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GENGER AND SOCIETY intersexuality is a naturally occurring variation

in humans and animals (1 in 1,500 births)

according to the American Psychological
Leveling Off: Gender and Sexuality Association (APA) (2006). Biology is learned in
school, but the enactment of one’s sex is
experienced differently in one’s culture. When
Section 1: Sex, Gender and Sexuality one sees a person, he or she does not see an
XX or an XY, but a male or a female. Perhaps
What is SEX? While sex is often referred to as in more accepting societies, one sees a male,
the act of reproduction (scientifically, a female, or an LGBT. Because of one’s
copulation), it is, nonetheless, an important perception of maleness and femaleness, his or
notion of how pop culture sees sex. According her view of another is prone to change.
to popular culture, sex is something done for
pleasure, and perhaps in a more Freudian Take for example the case of commercial
sense, it is what drives people to do certain models displayed in advertisements along
things. The association of sex with pleasure EDSA. These models are perceived to conform
and vice versa may make people dismiss it as to society’s definition of what is conventionally
a serious topic for study. attractive, enough that they become the face of
certain products or brands. Because a model
Meanwhile, because sex is so often equated on a billboard is two-dimensional, his or her
with and related to gender, gender as a topic looks allow people to assume anything about
for discussion is likewise disregarded. Yet, by him or her.
showing the difference between sex and
gender, and laying the groundwork for this What is GENDER? Gender is a socially
difference, perhaps you may start questioning learned behavior usually associated with one’s
discriminatory practices in society that relate to sex. It is short for gender relations between the
sex and gender. sexes, or how the male and female relate to
one another. Gender is also based on how
This module defines sex through its biological, people see themselves and on their tendency
and not cultural, definition. Sex in the biological to act along either the masculine or the
sense is a category for living beings specifically feminine line.
related to their reproductive function. For most
living creatures, there are two sexes, the male Gender is a social construct that determines
and the female. The female sex is determined one’s roles, expected values, behavior, and
by the following characteristics: produces egg interaction in relationships involving men and
cells which are fertilized by another sex, and women. It affects what access is available to
bears the offspring. The male sex, on the other men and women to decision-making,
hand, produces sperm cells to fertilize the egg knowledge, and resources. Sex and gender are
cells. two different things, but one’s gender is usually
associated with one’s sex.
There are cases when the baby’s genitals
appear to be a conglomerate of male and Does Sex Correspond to Gender? Many
female organs such that it may be difficult to scientists, psychologists, and sociologists
classify the baby’s sex without further believe that sex does not determine one’s
examination. In the past, this condition is gender. Femininity, or the behavior that one
referred to as hermaphroditism (from Hermes, associates with females, may not actually be
a male Greek god, and Aphrodite, a female tied to a woman’s sex. Similarly, masculinity is
Greek goddess). In modern times, the term not tied to one’s gonads. The whole idea of
intersexuality is used to refer to this being a woman, therefore, is based on gender
phenomenon. Hermaphroditism or and society’s belief in how a woman should
act, instead of biological functions that are normal, he or she may become deviant and
inescapable. The notion that one’s biology excluded from society.
predetermines the roles one must have in life
How we express our gender is largely based
should not be the case at all. Doing household
on our social and cultural setting. Most are
chores is said to be a woman’s job, yet there
comfortable with their sex and gender, men
are some men who do the cooking and
who are masculine and women who are
cleaning at home. Aggressive sports are said
feminine. Each culture also has different
to be more for men, but for every men’s sports
standards on how to be a man and a woman
team, there is a counterpart for women. In
and how they should present themselves
these types of scenario, gender role
according to their sex and gender.
socialization comes in.
Section 2: Gender and Sexuality Across
Gender role socialization is defined as the
process of learning and internalizing culturally
approved ways of thinking, feeling, and Society has progressed so much in a way that
behaving. It starts as soon as one is born and information and knowledge is available To
manifests from the color associated with one’s everyone. This gives us an opportunity to
gender tothe roles one sees his or her gender examine our social and political conditions in
performs the most. Socialization affects all More detail than when information was scarce
parts of one’s identity by dictating what is and limited to only a few individuals.
acceptable to do because of one’s educational
background, class, religion, and gender. Thus, Historical accounts show that across time,
female and male gender roles develop.” humans’ conception of gender and sexuality
has also changed. Archeological artifacts
One’s socialization regulates his or her reveal that in the distant past, during the dawn
perceptions of genders in two ways-external of civilizations, human societies have high
regulations and internalized self-control. regard for women. The concept of the divine
Each society has social norms that have been Feminine (the sacredness of the woman due to
developed over time due to the values and her ability to conceive children) has prevailed,
beliefs that it holds. External regulation and thus, women are treated equally with men.
involves various institutions dictating what is This make societies egalitarian (men and
proper and normal based on one’s identity. It women have equitable power and roles).
affects how one sees his or her gender, and
that gender in relation to other genders. Societies have privileged men over other
External regulation can happen through genders, mainly because of the preferential
censorship of some forms of or subtle forms of given to them in the productive sphere (world
control such as microaggression. Because of of public work). Women who have been
these external regulations enforced by society, revered due to their ability to conceive have
notions on gender are absorbed and been viewed as solely capable only of
internalized social control is formed. reproductive affairs (world of the home and
related tasks such as suckling the young, child
Internalized social control causes a person to rearing, and home management).
police himself or herself according to society’s
standards and norms. A consistent practice will The gender disparity was intensified by the
eventually affect all aspects of his or her Industrial era where factors were built and men
personality, in turn, resulting in the policing of were preferred because they did not have to
others, expanding and perpetuating this bear children for nine months and because of
regulation. Similarly, if someone finds himself their perceived physical strength.
or herself deviating from what society finds
But how did really the conceptualization of Egypt
gender and sexuality changed?
Herodotus, a Greek historian, observed the
Egyptian civilization citing that Egyptian
Women enjoyed higher social status than
PATRIARCHY A close examination of our
Greek women because they can inherit
society can lead us to see the invisible layers
property and engage in trade and politics.
of oppression in our society like patriarchya
However, Greek influence quickly spread in
system based on the control and oppression of
Egypt through the conquests of Alexander the
women wherein they are perceived to be the
Great across Asia and Africa.
weaker sex. It is a structure that upholds male
supremacy in the law, at home, in the work China
place, and in society.
Confucianism has stringent written rules that
Patriarchy is from the Greek word Patriarkhes dictate how women should conduct. The
which means “the rule of the father”. It is a written documents titled “Three obedience’s
social system where men primarily holds power and four virtues” and “Precepts of women”
in the political and the private spheres. This states that women should obey their father,
means that in this social system, society is when married she is to obey her
organized and maintained in a way that men
Husband, and when widowed she is to obey
rule over women and their children. In the
her son, gendered biases in ancient patriarchal
social, legal, political, and economic spheres,
societies were very strict, heavily enforced, and
men are expected to lead while women are
often violent. Imagine not being able to go to
expected to obey and are relegated to house
school just because you are a woman, not
chores, bearing children, and child care.
being able to express your opinion on
A patrilineal society often follows a patriarchal important matters even when it concerns your
society, this means only men can inherit future, and not being able to say no to any
property and the family name. Women were left man.
with no inheritance and are expected to marry
Women have come a long way since the
a man who can support her economically. In
ancient times through the feminist movement,
fact, women were not allowed to go to schools,
however, patriarchy has taken on subtle forms
or even vote, because they are viewed as a
of oppression that often go unnoticed such as:
weaker sex and should not concern
themselves in learning science or politics. • Sexism- prejudice, stereotypes, and
Women had to fight for the right to vote, to go discrimination based on sex
to school, to go to work, and even participate in
politics • Gender pay gap – men earn more than
• Underrepresentation in politics, military,
Greek executive positions, etc
Aristotle, Plato, and other Greek philosophers • Rape on women and the stigma making
viewed women as the inferior sex and are women ashamed to report the crime;
properties of men whose only job was to obey
their husbands, bear children, and take care of • Very conservative expectations on women on
the household. They were forbidden to learn how they behave;
philosophy, politics, and science. • Unrealistic depictions of women in fiction,
often very sexualized;
• Women do more housework and childcare; Who and what am I?
• Boys were trained to be leaders while women What do I like/dislike?
were trained to do house chores.
What are my strengths and weakness?
Section 3: Gender and Sexuality as a
What motivates me?
Psychosocial Issue
What are my aspirations?
We are in an endless process of asking and
There are distinct physiological differences,
trying to understand. In the context of gender
much of the capabilities, except those involved
and sexuality, we ask:
in reproduction, can actually be performed by
either sexes. Both women and men can What am I physiologically?
perform child-rearing roles. Both can also
engage and succeed in the world of work. In Am I happy with what I am?
many cases, the limits are only set by social How do I genuinely see myself?
How do I feel about myself as a sexual being?
These scenarios only exemplify that much Is there anything good I should do?
about gender and sexuality is not only
biological and physiological but also But then again, we are not isolated in a
psychological and social. This perspective of vacuum. We are social beings. We live our
exploring and understanding human sexuality lives in relation to others. Hence, as we try to
in the lens of psychological social processes is understand ourselves more, we are also in a
referred to as psychosocial perspective. constant process towards other awareness,
that is, understanding others:
Understanding the Psychosocial
Dimension What is the other’s motivations, preferences,
and aspirations?
There are many ways through which the
psychosocial dimension of gender and Where am I positioned in her or his life, vis-à-
sexuality can be understood and explained. vis Where is s/he positioned in my life?
Our experience of gender and sexuality is How different and or similar am I and other?
generally a relational experience.
The ABCDE of Intimate Relationships
It is relational because while as individuals, we
have our own affect, cognition and behavior to Acquaintance
be aware of, we are also viewing ourselves in Intimate human relationships start in
relation to others who also have their own acquaintanceship. We meet up through
personal preoccupations. There are some circumstances and first learn about basic
elements of our gendered self which are best information about one another. Crucial at this
viewed in an ecological contextthat is, in the stage is attraction.
circumstances in our physical and social
environment. What does it take for a person to actually
decide to be acquainted with another?
Attraction can take place in an enabling
At the front of our experience as gendered environment. It can happen when there is
beings is awareness. In simpler terms, propinquity or proximity-when we are physically
awareness is our conscious understanding of closer to one another. It can happen when
something. As individuals, we are in constant there is exposure—when due to proximity,
process towards self-awareness:
there are repeated possibilities of interaction. It Ending
can also happen when there is similarity-
Finally, for those intimate partnerships who are
common preferences, interests, and probably
unable to address the causes and
beliefs and values.
circumstances leading to the deterioration of
Buildup their relationship, the stages culminate into
ending or termination of the agreements made
Some acquaintanceships build up into deeper
(either personal or socio-legal) through informal
relationships. Frequency of interaction
(e.g., collective decision to end the
increases. Kinds of activities shared become
relationship) or formal (e.g., marriage
diverse. The involved parties begin to introduce
dissolution) means.
one another to each other’s friends and
families, thus, making the social network larger
and interconnected. This is the stage when two
persons test their boundaries. They test the
waters before engaging fully and so Gender Role Stereotype and Gender
committedly in the relationship. Identities
Consolidation and Continuation
The third stage of intimate relationship is Section 1: Types of Gender Roles
consolidation. This stage is when people
commits to a longterm relationship with one A gender role is a set of societal norms
another, either through a personal agreement dictating the types of behaviors which are
(i.e., exclusivity of partnership, domestic generally considered acceptable, appropriate,
partnership) or a social-legal agreement (i.e., or desirable for people based on their actual or
marriage). What makes people commit to a perceived sex or sexuality.
relationship, to the point of legitimizing it Gender roles are usually centered on
through marriage? Often, people set standards conceptions of femininity and masculinity,
that are sustainable (e.g., ability of each other although there are exceptions and variations.
to maintain a family or a household, readiness The specifics regarding these gendered
of each other to raise children, career, and expectations may vary substantially among
financial capacities). cultures, while other characteristics may be
Decline or Deterioration common throughout a range of cultures.

Unfortunately, some intimate partnerships are The term gender role refers to society’s
unable to sustain and maintain their concept of how men and women are expected
commitments or attraction. For one, there may to act and how they should behave. These
be a change in priorities between the individual roles are based on norms, or standards,
couple, such that the conjoint value of the created by society.
partnership is not anymore sufficient. There Gender roles are a specific set of social and
may be infidelity—the breech of loyalty and behavioral actions which are considered to be
promises as agreed upon by both individuals appropriate for the given gender. The concept
(e.g., presence of a third-party, extra-marital of gender roles has been developed from the
affairs). Or, in other, there may be work of Caroline Moser. She explains this
irreconcilable differences—which are already concept as follows:
harming each individual and the partnership as
a whole.
Reproductive Role Childbearing/rearing power.
responsibilities, and Multiple Roles Both men and women
domestic tasks done play multiple roles.
by women. It includes The major difference,
not only biological however, is that
reproduction but also • Men: typically play
the care and their roles
maintenance of the sequentially, focusing
work force (male on a single productive
partner and working role
children) and the • · Women: must
future work force usually play their roles
(infants and school- simultaneously,
going children). balancing the
Productive Role Work done by both demands of each
men and women for within their limited
pay in cash or kind. It time constraints
includes both market
production with an
exchangevalue, and
production with actual Section 2: Sex-Role Stereotypes
use-value, and also
potential exchange- Exploring Attitudes towards Gender
Community Managing Activities undertaken Attitudes towards Gender (also referred to as
Role primarily by women at sex role attitudes) have been defined as “an
the community level, individual’s beliefs about appropriate behavior
as an extension of for men and women”. One’s gender role
their reproductive role, attitudes are likely to indicate her or his
to ensure the adherence to socially accepted and culturally
provision and based norms that dictate behavioral standards
maintenance of scarce in cross - sex relationships.
resources of collective
consumption, such as Gender role attitudes indicate the degree to
water, health care and which a person accepts or rejects socially
education. This is accepted and culturally based norms that
voluntary unpaid work, dictate appropriate behavior that is gender
undertaken in ‘free’ specific.
Community Politics Activities undertaken Examples of gender role attitudes include such
Role primarily by men at statements as “men should open the door for
the community level, women,” “fathers and mothers should
organizing at the participate equally in nurturing and caring for
formal political level, their children,” “men are primarily responsible
often within the for earning money and providing for their
framework of national family,” and “women should adopt their
politics. This is usually husband’s surname upon marriage.”
paid work, either
directly or indirectly,
through status or
Sex-Role Stereotypes conformity, people tend to believe in the
stereotype (i.e., they regard the stereotype as
A sex role is a function or role which a male or
the best way to behave as females or males).
female assumes because of the basic
physiological or anatomical differences If they are male, they believe that men ought to
between the sexes. It is a biologically be aggressive. If females are viewed as ‘not
determined role which can be performed by good at mathematics and science’, they may
only one of the sexes, e.g., women give birth to set a negative goal for themselves in order not
children while men make women pregnant. to achieve in these subjects. They may stop
working hard in these subjects because they
These roles are not exchangeable because
believe that they cannot do it. If males on the
they are biologically determined.
other hand are viewed as ‘good at mathematics
A stereotype is a ‘person or thing seeming to and science’, they will set a positive goal to
conform to a heavily accepted type’. Sex-role fulfil the stereotype. They will work hard in
stereotypes have also been defined as ‘the order to achieve good results in these subjects.
rigidly held and oversimplified beliefs that This is done unconsciously and girls and boys
males and females possess distinct (and do not realize that they are fulfilling a
similar) psychological traits and stereotype.
characteristics.’ these beliefs tend to be very
Section 3: Developing Gender Identity
widely held in society.
Gender Identity
Effects of Sex-Role Stereotypes on
Individuals Gender identity is the extent to which one
identifies with a particular gender; it is a
Sex-role stereotypes can have both positive
person’s individual sense and subjective
and negative effects on females and males in
experience of being a man, a woman, or
society. If the stereotype describing a sex
another gender. It is often shaped early in life
group is negative, it could have negative
and consists primarily of the acceptance (or
effects on some members of that group and
non-acceptance) of one’s membership into a
viceversa. The following are the main effects of
gender category. In most societies, there is a
sex-role stereotypes on individuals:
basic division between gender attributes
Impression Management In order to be assigned to males and females. In all societies,
accepted by society, women and men may however, some individuals do not identify with
start behaving in the way stereotypes portray some (or all) of the aspects of gender that are
their respective sex. Hence girls may tend to assigned to their biological sex.
be shy, submissive, quiet, etc. They may
In many Western cultures, individuals who
conform to very negative stereotypes, e.g., girls
identify with a gender that is different from their
are not good at mathematics and science.
biological sex (for example, they are assigned
Boys on the other hand will behave in the
female at birth but feel inwardly that they are a
opposite way, by trying to be good at
boy or a gender other than a girl) are called
mathematics and science, because society
transgender. Some transgender individuals, if
expects them to be good. They may also try to
they have access to resources and medical
be aggressive and assertive just to impress
care, choose to alter their bodies through
others that they are ‘real men’.
medical interventions such as surgery and
Self-fulfilling Prophecy The effect of sex-role hormonal therapy so that their physical being is
stereotypes is much more deeply rooted when better aligned with their gender identity.
people conform through what is known as
‘selffulfilling prophecy’. In this type of
Gender Identity Development way if they imitate their older sister’s love of
dolls. Another factor that has a significant role
While gender identity is very fluid among young
in the process of gender identity is language;
children, it is usually believed to form between
while learning a language, children learn to
ages 3 and 6.
separate masculine and feminine
However, many transgender, genderqueer, or characteristics and unconsciously adjust their
genderfluid individuals are not able to embrace own behavior to these predetermined roles.
their true gender identity until much later in life,
Gender-Schema Theory
largely due to both societal pressure to
conform to the gender binary and the societal Gender-schema theory was formally
stigma associated with transgender identities. introduced by Sandra Bem in 1981 as a
cognitive theory to explain how individuals
Studies suggest that children develop gender
become gendered in society. It describes how
identity in three distinct stages:
sexlinked characteristics are maintained and
► As toddlers and preschoolers, children learn transmitted to other members of a culture.
about defined characteristics and socialized According to gender-schema theory, gender-
aspects of gender. associated information is predominantly
transmitted through society by way of
► Around age 5–7, gender identity becomes schemata, or networks that allow for some
rigid in a process known as consolidation. types of information to be more easily
► After this “peak of rigidity,” fluidity returns assimilated than others.
and socially defined gender roles relax Bem argues that there are individual
somewhat at adolescent age. differences in the degree to which people hold
Factors that Influence Gender Identity these gender schemata. These differences are
manifested via the degree to which individuals
Although the formation of gender identity is not are sex-typed. Bem refers to four categories
completely understood, many factors have into which an individual may fall:
been suggested as influencing its
development. Biological factors that may ► Sex-typed individuals process and integrate
influence gender identity include pre- and post- information that is in line with their assigned
natal hormone levels and genetic makeup. gender.
Social factors include ideas regarding gender ► Cross-sex-typed individuals process and
roles conveyed by family, authority figures, integrate information that is in line with the
mass media, and other influential people in a gender opposite to the one they were
child’s life. assigned.
Children are shaped and molded by the people ► Androgynous individuals process and
surrounding them, who they try to imitate and integrate traits and information from both
follow. According to social learning theory, genders.
children develop their gender identity through
observing and imitating the genderlinked ► Finally, undifferentiated individuals do not
behaviors of others; they are then rewarded for show efficient processing of sex-typed
imitating the behaviors people of the same information.
gender and punished for imitating the
Queer Theory
behaviors of another gender.
According to proponents of queer theory,
For example, male children will often be
gender identity is not a rigid or static identity
rewarded for imitating their father’s love of
baseball, but punished or redirected in some
but can continue to evolve and change over Transphobia and Transgender
time. Discrimination
Queer theory developed in response to the Transgender inequality is the unequal
perceived limitations of the way in which protection and treatment that transgender
identities are thought to become consolidated people face in work, school, and society in
or stabilized (for instance, gay or straight), and general. Transgender people regularly face
theorists constructed queerness in an attempt transphobic harassment and violence.
to resist this. In this way, the theory attempts to Ultimately, one of the largest reasons that
maintain a critique rather than define a specific transgender people face inequality is a lack of
identity. public understanding.
While “queer” defies a simple definition, the Transphobia is similar to homophobia, racism,
term is often used to convey an identity that is and sexism, and manifests as emotional
not rigidly developed, but is instead fluid and disgust, fear, anger, or discomfort felt or
changing expressed toward people who don’t conform to
society’s gender expectations. The related term
Section 4: Discrimination Based on Sex and
”cissexism ” refers to the assumption that
transgender people are inferior to cisgender
Sexism or gender discrimination is prejudice people. Both transphobia and cissexism have
or discrimination based on a person’s sex or severe consequences.
gender. Sexism can affect any sex that is
Transgender people are much more likely to
marginalized or oppressed in a society;
experience harassment, bullying, and violence
however, it is particularly documented as
based on their gender identity; they also
affecting females.
experience much higher rates of discrimination
It has been linked to stereotypes and gender in housing, employment, healthcare, and
roles and includes the belief that males are education.
intrinsically superior to other sexes and
genders. Extreme sexism may foster sexual
harassment, rape, and other forms of sexual MODULE 3 Section 1: The Global Divides:
violence. North and South
Misogyny is the hatred or dislike of women or The process of globalization is uneven, it
girls. According to feminist theory, misogyny follows that there is an imbalance in the socio-
can be manifested in numerous ways, including economic and political categories of the world.
sexual discrimination, belittling of women,
violence against women, and sexual
objectification of women. Countries that were colonized by the Spaniards
in the southern part of the American continent
Although the exact rates are widely disputed,
are collectively called Latin America by virtue of
there is a large body of cross-cultural evidence
the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494.
that women are subjected to domestic violence
significantly more often than men. In addition, The newly discovered lands outside Europe
there is broad consensus that women are more were divided into two-the West belonging to the
often subjected to severe forms of abuse and Crown of Castile (now part of Spain) and the
are more likely to be injured by an abusive East belonging to the Portuguese Empire.
The Global South refers to the socio-
economic and political divide primarily focused
on the southern hemisphere of the 1569-
designed Mercatorian map. It consists of and to the often undirected processes of social
Africa, Latin America, and Asia including the and economic interaction” (Hurrel, 1995).
Middle East.
Regionalism refers to regional concentration
The Global North also connotes developing of economic flows while regionalization refers
countries as opposed to rich, industrialized, to a political process by economic policy if
and wealthy nations. On the contrary, the cooperation and coordination are present
Global North is the home of all members of the among countries (Mansfield & Wilmer, 1993).
Group of Eight (G8)- Canada, France, The ASEAN community is comprised of three
Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, pillarspolitical security community, economic
Russia, and the United States of America. community, and socio-cultural community.
Section 2: Asian Regionalism Its goal is to address the 1997 Asian financial
crisis and help each other cope with the crisis.
In this context, ASEAN has concretized
China is the home of more than 1.4 billion regionalism in the Asian region.
people based on the 2018 Population
The North American Free Trade Agreement
projection of the United Nations. In fact, it is
(NAFTA), a free trade pact between Canada
becoming one of the economic super giants of
and the United States (now including Mexico),
the world.
was created to help reduce trading costs,
In 2016, China was the world’s leading increase business investment, and help North
exporter of goods valued at $1.99 trillion, America be more competitive in the global
followed by the United States with $1.45 Trillion marketplace (NAFTA, 2018).
(Dillinger, 2018). Among all the continents,
The European Union (EU) is a political and
Asia has the biggest population of at least two-
economic established to ensure free movement
thirds of the world’s inhabitants. It is most
of people, goods, services, and capital within
probably because the continent comprises one-
the EU’s single market (EU, 2018a).
third of the world’s land mass.
Aspects of ASEAN Integration
In terms of economy, emerging and
developing Asian countries and the Association First, integration has been market-driven.
of Southeast Asian Nations 5 or the ASEAN 5 Second, formal institutions such as the Asian
(Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, and Development Bank (ADB) were established.
Thailand) had an average of 6.3% and 5.1% Third, economic grants and overseas
GDP growth, respectively, compared to the development assistance are made available by
world average growth of 3.5% as of 2016 better Asian economies. Aspects of ASEAN
(Obiols, 2017). Since the European Union is in Integration
its mature state of regionalism, the world is
Fourth, production networks have expanded.
now focused on Asia. Most countries want to
Fifth, cooperation among the ASEAN and East
have collaborations with East Asian countries
Asian countries ensued the ASEAN +3
and the Association of Southeast Asian
Financial Ministers’ Process that established
Nations (ASEAN) members because economic
two economic structures the Chiang Mai
and political growth in these regions have
Initiative and the Asian Bond Markets Initiative.
started to shape up.
Last, if EU is rules-based, ASEAN follows a
Regionalization, on the other hand, is “the consensus rule as an approach to decision
growth of societal integration within a region making.
ASEAN Declaration Aims and Purposes violence. For example, when children are born
following a rape, or if family members choose
1) To accelerate economic growth, social
to stand by a survivor, fellow members of their
progress, and cultural development in the
community may avoid them.
Economic consequences include the
2) To promote regional peace and stability;
cost of public health and social welfare
3) To promote active collaboration and mutual systems and the reduced ability of many
assistance on matters of common interest; survivors to participate in social and economic
4) To provide assistance to each other in the
form of training and research facilities;

5) To collaborate more effectively for the Survivor is the preferred term (not a
greater utilization of their agriculture and “victim”) of a person who has lived through an
industries; incident of gender-based violence. A
perpetrator is a person, group, or institution
6) To expand trade, improve their that inflicts, supports, or condones violence or
transportation and communications facilities, other abuse against a person or group of
and raise the living standards of their people; persons. Characteristics of perpetrators
7) To promote Southeast Asian Studies; and include:
8) To maintain close and beneficial
cooperation. a. Persons with real or perceived power;
b. persons in decision-making positions,
c. persons in authority.
MODULE 4 Political-Legal Perspective in
Gender and Sexuality In all incidents of GBV, there is always a
survivor/victim and a perpetrator. Therefore, all
Section 1: Gender-Based Violence actions in the prevention and responses to
GBV need to address both the survivor and the
Consequences of Gender-Based Violence perpetrator.
These consequences include serious,
immediate, and long-term impacts on the
sexual, physical, and psychological health of Human Rights
survivors. Human rights are universal,
Health consequences include unwanted inalienable, indivisible, interconnected, and
pregnancies, complications from unsafe interdependent. Everyone is entitled to all the
abortions, sexually transmitted infections rights and freedoms without distinction of any
including HIV, injuries, mental health, and kind, such as race, color, sex, language,
psychosocial effects (depression, anxiety, post- religion, political or other opinion, national or
traumatic stress, suicide and death). Violence social origin, property, birth, or other status.
also affects children’s survival, development, Prevention of and response to gender-
and school participation. based violence is directly linked to the
Social consequences extend to families protection of human rights. Acts of gender-
and communities. Families can also be based violence violate a number of human
stigmatized as a consequence of gender-based rights principles enshrined in international
human rights instruments and in our Philippine vulnerable to abuse. GBV involves the abuse
Constitution. of power unequal power relationships are
exploited or abused.
These include the following, amongst others:
Use of Force/Violence
 the right to life, liberty, and property of
persons; “Force” might be physical, emotional,
social, or economic in nature. It may also
involve coercion or pressure. Force also
includes intimidation, threats, persecution, or
 the right to the highest attainable other forms of psychological or social pressure.
standard of physical and mental health; The target of such violence is compelled to
 the right to freedom from torture or cruel, behave as expected or to do what is being
inhuman, or degrading treatment or
requested, for fear of real and harmful
 the right to freedom of opinion and
expression and to education; (UNFPA Violence consists of the use of physical
2014). force or other means of coercion such as
threat, inducement, or promise of a benefit to
obtain something from a weaker or more
vulnerable person. Using violence involves
Power forcing someone to do something against
her/his will—use of force.
Perpetrators can have “real” or Informed Consent
“perceived” power. Some examples of different
types of power and powerful people are the Consent means saying “yes,” agreeing
following: to something. Informed consent means making
an informed choice freely and voluntarily by
a. social- peer pressure, bullying, leader, persons in an equal power relationship.
teacher, parents;
b. economic- the perpetrator controls Acts of GBV occur without informed
money or access to consent. Even if she says “yes,” this is not true
goods/services/money/favors; consent because it was said under duress-the
sometimes the husband or the father; perpetrator(s) used some kind of force to get
c. political- elected leaders, discriminatory her to say yes. Children (under age 18) are
laws, President of the United States; deemed unable to give informed consent for
d. physical- strength, size, use of weapons, acts such as female genital cutting (FGC),
controlling access or security; soldiers, marriage, sexual relations, etc.
police, robbers, gangs;
e. gender-based (social)- males are Cycle of Violence
usually in a more powerful position than
females; and The cycle of violence refers to repeated
f. age-related- often, the young and elderly acts of violence in a relationship. It starts with
people have the least power. minor incidents and moves on to more serious
levels of violence. The cycle of violence may
Power is directly related to choose. The start in a child who is a victim or witness to
more power one has, there are more choices violence and may be repeated when the child
available. The less power one has, fewer becomes an adult.
choices are available. Unempowered people
have fewer choices and are therefore, more
The impact of being a victim or a The legal framework provided for by the
witness to violence on a child is traumatic. It 1987 Constitution resulted to various
can make a child scared, unhappy, legislations promoting gender equality. These
legislations include the following:

 Local Government Code of 1991.

Provides for the election of sectoral
lonely, lose self-confidence, blame themselves, representation, including women, in
lose sleep, and pick up fights with peers. local legislative councils.
 Party List Law. Provides for the
Children should understand that having
creation of women-oriented or women-
conflicts is alright, but resolving conflict through based parties to compete under the
violence is not right when children understand party-list system. Women is one of the
that violence is not acceptable, they will grow nine sectors identified in the law.
up into adults who respect other people.  Labor Code (1989). Covers issues,
such as night work prohibition, specifies
that employers must provide special
Section 2: Women and the Law facilities for women, prohibition of
discrimination against women in respect
The 1987 Constitution to terms and conditions of employment,
and prohibition of discrimination by
The Philippines is known for its very
reason of marriage of a woman worker.
liberal and progressive Constitution that was
 Women in Nation Building Law.
formulated during the euphoria of People
Republic Act 7192 (1991) is an act
Power Revolution in 1986. Gender equality is a promoting the integration of women as
key element of this Charter and as enshrined in full and equal partners of men in
Article II Section 14 of the 1987 Constitution, development and nation-building. The
“the State recognizes the role of women in law provides that a substantial portion of
nation-building and shall ensure the government resources be utilized to
fundamental equality before the law of women support programs and activities for
and men.” women. The law also encourages the
full participation and involvement of
Considering the unequal gender women in the development process and
relations in the country, the Constitution further to remove gender bias in all government
provided for women representation (as one of regulations and procedures.
the nine marginalized sectors) in the legislature In relation to gender budgeting,
through the party-list system (which should the law specifically mandated all
cover 20% of the lower house). agencies to allocate a minimum of 5%,
increasing to 30%, of all official
Finally, Article 13 Section 14 specifically development funds in mainstreaming
mentioned that the “State shall protect working gender concerns.
women by providing safe and healthful working  1988 Comprehensive Agrarian
conditions, taking into account their maternal Reform Law. Gave Filipino women the
functions, and such facilities and opportunities right to own land that previously reverted
that will enhance their welfare and enable them to sons and other male family members.
to realize their full potential in the service of the 
Republic Act 7688 (1994). An act giving
representation to women in Social
Security Commission.
Various Laws Promoting Gender Equality
 Anti-Sexual Harassment Law. RA  Framework Plan for Women (FPW).
7877 (1995). An act declaring sexual This is part of the Philippine Plan for
harassment to be unlawful in the Women developed to focus on three
employment, education, or training thrusts, namely: promoting women’s
environment. economic empowerment; advance and
 Republic Act 7822 (1995). An act protect women human rights, and
providing assistance to women promote gender responsive governance.
engaging in micro and cottage business This plan identifies the concrete gender
enterprises. issues that will addressed, pinpoint
 Republic Act 8353 (1997). An act targets and indicators, name programs,
expanding the definition of the crime of formulates the implementation plan, and
rape, reclassifying the same as a crime set-up tools for monitoring and
against persons. evaluation.

National Programs Women’s Right to Participate

Based on the Philippine laws stated, a Women’s right to vote was granted in
myriad of projects, initiatives, and processes on 1937. The Constitution of 1935 stipulated that
the gender challenge arose. This includes the the right of suffrage would be extended to
following: women, only if 300,000 women voted in its
favor during a national plebiscite. This
 Philippine Plan for Gender consolidated the emerging women’s movement
Responsive Development (1995- and “brought to the fore the activism of such
2025). The National Plan for Women women as Concepcion Felix de Calderon who
that consolidates the action formed The Asociacion Feminista Filipina in
commitments of the Philippines during June 1905, Rosa Sevilla de Alvero and a
the Beijing World Conference on young Trinidad Almeda, Miss Constancia
Women. This is the overall frame that is Poblete, founder of Liga Femenina de la Paz,
also the point of reference for the Pura Villanueva Kalaw and Paz Mendoza
discussions and monitoring of gender Guazon, Pilar Hidalgo Lim, President of the
National Federation of Women’s Clubs and
 Gender and Development Budget
Josefa Llanes Escoda, president of the Girl
(GAD). Integral to the national plan, it is
Scouts of the Philippines” (Ugnayan ng
aimed at “institutionalizing gender
concerns in the mainstream kababaihan Pulitika 1998).
development process and agenda The General Council of Women was
and not just peripheral programs and then established in Manila to direct the
projects of the government”. plebiscite campaign. Its aim was to draw the
Concretely, it prescribes for the
support of the broadest number of women. As
allocation of 5% of the government
agency’s/local government unit’s budget it turned out, 447.725 women voted yes in the
on gender-responsive activities and 1937 plebiscite. Interestingly, 44,307 women
projects. As a result, implementation of voted against the provision. What followed was
the development programs and policies a colorful history of women’s foray into the
of government also means women various levels of electoral victories, but
partaking a role in governance. As generally pushed by familial affiliation and elite
primarily stakeholders in the association.
development process, women have the
right to maximize their involvement in At present, women’s right to vote and
governance, be it at the local or national participate are maintained and further
level. protected by existing laws at hand.
Women’s Involvement in Civil Society differences existing in the educational status of
Filipino women and men. One glaring issue is
Women’s expressions of involvement in
the gender stereotyping of fields of study and
civil society could be through organizing along
specialization and its onward translation into
gender-specific issues and formation of all-
the world of work where men generally occupy
women groups within broad coalitions as
the highest occupational ranks and the highest
power-enhancing mechanisms. Groups such
paying positions.
as the PILIPINA feminist movement, the
militant GABRIELA women’s group, the Women’s larger responsibility for
Ugnayan ng Kababaihan sa Pulitika (UKP- housework and for the family impedes their
Network of Women in Politics), the KILOS ability to use their educational training and
KABARO (Act Sisters Coalition), and SIBOL skills for remunerative work.
Legislative Network have trail blazed women
The topics previously discussed are
advocacies both in policies and in legislations.
always timely, relevant, and part and parcel of
There also exist a so-called “Philippine the daily lives of the Filipinos. These only show
NGO Beijing Score Board” which evolved from the degree of importance that must be given to
the National Steering Committee (NSC) of these topics.
NGOs for the United Nations Fourth World
Conference on Women, and this lead in the
national monitoring of the government’s Section 3: Violence Against Women and
implementation of the Beijing Platform for their Children Act or RA No. 9262
The Republic Act 9262, or the Anti-
Along with other women groups and Violence against Women and their Children
gender-oriented institutions, they have (Anti-VAWC) Act of 2004, is a result of the
succeeded in raising gender-specific issues strong advocacies on women’s human rights in
such as domestic violence, prostitution, the country. This law was deemed to be a
reproductive health, sexual harassment, and significant victory for all Filipino women as it
rape. Intense lobbying efforts by the women’s was based on the right of women not to suffer
groups resulted in the passage of several abuse, discrimination, and violence in their
landmark laws, among them is the anti-sexual respective relationships.
harassment law in 1995 and the anti-rape act
in 1997. The gains of the women’s movement
are basically achieved through various Important features of the law include:
partnerships with the rest of the civil society.
1. Four kinds of violence against
Women in Education women and children are defined-the
The Philippine educational system is a law defined four kinds of violence-
combination of public and private institutions physical, psychological, sexual, and
economic-in its effort to encompass all
with the State providing free education for
types of abuses inflicted to women and
elementary and secondary levels. The
their children;
Constitution provides that without “limiting the 2. VAWC is a public crime-the crime is
natural rights of parents to rear their children, perpetrated not only against a single
elementary education is compulsory for all individual, but against the entire society,
children of school age… (Article VIX, Section thus, anyone who has personal
2). knowledge of the abuse, violence, or
discrimination can file a complaint;
There is no general discrimination of
girls in education, thus, there is no marked
3. Protection orders can be issued 5. directing lawful possession and use by
against the perpetrator-upon filing the the petitioner of an automobile and other
case, the victim-survivor or anyone who personal effect regardless of ownership:
has personal knowledge can apply for a 6. granting temporary permanent custody
protection order to enforce distance of a child/children to the petitioner;
between her and the perpetrator; and 7. directing the respondent to provide
4. Stronger community mechanisms to support to the woman and/or her child if
respond to cases-various government entitled to legal support;
agencies are mandated to aptly respond 8. prohibition of the respondent from any
or formulate mechanisms to respond to use or possession of any firearm or
reported cases of VAWC immediately. deadly weapon and order him to
surrender the same, including
Protection Orders revocation of license and disqualification
to apply for any license to use or
A protection order under the Anti-VAWC possess a firearm;
Law is defined as: “an order issued for the 9. restitution for actual damages caused by
purpose of preventing further acts of violence inflicted including property
violence against a woman and her child damage, medical expenses, and loss of
specified in Section of this Act and granting income;
other necessary relief. The relief granted 10. directing the Department of Social
under a protection order should serve the Welfare and Development (DSWD) or
purpose of safeguarding the victim, any appropriate agency to provide
temporary shelter and other social
minimizing any disruption in the victim’s
services that the petitioner may need;
daily life, and facilitating the opportunity and
ability of the victim to independently gain
control of her life. 11. provision of other forms of relief as may
be necessary to protect and provide for
the safety of the petitioner.
The law enumerates the following reliefs Rights of Victim-Survivors of VAWC
that may be availed of through a protection Cases
RA 9262 specified the following as rights of
1. prohibition of the respondent the victim-survivors:
(perpetrator) from threatening to commit
or committing personally or through “Section 35. Rights of Victims-In addition to
another, any of the acts penalized by the their rights under existing laws, victims of
Anti-VAWC law; violence against women and their children
2. prohibition of the respondent from
shall have the following rights:
harassing, annoying, telephoning,
contacting, or otherwise, communicating (a) to be treated with respect and dignity:
with the petitioner (victim-survivor) (b) to avail of legal assistance from the
directly or indirectly; Public Attorney Office and the
3. removal and exclusion of the respondent Department of Justice or any public
from the residence of the petitioner legal assistance office;
whether temporarily or permanently; (c) to be entitled to support services from
4. directing the respondent to stay away the DSWD and the LGUs (local
from the petitioner and any designated government units);
family or household member at a (d) to be entitled to all legal remedies and
distance specified by the court; support as provided for under the Family
Code; and
(e) to be informed of their right to apply for a (c) support organizing efforts and
protection order.” development programs for women in the
The right to privacy of the victim is also (d) prioritize livelihood projects for victim-
provided in the law, and its violation is survivors;
punishable by imprisonment and fine. (e) involve women in planning and
implementation of all programs and
Duties of National and Local Government projects in the barangay;
Offices (f) have an Anti-VAWC desk officer in the
Section 39 of RA 9262 provides for the barangay who shall coordinate a one-
stop help desk. As much as possible,
creation of the Inter Agency Council on
this help desk shall be open for 24
Violence Against Women and their Children hours;
(1AC-VAWC), which shall formulate gender- (g) ensure that all barangay officials,
sensitive programs and projects according to barangay health workers, barangay
their respective agency mandates, including nutrition scholars, other barangay
capability building programs for their workers, and tanod or barangay security
employees. officers undergo gender sensitivity
seminars to enable them to respond to
The IAC-VAWC consists of the following victims of violence;
agencies: DSWD National Commission on the (h) develop a system to document and
Role of Filipino Women, Civil Service report cases of VAWC and assistance
Commission, Commission on Human Rights, program to victims thereof; and
Council for the Welfare of Children,
(i) If applicable / necessary, prescribe
Department of Justice, Department of Interior additional guidelines and standards
and Local Government, Philippine National provided that these are consistent with
Police Department of Health, Department of the Act.
Education, Department of Labor and
Employment, and National Bureau of
Investigation. Section 4: Laws and Policies on Violence
and Discrimination of the members of
The implementing rules and regulations LGBTQ+
of the Anti-VAWC Act state the following duties
and responsibilities of LGUs or the Barangay in The 1987 Constitution (Equal Protection
addressing VAWC cases, apart from the and Due Process Clause) the 1987 Philippine
issuances of Barangay Protection Orders: Constitution states that: “The State values the
dignity of every human person and guarantees
“Section 47. Duties and Functions of Barangay full respect for human rights.” Apart from this,
Officials-In order to eliminate violence against the 1987 Constitution enshrines in its due
women and their children, barangay officials process and equal protection clauses that: “No
shall: person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or
property without due process of law, nor shall
(a) Undertake an education program on
any person be denied the equal protection of
Republic Act No. 9262 and on violence
against women and their children and the laws.” (Article 3, Sec 1, 1987 Philippine
why it exists, the rights and remedies of Constitution).
victim- survivors, and the duties of As the fundamental law of the land, the
residents and all barangay officials;
guarantees on equality, lawful processes, and
(b) have a family violence prevention
the paramount consideration on ensuring
program, including peer counseling for
men; human dignity and respect for human rights in
these provisions serve as the basis for the identity (SOGI) (Republic Act No.
protection of the rights of members of the 10627).
B. Child Protection Policy 2012
The 2010 Supreme Court Decision in In cases where the bullying is
the “Ang Ladlad” case (Ang Ladlad LGBT Party committed by principal, teacher or any
vs. Comelec GR 190582 8 April 2010) other school personnel, the law being
considered the breadth of the equal protection violated is Department of Education
clause in the Constitution. The court ruled in Order No. 40 on Child Protection Policy.
favor of allowing “Ang Ladlad to be a party-list This policy includes the protection of
reasoning that: students from any form of violence
regardless of their sexual orientation or
“From the standpoint of the political gender identity.
process, the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender have the same interest in C. Special Protection of Children
participating in the party-list system on Against Child Abuse, Exploitation,
the same basis as other political parties and Discrimination Act of 1992 (Anti-
similarly situated. Hence, laws of Child Abuse Act or Republic Act
general application should apply with
Parents of children who suffer
equal force to LGBTs, and they deserve
abuse at the hands of teachers or
to participate in members of the school’s
the party-list system on the same basis
as other marginalized and under-
represented sectors.”
administration violates RA 7610 or the
Violence and Discrimination Anti-Child Abuse Act.
Such cases can cover instances
Despite widespread anecdotal evidence of physical, psychological injury, or
of crimes perpetrated against the LGBTQ cruelty on the basis of the child’s
Community in the Philippines, most data on SOGIE.
these cases have not undergone official
verification and collation. Violence and Discrimination against
LGBTQ+ in the Workplace
In March 2016, the Trans Murder
Monitoring Project listed 41 reported cases of a. The Labor Code of the Philippines
transgender people murdered in the country (PD 442)
since 2008.
The Labor Code is the national law covering
Violence and Discrimination against employment for the private sector in the
LGBTQ+ Youth in Education Philippines. With the exception of prohibitions
against discrimination of women, it does not
A. Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 (Republic
contain any provision that prohibits
Act 10627)
discrimination on the basis of gender identity,
Anti-Bullying Act of 2013
(Republic Act 10627) includes gender- particularly on the members of the LGBTQ+.
based bullying as a prohibited and Nonetheless, while the law is quiet on
punishable act. gender identity and expression, it is clear in its
Gender-based bullying is defined Declaration of Policy (Article 3) that the State
as “any act that humiliates or excludes a
shall afford protection to labor, promote full
person on the basis of perceived or
actual sexual orientation and gender employment, ensure equal work opportunities.”
Clearly, the mandate for equal opportunity Section 5: Discrimination on the Basis of
in employment is clear. But the reality shows a SOGIE in the Philippines
different picture since members of the LGBTQ+
encounter hardship in accessing work Articles 2(1), 3, and 26 of the
opportunities because of discrimination. Convention provide for the respect, equality,
and non- discrimination of all individuals on the
The absence of a national law that explicitly grounds of, inter alia, race, color, and sex.
prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender
identity makes it easier for employers to hide In the landmark decision of Toonen v
behind fabricated reasons for not accepting, Australia in 1994, it is found not only that the
firing, or depriving members of the LGBTQ of reference to “sex” in Articles 2(1) and 26 must
their employment benefits. Often, policies on be taken to include sexual orientation, but also
uniform, documents, and use of comfort rooms that laws which criminalize consensual
are used against members of the LGBTQ+ homosexual acts expressly violate the privacy
employees and even applicants. protections of the law.
National and Local Policies
b. CSC No. 01-0940-the Civil Service
Commission’s Policy on Anti-Sexual LGUs from different cities all over the
Harassment Philippines have been proactive in passing and
The Civil Service Commission filing city ordinances banning LGBT
Administrative Disciplinary Rules on discrimination.
Sexual Harassment Cases includes
other less grave, punishable offences. Presently, the Anti-Discriminatory Bill is
These include prohibiting derogatory still pending before the Congress. This bill is
and degrading remarks or innuendoes expected to be signed into law before the end
directed toward the members of one’s of the Duterte Administration. Prior to these
sex, or one’s sexual orientation or used bills, several LGUs have enacted ordinances
to describe a person”.
and resolutions to address these issues.
This Rule applies to all government In Quezon City, anti-discrimination in
entities that fall under the Civil Service employment was enacted in 2004 and LGBT-
jurisdiction. friendly provisions are supplemented in the
The policy is important because it Quezon City Gender and Development
explicitly covers derogatory remarks regarding Ordinance. Albay Province and Bacolod City
sex, sexual orientation, or other remarks that passed an anti-discrimination ordinance.
are used as description of a person with the Angeles City not only passed anti-
intention to insult. In addition, this policy for discrimination legislation, but created a Gay
government agencies does not require that the Rights Desk as well.
offender has moral ascendancy over the victim. In the House of Representatives,
The fact that the perpetrator and the Representative Raymond Palatino of the
victim are of the same level or position will not Kabataan Party list filed House Resolution
preclude the victim from filing a case. While No.1333, which seeks to investigate prejudicial,
gender identity is not specifically mentioned as discriminatory, and unjust practices and
a ground, if a LGBTQ+ civil servant is harassed policies against LGBT students implemented
verbally by co-workers, they would be able to and tolerated in schools, partnering with the
rely on the generic protection from derogatory DepEd and other government agencies to
and degrading remarks”. explore the inclusion of a Comprehensive
Gender Curriculum on basic and secondary
education and in vocational and technical
school to incorporate discussion on issues of gender, sexual orientation and gender identity”
LGBT persons. in the comprehensive anti-discrimination
ordinances filed in the Senate and in the House
In May of 2012, the DepEd issued
of Representatives, claiming that its inclusion
DepEd Order No.40 or, “The DepEd Child
will only create problems regarding ethics,
Protection Policy to guarantee the protection of
marriage, the family and religious freedom” and
children in schools from any form of violence,
reasons that the difference in sex or gender
abuse, or exploitation regardless of sexual
does not belong to the same level as the
orientation and gender identity.
difference in race, color, religion, or ethnicity”.
Effect of State Discrimination in Society
Antagonists of the anti-discrimination bill
The State’s treatment of LGBT claim that the passage of an anti-
individuals intensifies discrimination on the discrimination legislation will open the door for
basis of SOGIE within Philippines society and same-sex marriages. A provision allowing for
social institutions. same-sex marriage was not present in the anti-
discrimination bill at the time of its introduction
Being young and not conforming to the first filing and has never been added.
gender roles assigned to one’s sex increases
the risk of discrimination and abuse for LGBT
persons. This victimization is aggravated by the
Participation of the members of LGBTQ+ in
absence of support mechanisms and school
Public Life
policies addressing this concern, as well as the
failure of schools to safeguard students from Article 25 of the Convention provides for
being abused by other students, staff, the right of each citizen to participate in public
administrators, and teachers. The affairs, to vote, and to have equal access to
discrimination LGBT students face in schools public service in the country. These rights are
not only violates the right to be free from provided free of unreasonable restriction and
discrimination but prevents these individuals free from distinctions made on the basis of sex,
from the enjoyment of numerous other rights in which as mentioned above, includes sexual
the Covenant as well. orientation.
Homophobia, the stigma and prejudice Discrimination in the Military
toward LGBT persons, are very present within
Through their media announcements, it
Filipino society, creating a dangerous climate
seems on the surface that the Philippine
of hostility toward LGBT people.
Military and the police are adhering to the non-
LGBT youth are often targeted by discrimination clause of the Philippine
parents who, upon discovering their child’s Constitution (Art 2) and the ICCPR by its
sexual orientation and/or gender identity, feel declaration of openness to admit gays,
compelled to inflict physical harm on them out lesbians, and bisexual persons in military and
of frustration or in an attempt to prevent their police service.
child from expressing their sexuality.
Upon closer inspection, the additional
Discrimination by the Catholic Church conditions required from gay, lesbian, and
bisexual applicants and cadets demonstrate
The Catholic Bishops Conference of the
lingering prejudices and negative stereotypes
Philippines (CBCP) and Episcopal Commission
toward LGBT person. Also, the military’s
on Family and Life (ECFL) has been fervently
apparent strict adherence exclusively towards
demanding Congress for the removal of sex,
heterosexist gender binary (masculine and
feminine) roles discriminate against those that
fall short to this standard and are considered ascendancy over another in a work or training
as the benchmark of what constitutes being or education environment, demands, requests,
decent, proper and respectful. or otherwise requires any sexual favor from the
other, regardless of whether the demand,
The generalized negative stereotyping
request, or requirement for submission is
of LGBT persons and the misconception that a
accepted by the object of said Act.
person’s sexual orientation defines one’s
gender expression are most evident on the
common position of the APF, PNP and PMA
Theoretical Perspectives of Sexual
towards gay and effeminate behavior.
The identification of sources of
Sexual harassment cannot be
discrimination is vital so that you will know how
understood from the perspective of a single
these acts are committed or performed by the
theory, but it is always a combination of
social institutions, their respective actors. The
different predictors. Previous researchers have
unified output can result to a class program or
looked at sexual harassment using a number of
activity addressing this concern.
frameworks including organizational approach,
feminist theory, role theory, and attributional
models of sexual harassment. However, all
Section 6: Understanding Sexual these models share common basic
Harassment assumptions and can be labelled as socio-
cultural models of sexual harassment (Sheets
Sexual Harassment and Braver 1999).
Harassment and sexual harassment However, there have been five widely
are recognized as a form of discrimination on accepted theories of sexual harassment that
the grounds of sex and, thus, are contrary to attempt to explain the phenomenon from
the principle of equal treatment between men different angles and perspective, to wit:
and women (Numhuser-Henning and Laulom
2012). Natural/Biological Theory

Like many other crimes, sexual According to this model, men have
harassment is all about power, control, and stronger sex derives, and are therefore,
domination. International Labor Organization biologically motivated to engage in sexual
(ILO) (2001) defined sexual harassment as a pursuit of women. Thus, the harassing
sex-based behavior that is unwelcome and behavior is not meant to be offensive or
offensive to the recipient. Thus, sexual discriminatory, but is merely the result of
harassment is not merely a problem of safety biological urges. Its assumptions include a
and health and unacceptable working natural, mutual attraction between men and
conditions, but is also a form of violence women, a stronger male sex drive, and men in
primarily against women (ILO 1992). the role of sexual initiators. A key strength of
the natural/biological perspective is that it
In the Philippines, Republic Act No. acknowledges the innate human instincts
7877 or the “Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of potentially driving sexually aggressive behavior
1995” defines work-, education, or training- (Tangri et al. 1982).
related sexual harassment is committed by an
employer, employee, manager, supervisor, Sex Role Spillover Theory
agent of the employer, teacher, instructor, This theory is based on the proposition
professor, coach, trainer, or any other person of irrelevant gender-based role expectations
who, having authority, influence, or moral that individuals bring to the workplace in
guiding their interactions with women. Men Herein, sexual harassment is only one
hold role perceptions of women based on their manifestation of a much larger patriarchal
traditional role in our culture. system in which men are the dominant group
reflecting the larger society’s differential
When women take jobs outside of these
distribution of power and status between the
traditional areas to work in the male dominated
sexes. The perpetrators of sexual harassment
workplace, men rely on these gender-based
have no regard for women as an equal human
expectations when interacting with women
being. Therefore, molesting women is a part
therefore, perceiving women in their gender-
and parcel of male idea of fun in the society.
role, over and above their work role. Therefore,
men are more likely to sexualize their Feminist Theory
experiences, including work experiences, and
According to the feminist perspective,
are therefore, more likely to make sexual
sexual harassment is linked to the sexist male
remarks or engage in sexualized behavior, thus
ideology of male dominance and male
accounting for the fact that women experience
superiority in the society. Therefore, feminists’
more sexual harassment. (Barbara Gutek
theories view sexual harassment as the
product of a gender system maintained by a
Organizational Theory dominant, normative form of masculinity. Thus,
sexual harassment exists because of the views
Proponents of this theory propose that
on women as the inferior sex, but also sexual
one of the central concepts that helps to
harassment serves to maintain the already
explain sexual harassment is power (Cleveland
existing gender stratification by emphasizing
and Kurst 1993). This theory proposes that
sex role expectations (Gutek 1985).
sexual harassment results from the
opportunities presented by power and authority Relevance of Sexual Harassment Theories
relations which derive from hierarchical
An interpretation of these theoretical
structures of organizations (Gruber 1992).
perspectives reveals that both biologically, as
This perspective emphasizes that the well as socio-culturally, men happen to have
structure of organizational hierarchy invests always occupied a dominant position over
power in certain individuals over others, that women in societies, of which the workplaces
can lead to abuse. Thus, sexual harassment is are only a part.
all about expression of male power over
Considerable data have been
women that sustains patriarchal relations.
accumulated confirming that harassment is
Socio-cultural Theory widespread in both the public (Culbertson et al.
1992; Fitzgerald el al. 1997) and the private
Socio-Cultural theories examine the
sectors and it has significant consequences for
wider social and political context in which
the employees’ health and psychological well-
sexual harassment is created and occurs.
According to this perspective, sexual
harassment is a logical consequence of the Therefore, the vulnerability of women as
gender inequality and sexism that already a weaker sex has traveled towards workplaces
exists in society. and academe, where it is considered natural
and normal for men to be responding sexually
This theory asserts that women’s lesser
towards women as colleagues, subordinates,
status in the larger society is reflected at the
and superiors.
workplace structures and culture-thus, male
dominance continues to be the rule. Philippine Laws on Sexual Harassment
Republic Act No. 7877, or the Anti- Sexual Harassment in the Civil Service
Sexual Harassment Act of 1995 (RA 7877), is is punishable by Civil Service Commission No.
the governing law for work, education training- 01-0940, also known as Administrative
related sexual harassment. Disciplinary Rules on Sexual Harassment
Specifically, in a work-related or employment
environment, sexual harassment is committed Here, sexual harassment can be
when: committed at the following places:

(1) The sexual favor is made as a condition 1. in the premises of the workplace or
in the hiring or in the employment, re- office or of the school or training
employment or continued employment institution;
of said individual, or in granting said 2. in any place where the parties were
individual favorable compensation, found, as a result of work or education
terms of conditions, promotions, or or training responsibilities or relations;
privileges; or the refusal to grant the 3. at work-, education, or training-related
sexual favor results in limiting, social functions;
segregating, or classifying the employee
which in any way would discriminate,
deprive, or diminish employment
opportunities or otherwise, adversely
affect said employee; 4. while on official business outside the
(2) The above acts would impair the office or school or training institution or
employee’s rights or privileges under during work, school, or training-related
existing labor laws; or travel;
(3) The above acts would result in an 5. By telephone, cellular phone, fax
intimidating, hostile, or offensive machine, or electronic mail.
environment for the employee.
The following forms of sexual harassment
On the other hand, in an education or are committed thru: (1) Physical, (a) Malicious
training environment, sexual harassment is Touching; (b) Overt sexual advances; (c)
committed: Gestures with lewd insinuation; (2) Verbal,
such as but not limited to, (a) requests or
(1) Against one who is under the care, demands for sexual favors and (b) lurid
custody, or supervision of the offender; remarks; (3) Use of objects, pictures or
(2) Against one whose education, training, graphics, letters, or written notes with
apprenticeship, or tutorship is entrusted sexual underpinnings; (4) Other forms
to the offender;
analogous to the foregoing.
(3) When the sexual favor is made a
condition to the giving of a passing
grade, granting of honors and
scholarships, or the payment of a Section 7: Women’s Issues in Development
stipend, allowance or other benefits,
Women in Development (WID)
privileges, or consideration; or
(4) when the sexual advances result in an By the 1970s, it became clear that
intimidating, hostile, or offensive women were being left out of development.
environment for the student, trainee, or They were not benefiting significantly from it
apprentice. and in some instances, their existing status and
position in society were actually worsened by
Sexual Harassment in the Civil Service
The Women in Development (WID) asserts that women have always been
approached this issue the exclusion of women important economic actors.
from development program and approaches.
The work they do both inside and
WID saw women as a group that lacks
outside the household is critical to the
opportunity to participate in development.
maintenance of society. However, this
The main task, therefore, was to integration has only served to sustain global
improve women’s access to resources and inequalities. In other words, the WID approach
their participation in development. The WID that placed emphasis on integrating women
approach emphasized the importance of the into development was not correct.
integration of women into development
The main focus of WAD is on the interaction
programs and planning. Accordingly, this was
between women and development processes
the best way to improve women’s position in
rather than purely on strategies to integrate
women into development.
The WID approach, although it had
WAD saw both women and men as not
limitations, increased the visibility of women in
benefiting from the global economic structures
development issues. WID was successful in
because of disadvantages due to class and the
helping secure a prominent place for women’s
way wealth is distributed. WAD argued that the
issues at the United Nations (UN) and other
integration of women into development was to
international development agencies. The UN
their disadvantage and only made their
declared that the decade of 1975 to 1985 to be
inequality worse. WAD saw global inequalities
the decade for women. One of the major
as the main problem facing poor countries and
achievements of the decade was the
the citizens of those countries.
establishment of women in development
structures or machineries. On the other hand, WAD has been
criticized for assuming that the position of
In Zambia, for instance, it was during
women will improve if and when international
this time that the Women’s League of the then
structures become more equitable. It sees
ruling political party, United National
women’s positions as primarily within the
Independence Party (UNIP), was formed as the
structure of international and class inequalities.
national machinery to address women’s
development issues. WAD even underplays the role of
patriarchy in undermining women’s
WID served as the starting point of
development and does not adequately address
making known to the international community
the question of social relations between men
that the sector of women has to be part of
and women and their impact on development
programs for development. Likewise, several
remarkable programs, activities, and initiatives Gender and Development (GAD)
must be noted as these also began the strides
for women empowerment. In the 1980s, further reflections on the
development experiences of women gave rise
Women and Development (WAD) to Gender and Development (GAD). It brought
together both the lessons learned from, and the
As a result of criticisms of the WID
limitations of, the WID and WAD approaches.
approach, the women and Development (WAD)
approach arose in the latter part of the 1970s. GAD looks at the impact of development
Adopting a Marxist feminist approach, the main on both women and men. It seeks to ensure
argument of WAD was that women had always that both women and men participate in and
been part of the development processes. WAD benefit equally from development and so,
emphasizes equality of benefit and control. It
recognizes that women may be involved in The assumptions that women’s position
development, but not necessarily benefit from would improve together with general
it. improvements in the economy, or with the
economic positions of their husbands, began to
GAD is not concerned with women
be challenged as it became clear that women
exclusively, but with the way in which
were in fact losing out.
gender relations allot specific roles,
responsibilities, and expectations between
men and women, often to the detriment of
Women, as a result, were being
increasingly associated with backwardness and
the traditional while men were increasingly
identified with modern and progressiveness.
This approach also pays particular
attention to the oppression of women in the The Equity Approach
family or the private sphere of women’s lives.
Feminist calls for gender equality were
As a result, we have seen projects develop
important in bringing about this approach, the
addressing Issues such as VAW. GAD focuses
main aim of which was to eliminate
on the social or gender relations (i.e., the
discrimination. It emphasized the re-valuing of
division of labor) Between men and women in
women’s contribution and share of benefits
society and seeks to address issues of access
from development. The equity approach also
and control over resources and power.
dealt with both the productive and reproductive
GAD goes further than the other roles as a responsibility of government.
approaches in emphasizing both the
The equity approach, in contrast to the
reproductive and productive role of women and
welfare approach, saw women as active
argues that it is the state’s responsibility to
participants organizing to bring about
support the social reproduction role mostly
necessary changes.
played by women of caring and nurturing of
children. As such, it treats development as a The Anti-Poverty Approach
complex process that is influenced by political,
social, and economic factors rather than as a This approach focuses on both the
state or stage of development. productive and reproductive role of women with
an emphasis on satisfaction of basic needs and
the productivity of women. A key operational
strategy required access to income generation
Practical Approaches to the Development of
and waged employment. The tendency with
this approach was to reinforce the basic needs
The Welfare Approach and ignore the strategic needs of women.
Until the early 1970s, development The Efficiency Approach
programs addressed the needs of women
The efficiency approach aims to have
almost entirely within the context of their
increased production and economic growth
reproductive roles. The focus was on mother
with an emphasis on full use of human
and child health, child-care, and nutrition.
resources. Advocates of this approach argue
Population control-or family planning as it later
that gender analysis makes good economic
came to be known-was a major focus as well
sense. This is because understanding men’s
due to the link made between population
and women’s roles and responsibilities as part
growth and poverty. The focus was clearly on
of the planning of development activities helps
meeting practical needs.
improve effectiveness and ensures that
women, as well as men, can play their part in Tongson gave extensive examples of these
national development. violations in her book. The following are
condensed versions and real- life examples of
The efficiency approach succeeded in
violations of gender-fair language.
bringing the concerns about women and
gender into the mainstream of development. Invisibilization of Women
However, this was done with a focus on what
The invisibilization of women is rooted in
women could do for development, rather than
the assumption that men are dominant and are
on what development could do for women.
the norm of the fullness of humanity, and
The Empowerment Approach women do not exist. Some obvious examples
of women invisibilization in language are:
The aim of the empowerment approach
is to increase the self-reliance of women and to • The generic use of masculine pronouns or
influence change at the policy, legislative, the use of a masculine general. The use of
societal, economic, and other levels to their the word “mankind” assumes that men are
advantage. Its main strategy is awareness- representative of all people on this planet, and
raising and situates women firmly as active that women’s presence or roles are not
participants in ensuring change takes place. acknowledged. similarly, saying “guys” when
referring to a mixed-gender group assumes
The empowerment approach has been
that girls are invisible, and calls attention to the
instrumental in ensuring that opportunities are
male gender, giving them a stronger presence.
opened for women to determine their own
needs. However, empowerment has often been • The assumption that certain functions or
misunderstood to be an end rather than a jobs are performed by men instead of both
means. This has resulted in poor women genders. For example, the sentences “The
becoming very knowledgeable about issues farmers and their wives tilled the land.” or “The
while realizing little change to their material politicians and their wives lobbied for change.”
situation, which is often dire. Assume that men can have jobs as farmers
and politicians, and women who do the same
work are still made to be known as wives, with
MODULE 5 Gender Fair Language their identities forever linked to being married
to their husbands.
Section 1: Language and Gender Relations •The use of male job titles or terms ending
in man to refer to functions that may be
Violations of Gender-Fair Language
given to both genders. For instance, the titles
Sexist language is a tool that reinforces “businessman” and “chairman” assume that all
unequal gender relations through sex-role businessmen or chairmen are men and that
stereotypes, microaggressions, and sexual certain jobs may not be for women, which is
harassment. Language can be used to abuse, not true.
such as in the case of sexual harassment, or to
Trivialization of Women
perpetuate stereotypes.
• Bringing attention to the gender of a
It can form subtle messages that
person, if that person is a woman. The use
reinforce unfair relations, such as how "men
of “lady.” “girl” or “woman” along with the noun
cannot take care of children" or "women cannot
brings attention to the gender of the person
be engineers" which may impact how one
rather than to the job or function. Examples of
views his or her capabilities. All in all, language
these include “girl athlete, “woman doctor,”
is a powerful force that plays a significant role
“lady guard,” and “working wives.” This notion
in how one perceives the world.” Kintanar and
also works for men who enter traditionally Gender socialization is the process in
female jobs such as “male nurses,” “male which roles are learned. Language that
nannies,” or “male secretaries.” admonishes certain acts depending on one’s
gender is a form of externalized social control.
• The perception of women as immature.
Common themes of a sexist language are the
Women may be labeled as “darling” or “baby”
commercialization and the trivialization of
by those who do not know them, making them
women. These sexist portrayals of women
appear childlike or juvenile.
extend to the advertising industry,
• The objectification, or likening to objects, entertainment industry, and the arts.
of women. By being called “honey,” “sweets,”
The normalization of sexism makes
or “chick,” women become devalued, especially
violence against women and children
if they are in an environment that merits
acceptable or tolerable. Using language for
formality such as the workplace.
gender stereotyping can contribute to sexism
by reinforcing the idea that certain words and
traits should only be associated with specific
Gender polarization of words in use of genders.
How people related to each other on a
The personal care brand Dove recently day-to-day basis reinforces behavior, both
came out with an advertisement that used positive and negative. To call someone stupid
parallel adjectives to show the difference in everyday could have an effect on his or her
perception regarding men and women. Both potential. In turn, language through its
men and women did the same activity, but repetition of roles, stereotypes, and adjectives
were described differently. In the ad, men who affects how one person enacts his or her
took the lead were considered the “boss,” while capabilities. Constantly mocking or joking
women who had the same initiative were about women/LGBT, sexualizing them, and
considered “bossy.” Men who worked overtime making them appear weak would indeed make
were seen as “providers,” while women who them internalize these ideas.
did the same were seen as “uncaring.” This
polarization of adjectives shows how That being said, language is not
perception does change how one sees certain inherently sexist. being sexist depends on a
acts, depending on who performs them. specific culture. Similarly, the attitude of a
culture towards a certain gender may influence
Hidden assumptions the words used, creating sexist language.
Hidden assumptions in sentences can Language is both a symptom and a perpetrator
also be forms of microaggression if the of sexism, and is the very telling of how a
underlying perceptions are sexist and society sees a certain gender.
degrading. For example, the statement, “The Toward a Gender-fair Language
father is babysitting his children,” assumes that
the father is not a caregiver, and that any The use of gender-fair language in
attempt he has at parenting is temporary as the educational institutions and the removal of
mother is the main caregiver. sexist language as imperative to gender-
responsiveness is currently being advocated.
GABRIELA (General Assembly Binding
Section 2: Toward a Gender-fair Language Women for Reforms, Integrity, Equality,
Leadership, and Action) Women’s Party
Sexist Language and Culture national president and party-list representative
Liza Maza called for a ban of sexist language
in all official communication and documents in chores are not only women’s responsibility, it is
the House of Representatives. The creation of also household’s responsibility, and all family
a comprehensive gender-fair language policy members should contribute to it.
and the evaluation of the effectiveness of
Employment Sectors
gender-fair language in institutions are
indicators for a gender-fair institution. These Agriculture
actions are small steps one can take in
ensuring that institutions are indeed gender- Women farmers do not have an equal
fair. opportunity to acquire land or register it in their
own names. They have fewer inheritance rights
than male farmers. Land ownership is
important not only to women’s ability to earn
MODULE 6 Cross-Cutting Issues in Gender
and Sexuality income, but also as a source of empowerment
and autonomy within the household. Their lack
of land also affects their ability to gain access
Section 1: Gender and Labor to credit facilities.
Women face different constraints from Women are also hindered in their
men in the labor market. This is recognized in access to extension services; skills
Republic Act 9710, known as the Magna Carta development, including training in management
of Women, enacted in 2009. and marketing skills; and improved farming
This act recognizes that equality of men equipment. They require special assistance to
and women entails the abolition of the unequal achieve equal access, and this can be
structures and practices that perpetuate achieved through gender-specific action plans
discrimination and inequality (PCW 2010). In that target the needs of women farmers and
connection with employment, the Philippine gender mainstreaming that is monitored for
Commission on Women (PCW) indicates that effectiveness to ensure that women share
the Magna Carta of Women will level the appropriately in the sector’s growth.
playing field by making productive resources Industry and Manufacturing
and economic opportunities equally available
for both men and women. The number of women working in
economic zones is estimated to represent 64%
The reality is that once a child is born, of total employment and may be much higher
she/he does not know how to do any work. As in some industries, such as electronics and
children grow up, they learn to do various work, apparel (World Bank 2011a). Women’s share
but society encourages them do certain of employment in the export-processing zones
specific work, e.g., girls are asked to help in is much greater than women’s share of the
cooking and cleaning, while boys are asked labor force as a whole, and the conditions of
repair certain things. This distribution of labor is employment are of concern.
based on sex, and not on individual capacity or
skill sets. Reports suggest that working and living
conditions are poor, that women find it difficult
This affects girls and women adversely. to obtain work while pregnant and after the
Since girls are expected to take care of the birth of their baby, and that unionization is
family and household, their education is not a uncommon
priority for the family.
Both boys and girls should be given
equal opportunity to learn different skill sets It appears that tourism planning has not
based on their interest and to grow. Household included women or has had insufficient regard
for gender issues. Within the tourism industry, There has been a rapid surge in the
relatively few women have the educational number and proportion of female entrepreneurs
qualifications or foreign language skills to in developing countries. Studies indicate that
compete for front-of-house positions in the female-led MSMEs increase employment
hotel industry, as tour guides, or in travel opportunities for women and contribute to
agencies, and women are more likely to be wider development goals.
employed as housekeepers, waitresses, or
In the survey of Vietnam Women
similar low-level positions.
Entrepreneurs Council indicated that women
Targeted educational programs could entrepreneurs are more likely than men to be
provide women with the necessary motivated by necessity; these are livelihood-
qualifications to climb the job ladder, which oriented entrepreneurs attempting to escape
could progressively help to rectify the unemployment.
imbalance between work opportunities for men
Salient Policies on Gender Equality in the
and women and eliminate gender gaps in
Labor Market
tourism employment.
The Philippines has ratified 34 ILO
Business Processing Outsourcing
conventions and is party to all of the
The Philippines’ Information fundamental United Nations human rights
Technology-Business Process Outsourcing covenants and conventions. The country’s
Road Map 2011-2016 is not gender-responsive 1987 Constitution has enshrined these rights in
and does not address women’s constraints in Section 3, Article XIII, and in Section 14, Article
accessing higher-paid work in non-voice II, which ensures fundamental equality of
services or the likely growth in information women and men before the law.
technology and engineering.
Article 3, Chapter 1 of the Labor Code,
These matters, as well as the pay as well as Republic Acts 6725, 7192, 7877,
differentials between men and women and and 8551, all provide for fundamental human
employment conditions, require specific rights protection, including antidiscrimination
government attention. provisions, and they ensure fundamental
equality, prohibition of sexual harassment, and
Government Services
temporary special measures. The Philippines’
Public sector employment is an Anti-Sexual Harassment Act No. 7877 of 8
important source of jobs with better pay and February 1995 is an example of good
conditions for women than many other legislative practice.
industrial sectors, but women are constrained
The Magna Carta of Women (Republic
by being predominately employed in traditional,
Act 9710) is an overall legislative framework
gender-stereotyped care sector government
that articulates the specific rights, needs, and
occupations such as health and education, and
support required by women in their general and
they are under-represented in the higher-
working lives. Although the Magna Carta of
paying subsectors.
Women provides a good legislative framework,
The Philippines has strong gender implementation issues remain. Filipino women
mainstreaming programs, which has given often do not know about their rights, and the
women greater access to government complaints system is confusing even if they do.
employment generally, but women in the civil
In 2012, the Philippines became the first
sector may still be underpaid, given their levels
country in Asia to ratify the ILO Domestic
of education, experience, and ability.
Workers Convention, 2011 (No. 189). In early
Entrepreneurship 2013, President Aquino also signed a new law,
Republic Act 10361 known as the “Batas on our own to process the ideas and opinion
Kasambahay” (Domestic Workers Act) in order directed towards us, the viewers. We passively
to better protect this large group of mostly laugh at stereotypes, not giving it a second
young, female workers. thought.
Media Stereotype
Section 2: Gender and Media Media stereotypes are simplified
representations of a person, groups of people
According to the Philippine Statistics
or a place, through basic or obvious
Authority, 81% of Filipinos watch the television,
characteristics-which are often exaggerated”
and it still remains to be the most used and
(BBC 2019). Although stereotypes can help
trusted source of information in our country.
people connect with the content as they reflect
We watch TV for entertainment and it in their own realities, it can have negative
information through TV soap operas’, news, effects on disadvantaged groups like the LGBT
and entertainment programs, we become community by reinforcing negative and even
passive consumers of what TV has to offer; false stereotypes.
information, shock, humor, and etc. Therefore,
The LGBT community are highly
the media influences our perception on
misrepresented in the Philippine media. There
different topics. It is important for us to look
are many stereotypes of the LGBT in the media
deeply into what it presents or fails to represent
and most are not flattering. Often, they are
of our everyday realities.
used as a comic relief in their portrayal of the
Media Representation loud and boisterous “bakla”, the straight male
who acts like a “bakla” with exaggerated
Media representation is how the media
gestures, the sex-deprived muscular male
presents or frames “aspects of society, such as
homosexual, or the awkward “tomboy” who
gender, age, or ethnicity” (BBC 2019). It is
eventually becomes a feminine woman after
important because it shapes the audience’s
meeting the man of her dreams.
knowledge and understanding and will
contribute to their ideas and attitudes. There are very few LGBT main
characters in the international television and
Because of our exposure to television,
even very scarce in the Philippine Television.
the media ultimately represents our social
They are often relegated as sidekicks, victims,
realities as it mirrors the ideologies, belief
or villains. Although there are a few LGBT
systems, and stereotypes. There are many
celebrities in the Philippines who are out and
factors affecting media representation, after all,
proud of their sexual orientation such as Boy
what we see in the television has already gone
Abunda, Vice Ganda, Aiza Seguerra, and Jake
through a long process wherein many people
Zyrus, their sexuality is rarely the focus of the
are involved.
programs they are in.
The people behind the production of the
In fact, references on LGBT topics in
content have their own ideology, ideas, and
children shows cause controversy so they are
beliefs, and that greatly contribute to what we
omitted in the broadcast. Such is the case of
see in the media. Media producers, editors,
Glee, a popular American TV show that
directors, writers, and a networks’ values
featured teenagers who are gay and lesbian.
reflect through its content.
The gay kiss was omitted in the Philippine
Since TV uses one way mode of broadcast, although it was seen as a milestone
communication wherein feedback is rarely in the international media.
received or encouraged, more often we are left
News outfits followed popular ideologies Understanding Heteronormativity
of portraying homosexuality as a sickness. The
Heteronormativity means of relating to,
AIDS pandemic in the 70’s also added to the
or based on the attitude that heterosexuality is
negative stereotyping of the gay male as a
the only normal and natural expression of
sexual deviant. However, due to the pressure
sexuality” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). Put
coming from the Gay and Lesbian Liberation
more simply, it is when we assume that
Movement in the 1970s, the international
everyone is heterosexual or straight and that it
media was forced to recognize and set media
is the standard for everyone.
standards for LGBT News coverage.
With a heteronormative point of view,
In the Philippines, there is a lack of
straight people are placed at a privileged group
awareness on SOGIE among media
by viewing them as the standard or normal.
practitioners as they are often left confused on
Anyone who does not adhere to that standard
the LGBT terms and labels. Most news from
are viewed as lesser, like women who love
the LGBT community is often on coming out
women (lesbians), men who love men (gays)
stories of celebrities (Aiza Siguerra, Jake Zyrus
people who love men or women (bisexuals,
(Charice Pempengco), and Rosana Roses),
people who feel that they do not belong to their
Pride March events, hate crimes, and
biological sex (transgender), and other people
who reject the notion of gender binaries
Media coverage of the LGBT community (male/female, masculine/feminine).
in the Philippines went from no-coverage.
Heteronormativity has been so ingrained
Ridicule, censorship, to limited portrayal.
in our social and political institutions that it has
However, limiting, it is taken as a sign of
almost become invisible. Most people
greater social acceptance as compared to its
unknowingly subscribe to heteronormative
total black out just decades ago.
standards just because that is the way it has
There are landmark TV shows about the always been for them. Like assigning blue for
LGBT community such as My Husband’s Lover boys and pink for girls.
(2013) and The Rich Man’s Daughter (2015).
But what happens when a boy wants
There are also a handful of LGBT themed
pink toys?
movies that featured the different aspects of
the LGBT person from realization of their They are reprimanded and criticized in a
sexual orientation, their coming out, their process called normalization.
acceptance in their families and communities.
This normalization limits a person’s
Section 3: Gender and Activism choices and freedoms. For the LGBT, it means
they are marginalized, treated as inferior,
Our society is now advocating towards discriminated on, branded as abnormal, and
equal rights for everyone through the Universal are treated as second class citizens. This leads
Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) which to homophobia, transphobia, biphobia,
was drafted in 1948 by all countries who are prejudice, discrimination, violence, and other
members of the United Nations. It hostile acts towards the LGBT people.
acknowledges that everyone, including LGBT
One example of heteronormative
people, is equal in dignity and in rights.
violence is the murder of LGBT men and
Although most countries no longer punish or
women during the Nazi holocaust.
outlaw homosexuality, there is still much to be
done for the LGBT people to fully enjoy their In present day, it means punishing
human rights. LGBT children for expressing who they are or
being vocal about who they are attracted to in
the workplace, it could mean being fired or not and participating in various events for the
being promoted just because you are not LGBT Community.
May 17 – International Day against
At home it could mean being disowned Homophobia and Transphobia -IDAHOT
by our family because you are LGBT or being May 31 – International Transgender Day of
bullied by your family because you are not Visibility
masculine enough or feminine enough. In November 20 – Transgender day of
politics, it manifests in policies denying LGBT Remembrance
June – June Pride Month
their freedom such as anti-sodomy laws in
many countries where being LGBT is a crime
punishable by imprisonment or death. It could
also mean the absence of laws that would let
Section 4: Gender and Other Cross-Cutting
LGBT live a full life like being able to marry the
person they want to marry or enjoying the
same rights and privileges that straight families In earlier discussions, it has been noted
have. that laws provide for equity among people of all
genders. In principle, humans regardless of
Challenging Heteronormativity Through
genders have basic human rights emerging
from their intrinsic human dignity.
Heteronormativity is a social construct
Practically, these rights are translated
and history has proven society’s changing
into programs, projects, and services that are
attitudes on homosexuality. History showed us
made accessible to us, for the purpose of
the egalitarian acceptance of homosexuality in
satisfying our basic needs and for achieving
the ancient hunter-gatherer civilizations, the
our highest potentials.
violent erasure of the gender deviants, and
condemnation of homosexuality with the Regardless of gender, we have seen
spread of Abrahamic Religion (Jews, that people are capable of making something
Christians, Muslims, and other religions who of creating, of making responsible choices, of
believe in one God; the god of Abraham). developing. This capability is promoted by
resources we have access to the State has a
LGBT activism have had various social
role in making sure that we people receive the
movements to advocate for LGBT people’s
services we need and deserve.
equal rights (2000), liberation (1960’s-1970s),
and self-acceptance through the homophile
movement (1950s). These social movements
engaged in political and social activism through Gender and Education
street rallies, pride marches, law lobbying, The UNICEF (2011) report on
engaging the media, arts, research, and many adolescence show that while there is already
other activities that empower the LGBT an increase in access to education for all
community. genders, there remains to be many girls and
Dissent is so powerful it can make women who are unable to go to school.
significant changes in our society. Breaking the However, interesting trends can be
culture of silence on the daily heteronormative observed from the 2013 Functional Literacy,
violence that are committed and condoned by Education, and Mass Media Survey
society is the first step towards social change. (FLEMMS). This study showed that there are
We can start by refusing to participate in more males (4.6 in a 1000) children aged 6 to
heteronormative violence towards the LGBT 14 who are able to attend school compared to
females (2.4 in a 1000). However, for people In the context of gender and sexuality,
aged 15 to 24, there are actually more females some issues faced by humans related to their
(24 in a 1000) who are able to go to school sexuality and to the roles they assume in the
compared to males (11.2 in a 1000) society are mental psychological in nature.
(Philippines Statistics Authority 2015). This Some of these issues are as follow:
may mean that while there are more males
who are able to receive basic education, there  Coping with sexual and reproductive
are more females who are able to proceed to health issues (teen pregnancy,
higher education STD/HIV, confusion and doubt);
 Psychological impacts of SOGIE-related
Practically, this only shows that concerns and gender roles and
interventions towards making education expectations;
accessible to women and men may also differ,  Psychosocial concerns emerging from
e.g, encouraging younger girls to go to basic intimate romantic relationships, and
education, and providing opportunities for men  Psychological trauma from GBV.
to earn a college degree.
Hence, there is also a need to establish
systems so people would have access to
services that address these issues. In schools,
Gender and Health
for instance, there are counselors (trained
Another basic social service we all need professionals who has a master’s degree in
is health service. Health, according to World counseling and have seated and passed a
Health Organization, does not only mean licensure in counseling) who deal with
absence of diseases but a state of well-being. students’ mental health concerns.
The Department of Health of the Philippines
In some other schools and workplaces,
follows a cluster approach in health, wherein
there are also psychologists (trained
there are more primary clusters: (a) public
professional who have a master’s degree in
health, (b) water sanitation and hygiene, (c)
psychology and have seated and passed a
nutrition, and (d) mental health and
licensure in psychology), social workers
psychosocial support.
(trained professionals with license in social
In earlier lessons, we discussed that work), and psychiatrists (a medical doctor with
males and females have unique reproductive specialization in psychiatry), who are able to
health needs. This also means that in terms of provide additional and more specialized help.
health services, all genders should be able to
access services. In turn, health services should
also be gender-responsive. MODULE 7 Gender and School

Section 1: Gender Bias in Educational

Gender and Mental Health
One of the most prevalent issues facing
Gender bias is a preference or
adolescents nowadays is mental health. The
prejudice toward one gender over the other.
changing environment also brings forth
Bias can be conscious or unconscious, and
stressors that are not existing before. People
may manifest in many ways, both subtle and
are challenged to pay attention not only to their
obvious. It is the unequal treatment in
physical health, but also to their psychological
employment opportunity such as promotion,
pay, benefits and privileges and expectations
due to attitudes based on the sex of an stereotypes in text and resource materials.
employee or group of employees. They are also victims of unintended or sexist
behaviors by educators. Often teachers reflect
Gender bias can be subtle or overt, and
varied expectations for children, based on a
can result in small or large consequences.
student’s gender, class, race and ethnicity.
Most countries have laws eliminating gender
bias in work places. Gender bias can be a Most teachers care deeply about the
legitimate basis for a lawsuit under anti- youngsters in their rooms. They are confident
discrimination statutes. Gender bias is behavior that they treat all their students the same.
that shows favoritism toward one gender over However, many teachers who analyze their
another. Most often, gender bias is the act of own attitudes and behaviors discover the
favoring men and/ or boys over women and/or subtle and pervasive nature of gender inequity
girls. in the classroom.
Gender bias occurs when people make A common response from teachers
assumptions regarding behaviors, abilities or when asked about gender inequity in
preferences of others based upon their gender. classrooms is that they treat all their students
Because there are strong gender role the same. There are two problems with this
stereotypes for masculinity and femininity, statement. First, students are diverse and
students who do not match them can have different learning issues, thus treating all
encounter problems with teachers and with students in the same way means that some
their peers. students will have a better learning experience
than their peers. Second, teachers may be
Gender Bias in Admission/School
ignoring their unconscious gender biases
towards their students, their schools and
Discrimination based on gender is one themselves. If ignored, these gender biases,
of the primary impediments to education. And it which may have developed from cultural
affects boys and girls. In some regions, boys’ norms, may lead to bias in the classroom.
educational opportunities are limited by gender
Gender Bias and Dropouts
roles that force them to work rather than attend
school. These financial responsibilities are There is a gap in enrolment in schools of girl
often increased in boys’ adolescent years, students when compared to boys. The social
making it difficult for them to complete barriers standing in the way of girls attending
secondary school in some regions. However, in schools - poverty, compulsions of older
many parts of

girls in families having to look after the home

the world, girls are most often the victims of and siblings, the conception or misconception
gender discrimination as they pursue an that girls do not need education and/or that
education. Education is the only key to bring what is taught in schools is irrelevant to them,
Gender equality. parents seeing limited (economic) benefits in
educating daughters, lack of women teachers
While the past few decades have seen
and separate schools for girls.
an improvement in the treatment of females in
classroom methods and curricular materials, it Girls have to stay at home once they
would be premature to declare victory and attain puberty and must be protected till, they
dismiss issues of gender bias. Today, our girls are married. And they become part of another
and boys remain the victims of gender family, leaving the parental home. Add to this,
the commonly held belief that marriage is the Child sexual abuse is a form of child
be-all and end-all for girls, leading to early abuse in which a child is abused for the sexual
marriage and pregnancy. So naturally the son gratification of an adult or older adolescent. It
is sent to the school, not the daughter which includes direct sexual contact, the adult or
we call it as gender bias in school enrollment. otherwise older person engaging indecent
The school alone cannot be blamed for this pity exposure to a child with intent to gratify their
condition of enrolment. own sexual desires or to intimidate or groom
the child, asking or pressuring a child to
There are two extreme types of parental
engage in sexual activities, displaying
and social attitude / behavior- perfect altruistic
pornography to a child, or using a child to
and perfect capitalistic (or selfishness). If
produce child pornography.
parents are perfectly altruistic about their child,
then both the types of children are equally Sexual Harassment
welcome in the family. The share of the family
Harassment is conduct, gestures or
cake will be identically equal for both male and
comments which are insulting, intimidating,
female child. Investment for human capital
humiliating, hurtful, malicious, degrading or
accumulation will be same for both the types of
otherwise offensive to an individual or group of
individuals, and which create a hostile or
If parents are altruistic then social norm intimidating environment for work or sports
has no influence on behavior of the parents activities, or which negatively affect
towards their child. On the other hand, if performance or work conditions. ` Sexual
parents are perfectly capitalistic then they try to harassment is a form of prohibited harassment.
get what can give maximum returns. Then they It is defined as unwelcome
always try to invest on that very project from
sexual advances, requests for sexual favors
where they can get maximum returns.
and other verbal or physical conduct of a
sexual nature.
Section 2: Issues Related to School Perception of safety at School, Home and
Community Schools:
The socialization of gender within our
schools assures that girls are made aware that Schools are at the frontline of child
they are unequal to boys. Every time students protection since they have the potential to both
are seated or lined up by gender, teachers are teach protective behaviors effectively and to a
affirming that girls and boys should be treated greater number of children than any other
differently. In this section focuses on some of system, including parental instructions. This is
the issues related to gender in school. because a large part of the truly “awake” time
of a child’s waking hours are spent at school.
Sexual Abuse
Besides educators have a special role in
Sexual Abuse characterized by use of
combating child sexual abuse, as they possess
force, threats, intimidation, and abuse of
the knowledge, training and opportunity to
authority or when the victim does not or cannot
observe and respond to children’s behavior
consent. Sexual abuse or assault includes
and physical conditions over a period of time.
rape, forcible sodomy and other unwanted
Additionally, because of the close daily contact
indecent contact (e.g., kissing against another
they are in a unique position to identify these
person’s will) that is aggravated, abusive or
children who need help and protection. The
wrongful (to include unwanted and
following way schools should prevent the child
inappropriate sexual contact), or attempts to
abuse in their circumstances.
commit these acts.
 Ensure teachers, volunteers and anyone  Undertaking gender sensitization of
else with access to children is properly parents, community leaders and
screened and trained members, teachers, girls and boys in
 Implement and enforce a policy for order to raise their awareness and
reporting child sexual abuse and understanding of the need to support
handling disclosures from children girls’ education.
 Establish protocols and screening for  Training teachers in the skills for making
school computer use. Provide training to teaching and learning processes
students and teachers on acceptable responsive to the specific needs of girls
use of computers and boys.
 Assess your environmental structure  Empowering girls with skills for self-
and take every possible step to make it confidence, assertiveness, speaking out,
safer for children decision making and negotiation in order
 Make certain campus security is in for them to overcome gender-based
place so that all visitors are screened constraints to their education.
through the office and the unusual  Empowering boys with skills to de-link
incidents/visitors are handled. from gender oppressive attitudes and
 Provide programs and roles for parents practices such as macho-ism, bullying
to make them a part of their children’s and sexual affronts and to develop the
safety and security at school and while self-confidence needed to accept
going to and from school gender equality positively.
 Training teachers and students in
guidance and counselling skills.
 Establishing guidance and counselling
Section 3: Roles of School in Enforcing desks in order to provide services for the
Gender Equality social and psychological development of
girls and boys. The following are some
The gender inequities pervading society of ideas to promoting gender equity in
are carried into the school environment. This is schools.
evidenced in school processes such as
teaching, teacher–student interaction, school Roles of Teachers in Enforcing Gender
management, and the plan and design of the Equality
physical infrastructure. Teaching and learning
materials, for example, may contain gender Teachers play a crucial role in every
stereotypes. Teachers are not always aware of classroom. They are the actors who shape the
the gender specific needs of both girls and success or failure of their students. Their
boys. interpretation of the curriculum, interaction with
learners, and way they assign duties and
School management systems may not homework, are important factors in a child’s
sufficiently address gender constraints such as schooling.
sexual harassment, and many schools do not
have adequate or separate toilets for girls and  Teachers should examine curriculum
with the view of incorporating a
boys. As a result, the schools do not provide a
gender dimension by: including the
gender responsive environment for effective
introductory themes on gender; and
teaching and learning to take place. In order to by exploring gender issues within
arrive at such a school, a holistic approach some of the topics.
involving various interventions is required. The  Teachers must be gender sensitive
holistic intervention package can include the through gender awareness and
following elements: sensitization programs.
 Teachers should employ engendered
patterns of classroom organization Dahilan at pinagmumulan ng kulturang popular:
and interaction, and
 Teachers should engender teaching 1. Pangangailangan na itinatakda ng mga
approaches be employed. negosyante
 Capacity building centers should be
established in all educational regions Ang mga negosyante ay nagbibigay o
intended to train teachers and nagpapakita sa mga tao ng isang
teacher educators in gender-laden pangangailangan. Maaaring ito ay
education pangangailangan maging maputi, maging
diretso ang buhok, magkaroon ng kolorete sa
mukha at iba pa para matawag na maganda.
Maaari rin namang gamitin ito ng mga
Kulturang Popular negosyante sa mga teknolohiya; natatanim sa
utak ng tao na hindi na sila mabubuhay ng
Kung noon ay radyo, dyaryo, telebisyon wala silang magagandang cellphone, camera,
at magasin lang ang ating media para at iba pa. Dahil dito, napipilitan bumili ang mga
malaman kung anong uso, anong sikat at ano tao ng mga produktong ginagawa ng mga
ang popular, sa panahon ngayon, negosyante para lang matugunan ang
napakamoderno na ng teknolohiya at pangangailangan na ito. Ang produktong ito ay
napakadali na para sa mga tao na makiuso at siya namang nagiging sikat at napapasama sa
magpauso sa pamamagitan ng lahat ng uri ng kulturang popular kinalaunan.
media --lahat ng nabanggit kanina at idinagdag
pa ang internet. Bakit ba napakaimportante sa 2. Latak
mga tao makasabay sa uso? Ano nga ba
talaga ang kulturang popular? Ating Sinasabi rin naman na ang kulturang
alamin kung ano ba talaga ang ibig sabihin ng popular ay isang latak. Panghalili sa mahal at
uso o mas pormal na kilala bilang kulturang sa orihinal. Sinasabing nangyayari ito dahil ang
popular. masa ay hindi makabili ng mga kustal at
kasuotan na mamahalin kaya sila ay
Ang kulturang popular ay masasabi nagkakasya na lamang sa pagbili ng mga
nating isang paraan ng mga tao para damit at bag na mura hanggang sa ito na ang
maramdaman ang pagtanggap ng nakararami. maging uso at gamit na ng lahat.
Ang pag-ayon sa kulturang popular, ang
nagpapadama sa mga tao na tanggap sila sa 3. Pangmasa o komersyal na kultura
modernismo dahil ang kulturang popular ay
kadalasang nagmumula sa mga modernong Kaugnay ng sinasabi natin kanina
produkto ng mga kumpanya at modernong tungkol sa mamahaling mga gamit, ang mga
mga bansa. Ang kulturang popular ang mumurahing gamit ay kadalasang
kadalasang nagbibigay ng depinisyon kung sumasailalim sa maramihang produksyon o
ano ang maganda at kung ano ang katanggap- mass production. Ang kulturang popular
tanggap. Ang kulturang popular ay maaaring ngayon ay ang mga pagkakaparepareho ng
teknolohiya, pagkain, kasuotan, musika at iba mga kagamitan na nabili ng mga tao sa
pa. Ito ay ang mga pinagsasama-samang murang halaga.
kultura na itinatakda ng makakapangyarihang
tao, kumpanya at bansa. Ginagamit ito ng mga
ordinaryong tao para maipahayag ang kanilang 4. Ginagawa ng tao
pagsang-ayon sa isang kultura, pati na rin
maipakilala ang kanilang sarili. Ito naman ang nagsasabing ang
kulturang popular ay ginagawa ng tao --
Ngunit bakit nga ba may kulturang popular? maaaring ng isang sikat na personalidad na
San ba ito galing? nais tularan ng marami. Sa pag-gaya dito ng
mga tao, unti-unti itong napupunta sa (sipi mula sa aklat na Sangandiwa: Araling
mainstream. Ito ang tinatawag na pagpapauso. Filipino bilang Talastasang Pangkalinangan at
Ito ay maaaring ginagawang pang Lapit-Pananaliksik. Manila: UST Publishing
hanapbuhay, pampasikat o tikis na pang- House, 2004, nina RVNuncio at EMorales-
libangan lamang. Nuncio)

5. Larangan ng gahum Ang kulturang popular ay kasangkapan sa

pagpapahayag ng damdamin at kaisipang
Sinasabi rin naman na ang kulturang popular. Ngunit ang pagpapahayag na ito ay
popular ay isang ebidensya ng mataas na hindi payak lamang sa paglilipat ng nilalaman
tingin natin sa isang gahum na bansa. Kung ng isang isipan sa isipan ng iba. May radikal na
ano ang mga gamit, damit, bag o kung ano intensyon ang komunikasyon sapagkat ito ay
man na ginagamit sa kanilang bansa ay ating kasangkapan ng kapangyarihan dahil bukal
tinatangkilik dahil ito ang maganda, nakahihigit ang wika sa pagnanasa ng taong abutin at
at nakatataas para sa ating paningin. manipulahin ang kanyang lugar.
Sinasabing nakakasama ito para sa ating
sariling bansa dahil unti-unti nitong nakikitil ang —Florentino Hornedo, Kulturang Popular:
ating sariling industriya dahil walang Kabuluhan, Midyum, Daigdig at Paninda
tumatangkilik sa ating sariling mga produkto.
Dahil dito, sinasabing mas napapahalagahan Mabisang aparato ng kolonyalismo at
natin ang kalinangan at kabihasnan ng iba komersyalismo ang popularisasyon. Sa
kaysa sa sarili nating kultura. panahon ng pananakop ng Kastila ginamit ang
krus, sandata at maskara. Pagdating ng mga
6. Pagkalusaw ng mga hangganan bagong kolonyalistang Amerikano, ginamit
naman ang teknolohiya at mas midya. Sa
Sa tumitingding globalisasyon at diskursong ito ang popularisasyon ay
pagkakaugnay-ugnay ng mga kultura at pananakop bilang panghihimasok sa
sibilisasyon sa buong mundo, hindi na nagiging kasarinlan ng kamalayan at katawan.
hadlang ang distansya ng mga bansa para Panlulupig din ito na kinukonsidera ang
magkaroon ng iisang kulturang popular. paggamit ng simbulo, senyal at materyal na
Nawawalan na ng distinksyon ang mataas at kumakalat dala ng mga inobasyon at
mababang kultura, ang sariling kultura, istratehiyang kolonyal at komersyal sa bansa.
comersyal at popular na kultura. Lahat ng Ngunit sa bandang huli mayroong tensyon,
kultura ay nagkakasabay-sabay na ginagamit kontradiksyon, kapangyarihan at resistans ng
at nagiging isa. mamamayan ang nalilikha.

Samakatuwid, ang kulturang popular ay Mga Bakas ng Kolonyalismo

isang kulturang maaaring sabayan at sakyan
ng tao. Sa kabilang banda, maaari rin namang Ang pagsusuri sa kontexto ng aparatong
tayo rin ang magpa-uso at gumawa ng popularisasyon ay isang mapanuring pagtingin
kulturang ito. Ngunit dapat natin isaisip na ang sa naging epekto ng kolonyalismo sa Pilipinas.
kulturang popular ay hindi maiiwasang Inuunawa ang salitang kolonyalismo sa papel
magbago kaya marapat lang na panatilihin pa na ito bilang texto at kontexto ng pananakop sa
rin natin at wag kalimutan ang kulturang Pilipinas. Ang una ay patungkol sa imahe
"unique" at sariling atin. Hindi dapat natin ito bilang instrumento sa pagpapalawig ng
hayaang matabunan ng kulturang popular -- kaayusan, pananakop at paniniil sa katawan at
kulturang nagbibigay depenisyon sa kaisahan ng bawat Filipino. Dito sa imahe ng
kasalukuyang panahon. kolonyalismo ipinapalabas ang pagkakaroon
ng simbulong krus, espada at maskara bilang
Mga Bakas ng Popularisasyon Bilang mga natatanging simbolikong instrumentong
Aparatong Kolonyal/Komersyal at ang ginamit ng mga Kastila para sa panlulupig at
Kapangyarihan ng Komukunsumong Masa pagpapayapa ng kaayusan ng mga ng mga
Filipino. Ginamit ang relihiyon upang maikalat Kung kaya’t aktuwalisasyon ng
ang Kristiyanismo sa bansa. Ginamit naman kamangmangan, pantasya, kahirapan at
ang dahas at puwersang militar, upang pagkaalipin ang pananakop ng Kastila. Ang
maipamukha ang katatagan at kalakasan ng kolonisasyon ng mga Kastila ay ang
mga dayuhan sa pananakop nila gamit ang pagtatalaga ng katauhan na sila mismo ang
istrakturang politikal at ekonomiko. Ginamit humubog, isang katauhan ng imahen bilang
naman ang maskara bilang pananakop sa indio sa paningin nila ngunit naging tensyon at
kultural na lebel—ang paggamit ng comedia at kontradiksyon na gagapi sa kanila.
zarzuela upang mahubog ang mga sinakop sa
kaisipan at kostumbreng dayuhan. Subalit
masasabing naging mahina ang imahe ng
maskara dahil sa hindi paglaganap ng wikang Ang Mga Tunggaliang Ideolohikal
Espanyol. Naging isang miskalkulasyon sa
loob ng tatlong daang taon ang hindi pag-ayon Ngunit sa pagpasok naman ng mga
sa paglaganap ng nasabing wika. Amerikano, naging isang daluyan ng pag-
aaklas sa panibagong kolonisasyon ang
paggamit ng drama. Halimbawa nito ay ang
pagyabong ng Drama Simbolico sa Maynila at
May posibilidad na hindi sana sumiklab ang karatig-Katagalugan (Chua 1997) at maging sa
Rebolusyong 1896 kung naging malawakan sa mga drama realistiko na ipinangalan ni Resil
simula pa ang pagtuturo ng Espanyol sa mga Mojares (Don Pagusara 1997:xxi) sa Cebu.
mamamayan sa kolonya. Repormista ang Naturete at nangamba din ang mga Amerikano
kamalayan ng mga edukadong nanguna sa sa ganitong uri ng pagsasadula gamit ang mga
kampanya para sa pagtuturo ng Espanyol. dramang naisulat nina Aurelio Tolentino
Kung may pagbabago mang ibubunsod ang (Kahapon, Ngayon at Bukas), Juan Matapang
pagkakamit ng wika ng kolonyalista, iyon ay Cruz (Hindi Aco Patay), Juan Abad (Tanikalang
tungo marahil sa pagpapatibay pang lalo sa Ginto), at Tomas Remigio (Malaya). Kung
paghahari ng Espanya sa Pilipinas. Naganap kaya’t tinurin ang mga obrang ito bilang
ang radikalisasyon ng kamalayan ng mga subersibo at mapanganib. Dahil sa ang
edukadong Filipino sa panahon ng kanilang nilalaman ng pagtatanghal ay laban sa
pakikibaka para sa karapatan ng mga imperyalistang Amerika, naging palaman sa
Filipinong matuto ng Espanyol. Sa pagtatanggi publiko ang ganitong pagbabanta (Arthur
ng mga kolonyalista na ibigay ang wika nila sa Riggs, 1981):
mga Filipino, naliwanagan ang mga ilustrado
na layunin ng mga kolonyalista na panatilihing …[It] inculcate a spirit of hatred and enmity
mangmang ang nasasakupan upang ang mga against the American people and the
ito’y manatiling alipin (Lumbera 2000: 91). Government of the United States in the
Philippines, and…to incite the people of the
Kung kaya’t ang maskara ay gumamit Philippine Islands to open and armed
ng wika mismo ng mga Filipino; ito ang wikang resistance to the constituted authorities, and to
nagbigay ng sariling anyo sa dulang naging induce them to conspire together for the secret
kasangkapan dapat sa programang kolonyal. organization of armed forces, to be used when
Dito naisafilipino at naging komedya at the opportunity presented itself, for the purpose
sarswela ang mga dulang ito. of overthrowing the present Government and
setting up another in its stead. (sinipi mula kay
Walang lantarang hangaring bigyan ng Arsenio Manuel ni Doreen Fernandez, 377).
kasarinlan ang mga Filipino noon sa ilalim ng
Espanya. Subalit ang pagsasabansa ng lahing Upang maiwasan ang ganitong
Filipino kabilang ang mga Muslim, Intsik at iba pagkakataon sa unang salvo ng mga
pang lahi ay isang implikasyon ng pagbabago kolonyalistang Amerikano, pinalaganap ng huli
o pag-aaklas laban sa mga Kastila. ang tunggaliang ideolohikal na hindi nakatutok
sa puwersa kundi sa tinaguriang inobasyon at
benevolent assimilation. Ipinasok din ang sa pagdating ng radyo sa bansa ay nakitaan na
edukasyon bilang instrumento ng kolonisasyon ng gamit sa palitan at bilihan sa merkado at
sa mga Pilipino. Ang ganitong kaparaanan ng komersyo. Ganito ang pananaw ni Clodualdo
kontrol ay mabisang naisakatuparan. Sinabi ni del Mundo Jr.: “So good was the response to
Renato Constantino na: “American control of this medium of information and entertainment
the educational system made possible the that in 1928, the local distributor of a famous
distortion and suppression of information American-manufactured radio set saw it fit and
regarding Philippine resistance to American without doubt, profitable to establish their own
rule and the atrocities committed by the radio station…So it went from experimental to
American army to crush that resistance” (1978: plain business” (1986:69).
Samantala, pumasok naman ang
Ang pangkahalatang ideolohiya ay telebisyon bilang bahagi ng mekanismong
umikot sa agenda ng pagpapayapa ng politikal upang palakasin at pabanguhin ang
resistans bitbit ng sistemang edukasyunal na imahe ng isang Pangulong nagnanais muling
inihain ng mga Amerikano. Bukod pa rito, tumakbo. Si Judge Antonio Quirino ang
bilang namamayaning pananaw, sinabi ni gumawa ng paraan upang gamitin ang isang
Priscelina Legasto (1998: 46-47) na may midyum na kilalang-kilala at patok na patok sa
dalawa pang kategorya ang ipinagmalaki ng Amerika noong dekada singkwenta. Subalit
mga Amerikano para alisin ang pagkaatrasado naging bigo si Elpidio Quirino sa kanyang
ng mga Pilipino: una na rito ang sistemang planong politikal na mahalal muli kahit na
pensionado at ang ikalawa ang pagtuturo ng naging tagumpay ang pagpasok sa bansa ng
wikang Ingles. Dito ngayon naging masalimuot telebisyon sa tulong ng kanyang kapatid.
ang baybaying kaisipan at paniniwala sa isang Ngunit kung hindi naman nagtagumpay sa
wika at kulturang labas sa tunay na saloobin at unang sigwa ng pagpasok ng telebisyon sa
karanasan ng mga Filipino. larangan ng politika, kabaligtaran naman ito sa
nangyari sa pagpapaunlad ng industriya ng
mas midya at ng negosyo sa bandang huli.
Mga Bakas ng Komersyalismo: Pagpasok ng Ganito ang paliwanag ni Clodualdo del Mundo,
Radyo at Telebisyon Bilang Domestikasyon at Jr. (sa Patajo-Legasto, 1998) nang sa bandang
Komodipikasyon o Pakikisangkot ng Mass huli, napunta sa mga kamay ng mga
negosyante ang mas midya. Katulad
Media sa Buhay ng Komukunsumo Nito
halimbawa ng isang istasyon, napilitan silang
sumuung sa batam-batang industriya ng
Kasama ng radyo, ang telebisyon ay telebisyon. “Bolinao Electronics Corporation…
bunga ng imbensyon at eksperimentasyon dala not only had to set up and maintain a TV
ng mapusok na edad ng industrialisasyon station, but also had to arrange for the
hanggang di nagtagal pumasok ang mga distribution and sale of TV sets. Because it was
imbentong ito sa larangan ng komersyo. Ang directly responsible for the people buying TV
teknolohiya at inobasyon ang naging sisidlan sets, it was bound to continue operations at
ng panibagong pagbulusok ng komidipikasyon any cost” (del Mundo, Jr. 1986: 74).
ng pangangailangan ng tao. Impormasyon ang
naging bentahe, naging bagong tutok sa
Bunga nito nakisangkot ang mas midya
panahong itinatalaga ng kapital ang pag-angat
bilang daluyan ng impormasyon at
o pagbagsak ng isang bansang yumayakap sa
enterteynment na kinagigiliwan ng tao. Bawat
ideolohiya at praktika ng imperyalistang
tahanan ay nagnanais na magkaroon kung
Amerika. Dahil nga nasa ilalim ng pamunuang
hindi man radio, tv set o ng pareho. Pumasok
Amerikano ang Pilipinas noon, madaling
na ang moda ng produksyon at distribusyon ng
naipasok sa merkado ang gawang Kano.
mas midya sa Pilipinas. Sa simula ang
Kasama na rito ang oportunidad sa pagpasok
distribusyon ay nakatuon sa napripribilehiyong
partikular ng radyo at telebisyon at
iilan na may salapi at kapangyarihan para
pangkalahatan ng mas midya. Sa katunayan
magmay-ari o magkaroon ng akses sa mas
midya. Sapagkat ang pamantayan ay negosyo, endlessly reproduced the details of social
katulad nang nabanggit iilan lamang ang practice itself” (2000: 5).
nagkakaroon ng akses dito. Subalit babaguhin
lahat ito nang ang kulturang ito na sinusustene
ng iilan ay tututok sa kultura ng
komukunsumong masa. Kung bakit ganito ang kinahihinatnan ng
mga komukonsumo ng mass media ay sa
Ang pagkonsumo sa produkto ng mass dahilang hindi na ito tinitingnan bilang
media—radyo, telebisyon, pahayagan—ay repleksyon o representasyon ng realidad;
nagtatakda ng pagtangkilik sa kalakaran ng bagkus, ang mass media mismo ay bumubuo
oras o panahon. Ang mass media ay na ng realidad ng tao. Kalabisan mang sabihin,
kinokonsumo hindi dahil ito ay mahalaga sa subalit ito ang nagdidikta kung ano ang
panapanahong yugto, kundi nagbibigay ito ng kakainin, iinumin, susuotin, aalamin,
tuluyang pangagailangan ng tao sa lahat ng papanoorin, pakikinggan, sasabihin ayon kay
yugto ng panahon. Sabi ni Philip Abrams: Rolando Tolentino (2001). At sa kaganapang
“Unique among the mass media, radio and ito nagiging mistulang normal at natural lamang
television are given opportunities by time, by ang pagkonsumo sa pangkahalatang diskurso
the fact that they have the whole day, at praktika ng mga tao.
everyday, to dispose of, and that they can
break up the day” (sa Casty, 1973: 90). Ang Ang Diskurso ng Kulturang Popular sa
prosesong ito ay domestikasyon ng mass Panahon ng Komersyalismo
media sapagkat ang bawat programa sa radyo
at palabas sa telebisyon ay tuluyang naihahatid Ang kulturang popular ay realidad ng
nang walang puknat, nang walang hinto sa tao; inaangkin ito bago ang lahat at
pandinig, sa paningin at sa kamalayan ng tao. pinapalaganap mula sa sensibilidad ng tao
Dagdag pa ni Alice Guillermo: “Much of the dahil sa kanyang pagnanasa sa buhay patungo
effectivity of the TV medium as a conveyor of sa kamalayang naghahari ang makabago,
values and hence of ideological content lies in mapusok, marangya at makapangyarihan. Ang
its immediate accessibility: with a flick of a dial, kulturang popular ay pagsasabuhay ng bagay,
the images spring to life and all at once there is imahe, simbulo, pananda, paninda at komoditi
created the illusion that these images are sa karanasan ng tao na namulat sa mabilisang
within us, around us and that they unfold in pagbabago sa isang sibilisasyon. Tinatangkilik
space as the world outside our domestic ito dahil sa popular at higit sa lahat tinatangkilik
confines” (1989: 204). ito dahil sa tao ang una at huling puntirya.
Paano? Dapat munang isaalang-alang ang
Lahat na yata halos ng galaw, hilig, kahalagahan ng teknolohiya at inobasyon sa
pagpapahalaga, hitsura, problema, kaalaman isang bansa. Sinabi ni Tolentino na:
at iba pa ay tumatakbo bilang mga nag-
aagawang tema sa programa o produkto ng Makikilala lamang ang produkto ng kulturang
mass media. Lahat ng ito ay nakasilid ika nga popular kung ito ay naipapalaganap.
sa idiot box (TV) o talkies (radio) na mistulang Kinakailangan ng mga teknolohiya para
nagbebenta ng tema at produkto sa maipaabot ito sa mga tao. Ang teknolohiyang
pagkonsumo ng tao. Dahil dito, ang galaw, isip ito ay maaaring media—print, broadcast, film,
at damdamin ng tao ay nakakahon sa diskurso computer at iba pa. Ito ay maaaring
ng mass media. Sinusuyod ito bilang praktika domestikong teknolohiya tulad ng telebisyon…
ng pang-araw-araw na pamumuhay sa lipunan. Ito ay maaaring kultural na teknolohiya—tulad
Sinasang-ayunan ito ni Nick Couldry nang ng edukasyon at sining (2001: 7).
sabihin niyang: “We can understand the
media’s ability to become ‘obligatory passing Ang industriya, imprastraktura,
points in the general circulation of images and telekomunikasyon at merkado ay
discourse, not as something superimposed on mahahalagang sangkap sa komersyo ng isang
social practice from the outside; instead it
bansa. Napasimulan ang lahat ng ito sa bagay na likha nito o nilikha para rito. Pahayag
pagpasok ng mga Amerikano na sila ang niya: “Ito ay tumutukoy sa afinidad ng
nagpalakad at nakinabang sa negosyong indibidwal na kaisipan sa iba pang kolektibong
pambansa ng Pilipinas sa panahon ng kaisipan…(H)alimbawa ang hindi namang
Komonwelt at Unang Republika, partikular ang magkakakilalang mga tao ay nagkakaroon ng
pagbibigay pantay-karapatan sa mga di-malay (unconscious) na ugnayan dahil sa
Amerikano sa negosyo at kalakalan sa parehong balitang kanilang nabasa sa
panunungkulan ni dating pangulong Manuel pahayagan o napakinggan sa radyo tungkol sa
Roxas. Ang implikasyong ekonomiko nito sa mga pamabansang isyu” (2001: 4-5).
usapin ng uring panlipunan ay umikot (at
umiikot hanggang ngayon) sa namumuhunan, Samantala, ang salitang popular naman
sa mga negosyanteng may salapi. Kung kaya’t ayon kay Raymond Williams ay isang pang-uri
ang teknokrasya ay ginamit para mapanatili pa na nangangahulugang “kinagigiliwan,
lalo ang sangkalan sa pagpapaigting ng mga nagugustuhan ng nakararaming tao.” (1983:
interes at kapritso ng mga kapitalista. Ang 87, salin). Numerikal din ang isang
pagbubukas ng pinto sa mga bagong pakahulugan ng popular. Popular ang isang
teknolohiya ang naging dahilan kung kaya’t bagay o tao kung maraming tumatangkilik. Ang
ang pagnanasa ng lahat sa uso at makabago afirmatibong aksyon na pagtangkilik ang
ay bigla-biglang natutugunan. At dahil na rin lumilikha ng bilang. Sa isang banda, ang
dito naging mahusay na kasangkapan ang salitang popular ay tuwirang tumutukoy sa tao
teknolohiya upang lumikha ng artipisyal na mula sa salitang populus (“people” sa Ingles)
pagnanasa, hilig at fanstasya. Ikinumpol ang sa wikang Latin.
produksyon sa pamamagitan ng teknolohiya
para sa higit na nakakaraming tao—ang masa. Sa ideolohikal na usapin, sa pagsasanib
Ayon kay Teresita Maceda (Lagda 1999) ng dalawang salitang ito, ang kulturang popular
binaha ng mga produktong buhat sa ay unang lumitaw at naintindihan sa pagsapit
Amerikanong kulturang popular ang Pilipinas at ng modernong panahon sa Europa bilang
dahil dito nagmistulang di makatakas sa kabaligtaran ng mataas na Kultura (may
Amerikanisasyon ang masa kahit na hindi sila empasis sa malaking K). Kultura ito ng
natutong lahat ng Ingles o nakapag-aral. namamayaning kaayusan at inaangkin ng
naghaharing uri sa lipunan. Ang produkto ng
Kung dadalumatin ang salitang Kultura nila ay tinaguriang kanon at klasiko,
kulturang popular, dalawa ang kategoryang samantalang ang kulturang masa ay bakya at
bumubuo ritor: ang una’y kultura at ikalawa’y mababang uri (Adorno at Horkheimer, sa
popular. Ang kultura ay isang pinagsasaluhang During 2000). Pakiwari ni Chris Baker dito: “A
praktika at mentalidad ng tao. “Culture is both variant of high-low cultural boundary, and one
the ‘arts’ and the values, norms and symbolic which reproduces the’inferiority of the popular,
goods of everyday life. While culture is is that which decries commodity-based culture
concerned with tradition and social as inauthentic, manipulative and unsatisfaying”
reproduction, it is also a matter of creativity and (2000: 44).
change” (Barker, 2000: 35).
Saan nanggagaling o ano ang sentrong
Isang deskripsyon lamang ito sa pinagluluwalan ng kulturang popular?
terminong kultura, sapagkat walang tahasang Sinasabing ang gumagawa o sumusugal sa
kahulugan ito. Ang kultura ay masasabing kulturang ganito ay yaong mga transnasyunal
mayroong reflexibong kahulugan na maaaring at translokal na kapitalista. Wala ng geopolitikal
nakabatay sa katangian, salik at deskripsyon na hangganan ang pagpasok ng makabagong
na sumasanga-sanga sa usapin ng politika, musika, literatura, pagkain, damit, kaisipan,
ekonomiya at kasaysayan. Sinasabi naman ni ideolohiya at marami pang iba. May
Tolentino (2001) na ang kultura ay isang rasyonalisasyon ng pang-araw-araw na
kamalayan na gumaganap sa cohesion o tunguhin ang mga tao na naiimpluwensiyahan
kabuuan ng isipan sa mga kilos at bagay- ng mga bagay o komoditi mula sa labas.
Humahatak ito sa pangkalahatan na sumanib popular ay nasasapawan. Ang mga kapitalista
at makiuso at nagiging pananda ng kasikatan ay dapat na sumunod at mamalagi sa paggawa
sa panloob na geograpi ng kilos at gawi ng tao ng may matataas na serbisyo at produkto. Sa
(Ritzer, 1990). Kay Lumbera (1997) usapin ng pamamagitan ng makabagong pamamaraan sa
loob at labas ito, ang kulturang popular ay produksyon at paggamit ng teknolohiya
galing sa labas na kaiba sa pambansa o folk napapanatili ang kalidad at kahusayan. Ang
na kulturang nasa loob ng bansa. Nang produksyon sa kulturang popular ay
tumagal, ang puwersang ito na mula sa labas maramihan sapagkat inaabot nito ang masa.
ay pumasok na sa sensibilidad, Subalit ang ganitong takbo o kalakaran ay
pagpapahalaga, kaugalian ng mga tao. naglalagay ng alanganin sa mga kapitalista.
Matatawag natin itong kultura ng kamalayang Sapagkat gamit din ng nasabing teknolohiya at
popular na mas matindi pa sa pisikal na pananaw sa maramihang produksyon,
pagtangkilik lamang ng produkto. Kapag nasasapawan sila ng mga maliliit ngunit
napasok na ang kamalayan, nagiging bahagi makapangyarihang retailer o negosyante. Dito
na ng kalooban ang mula sa labas. pumapasok ang mga imitasyon ng mga
produkto sa merkado, halimbawa ang mga
Sa bandang huli ng spectrum, makikita pekeng pantalon, damit, bag; payrited na tape,
ang kalagayan ng mga komukonsumong masa. cd, at dvd; suplus na appliances tulad ng
Sa ganitong sitwasyon pinaniniwalaang ang computer, tv, radio, cd player, kotse at marami
kulturang popular ay maiintindihan, hindi sa pang iba. Sa ganitong tunggalian ang may
yugto ng produksyon ng mga produkto, bagkus matataas na kalidad na produkto ay binibigyan
sa pagkonsumo nito. ng proteksyon ng batas. Ngunit ang kalaban
nito ay ang puwersa ng mamimili na siyang
Kulturang Popular: Isang Pagsasaayos sa nagpapasya sa pagkonsumo kahit na ang
Kapangyarihan ng Kultura at Masa sa produkto ay peke, payrited o imiteyted. Isang
Panahon ng Komersyalismo kasagutan kung bakit mataas ang pagtangkilik
dito ay ang presyo ng serbisyo at produkto—
Lubhang nakakulong sa diskurso ng lahat ito ay mura kumpara sa orihinal, awtentik
kawalang kapangyarihan ang papel ng masa at patented. Hindi rin natin masasabing labas
sa kontexto ng kulturang kanilang nililikha at ito sa kalakaran ng kulturang popular. Hindi
lumilikha sa kanila. Sa ganitong kadahilanan, ang isyu ng legalidad ang punto rito, kundi ang
nararapat na gamitin at basahing muli ang tunggalian at tensyon sa espasyo ng paggamit
pagteteorya ng terminong kulturang popular. ng kapangyarihang pumili at bumili. Ang boses
ng masa bilang konsumer ang gumagawa sa
May tatlong kategorya ang paggamit ng malaking bahagdan ng pagkilos ng produkto at
mga katagang ito. Ang kulturang popular ay serbisyo sa merkado at sa lipunan sa kabuuan.
isang pag-aangkin sa puntodebista ng Inululugar ang kapangyarihan ng masa bilang
gumagamit o komukonsumo nito. Ito ay kultura espasyo ng tunggalian at pag-aaklas sa
ng tao, ng masa at masasabing dikta ng merkado o lipunan. Babagsak ang isang
komukonsumo. Paanong mangyayaring dikta kapitalista kung hindi patok sa masa ang
ito ng masa? Ang mga produkto ng kulturang kanyang produkto. Sapagkat ang pag-aangkin
popular ay ginagawa kasa-kasama ang masa ng kapangyarihan ng masa ay nakatutok sa
sa isipan ng mga kapitalista. Hindi ba’t bago kalayaan ng konsumer na mamili sa produkto o
lumustay ng malaking puhunan sa isang serbisyong kanyang bibilhin. May kalayaan sa
produkto ang isang negosyante, tinitingnan at pagpili ang konsumer, samantalang ang
sinusuri muna kung magugustuhan ba ito ng kapitalista ay nakakulong sa produksyong
konsumer? “Judgments about popular culture walang katiyakan at katatagan pagdating sa
are concerned with question not of cultural or merkado.
aesthetic value (good or bad taste) but of
power and the place of popular culture within Ang lugar ng elit, aristokrat at burgis ay
the wider social formation” (Barker, 2000: 48). yaong gamitin ang kanilang salapi para sa
Ang produksyon sa kalakaran ng kulturang produksyon at wala ng iba pa. Samantalang
ang masa mismo ang tuwirang may
kapangyarihan upang buhayin, ipagpatuloy at
buuin ang kulturang popular. Maling sabihin na
ang kulturang popular ang namamayaning
kaayusan na binuo ng mga elit. Sa bahagdan
ng pagbubuo ng kulturang ito maliit na
porsyento lamang sila bilang prodyuser-
konsumer. Ang punto ng kulturang ito ay wala
sa produksyon kundi nasa pagkonsumo. Ang
trending kung anong palabas o produkto ang
dapat pamalagiin ay dapat na nakasunod sa
kagustuhan, desisyon at pagtangkilik ng mga
komukonsumo; kung hindi, ang palabas at
produktong ito ay mauuwi sa pagkalimot at
pagkalugi. Kung kaya’t nawawala sa ere ang
isang palabas sa telebisyon kung hindi ito
nagustuhan ng manonood. Nalalaos ang isang
usong damit kung wala nang nagsusuot.
Nalalaos din ang mga artista o aktor kung
lumipat sa iba ang kanilang dating fans. Sa
katapusan, nagsasara ang isang kompanya
kung ang kanilang pananatili ay wala ng
saysay sa mga tao.

Ang kulturang popular ay lugar ng tensyon

at kontradiksyon, kapangyarihan at resistans.
Tunay ngang nakikinabang ang mga kapitalista
sa pag-ikot ng transaksyon sa negosyo,
industriya at kulturang popular. Ngunit nagiging
pupugak-pugak na mithiin na ang magkamal
ng malaking kita, sapagkat magastos ang
kagustuhan ng konsumer. Ang pangunahing
tungkulin ng kapitalista o prodyuser ay
pasayahin at gawing kuntento ang konsumer,
ngunit alam nating walang katapusan ito. Isa
pa, kailangan nilang sustenahin ang kanilang
lugar sa merkado dahil sa kompetisyon.
Kailangan din nilang magkaroon ng palagiang
inobasyon sa serbisyo at produkto, at bigyan
ng maraming benepisyong libre at iba pang
gimik ang konsumer upang manatiling tapat na
tagapagtangkilik. Hindi ba’t magastos ang
ganitong kalakaran ng kulturang popular? Kung
may kontrol man sila iyon ay dulot ng kanilang
salapi, subalit hindi pangmatagalan ito sa
dahilang madaliang guguho ang kapital dahil
sa walang hinto at hindi matigil na kagustuhan
ng mga komukonsumo. Ang kulturang popular
sa mga kapitalista ay lugar ng pakikipagbuno.
Samantala sa masa ito ay isang bukas na lugar
ng malayang pagpili o paghulagpos.

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