: inhomogeneity vector ␧ 共black arrows兲,
1 norm of ␧ in percentage 共grayscale兲, and equi⌺L 共white

J2共␪兲 = 4⌳2 cos共2␪ + ␣兲,
where a and b are the inner and outer radius of the winding,
Hereafter, some numerical computations are presented.
These simulations are done by using both a superficial cur-
rent density, as in Eq. 共54兲, and the harmonic series of Eqs.
共27兲, 共38兲, and 共48兲 with relation to each inhomogeneity con-


A. Choice of the simulation parameters
In this section, the three distributions of the resulting
forces are numerically calculated. In each case, the surface
current density is spread over a cylinder 50 cm in radius.
The inhomogeneity vector ␧ configurations are obtained
within a cylinder 40 cm in radius concentric with the previ-
ous one. The value of the gradient G1 depends on the levi-
tated fluid. Our studies mainly aim at improving gravity FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 First three harmonic simulation of vertical magnetic
compensation of gravity. The arrows represent the spatial organization of the
compensation concerning liquid oxygen. More precisely, the
inhomogeneity vector ␧, the grayscale is the norm of ␧ in percent and the
method 共general兲 has been developed so as to levitate 1 l of white lines are the magnetogravitational equipotential ⌺L, within the work-
liquid oxygen with a norm of the inhomogeneity vector less ing zone 40 cm in radius.
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103904-8 C. Lorin and A. Mailfert J. Appl. Phys. 104, 103904 共2008兲

FIG. 6. Discrepancy of the gradient between the third-harmonic and tenth-

FIG. 5. Discrepancy of the gradient between the third-harmonic and tenth- harmonic distributions provided by the norm of the vector Gdiff within the
harmonic distributions provided by the norm of the vector Gdiff within the working zone 40 cm in radius for the horizontal magnetic compensation of
working zone 40 cm in radius for the 具具vertical典典 magnetic compensation of gravity.

defines the difference between the G ៝ , Eq. 共19兲 with the

lines兲. Before the simulations on liquid oxygen, the current
first ten harmonics adapted from Eqs. 共38兲 and 共48兲, and the
density is estimated so as to know if it is compatible with the ៝ , Eq. 共19兲 with only the first three harmonics adapted
state of the art of NbTi superconducting magnets. Assuming G 3k

a 8 T magnetic field an inhomogenity less than 1%, the ra- from Eqs. 共38兲 and 共48兲. The vertical scale provides the norm
៝ 共T2 / m兲 within the working zone 40 cm in
dius of the working zone is equal to 32 cm.19 Under these of the vector G diff
conditions, the current density carried by the superconductor radius 共horizontal scale兲.
is about 130 A / mm2 when the inner radius and the outer one One notes that the discrepancy of the gradient between
are equal to 35 and 45 cm, respectively. To levitate 1 l of the third-harmonic and tenth-harmonic distributions is
liquid oxygen with ␧ ⬍ 1%, the calculated magnetic field is clearly tiny. In the vertical case, the discrepancy with respect
about 3.3 T and the current density becomes about to the wanted centered value G1 is less than 1‰. In the
110 A / mm2 when the inner radius and the outer one are horizontal case, it is less than 0.4‰.
equal to 10 and 15 cm, respectively. The current density Hence it is sufficient to consider only the first three har-
obtained are in good agreement with the state of the art of monics in order to design a highly capable magnetic levita-
NbTi superconductor. tion facility. The first two harmonics are the same for any
configurations, thus the fitting of the equi⌺L, namely the re-
sulting force distributions, will be simply made by tuning the
B. Numerical simulations of both the “vertical” and current creating the third harmonic by means of a potential
horizontal distributions sextupolar winding.
This cylindrical geometry is used in the field of particle
In this section, the previous theoretical results are intro-
accelerators. An oxygen magnetic levitation apparatus is
duced 共see Figs. 3 and 4兲. The finite element computations
conceivable, which could be made up of three concentric
are performed by using only the first three harmonics of the
windings generating a dipolar, a quadrupolar and a sextupo-
series of Eqs. 共27兲, 共38兲, and 共48兲 in the current expression of
lar field, respectively. Yet further works have to specify the
Eq. 共54兲. Analytical results are plotted and show that this
coil end impact on the magnetic force.
truncation does not obviously affect the magnetic force con-
figurations 共see Figs. 5 and 6兲.
The correct values of the first three harmonics are ob-
C. Simulation of both the circular distribution and the
tained from Eqs. 共38兲 and 共48兲, all higher-order harmonics
␣-shift harmonic invariance
are set to zero in order to carry out these simulations. Use of
the terms “vertical” and horizontal, so as to qualify the re- First, a simulation of the circular configuration 共see Fig.
sulting force configurations, are here better understood. 7兲 is carried out, then ten-harmonic simulations of the hori-
Now is the time to compare the third harmonic trunca- ៝ invari-
zontal series 共see Figs. 8–11兲 illustrate the gradient G
tion with the tenth harmonic truncation. This comparison ance by a shift ␣, where ␣ is the same angle for any har-
aims at showing the negligible impact of a third harmonic monic. These plots illustrate the Eq. 共19兲, in which vector G ៝
៝ . The
truncation on the spatial organization of the vector G does not depend on ␣. The remarks made regarding this in-
comparison is carried out by calculating and plotting 共see variance also remain valid for the circular and vertical dis-
Figs. 5 and 6兲 the norm of the vector G ៝ . This vector G ៝ tributions.
diff diff
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103904-9 C. Lorin and A. Mailfert J. Appl. Phys. 104, 103904 共2008兲

FIG. 9. 共Color online兲 Magnetic field orientation is shifted by ␣ = ␲ / 6 in

relation to the horizontal axis on account of all harmonics are subjected to a
same ␣ = ␲ / 6 shift whereas the inhomogeneity vector ␧ keep the same hori-
zontal configuration.
FIG. 7. 共Color online兲 Circular magnetic compensation of gravity obtained
by only using the first two field harmonics. The black arrows represent the
spatial organization of the inhomogeneity vector ␧, the grayscale is the norm based experiments the oxygen reaction, or more generally
of ␧ in percent and the white lines are the magnetogravitational equipoten- that of paramagnetic fluids, contained inside tanks in uniform
tial ⌺L, within the working zone 40 cm in radius.
rotation around their axis in space 共real weightlessness兲. A
previous paper detailed another particularity of this
The numerical simulation provides the central inhomo- configuration.28
geneity vector obtained by calculation. The maximal value of
the norm 共on a similar surface, here, a disk 40 cm in radius兲
is less than those of both the vertical and horizontal cases 1. Fixed inhomogeneity vector, rotating magnetic
共see Figs. 3 and 4兲. By simulation, the norm of ␧៝ is less than field
3.3%, whereas the Eq. 共30兲 gives 2.5%. This discrepancy is
due to the inaccuracy of the simulation at the edges of the It could be of interest to control and manage the mag-
domain. The circular case is particularly interesting because netic field direction related to the working zone when micro-
the resulting force, which is collinear and proportional to ␧៝ , gravity experiments are carried out by means of magnetic
varies linearly with the radius r like a centrifugal force. This fields. If all the harmonics are subjected to a same ␣-shift,
configuration allows one to simulate by means of ground- the calculation shows an invariance of both the gradient G ៝
and the inhomogeneity ␧, whereas the magnetic field is spa-

FIG. 8. 共Color online兲 The simulation is computed by using the horizontal-

magnetic-compensation-of-gravity harmonics. Magnetic field lines 共black FIG. 10. 共Color online兲 Magnetic field orientation is shifted by ␣ = ␲ / 3 in
lines兲 are horizontal 共␣ = 0 in relation to the horizontal axis兲, within the relation to the horizontal axis because all harmonics are subjected to a same
working zone 40 cm in radius, because any harmonics are not subjected to a ␣ = ␲ / 3 shift whereas the inhomogeneity vector ␧ keep the same horizontal
shift 共␣ = 0兲. configuration.
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103904-10 C. Lorin and A. Mailfert J. Appl. Phys. 104, 103904 共2008兲

tially shifted by ␣. Figures 8–11 confirm that the modifica-

tion of the magnetic field lines by rotation with an invariant
inhomogeneity vector is possible.

2. Fixed magnetic field, rotating inhomogeneity

Gravity is always along the x-axis 共see Fig. 1兲. The first
two harmonics remain spatially fixed, thus, it is possible to
rotate the inhomogeneity configuration only by modifying
the angular shift ␣ of the third harmonic. This result is valid
only to a first approximation, in the case, where the working
zone radius is much less than the ratio B21 / G1, which can be
easily made for liquid oxygen. The analytical approach of
FIG. 11. 共Color online兲 Magnetic field orientation is shifted by ␣ = ␲ / 2 in
this problem is made from a calculation of the inhomogene-
relation to the horizontal axis on account of all harmonics are subjected to a ity vector of the horizontal case,
same ␣ = ␲ / 2 shift whereas the inhomogeneity vector ␧ keep the same hori-
zontal configuration.

冨 冨
G1 3 G21 G31 3
关cos共2 ␪ + ␣ 兲 + 1兴r + cos共 ␪ + ␣ 兲r 2
+ r
2B21 8 B41 B61
␧៝ 共r, ␪兲 = 共56兲
− G1 − G21
sin共2␪ + ␣兲 . r + sin共␪ + ␣兲r ,
2B21 8B41
where ␣ is the angular shift of the third harmonic. With B1 = 8 T and G1 = 8 T2 / m, the above relation becomes

冨 冨
1 1 1 3
关cos共2␪ + ␣兲 + 1兴r + cos共␪ + ␣兲r2 + r
16 512 8192
␧៝ 共r, ␪兲 = 共57兲
−1 −1
sin共2␪ + ␣兲r + sin共␪ + ␣兲r2 .
16 512

The radius is less than 40 cm 共maximal radius of the

working zone兲; one then makes the previous expression lin-

冨 冨
关cos共2␪ + ␣兲 + 1兴r
␧៝ 共r, ␪兲 ⬇ 共58兲
sin共2␪ + ␣兲r.
From this expression, calculation of the norm provides
兩␧៝ 兩 ⬇ r冑cos共2␪ + ␣兲 + 1. 共59兲
The norm goes thus to zero along straight lines 共in fact
planes due to the cylindrical geometry of the system兲 given
by the equation
␪= = ␸. 共60兲
2 FIG. 12. 共Color online兲 The simulation is computed by only using the first
three harmonics of the horizontal magnetic compensation of gravity. The
This result is confirmed by some simulations 共see Figs.
three harmonics remain spatially fixed 共␣ = 0兲. The magnetic field lines
12–15兲, where ␣ is the angular shift of the third harmonic 共black lines兲 and the plane of quasiperfect compensation of gravity thus
and ␸ is the angle, in relation to the vertical axis, for which keep the same ␸ = ␲ / 2 orientation in relation to the vertical axis.
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103904-11 C. Lorin and A. Mailfert J. Appl. Phys. 104, 103904 共2008兲

FIG. 13. 共Color online兲 The simulation is computed by only using the first FIG. 15. 共Color online兲 The simulation is computed by only using the first
three harmonics of the horizontal magnetic compensation of gravity. The three harmonics of the horizontal magnetic compensation of gravity. The
first two harmonics remain spatially fixed and thus the magnetic field lines first two harmonics remain spatially fixed and thus the magnetic field lines
remain horizontal. As for the plane of quasiperfect compensation of gravity, remain horizontal. As for the plane of quasiperfect compensation of gravity,
it is shifted by ␸ = 3␲ / 8 共in relation to the vertical axis兲 only by modifying it is shifted by ␸ = 0 共in relation to the vertical axis兲 only by modifying the
the angular shift ␣ = ␲ / 4 of the third harmonic. angular shift ␣ = ␲ of the third harmonic.

the norm goes to zero. The norm, in reality, is not exactly VII. CONCLUSION
zero. Indeed, the r2 and r3 terms in Eq. 共57兲 slightly affect
the value of the inhomogeneity vector ␧៝ . The fundamental quantities regarding magnetic levita-
It seems possible to continuously go from the horizontal tion have been defined in the introduction of this paper: the
to the vertical case while avoiding the circular case. In prac- magnetic force, the inhomogeneity vector, and the magneto-
tice, a specific winding has to be used for generating the gravitational potential. Then, the general expression of the
third harmonic. gradient G ៝ , namely the magnetic force as a function of the
The other method, to continuously go from the horizon- field harmonics, have been determined by solving the
tal to the vertical case, consists of varying the third harmonic Laplace equation of the magnetic field.
from its horizontal series value, n = 3 in Eq. 共38兲, to the op- A judicious mathematical formulation of the inhomoge-
posite one 共vertical value兲, n = 3 in Eq. 共48兲. By using this neity conditions on the magnetic force has allowed finding
method, the inhomogeneity configuration passes through the the various field harmonic series, after which we have calcu-
circular case.28 lated the desired current density layer spread over a cylinder
50 cm in radius in a unique manner.
Next, numerical simulations on liquid oxygen at 90 K,
showed the various resulting acceleration configurations ob-
tained by the previously described method. Use of the first
three field harmonics is sufficient to well describe the numer-
ous configurations.
As for the angular shift or the variation of the harmonic
magnitude, the same angular shift of all magnetic field har-
monics modifies the magnetic field map, whereas the mag-
netic force remains the same. This property is theoretically
A working zone radius less than the ratio B21 / G1 and the
angular shift of the third harmonic offer the possibility for
the magnet-gravitational equipotentials to continuously go
from the horizontal configuration to the vertical one by
avoiding the circular case; the magnetic force distribution is
roughly subjected to a rotation.
The variation of the third harmonic magnitude from the
FIG. 14. 共Color online兲 The simulation is computed by only using the first horizontal series value to the opposite one makes it possible
three harmonics of the horizontal magnetic compensation of gravity. The to modify the acceleration from the horizontal to the vertical
first two harmonics remain spatially fixed and thus the magnetic field lines
configuration. Furthermore, the acceleration passes through
remain horizontal. As for the plane of quasiperfect compensation of gravity,
it is shifted by ␸ = ␲ / 4 共in relation to the vertical axis兲 only by modifying the circular case, when the third harmonic magnitude is zero.
the angular shift ␣ = ␲ / 2 of the third harmonic. These results highlight the impact of the third harmonic
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103904-12 C. Lorin and A. Mailfert J. Appl. Phys. 104, 103904 共2008兲

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