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Sentence or Fragment?

Decide if the words create a sentence, or if it is a fragment. If it is a sentence, write S in

the box. If it is a fragment, write F in the box.

1. Jon played football last year

2. Skipped through the forest
3. Put her backpack in the locker
4. Katey found her missing pencil box
5. Ran over to the neighbor’s house
6. The dog ran to his owner
7. It was time for her to go home
8. Showed her mom the book she wrote
9. Ryan and Xavier went to the movies
10. Dropped her art project

Choose two fragments and turn them into complete sentences on the lines below.


Sentence or Fragment?
1. S
2. F
3. F
4. S
5. F
6. S
7. S
8. F
9. S
10. F


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