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Possessive adjectives and pronouns

En este ejercicio podrás practicar el uso correcto de los posesivos. Lee atentamente las oraciones y completa
con el adjetivo posesivo o con el pronombre posesivo que corresponda.

Possessive Adjectives:
my - your - his - her - its - our - your - their

Possessive Pronouns:
mine - yours - his - hers - its - ours - yours - theirs

1. Paul and Jeannie are going to visit friends tomorrow.

2. He usually goes to England for holidays.

3. Sheila is buying a present for mother.

4. We are living in new home.

5. This is their car. It's .

6. This is my computer. It's .

7. You received a letter from brothers.

8. The dog has own place here.

9. This is his telephone. It's .

10. Monica and Sheila will see parents at Christmas.

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