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Once upon a time in a small town near the coast,lives a lithle girl called Lily.

She was known by

heer brilliant personality and her laught who can makes every body smile. But secretly she
always felt so lonely and sad.

One day, while walking alone in the shore, she found a bothle which had been dragged by the
wabes. Inside there, the bothle said “when you feel broken, just dance like it is the last night
you´ll dance”. Lily decides to follow this mesages advice, so puts on her favorite song and then
she started dancing and foregeting all her problems.

As she was dancing the villagers saw her beuty moves and so they. One b y one. Started
dences whit her. Sudenlly it was a lot of people dancing there. Lily realice that she wasnt alone
anymore , she had found the place her belong

From that day forward, Lily's laughter echoed through the town, bringing happiness to
everyone. The once-lonely girl had discovered the power of music and dance, connecting
hearts and bridging the gaps between souls.

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