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Laboratory Activity 2: Germinating Pollen

Team:_Mariana Rodela, Roberta Ruiz, Gabriel Montemayor


Materials and procedure:

Time Picture from microscope Observations

0 minutes The majority of our pollen is

broken down with a dark green
color. The viable pollen is
round and of a lighter color.

10 minutes The majority of our pollen is

broken down with a dark green
color. The viable pollen is
round and of a lighter color.

20 minutes The majority of our pollen is

broken down with a dark green
color. The viable pollen is
round and of a lighter color.
30 minutes There's not that much change.
The majority of our pollen is
broken down with a dark green
color. The viable pollen is
round and of a lighter color.

40 minutes There's not that much change.

The majority of our pollen is
broken down with a dark green
color. The viable pollen is
round and of a lighter color.
24 hours The viable pollen is no longer
visible, as well as the number
of clumps. There are small
spots, however, they do not
have a circular shape.

1. What happened to the pollen grains?

- After 24 hours, most of the pollen grains were no longer visible, they kind of disappeared, but
there were still some, although they were not as clear or circular and they were very few
compared to what there was. The remaining pollen grains look like a tube with a not so round
circle. The pollen grains, when placed in the solution, initiate the process of germination. This
involves the growth of a pollen tube from the pollen grain which is the tube.

2. Why is it important for pollen to germinate? What is the ultimate goal?

- Pollen germination is important because it helps plants reproduce. When pollen germinates
it forms a tube that carries male cells to female cells in a flower. This process leads to
fertilization, which is necessary for the plant.

3. Why do you think we used a sucrose solution? What is sucrose and why would it be important
for this?
- We use a sucrose solution in the pollen germination to give the growing pollen tube some
food. Sucrose is a kind of sugar. It's like a quick snack for the pollen tube as it grows. When
the pollen grain starts growing, it needs energy to make a tube and reach the part of the
flower where it can fertilize an egg.

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