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Communication has come a long way from just being a mouthpiece of a brand/company.

It is
the fundamental on which a company stands, is perceived and retains clout. Communication is
what fosters brand love, impales competition and leaves a legacy. With advancing technology,
communication is the listening tool to knowing who your customers are, why are they the way
they are and why do or don’t they like your product. It is finding the golden nuggets of
consumer insight in a trough of mud which brings on a paradigm shift in the modus operandi of
a company, its culture and systems. While the tech sector expands, it is communication that
filters through the jargon and represents the experiential value to the customers. When done
right, it is the energy the company radiates, set to the beat of the pulse of the audience and
amplified by resonating content.

Living in a world where TLDR ( Too Long Didn’t Read) has become part of the lexicon, it is more
than imperative that language, its tonality and rapture value imbibes the current pattern of
communication consumptions. Communication for the sake of communication is banter made
skippable by a jaded and constantly media- exposed audience. This ‘generation’ of slashies
which refuses to be bogged down by one label, profession, passion point, identity or persona;
wants more and yet less. They want to be drawn in yet left alone. They decide how much
communication they are willing to let into their lives. It could be an endless rabbit hole one day
and a parched desert the other.

With such a moody audience, communication needs to play a role that is flexible, agile and
constant to find that bliss point. And as the media scene evolves with a rebounded interest in
TV but as streaming content, snackable content in the form of TikToks, memes, gifs, stories,
audibles like podcasts or Clubhouse chats and influencer driven content on various platforms, it
is the trend-tapping foresight, timely planning, thinking on your feet and quick delivery that
sets you apart from the rest. It is knowing any hint of a brand on Wanda Vision- a show that
would break Disney+’s streaming site, minutes after a launch of an episode- would create the
impact that millions spent on an TV ad cannot.

However it goes without saying that content plays a major role in likeability. There needs to be
precision, emotion, relatability and interest for the audience to feel in anyway connected to any
brand. Gone are the days when a brand purpose was sought to champion the rights of the
world as the fickleness due to inaction has soured the most ardent of fans. Today it is all about
brand energy, finding that vibe that resonates and sticks and then letting it find its own path.
The stories come and more often than not from the mouths of the converts and believers.

In times like these, when everyone has the access and capability to be a spokesperson, the
communications director is the lighthouse in the storm of misinformation and fluff; guiding
ships through murky waters of misconstrued statements, tone-deafness or hidden partiality.
The communication director is the one who sets out a comprehensive strategize underlining
feelings, emotions and culture that would be reflected in a positive way. Furthermore, should a
lapse take place, the role of the communication director evolves to a PR manager who makes
sure that any transgression is righted in the eyes of public and measures are taken to minimize
any damage to the image of the company.

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