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1. What conditions are necessary for a seesaw in a children’s playground to be balanced?

2. What determines the turning effect (moment) of a force, according to the text?

3. How is the moment of a force measured, and what is the unit of measurement?

4. Explain the concept of equilibrium in the context of forces acting on a body.

5. How does the turning effect of a force depend on its application distance from the pivot?

6. Provide an example from the text illustrating the difference in the turning effect of a force at different
distances from the pivot.

7. Why is it easier to open a gate when the force is applied at the edge furthest from the hinge?

8. In the context of balancing a beam, what adjustments can be made to achieve equilibrium?

9. If a beam is tending to swing anticlockwise, what adjustment should be made to the position of m2 to
balance the beam?

10. Why is it crucial for an artificial satellite to enter its orbit at the correct speed?

11. What determines the equilibrium between the force of gravity and the centripetal force needed for
a satellite's orbit?

12. Describe the characteristics and functions of geostationary satellites.

13. How do communication satellites in geostationary orbits differ from those in lower equatorial orbits
used in mobile phone networks?

14. What challenges do mobile phone network satellites face in their orbits, and how are they

15. In what type of orbit do monitoring satellites typically circle the Earth, and how does their orbital
period influence their observations?

16. Describe the fate of mobile phone network satellites when they run out of fuel.

17. How do the forces acting on a car influence its speed when it is moving at a constant speed along a
straight road? How is a constant speed achieved?

18. Is the gravitational force on a satellite greater or less when it is in a high orbit than when it is in a low

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