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The lecturer insists that Hanging Gardens of Babylon doesn’t have any concrete evidences.

directly contradicts the reading passage’s claim that there are ample reasons to believe they did

First, the lecturer states that Greek historian actually haven't been to Babylon at all. To wit, they
were simply retelling the stories of adventure and that these tales were probably exaggerated or
made up. This casts doubt about the reading passage's claim that Greek record has convincing
evidence for Hanging Garden of Babylonia.

Next, the lecturer argues that Babyonia's architectural skills wouldn't be able to establish gardens.
It means that most of the Bablonia buildings are made of clay which is fragile for gardens that
have to keep condition in moistrue. Therefore, clay couldn't stand for gardens. This rebuffs the
reading passage's claim that Babylonians had great architetural skills.

Finally, the lecturer contends that holes that had been founded by archaeologist are not the site
of water pump. Due to the far distance from water source, elaborate irrigation system should be
needed. However, there isn't any evidence of irrigation system, which can conclude that they
cannot be the water pumping site This refutes the reading passage's claim that basement
discovered by archaeologist has evidence of gardens.

To sum up, the lecturer maintains that Hanging gardens of Babylonia is just a result of human
imagination because of historian of Greece didn't visit to Babylonia, materials that Babyloia had
utilized was not an adequate for gardens, and lack of evidence of irrigation system in basement.

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