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BANK SOAL # CBT 3 /UNIT3 (Season and Weather)

1 The weather is …/lembab/. cold humid wet cloudy B
2 I like laying at the beach because the weather is so ..../hangat/. humid wet cold warm D
3 The weather is so …/basah/ during rainy season. wet dry humid hot A
4 There is ... /petir/ in the sky. thunder lightning cloud sun B
5 I heard ... /gluduk/ before raining. lightning cloud thunder wind C
6 I like going …kemah// at the garden. swimming snowboarding hiking camping D
7 She likes going ... /ski air/ at the sea. snowboarding water skiing swimming sailing B
8 They like going ... /naik gunung/ . camping snowboarding hiking water skiing C
9 He likes going ... /papan salju/ at the mountain. water skiing snowboarding skiing hiking B
10 The weather is so hot and dry during ..../musim panas/ Spring Winter Fall Summer D
We can see a lot of flowers are blooming in the garden
11 during ..../musim semi/ Fall Spring Winter Summer B
12 There is a lot of snow falling from the sky because now is .... Summer Fall Spring Winter D
13 What is the season? It is ..../musim gugur/. Spring Winter Fall Summer C
14 We like going snowboarding in the mountain during .... Summer Winter Fall Spring B
15 We like swimming in the sea during ... /musim panas/. Winter Spring Summer Fall C
16 We like going camping in .../musim semi/. Summer Spring Fall WInter B
17 What is the ... like today? It is cold. temperature season weather degree C
18 What is the ... today? It is 25 degrees. weather season temperature cold C
19 What can you do during Spring? we can go ..../mendaki/. hike hikes hikeing hiking D
20 What is the weather like during Winter? It is .... hot humid cold dry C

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