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The Religion affects our spiritual life. It shapes us to be a good or bad one.

For me, my religion affects my

perspective in life, not just the spiritual. When I was a Catholic, the only thing I know is just to pray and
go to church, but when I was baptized by Born Again, they taught me about the devotion, reading the
scriptures and such things. The only matter about our spiritual aspects, as long as we develop ourselves
in to good one and do such things, we dont have a problem about it, but it will lead us into despair, we
need to be awaken to what is right.

About ceremonies and rituals, Festivals and other events are significant, because it helps us to build a
new relationship and also a career. For example is the Halamanan Festival, when I was watching it, I met
a lot of new friends because we had a same interest about dancing. I did not noticed that we are already
friends. Those are the roles of Religion and practices affects our life.

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