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This is a guide book for interpretation of the ma-

gus tarot deck. I created this deck from the ground

up and it was illustrated by the amazing Celiea
Rosendahl. Each card, image and meaning is per-
sonal to me. As I write this intro this deck is un-
known as a divination device except in use by me.
This creates the perfect opportunity for practitioners
new to this deck to create their own meaning for
this deck. There is no historical significance to these
cards, and I do not hold to the idea that a divina-
tion tool has to have a specific meaning. So, if you
have the inkling and the time get a notebook and
spend time with each card, figure out what it means
to you and read it in that way. Once this deck is in
your hands it is no longer my deck but yours, make
it yours. All of that being said, if you want to use my
meanings I would be honored.

sardon magus
the magus
The Magus is a collector of tales and experiences. His power comes, not from
his magic, but from the experience he has gained. The Magus understands that
it is people, community and family that makes the world beautiful and that
brings true strength and power. The Magus is a thoughtful traveler who lives
in the moment when it is time to learn but plans for the future and remembers
the lessons of the past.

Facing up
The Magus speaks of a journey beginning, or a traveler entering your life. Be
open to the traveler and the journey, but be wary as well, for not all journeys
are pleasant and not all strangers are friends you haven’t met yet. Knowledge is
to be gained.

Facing Down
A journey ends, or someone is leaving your life for a time. Every ending leads
to a new beginning. Life is a series of circles and spirals until entropy. Nothing
truly ends, but this is an ending nonetheless.

the monk
The Monk sits quietly within himself at balance and at peace, understanding
the universe through seeming simple acts of creation. Every moment is now,
and everything is them, and they are everything and every time.

Facing Up
Things are at a balance point, or they are working towards a balance and peace.
A time of rest and personal care is coming or is needed. Take time to do simple
things consciously and take time to enjoy them.

Facing Down
The time for quiet meditation and contemplation is over and it is time to act.
The small undone tasks are starting to build up to the point where they can no
longer be ignored. Turmoil ahead.
the hag
At first glance, the Hag may appear frightening or evil, but she is the patron
saint of unwanted children. She is the monster under the bed that protects
from abusive parents. She is the darkness that we hold close when we must be
strong but feel we are alone.

Facing up
Strength and help are coming from a seemingly unlikely source. Rely on your
hard-won strength, even if others don’t find it pretty. Don’t be afraid to set
boundaries, even if it makes others uncomfortable. This may be a time for
shadow work.
Facing Down
You may be questioning your instincts. Don’t. Someone may attempt to use
you or use social pressures to violate your boundaries. Be wary of people pre-
tending to have your best interests at heart.

the artificer
Gadget is the soul of invention and creativity. He can become hyper focused
and forget even to eat at times. He creates with little concern with what his
creations may be used for. Kind but gruff, this muse of the mechanical can be a
hard one to figure out.

Facing Up
This is a time of creation and hyper focus. Ingenuity and inspiration are yours.
Be aware that you may be missing social cues in your pursuit of artistic and
. creative expression.
Facing Down
Something you created is likely to fail. A great deal of work may seem to come
to nothing but ruin. But as every DIYer, handy person and amateur tinkerer
knows, each failure is an opportunity to learn.
the jester
Feminine, masculine and androgynous, the Jester is many things to many
people. They are the life of any party and a relentless flirt, but they have a deep
soul and a deeper heart. The Jester will play the fool, steal the powerful blind,
and give their last penny to the poor.

Facing Up
Chaos for good is entering the scene. Subterfuge may be needed to navigate the
coming situation. Remember, it is always important to fight the oppressor and
defend the oppressed. Make sure you are on the right side of the situation; this
trickster god plays for keeps.

Facing Down
Chaos for bad is coming to the scene. Others are working against you in the
shadows. People pretending to be your friends are being duplicitous. Careful
deliberation and analysis are needed before major decisions.

the blindfold
A simple piece of cloth that can help one sleep during the day. Used in chil-
dren’s games, a spicy accessory in the hands of a trusted lover, or a tool to put
others at a disadvantage, the Blindfold has many uses.

Facing up
Don’t take everything at face value. Be willing to look past immediate flaws in
others or situations. Some things do not need to be looked at too closely.

Facing Down
You are missing an important fact. The situation is not quite what it seems at
this time. Someone is trying to hobble you.
bronze skull
The corvid skull coated in bronze harkens back to a time when humans were
first learning the basics of metallurgy. The Raven is both a symbol of death and
a holder of the knowledge on both sides of the veil. Early people casting it in
bronze is both an attempt to preserve knowledge and protect against untimely

Facing Up
An answer is coming. Illness or death is averted. Look to the natural, mystic
and scientific world for the answers you kneed. Crows and ravens are a good
omen at this time.

Facing Down
Illness and death. You are desperately trying to hold on to something that
should be let go. Let go of the dead stuff in the situation before it poisons you.

poison spoon
Truth can be a bitter tea. Sometimes it has to hurt to heal. The cure is worse
than the disease. These are all truisms that apply to the Poison Spoon, an im-
plement for mixing remedies that aren’t always pleasant to deal with.
Facing Up

The pot is being stirred and a lot of unpleasant emotions and feelings will be
unsettled. A time of painful healing is coming. Sacrifice will be necessary to
move forward.

Facing Down
A long convalescence comes to an end. A time of peace is ahead. It is time for
the fight to be over.
old pelt
A salt cured old rabbit pelt hanging on the support beam of half-forgotten barn
in a barren field, this is a roughly treated thing that has seen better days, but if
one is cold enough, in need enough, and industrious enough, they can make
use of the old rabbit pelt.

Face Up
Do more with less, avoid waste, cherish the old things. Memories from the past
come unbidden, some ragged, some sad, and some painfully beautiful. Pay
attention, they will shed light.

Face Down
Old problems are coming back to haunt you. Bad luck is on its way. A poorly
done job will return to bite you.

lucky rabbit’s foot
Favorite magic charm of side shows and carnival games, some say it wasn’t that
lucky for the rabbit, though. Sometimes these little magics and blessings can be
the most helpful in the right situations. Never forget the magic of your child-

Face Up
Good luck. Take time to enjoy silly games. Friends are of the utmost impor-
tance at this time. It is a time of productivity.

Face Down
Turn of bad luck. The game is rigged. You are getting less than you were prom-
ised. Look through the show to see the mechanics behind.
ogre toe
The Ogre is a beast, a destroyer, a defiler and a hoarder. The Ogre cares only for
its immediate needs and desires at the cost of everyone and everything around
it. Massive and repulsive, the best analog of the Ogre Toe today is the corpo-
ration that defiles the environment, hoards wealth and harms individuals and
communities in its quest to sate its greed. The Ogre Toe is the small piece of
that base creature within us all.

Face Up
Destruction, greed, headless lust, this is the antitheses to community: the salt-
ed earth, the befouled food stores.

Face Down
The seeds of destruction lurk here. Within you is this darkness. You must not
become the Ogre while pursuing what you desire. Push too hard and you may
damage what you are trying to fix.

traitor’s arrow
The Traitor’s Arrow was a gift from a king to his most trusted general, his
closest friend, a symbol of the fidelity and comradeship between them. In a fit
of passion and rage, one day the vassal slew the king with this very arrow. It
was not done with malicious forethought, but the deed was done. The Arrow
represents the ability to hurt those we love when we do not take care, and act
in shortsighted anger.

Facing Up
Unthinkingly or in a moment of anger, you may harm a loved one with a
confidence they have placed in you. Be wary that you work towards healing the
wound quickly and try to save the relationship.

Facing Down
Unthinkingly or in a moment of anger, a loved one may harm you with a con-
fidence you have placed in them. If this is not a pattern, don’t judge them too
ammo pouch
The Ammo Pouch is a sign of preparedness. While largely associated with
combat and struggle, the Ammo Pouch signifies that you are ready for the
challenge ahead of you, be it a confrontation, a big project or a difficult conver-

Facing up
You are well prepared and aware of the upcoming challenge.

Facing Down
There is an upcoming challenge that you do not have the energy or armament
for. When one does not have the proper ammunition for the situation, it is
often best to change tactics and come at the situation from a different angle.

black rose
The Black Rose is beautiful darkness, that loved sadness in us, the Danse Maca-
bre. It’s the thorned stem that we clutch because we love the pain, the torn flesh
because we need to bleed to feel alive.

Facing Up
Mental illness, depression, self-harm, a death of a loved one, a dark time to

Facing Down
There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Take your meds and push forward.
That loneliness is almost over.
fishing lure
Like most things in life, this item really depends on one’s perspective. A fishing
lure can be a thing of beauty, lovingly crafted by hand, a work of art really. It
can lead to a day of fun and relaxation with friends and family. It can help you
feed your family. But for the fish, it is a totally different situation.

Facing Up
Hard work pays off. A time of prosperity is ahead of you. Take time to refill
your stores but don’t forget to enjoy yourself.

Facing Down
Beware of something that seems to be too good to be true. There might be a
hook in it. When someone is smiling at your face, look for the knife they may
have at your back.

flying rag
This looks like an old and useless rag, tattered and dirty beyond usefulness, but
it hides the magic of Aladdin’s original carpet. It remembers soaring through
the skies over the sand dunes and can still offer that magic to those who know
how to bring it out.

Facing Up
Avoid waste at this time. Look to reuse what you have. Something valuable
hides in plain sight, appearing to be mundane or useless.

Facing down
Let go of attachments. Sometimes an old rag is just a rag. Something valuable
may be lost or destroyed.
goblin glass
There is a group of goblins that live on the outskirts of our world between the
fey realm and ours who hold this glass in high regard. Once upon a time it
was the vessel of a marid, and it is now the home of one of their own. The new
inhabitant uses his power to feed, heal and protect his clan.

Facing Up
Good omen: comfort, food, healing, and good times are coming your way. The
simple things in life, also known as necessities of survival, are secure. Be the
one that helps others. Fey, small folk and other kin are helpful, or at least will
leave you alone.

Facing down
Bad omen: a loss of money, security or health. Fey, small folk and other kin
may be mischievous and cause you problems.

screaming stone
This is a wizard’s toy, a simple stone enchanted to give a warning when a cer-
tain stimulus is applied. Something is coming.

Facing Up
Something you hoped for is coming soon. A guest will show up to your house,
or a friend or lover will return to your life.

Facing Down
Warning of oncoming danger. The warning signs are already here. Keep your
eyes open for danger or surprises.
answer bead
Created by a trickster spirit, the Answer Bead always answers the first question
100% correctly. That’s how it traps you. The more you rely on it, the less helpful
and accurate it will be.

Facing up
You get information from a new source or help from someplace you are not
used to getting it. This time the answer or help will be useful, but do not rely
on it to heavily or it could backfire. Be careful that this new relationship does
not become codependent.

Facing down
That thing that you have been using as a crutch has now become a burden.
Cast away the thing that is harming you. Accept that people are what they
have shown you they truly are. Distance yourself from abusive or manipulative

fey token
First off, it is my opinion that no one should ever deal with the fey if they can
avoid it. The Fey Token is a promise from a fey lord to be of assistance to a
mortal that they fell in love with. But, as with all things fey, buyer beware.

Face Up
Unexpected gift. Surprise surplus or boon. May be a good time to work with
entities from other realities. An unexpected love or friendship enters your life
associated with a person in power, of greater age, or authority.

Face Down
The gift in front of you has strings attached. A stranger is not to be trusted. A
person of power authority or greater age is not to be trusted.
Chompers is a magic jewelry box with the personality of a golden retriever.

Facing up
Associated with a loving and well-loved pet, a new pet or animal enters
your life: a new litter of pups or cats, new livestock. It is a good time for new

Facing Down
The loss or death of a pet. A cherished thing is lost. Not a good time to bring a
new pet or animal home.

horseman’s clasp
A simple wooden clasp belonging to horse herders of some bygone era on the
windy grassland hills.

Facing up
Self-sufficiency, herding animals, knowledge and communing with nature.
Finding peace in hard work on the land. The Horseman’s Clasp is strongly
associated with ranchers, farmers, and the earth. Travel.

Facing down
Disconnect from agrarian roots and the land. Move from the country to the
city. Stagnation and becoming bogged down in the rapidity and mundanity of
modern life.
Gordian Knot, riddle of the Sphynx, Pandora’s box, lament configuration, the
labyrinth, all of these are versions of the Artifact. This has been placed in front
of mortals many times through many ages to test us. Sometimes we rise to the
occasion. Sometimes we fail. The search for knowledge is not always a safe
thing, but it often will bring power.

Facing up
The puzzle facing you is not insurmountable, and you have the ability to solve
it. Hard work is needed and sharpness of mind. Think outside the box.

Facing Down
You will not like the answer to the problem you face. Truth may hurt more
than ignorance. Be careful what you wish for. You may not like the answer.

Associated with water, travel, instinct, fertility. The salmon each year returns to
its ancestral spawning grounds, knowing the way with an inborn instinct bor-
dering on supernatural. The rest of the year they hang out in rivers, rest, eat,
and go with the flow. Be like this fish. Work when it’s time to work, rest when
it’s time to rest.

Facing Up
Productive work is ahead, a time of abundant creative energy. Listen to the
voices of those who came before you. The path may be hard, and many dangers
lay before you, but the prize is within reach.

Facing Down
Time to relax and recharge. Go with the flow. A period of calm is at hand.
Enigmatic, alien, other worldly, sinister, becoming, all words to describe the
Sphere, an unknown and possibly unknowable construct of foreign origin.

Facing Up
The Sphere is an unknown quantity. Powers that you don’t understand are
working for you. The item at hand has a blank spot.

Facing Down
The Sphere is an unknown quantity. Powers that you don’t understand are
working against you. The item at hand has a blank spot.

Associated with earth, home, protection, hospitality. Whether it is the hon-
ey badger, that just don’t give a fuck, fighting off a pack of lions, the English
badger, inviting you in for a spot of tea, or the American badger, looking and
acting like that one crazy ex-lover everyone has, the Badger is generally a good

Facing Up
The comfort of home and hearth is where you should be right now. Extend
hospitality to chosen family and family that is worth your time. Find the
comfort and companionship of your tribe. This is a good time to stay comfy at

Facing Down
Time to embrace your inner honey badger. Be ready to be fierce, violent and
fearless. A time is coming where it may be important for you just not to give a
Associated with air, music, intellect, frivolity and loyalty. Decoy is a construct
that creates, a machine that makes music, an automaton that has friends.
Sometimes we feel that we are not a part of the greater family as a whole, but
being a little different does not make us less valid.

Facing Up
Pertaining to the larger community. An upcoming festival. Loyal friends and
family have your back. Let loose and revel a bit. Meet new people.

Facing Down
Your differences separate you from other people. A black cloud may be hang-
ing over your head. You may feel betrayed by someone close but look closer
before drawing that conclusion. Research a new interest.

prosthetic arm
Everyone needs a helping hand now and then (pardon the pun). This bio me-
chanical prosthesis is, in many ways, an improvement over the purely organic
model. Even with all its advantages, it is important to remember that assistive
devices are just that: assistive. The strength and power are within you.

Facing Up
You may find that you need assistance soon, and it will be close at hand (sorry
again). New fun gadgets may make your life easier. If you find you are having
difficulty in a certain area. Look for creative solutions.

Facing Down
You feel that you are lacking or damaged. You’re most likely wrong in that
assumption. A change in paradigm will force you to find a new way of living.
Adjustments may need to be made but, with time and effort, you will adapt
and overcome.
ocular device
Headset used by jewelers, artificers and clockmakers to help see the finest
details. This particular one belonged to a gnome who spent his retirement cre-
ating magical clockwork animals for children. Pulling the Ocular Device is an
invitation to pay attention to the small details, the majestic beauty in a crystal
of salt, or the seashell composition of microscopic grains of sand.

Facing Up
It’s the small things that are having a big effect. Pay attention to what you
would generally overlook. It is time for detail-oriented work. Take your time.

Facing Down
You are missing an important detail. Look closer and fix the small problem
before it becomes a large problem. Act now.

prosthetic leg
Time to get a leg up (once again, pardon the pun). Pertains to travel, increased
physical activity, and motorized recreation.

Facing Up
Time for a car trip, boat trip, bike ride. Get out and see things you haven’t
seen before. Use the modern conveniences at your disposal to go outside your
normal circles

Facing Down
Your movement may be restricted: arrest, confinement or censure.
Unexpected abundance. Prior stores come in useful. Winning a prize.

Facing Up
You will get an unexpected boon. A prize will be won, or a treasure found.
Stores you have built up will come in handy and protect you from lean times.

Facing Down
Now is the time to put away excess goods and materials for future use. Don’t
expend all your energy. Save some for the future. Tuck some money and re-
sources away.

Associated with fire, resourcefulness, ferocity. The Scorpion is a survivor, ar-
mored, efficient and sly. These little guys get a bad rap, but they are one of the
most amazing creatures in our natural world.

Facing Up
You have the steel for what is to come. Be still and wait for the appropriate time
to act. Don’t be aggressive for no reason but be ready to strike without mercy if

Facing Down
Be aware of hidden dangers. Putting your hands somewhere without looking
first can lead to a nasty surprise. Respect the environment around you. Even in
harsh situations you can find what you need to survive.
Weaver, grandmother, silent hunter, the Spider is a strong symbol of the femi-
nine, industry, and creation. The Spider is a good omen but is often misunder-
stood by most who see her because of her alien appearance and nature.

Face Up
Prophecy, magic, creation, art. Now is the time for artistic expression. Make
plans and set the groundwork for future success. Get your home in order and
be patient. Embrace the feminine.

Facing Down
An older female enters the situation to give you guidance.

Everything is on an ellipse. Life, the universe and everything: the Circle rep-
resents that never ending cycle. Some hypothesize that the big bang occurred
after the heat death of the previous universe, or because of it. In this way, even
universal life and death are a circle, never breaking, but, with each rotation,
changing a little bit.

Facing Up
What goes around comes around. For good or ill, karmic payment and reward
come due. Recognize the patterns of revolutions and lean into them to benefit
yourself and others.

Facing Down
The cycle has become a trap. At this point, you have a good idea what happens
next because you’ve seen it many times before. This may be a very advanta-
geous time to break the cycle and move forward.
Plot your course by the stars. As long as you can look up, you can find your
way. Strongly associated with astrology, astronomy, travel and trade, and the
night. You have the tools to find your way home.

Facing Up
You are not lost, even if you feel that way. Your local horoscope may be rele-
vant to you right now. Remember, you can only guide by the stars when it is
dark, so don’t despair.

Facing Down
Tools break, miscalculations are made. Take your time and figure out where
you went wrong. Move forward slowly and double check your calculations.
Heavenly bodies are affecting you particularly strongly.

Associated with the desert, ancient knowledge, drawing and focusing power,
the passing of life into death, and the unnecessary accumulation of wealth.

Facing Up
Time for energy work. Connect with the ancient. Explore mysteries, they are
knowable. Peaceful transitions between two states of being are at hand.

Facing Down
Take a break from energy work. Current mysteries will remain mysteries for a
while longer. Corporations or the wealthy are negatively affecting your life.
amber eye
A mystic eye trapped in amber, always open and always seeing. It is fabled to
be the Eye of the Norn, seeing past, present, and future. Insight, seeing beyond.
Being observed from a distance.

Facing Up
Look at the problem from all angles. You will have great insight on the issue at
hand. Watching someone unseen. The connectivity of past present and future
becomes apparent, or you need to understand it. Good time for divination

Facing Down
Someone is paying close attention to your actions. Divination magic is being
used on you.

Several chains laced with hooks and sharp metal bits hand from a sturdy
wooden handle. Dried blood crusts this implement of pain and destruction.
Associated with hardship, pain, sickness, a broken body.

Facing Up
Illness, infirmity, and injury. Someone wishes to subjugate or harm you. An
authority figure is against you. Run-ins with the law.

Facing Down
You are harming someone else. Your ego has turned violent, and you wish to
lash out and cause pain. This is not a weapon of justice or protection. Be cogni-
zant that your response to a situation is not warranted in its intensity.
amber disk
Also known as a truth mirror or soul crucible, the Amber Disk shows you your
own strength and weakness through pain. The pain burns away your weakness
and reinforces your strength. The mirror shows you the worst and weakest
parts of you so you may face them.

Facing Up
An uncomfortable change is coming. You will come face to face with the worst
version of yourself and you must stand up to it and overcome it or be harmed
by it. The Amber Disk is never pleasant, but it can help you grow quickly.

Facing Down
You are ignoring the darker side of yourself or are avoiding necessary pain.
Look deep into yourself and fearlessly search out that which you don’t like, rip
it out, and discard it. Shadow work at this time will be particularly potent. Deal
with that difficult situation.

saw blade
Brutal, efficient, pitiless, the Saw Blade rotates at a blinding speed, tearing
through anything put in its path. It is in the nature of the Saw Blade to cut. Do
not try impeding the blade at its work or it may be you that gets cut.

Facing Up
The Saw Blade is meant to cut large pieces of wood and other materials. It is
rarely subtle. It is time to remove the dead wood from your life. Take big cuts
to those things that are not useful. Like a forest on occasion, you have to take
out a lot of brush and dead trees or a forest fire will be bound to spring up.
Decide what to give up now so you do not lose more in the future.

Facing down
Someone or something in your life is a chaotic destructive influence. While the
destruction they bring may be ultimately useful, the process will be unpleasant.
Find this force and direct it where it needs to go because, unchecked, it will
cause as much harm as good.
earring of the depth
The pirate has been romanticized a great deal, and nothing is a greater symbol
of the pirate than the one hoop earring. The earring had a practical purpose
at one time. This was to pay the funeral price of the wearer. Associated with
alternative communities, self-reliance, morally ambiguous value systems as far
as larger society is concerned.

Facing Up
Do what is needed, even if it usurps societal norms. Take what is yours. Trust
in your shipmates. Prepare for the worst but live in the moment. The whale
does not concern itself with the opinion of krill.

Facing Down
You will face judgment for not fitting in. Repercussions for actions are at hand.
Batten down the hatches and weather the storm to the best of your ability. The
seas are getting choppy, but you will survive.

earring of mistranslation
This beautiful ear cuff is an example of form over function. So much thought
was put into the aesthetics that the primary function was neglected. Meant
to be a device to translate language on the fly, it ended up causing misunder-
standings and miscommunications.

Facing Up
Vanity or preconceived notions have caused you to misunderstand a situation
or a person near you. Your decision is being made on faulty information. Your
desire is overriding your better judgement.

Facing down
You have been intentionally given bad information. Someone is misdirecting
you for their own ends. Beware of echo chambers, dogma and propaganda.
Reassess your own views with a critical eye.
mated pair
Pertaining to love, friendship and close intimate relationships, the Mated Pair
are a set of garnet earrings meant to be worn by two people to symbolize their
close bond: two halves to a whole, two pieces to a set.

Facing Up
Pertaining to love, finding love, or close friendships. It is a good time for inti-
macy. Lean on the one you trust as you would have them lean on you.

Facing Down
Someone close to you is having a hard time and may need your help. Open
communication is crucial at this point. Check in with those that are close to
your heart but may have drifted from your day-to-day life.

a ring of truth
A Ring of Truth is a simple little charm and earring in the shape of a bell that
rings whenever a lie is told, giving you a heads up that that a falsehood has
been told. But it has a double edge, as it were. While it warns you of lies it also
will not allow you to tell lies.

Facing Up
Listen carefully to your intuition. Someone may be trying to mislead you, but
you can tell who it is if you pay attention. Don’t lie to others as you are unlike-
ly to get away with it. Be honest with those around you. It is safe to speak the
truth at this time.

Facing Down
Trust your intuition. Hold your confidence close and speak little, especially to
those you do not trust.
desert tapestry
Depicted on this tapestry is a nomad trading caravan at an oasis under the
setting sun. Cool nights and fresh water are ahead for the travelers. Stories will
be told around the campfire, food and drink shared with good companions.
Pertains to business, close associations, and a tether free life, safety, security,
and needs being met.

Facing Up
It is a good time to make business and financial decisions. Associated with sta-
bility and comfort. Take your time and travel leisurely. Sedate group activities
are suggested: a nice meal with friends or a leisurely road trip.

Facing Down
It’s been a rough, dry patch, but you have made it to a place of relative calm.
Take time to recharge and recuperate. Eat, rest and load up on metaphorical
water. A hard journey is ahead. Make preparations.

gnomish ring
The calmest of the fairy folk, the gnome will often stand perfectly still for hours
or days in a person’s garden just to move when no one’s looking. A strong
connection to nature and simple kind sense of humor, gnomes are some of the
few fey it is nice to have around. Associated with small animals and sustainable
agriculture, the Gnomish Ring is a connection to that magic.

Facing Up
Take time to care for the small creatures, the wild things just on the periphery
of civilizations. Home gardens, corvids, squirrels and raccoons. This is a good
time to plant and forage, blackberries especially. The line between wild and
cultivated is where you should exist at the moment.

Facing Down
Hold still, be quiet, watch. Sometimes, being part of two worlds, you find your-
self divorced from both. At the moment, there are no good options. It is a time
for a complete pause. Subtle humor may be appreciated.
heavenly pipes
Some say celestials play harps, and, in fact, some do. But the Pipes are a favor-
ite among those creatures. The breath of life, gentle and warm, create the song
of the spheres in all its majesty. Associated with religion, music, art and higher
Facing Up
Little miracles will be abundant right now. The universe appears to be on your
side. Creativity and art fill your life presently. Love is available and knocking at
your door. Magically, it is a good time to work with benevolent, strong entities.
Resolve conflict with understanding and mutualism. A new baby or birth.
Facing Down
Confused wonderment. Greater powers than you are at work, and you may not
understand it all, but help is there. A sad song speaks to you. The cycle of life
continues. There may be a death or an ending, but it is time for that. Mourn its
ending but celebrate its life at the same time.

crown of razors
What is the price of power? What are you willing to endure for strength? What
will you discard to dominate the situation around you? The Crown of Razors
is a symbol of power through pain. You place this device of torture upon your
own head and trade your comfort and well-being for the strength and power to
do what you will. Shadow work will be potent at this time. Also associated with
looming or severe mental illness.
Facing up
They say hard times make hard people. You have suffered and have chosen the
path of pain and aggression to defend yourself. Like scar tissue that is sensitive
to the touch but toughens the skin, so is the Crown. You choose to embrace the
pain to make yourself stronger. Temptations to do shadow work are at hand.
Any endeavor will be turbo charged. But mind the price. Always mind the
price. This is not a toy.
Facing Down
The pain, sorrow and depression has pushed you to the point where you are no
longer in control of your strength. Like a wounded and cornered animal, you
are lashing out with violence and abandon. The things you do to protect your-
self are hurting even those you care for. Mental illness looms heavily right now.
sword breaker
While at first glance this may look like a weapon, the sword braker is a tool of
defense. There is no cutting edge, and the thick notched back side is designed
to catch and break the blades of others. You have the tools to defend yourself
from the attacks of others and break their means of assault against you. Associ-
ated with quick wit, intellect, and logical thinking.

Facing Up
In battles of the mind, you will be able to easily defend yourself and break
down the arguments of others, counter falsehoods and propaganda with truth.
If under magical or spiritual assault, don’t simply deflect, but shatter their
means of attack. Those attacking you will not only fail but they will be dis-

Facing Down
Your attacks against others will be deflected. Be wary of the arguments you
make as they may be based on faulty information. Be careful of punching
down because you may find yourself unarmed and flat on your back.

The Hookah with 6 hoses is meant to be shared with friends. A communion
for relaxation, insight, and building intimacy, the Hookah is associated with
group energy work and bringing your tribe closer together. It is also associated
with coming to decision by consensus, spiritual exploration and hallucinogens.

Facing up
Take time to commune with trusted friends or colleagues. Problems are best
addressed by a group after careful consideration and discussion. Answers may
be found through spiritual search or judicial use of mind-expanding intoxi-

Face Down
Gridlock, impasse, and bureaucracy impeding progress, the Hookah in down
position indicates that consensus will not be met. This may be the time to go
your own way. Keep a clear head in the decision-making process ahead.
Home, hearth, grimoire of the kitchen witch, receptacle for knowledge of both
the hedge witch and the hearth wife, containing the mundane and the fantas-
tical, the practical and the esoteric. Often passed down from parent to child
through generations, it is an unbroken link back to our earliest days when
survival relied on not wasting and having a trick for each problem. Pertaining
to family, home, lineage, magic and knowledge going back generations.

Facing Up
Tap into your genetic memory. Consolidate power and comfort within your
family. Research what your forbearers set aside for you, and record and set
aside knowledge for your descendants. Subtle and older magics may be useful

Facing Down
Knowledge is lost. Ties to what came before are broken. Something cherished
is destroyed.

Potential for violence and targeted destruction. Bullets in themselves, as long
as they are properly handled, are safe. It is only once they are put in a firearm
and discharged that they become a tool of violence and death. The only pur-
pose of a bullet is violence, and without violence, a bullet lacks a purpose.

Facing Up
Prepare for violence. The application of targeted aggression may yield desired
results. This is the time for focused and swift action.

Facing Down
Like a bullet without a gun, you feel pent up and ready to explode. Don’t mis-
handle yourself right now. Don’t allow your explosive potential to go off with-
out appropriate direction. Unpredictable destruction is likely if too much force
is applied.
Some acolytes and devotees of darker sects and religions, such as the Opus
Dei, will use such devices as a form of self-flagellation to become more spiri-
tually pure. There is a spiritual path in pain, but it is often forced on devotees
through mental and emotional manipulation. If you are to use such techniques
for spiritual enlightenment go into it with a clear and confident mind knowing
your own worth to be great.

Facing Up
Ahead is a time of struggle that will ultimately lead to spiritual and physical
growth. Now is the time to sacrifice and be frugal so that later you can reap
the rewards. It is better to take the small set back now to not have to suffer the
larger one later.

Facing Down
Someone is gaslighting you, emotionally or psychologically abusing you.
Someone is degrading your worth and training you to degrade yourself. Don’t
allow them to do this. You are worth more.

Silent, efficient, portable, and versatile, the dart of the Blowgun can be coated
with a variety of compounds, drugs and poisons to get the desired effect. This
is the tool of the hunter and the assassin.

Facing Up
Act quietly and in secret. Decide ahead of time how to best deal with the prob-
lem ahead and do it quickly and from the shadows. Take only what you need.
Now is not the time to hoard.

Facing Down
Be aware of your surroundings. You may not be prepared for what actually
lurks in the jungle. A dart will not take down a tiger.
Whether in a bar for fun, targets for practice, or hunting for food, Darts are a
symbol of precision. Thrown by hand, used with a blowgun, or shot by a tran-
quilizing rifle, it is all about skill and precision.

Facing Up
You are on fire with your precision right now. Take careful aim at your target.
You will hit it. Spend time in social situations and playing games of skill.

Facing Down
The mark was missed on something. You were close but just didn’t hit the bull-
seye. Step off the line, take a breath, focus, and try again.

heart cage
Sometimes we are hurt so bad emotionally that we close off our heart. We
choose not to feel or make love for a time. This pertains to relationships gone
sour or friendships lost.

Facing Up
Ending of a relationship, love or friendship. Emotionally shutting down af-
ter a loss. Taking time to heal once an intense or long relationship has run its

Facing Down
You have spent so long closing yourself off from love and comfort that you are
starting to atrophy. It’s time to peel that cage off your heart, even though it’s
painful. This is a sign that you are becoming emotionally stunted.
goblin king
“Goblin King, Goblin King, wherever you may be, take this child of mine far
away from me.” Sorry. I couldn’t help myself.
Pertaining to friendship reveries, leadership position in your friend group. The
Goblin King leads the dance, pours the drinks, and starts the songs. Goblin
King is a position that is meant to be temporary and passed on to the next
friend so the spotlight can be shared among all your merry crew.

Facing Up
Time for bonfires, drinking, and good food with friends. Right now, you are
the Goblin King. Be a leader, a mentor, enjoy the pleasures of the flesh. Don’t
forget your responsibility as the King to make sure others are safe and having
fun. As the King, lift others up and put no one down.

Facing Down
Your time as the King comes to an end. Place the crown on the head of the one
to take your place. As you were revered, now revere others. This is a cycle that
keeps your tribe strong.

Sapphire Fountain
Fluidity of relationships and love, the Sapphire Fountain depicts the story of a
relationship that has been interpreted multiple ways: a man trying to protect
his partner from his own nature while the woman in turn tries to protect the
man from his own more volatile aspect, or a man trying to hold his partner
back from her wilder side as that very side, not being embraced, lashes out at
her partner. However you wish to read the story, it comes down to being able
to accept your lover or lovers whole being and not suppressing pieces of our-
selves for relationships, as it leads to discord.
Facing Up
New or changing relationship dynamic. Learning to accept the parts of you or
your partners that are more wild or unlovely in the bounds of your relation-
ship. A change that leads to growth and a more fulfilling relationship for all
Facing Down
The suppression of yourself or your partners suppression of themselves for
the sake of the relationship will lead to animosity, hurt, and damage to your
A simple tool used by farmers and shepherds, in the old stories peasants have
used this to take down giants. This is a symbol of the ability of the relatively
weak to take down the relatively strong. Seemingly insurmountable problems
can be overcome with simple tools.

Facing Up
The problem you face looks big but will be a lot more easily overcome than you
first expected. Pertaining to simple tools and basic concepts. Don’t try to get
fancy with your problem solving.

Facing Down
At the moment you feel like you are facing a giant. All you see is something
that cannot be overcome. Stop, take a step back, and trust in your abilities.

troll in a jar
Much like Pandora’s box the Troll in a Jar seems like a little thing, just a glass
jar clouded with age and the vague shape of something inside, but if it is not
handled with care it could become a big problem. Breaking the jar will release
a troll which will quickly grow to massive size and start rampaging.

Facing Up
What appears to be a non-issue can quickly become a massive problem. Be
aware of the feelings of others because you have no idea of the beast within.
Pay attention to your own feelings. Small slights and hurts can grow within you
to become resentment, anger and rage.

Facing Down
The Jar has been broken or is about to be. The thing that you thought wasn’t
important is now raging through your life. A troll is a very difficult thing to get
back into a jar.
broken sword
There are two ways a good sword can be broken. One it is broken in battle,
leaving you without defense in the tumult of combat. And the second is to
break your own sword to make plowshares.

Facing Up
The time for battle is over. Beat your sword into plowshares. Make that which
was for violence into a tool for building a new life. Pertains to leaving the mili-
tary, end of strife, cessation of violence and aggression.

Facing Down
The battle is lost. Your sword is broken. Time to retreat. Stop fighting and run.
Pertaining to hopeless causes and defeat.

Pertaining to sexuality, seduction, sexual partners, the codpiece represents
sexual and carnal pleasures, being out and proud, kink.

Facing Up
New sexual partners and experiences, learning new kinks, accepting your own
body and desires, accepting the body and desires of others. Gluttony, lust,
greed, and all the rest can be a good thing right now.

Facing Down
Pertains to unhealthy sexual relationships, STIs, pushing too far in search of
pleasure, consent violated or not obtained. Your partner may not want the
thing you are suggesting but is doing it just to make you happy. Overindul-
gence has consequences.
Putting on pretense, alternate personas, intrigue, formal social events, for some
the masquerade is a pleasant distraction from the mundane, for some it is a
mine field of social and political intrigue, for others it is a way of life. Be careful
of who you pretend to be lest you become that very thing.

Facing Up
Social or job-related function, pretending to be something that is not your core
self. Chance for advancement in social, political or employment circles, but
you must play the part. Subtle manipulation of others through pretense and

Facing Down
Slowly changing to match the mask you affect. Fraught situations pertaining to
politics, religion, social interactions, or job. No one in the situation is who they
pretend to be, and everyone has an agenda.

Comedy and tragedy, it’s a story as old as time. The Harlequin is a symbol of
acting and the arts, of duality, and of rapidly changing fortunes.

Facing Up
Professional stage craft, theatre, a negative situation turning positive. Laugh
and the whole world laughs with you.

Face Down
Amateur stage craft, karaoke, positive situation turning negative. Cry and you
cry alone.
green man
Jack-in-the-Green, Robin Hood, the King of May, the Garland, Herne of the
Hunt, the Green Knight, the Green Man has many names and many faces, but
he is always the lord of the wood and nature. He is capricious and wild but
often a friend to those lost in his wood as long as the lost wish him and his no

Facing Up
Pertaining to the wild and growing things, this is a time for strength in all the
wild things. Good harvest and hunt will be yours but be sure to pay proper
respect to the land and take only what you need. The animals, plants and fey
will all help you at this time.

Facing down
Pointless destruction of natural areas, green spaces and animals. The land
needs your help to heal. The Father of the Oak has turned against you because
you turned your face from him. Reconnect with your roots.

iron mask
The Iron Mask both protects physically and conceals the identity of the wearer.
Sometimes it is donned intentionally and sometimes it is placed on the wearer
by others. The Mask is neither good nor bad, but all comes down to how it is

Facing Up
Be wary of showing others your true face. The time to hold your intentions
close to the vest is now. As long as you do take down your defenses you will be
safe. Everyone does not need to know your business.

Facing Down
You have been pigeonholed by those around you or by society. The mask you
wear or the role you are filling is stifling you. It is time to be true to yourself
and take off your mask. It may be scary and uncomfortable at first, but you can
better grow with the light of the sun on your face.
knitting needles
Death, decomposition, renewal of life from death, fertilization, creating from
the cast off, the pattern requires both life and death, decomposition and
growth, destruction and creation. This is the time to work with the darker
things, the things that are cast aside or left to rot so you can set the ground-
work for new growth, new creation. Shadow work.

Facing Up
Loss is imminent. Creation can be salvaged from that loss. Old skills are useful.
Face the void. She is not your enemy.

Facing Down
Unforeseen circumstances unravel your carefully laid plans. Find the error in
your work. Unravel your work back to that point, correct it and move on. This
is not an ending, just an opportunity to correct a mistake. Those dwelling in
the light will have a hard time understanding you right now.

orb of souls
Spirit magic, the other side, ghosts, the Orb of Souls is used by practitioners
to work with the souls of the dead, the beings that were once alive and are no

Facing Up
Ancestors may have a message for you. This is a good time to work with spirit
magic. A ghost may be hanging around, but they are not a problem. Reach
out to someone that has not been in your life for a while before they become a
spirit. Take time to remember those you love that have passed.

Facing Down
Malicious spirits. Spirit work is not recommended. Someone from your past
wishes to get in contact with you.
paku paku
A child’s school yard game for divination. Associated with childhood, friends,
innocence and play.

Facing Up
Lighthearted play, school yard chums, community of youth, innocent fun.

Facing Down
Loss of innocence, breaking up of a friend group, disillusion with the simple
pleasures of youth.

Everyone has had a special stuffy at some point, a protector, a comforter, and a
friend in the times of our youth. Pertaining to childhood, spiritual guides and
protectors, imagination. Comfort.

Facing Up
Pertaining to peace and joy. Your protectors are with you and always will be.
Feel free to imagine and laugh. Do for yourself in a carefree manor.

Facing Down
Loss of innocence. Child in danger. Fear of the unknown. Darkness is en-
croaching and you feel alone.
blood cage
The Blood Cage is a symbol of family obligation, even when that obligation
is unhealthy. The Blood Cage symbolizes what family calls us to do, and what
we feel we must do because of family. The Blood Cage is an illusion. No mat-
ter how much you think you owe your family, if it violates who you are, or is
unhealthy, you owe them nothing.

Facing up
Your family needs your help, and it may be a difficult task: an illness, financial
hardship, or an emotionally tumultuous time. The Blood Cage may seem sti-
fling, but it can be a strong structure that holds your family unit together.

Facing Down
Familial expectations of you are unhealthy for you. Don’t let their views of
what you should be force you into situations that you are uncomfortable with.
Family is only family if they protect and love their own.

Opening, peace, enlightenment, the Lotus is a symbol of the quiet acceptance
of the unreality of all things. At the center of the Lotus is the true nature of all
things at the beginning and the end of creation.

Facing Up
This is a good time of balance. Searching for the truths of non-attachment are
fruitful at this time. Spend time in meditation. Unshackle yourself from the
chains of desire. That thing you wanted so much isn’t to be and just release it.

Facing Down
Frustration, desire, and strong emotions have confused the situation. You are
on the wrong path. Unless you can divorce yourself from the current situation
you will not be able to resolve it to its best possible outcome.
paper boat
A paper boat’s purpose is to be played with by a child for a day, sailing in mud
puddles and run down gutters. Once the play is done the boat is discarded and
the child is left with just pleasant memories of the games.

Face Up
Let go of the tool or toy that you have been using. The proper tool or answer
will come to you, but let it go when it is no longer useful. A short-term rela-
tionship comes to an end. Let it go. De-clutter your home.

Facing Down
Holding on to something too long or too hard has caused problems. Clutter
in your life, emotional, physical, or spiritual, is beginning to cause a problem.
That one-night stand should not become a relationship. Let them go.

paint brush
Creation, art, work, leaving your mark, there is a myriad of reading for the
Paint Brush. In general, it is a good symbol dealing with your industry, hard
work, talent and practice.

Facing Up
Time for creation, leaving your mark, creating, or enjoying beauty. Make the
space around you yours. Make it beautiful and welcoming. Make it a place for a
community of makers and creators like you. Collaborate on a project.

Facing Down
You are covering up a problem rather than dealing with it. Mistakes in your
work may frustrate you. If you look again you may find that you can incorpo-
rated the “mistake” into your work and make it better.
devil deal
The Devil Deal is a classic story. In desperation or lust for power, you make a
deal that seems too good to be true, but there is always a hook. These seems
reasonable in the U.S. because it is basically capitalism. While dangerous, the
Devil Deal is not inherently bad, you just need to pay very close attention to
the details.

Facing Up
Pertaining to contracts, legal deals, finance, and the search for power. Pay close
attention to the details. As they say, the devil is in the details. Don’t trust peo-
ple in authority: cops, religious leaders, management. It may be the time for
you to maliciously adhere to the rules. Do exactly what you’re supposed to and
no more. You can be the devil in the deal. Fight the power.

Facing Down
Someone is being misleading with you. You are on the losing end of a deal. You
may not see the trap until it is too late. A trusted authority figure is actively
working against you.

merry band
The Merry Band is a close group of friends, combat unit, party buddies. These
are the people that you have been through hell with and came out the other
side. Pertaining to collaboration and chosen family.

Facing Up
Pertaining to your inner circle. It is time for collaboration. Lean on your cho-
sen family as they have leaned on you. Important things lay ahead for you and

Facing Down
One of your inner circle is in trouble. A close friend may be ill or facing cata-
strophic problems. It will take your whole band to help them. You may still fail.
Broken KaTet.
sewing kit
Either in the hands of a farm wife, master seamstress or tailor, or a field soldier,
the portable Sewing Kit is an irreplaceable tool for anyone that needs to fix
things on the go and travel lightly.

Facing Up
Use the simple tools at your disposal to fix the problem. Mending and conserv-
ing what you have is the best bet. A stitch in time and all that. Fix the problem
before it grows. Stick to the basics. Don’t get fancy.

Facing Down
Safe care has been ignored for too long. Emotions are starting to fray at the
edge. Your basic tools are in disarray. You need to take time caring for your
tools before you can move on and fix the problem.

curse mark
The Curse Mark is an ill omen. Bad luck, destruction of property, failure of
endeavors, possible magics being used against you. Hexes, curses, and dark
root work.

Face Up
Shit is going to get bad. Malevolent forces are aligned against you. Ruin is com-
ing to your plans. Time for cleansing and recentering. Martial your mental and
spiritual strength. Find the source of the aggression and break the curse.

Facing Down
Your dark actions against others have taken root, be they intentional or not.
The price for such works is coming due. Any shadow work you plan on will be
energized. Make sure your protections are in place to reduce the backlash you
will receive.
The smoky amorphous tentacles of depression, sorrow, the deep dark are upon
you. The Tentacle pertains to clinical depression and deep sorrows. Take your
meds, drink your water and power through to the best of your ability.

Facing Up
The beginning of a depression cycle is upon you. A great sorrow has arrived or
is on the horizon. Do your self-care and ready yourself.

Facing Down
The time of depression is coming to an end. There is a light at the end of the
tunnel. It is time to stop mourning and begin seeing the joy in life.

The sea turtle shell pertains to protection and going with the flow. There is no
need to fight your aggressors, just let them wear themselves out. There is no
need to fight the ocean, just ride the currents.

Facing Up
No need to do anything at this time. Those against you can’t hurt you. There is
no need to fight circumstances. You are on the right path.

Facing down
You are exhausting yourself fighting battles that you do not need to fight. You
are exhausting yourself fighting a current that is going to take you to where you
need to be anyway. Just stop fighting. You’re going to end up at the same place
anyway. You’ll just be tired when you get there.

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