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Macbeth leaves the witches trying to figure out if there was any way Birman wood could move

up Dunsinane hill. It's impossible, but so was Macduff harming him and he swiftly dealt with
that to be careful. He gets back to the Castle and calls a servant, the king commands the forest be
burnt. Macbeth sits in his room watching the castle burn, it's nighttime, when suddenly a servant
barges in, Lady Macbeth while sleepwalking climbed upon the Castle walls and jumps. Macbeth
is distraught, he sits by his lady's wife telling her of the terrible things he did and didn't tell her,
he realised how little he minded of her in her final days. Macbeth exits the castle and walks out
on the field, passing the burnt forest and the smoke climbing up towards the castle. He looks
upon the desolate land that was once a lush forest and that's when he sees them. In front of him
among the aches are the three witches, he runs up to them curing and demanding them for not
telling him of his wife's death. As he screams at them one by one they look up at the sky, their
cackles being transported in the wind echoing around the planes. Macbeth raises his head to see
what sparks this laughter from the witches only to realize what he has done. The sky is covered
in smoke, smoke resembling the shape of a forest, and to Macbeth's horror, he watches Birman
wood climb up dunsinane hill. Just then a horn sounds in the distance. It is Malcmon and
Macduff and all the Scottish lords here to seek vengeance for their country, Macbeth falls to his
knees, he's lost everything, he has no army, no wife, no children to carry on his legacy. Solely
Macduff approaches him, Macbeth realizes what the witches have done, Banquo was right all
along no good would come of them. Macbeth raises his head to look into Macduff's eyes just as
he raises his sword. The slice is heard through the valley, the witches disappear within the
smoke. Macbeth is gone and Scotland has prevailed. Malcolm shall be crowned king. Macduff
walks up to the castle alone, after staying in the valley and watching the sunset. Just as the castle
gates come into view three women appear in the path ahead, strange women, who seem to have
something unnatural about them.

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