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when you are ready, gently close your eyes

and place your palms up in

receiving mode
take a deep breath in
and out
with each breath let yourself relax
relaxing deeper
and deeper
with each breath, you
feel lighter
and lighter
Your third eye
right at the center of your forehead is
now opening
light is expanding out of your third eye
allowing your powerful divine nature to
shine fully
Now your frequency is rising to higher levels
higher levels of consciousness
higher and much much more powerful
Now I am tuning into the wealth frequency
I am feel the power of the wealth frequency
coursing through my body warming every
part of me
from the crown of my head
to the tips of my fingers and toes
lighting up every part of me with pure
Now imagine standing up feet firmly
grounded to the Earth and arms stretched
out wide to the sky
I am like the sun
My whole body and being is blazing
with abundance
I am pulsating and emitting a powerful frequency of
abundance is radiating out from me and
filling up the sky
and now I start to see money coming to
Notes of huge sums are coming towards
me from all directions
I am a complete magnet for money and
money can't help but be drawn to me
I am so powerful
Money is falling from the sky onto me
Huge amounts of money are falling at
my feet
I see the sums in my bank accounts
Rising higher and higher
Money is appearing in so many different
areas of my life
each area of my life is becoming
richer and richer
I have so much money
Money of an extraordinary level
things I dreamed of having
I now have
things I dreamed of doing
I am now doing
and all the money I have
makes me so happy
the money that is Flowing to me is
fulfilling all my dreams
Financial sums higher than I could
ever have imagined fill my bank
and I come to have this money with
all this money is magnetically drawn to me
I don't even need to try
it just flows to me
I feel so happy as this money
continues to pour down into my life
my money only brings good into my
it blesses me and everyone I
come into contact with
My money is Limitless
continue to ground deeply down into the
Earth with my feet as I receive my
and continue to raise my hands up high
to the sky welcoming the never-ending
flow of money into my life
and while I'm absorbing this
abundance frequency let the words I am
about to say sink deeply into my
subconscious mind and feel them become
true for me
I love and appreciate money
Money is good
I deserve money
I am worthy of wealth
abundance is my Birthright
I am in receiving mode
I am receiving extraordinary wealth
money flows to me with ease
I am a money magnet
money comes to me in expected and
unexpected ways
The supply of money is endless
I deserve money
I am supported by the universe
I trust that everything works out for me
I am an abundant being
I am wealthy beyond my wildest dreams
All my life is Rich and wonderful
Now I will place my hands on my heart
center and connect with the Gratitude
within me
give thanks for the flow of abundance
I have just received and continue to
thank you
thank you
thank you
I have just been blessed with
phenomenal luck and I will see money
come to me in the next 24 hours
it is done
It is here
enjoy your abundance you really deserve
it and keep doing this meditation daily
so that you can gain momentum and build
great wealth in your life
when you are ready open your eyes
thank you for connecting with your
Limitless abundance today
I love you

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