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Dear Mr.


It has been over 10 years since I’ve last seen you, I’m sending you this letter to thank you.

Ten years ago, in the summer, I told you that I was going to read one hundred different books from
the library list. As you finally realized, I was lying. At the time, I didn’t think I had your respect, so I lied
with the purpose of earning your respect.

Later in the autumn of that same year, one night I ran out of my house towards the library, where I haven’t
been in years, wherever I looked there were books, so as one would do, I sat down and started reading.

All that summer you encouraged me to start reading and I just ignored you. That night I went to the library
I fell in love, I fell in love with reading and thanks to that today I’m a successful international
businessman, and all of that happened thanks to you.
Thank you, Mr. C.

Yours truly, George.

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