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Strange Stories of R...
Authored by Robin Kaczmarczyk

6.0" x 9.0" (15.24 x 22.86 cm)

Black & White on White paper
110 pages

ISBN-13: 9781548127121
ISBN-10: 1548127124

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The Machine page 4

Jack Nicholson in Hell page 14
My Life as a Guard Dog page 22
The North Pole page 25
The Whale page 32
You Don’t Know Who I am? page 37
Santa Claus Pedophile page 42
The Man Who Built Fairy Homes page 53
The Day the Shit Hit the Fan page 62
The Big Stone page 70
The Gravity of Ghosts page 83
God Has Forgotten Us page 97
postscript - page 104


THE MACHINE So instead of spending the money of the coffee-maker on much needed
clothes, house-repairs or bills, Oswald spent it on materials for his
“machine.” Poor Helga was quite disappointed that her husband did not

Oswald Strumpfenwald had always been a pervert. He was a married help her even when it was evident that he had come across some
money, but she also was too faithful in Oswald’s inventions to criticize
man, but his marriage was a stale, cold and sexless. His wife, Helga was her man’s financial choices.
a cold hearted German hausfrau and she was also very fat. She always
wanted sex, but Oswald was a thin and lithe man, and every time he But she was not prepared for what followed, for once Oswald began
made love to his wife, he felt he would fall inside her somehow, so he work in the “machine”, he disappeared completely from normal life. For
preferred to satisfy his sexual needs with pornography and months!
masturbation. The obsession of the inventor for the new invention was absolute and
Oswald was also a genius. Oswald was an inventor of things, and many unyielding. In fact, after a few weeks of 10 and 12 hour days inside his
of his inventions had become instant hits in the ever volatile market for garage, finally Oswald moved in completely and left Helga alone in the
new ideas. He had created a cat-litter dispenser which sold millions of bedroom. If she had not taken him meals to the garage, he would not
units within a few years. His lightbulb changer had become a common have eaten, and to her dismay, many of the meals she made him ended
fixture on most households. His toothpaste dispenser was an important up uneaten.
product which got international attention in the stock exchange. He began work in the winter, shortly after new-years. Then spring went
But Oswald was a poor businessman, and for every invention he had by and summer came and went. By fall, Oswald looked terrible. It was
triumphed with, he had ten more that had cost him a mint and failed obvious he was degenerating. He hardly bathed, he almost didn’t eat
utterly. Such was the case of the shoe-polisher (which also polished and Helga suspected he was also not sleeping very much.
floors) and the fly-swatter that ended up in dozens of lawsuits from She pleaded with him to stop, to take a break.
folks who were swatted by it.
But he was relentless. At first, he was polite with her. But his politeness
So Oswald and Helga lived in modest but grinding poverty, mostly decreased as her fear for his mental and physical health grew. When
spared from utter despair by Helga’s efforts as a Waffle-House cook. she finally called his only brother to intercede, Oswald got furious.
And Oswald spent his time with his inventions, in his garage, trying to Oswald’s yelling, curse infested rant made his brother pack up and leave
remake the world. The reason he and Helga still lived together is that rapidly, and also made Helga cry desperately for hours. But Oswald
the big woman had unfailing faith in Oswald, and that faith kept him didn’t care. His only objective was “the machine” and his focus was
going. absolute and terrible.
After one of Oswald’s patents, an automatic coffee-maker/toaster hit it It was not until a couple of weeks before Christmas that Oswald finally
off again, the couple had a small-but strong injection of much needed came out his garage.
capital, but it was just then that Oswald had his best and most
important inspiration to build…. The machine. He came out euphoric, with an insane look but smiling. He hugged Helga
and kissed her and then went upstairs to his room and fell asleep. For
three days.
When he finally woke up, he ate a huge breakfast and then asked for
STRANGE STORIES OF ROBIN KACZMARCZYK 4 more. And finally, after finishing his las pancake, he looked at Helga with
the weirdest look on his face and kissed her. Helga got goosebumps of tentacles and appendages of the machine suddenly became more alive
just seeing him. and a mechanic hand placed the weird goggles on Helga’s eyes.
“Helga…” he said “…I have made my best invention ever. This is Helga was suddenly transported to a virtual world, with various images
something that will revolutionize the world. Nothing will ever be the of sexually attractive men coming over and “touching her”.
same for us. Once you see what I made, your life will never be the same.
Come, I will show you. You will be the first person to use the machine “Och, mein Gott! Wut kind of machine ist dis, Oswald!?” she said,
besides me.” unable to see either the basement or her husband any longer.

Nervously, Helga followed Oswald to the garage. “It is a masturbation machine!” Crackled Oswald maniacally.

The machine looked like a dentist’s chair. But it had weird looking Oswald had created the ultimate masturbation machine. It connected to
tentacles and other weird appendages all around. Some of the a computer that analyzed everything from rapid-eye-movements, heart
appendages were dripping weird oily substances. A pair of futuristic rate, galvanic responses, and adjusted to create higher and higher levels
looking goggles hung from it. It was connected to a large computer and of erotic pleasure. The images on the virtual reality goggles were
it moved by itself as if it was alive. constantly changing based on the responses of the subject, creating a
kind of psychedelic sexual pipe-dream custom-fitted to the person on
“Ach, wut is dat?” Asked Helga in her Germanic voice. the chair. The tentacles, probes, and appendages massaged and teased
“I call it the Pleasure Machine.” the subject exactly in the places that all the sensors determined could
cause more pleasure. And the massive computer program that ran the
“Oswald, diz time you haff gone too far.” She scolded. machine learned from each response, insuring that the pleasure grew
“Sit on it.” He ordered.
The real-time result for Helga was overwhelming. The machine probed,
penetrated, partitioned and pricked her body in every imaginable erotic,
“Sit on the machine, Helga.” Replied Oswald, deadly serious. lewd area, and the virtual reality goggles started to perfect her vision of
a perfect sexual encounter, creating more and more powerful sexual
Helga did as she was told. Tentatively, she sat down. She was still fantasies until her entire being was possessed by the absolute need to
wearing her night-gown, and she was utterly surprised, and delighted, explode sexually.
when once she sat, her husband helped her remove the gown.
Two hours later, Helga came out of the machine, weak, completely
“Wut are you doing?” she giggled. satisfied, and feeling like she had not felt since she was a toddler. She
“You don’t need clothes for this machine, Helga.” He smiled. said nothing to Oswald. She simply went upstairs and collapsed on her
bed, where she slept the whole day.
And then, he strapped her arms and legs to the chair. This made her a
little nervous, but she had no fear of her husband, so she thought it Early the next morning, Helga was banging on the door of the garage.
might just be some kind of kinky thing. Oswald went to the computer “Oswald, darlink. Might I use your little machine again? I really like zat
terminal and turned on the machine. As if they were alive, the various machine. Can I come in?”
Oswald opened the door again, and strapped his wife to the machine.
This new round of masturbatory magic lasted four hours. The next day it
STRANGE STORIES OF ROBIN KACZMARCZYK 6 lasted six. Basically, Oswald used his wife as test subject for the
perfection of the masturbatory program. And Helga loved every second Oswald was not crazy about working for the DOD, but he really had no
of it. choice. The “agents” that visited him made him an offer he could not
refuse. It’s a sad comment on our modern society that the US Army had
Within a month, Helga had lost 40 lbs, she looked great, athletic, and learned to use all the tricks of the Italian Mafia to convince folks to work
her mental concentration skills had improved over 300%. In fact, her IQ for them.
had improved from the excellent treatment of the magical machine.
Oswald was ready to go to market. Speaking of the Mafia: various underground organizations tried to
kidnap Oswald and Helga to take control of the project, but the US
After discarding the idea of having the machine produced by ordinary government spent millions of dollars in security and a full-time Navy
sex-toy industries, Oswald settled on Volkswagen as his most logical SEAL commando was assigned to secure Oswald and his project. Dozens
partner to manufacture his new toy. The patent lawyers he hired to of attempts on Oswald’s life were stopped by the SEALs.
protect his invention had been thoroughly convinced of the machine’s
functionality by live-test runs. The CEO’s of Volkswagen who got a taste And so, the experiments on the machine’s mind-enhancing went into
of the machine were quickly sold to the idea of manufacturing the hyper-drive. Oswald soon forgot his philosophical disagreement against
machine, and in less than four months, the machine became the most working for the Federal Government when he realized that the
important money-maker for the entire Volkswagen company. scientists that were assigned to his project were helping him think of
new things to improve the functionality of his machine.
Oswald became a multi-millionaire overnight. In a question of months,
he and his wife moved from their humble home to a multimillion dollar Meanwhile, Volkswagen left the automobile business and dedicated
mansion in Malibu, California. The machine sold hundreds of millions of full-time to Masturbation Machines, making them the most important
units in less than a year. household item after the television everywhere in the planet.
Housewives were sitting on their masturbation machines in the most
But Oswald was not satisfied. He kept fine-tuning the machine, trying it remote places on earth thanks to the incredible merchandizing push
on himself and on Helga, but principally on Helga, who went from a 200 from the corporate geniuses at Volkswagen. Other car-companies tried
lbs hausfrau to a drop-dead gorgeous Teutonic diva. In fact, Helga’s to imitate the machine, but nobody ever came close, the secret being
physical health and mental acuity were rising continuously, and for that the patented programs created by Oswald.
matter, so did Oswald’s. This secondary effect of the machine is what
got the CIA and the US Army interested. Meanwhile, Oswald’s new super-secret laboratory in the bowels of
Area-51 was his fondest dream come true. It was the entire might of the
The idea of creating super-soldiers was very old. It was actually as old as US Secret Government at his command. The lab huge, taking up more
World War I, when the Russians and the Germans began to experiment space than a Walmart in Minneapolis. Dozens of white-robed egghead
with ape-human hybrids. All was very hush-hush, of course, but the US scientists, the best of the best in all the most important specializations
Government was no stranger to the search for the super-soldier, and such as programming, biology, anatomy, physics, psychology, genetics
they quietly spied on Oswald’s experiments. and of course, proctology were at there to follow his orders. Oswald
Finally, the big-wings at the Department of Defense decided to act. A also had access to the absolutely newest and best equipment, including
couple of “agents” went to Oswald’s Malibu mansion and paid him a numerous non-patented secret technologies stolen from the alien bases
visit. on the moon. He could spend the rest of his life in this lab and it would
not be a waste of time.
So, finally, after a couple years of Research and Development at the
super-hidden research facility in Area-51, Oswald came up with the
perfect machine.
He had added the use of psychoactive substances, goetic sigils, memetic
lights, alien technology and other magical things to perfect the And suddenly Oswald sprang to life.
masturbatory process and make the absolutely most powerful sexual The General gave a jump backward and pulled out his sidearm.
experience on earth.
But Oswald simply got up, unstrapped from the machine and looked at
And of course, he chose himself as the first live-test subject for his own the general, twisting his neck to one side and then the other. His eyes
machine. were glazed, as if he was still dreaming.
Strapping himself for the first time in his new Super-Machine, Oswald “Jesus Christ, man! What happened to you, man!?” cried the General.
expected the best. Somehow, the machine would change him, and he
didn’t really know what the result would be. Oswald shook again his head and suddenly, he began to glow. He was
glowing like a radioactive light bulb. The General jumped further back,
The process at first, was delightful. Oswald went into psycho-sexual all the scientists in the lab did actually. Armed soldiers stormed the lab.
spaces undreamt of before this time. But soon, the machine began to
torture his body and soul with increasing pleasure. Oswald never And Oswald shrugged his arms and exploded. The powerful explosion
dreamed that pleasure could be painful to such extent, but he felt the knocked everybody out of their feet, but somehow, although every
very fabric of his being torn to pieces by the machine. It was as if the atom of Oswald’s body was torn out of its place by the explosion, the
nature of his being was being disassembled and re-assembles through “essence” of Oswald kept its form. Somehow, Oswald exploded without
sexual stimulus. exploding. His skin, muscle, flesh, his bones… All of them flew into tiny
pieces, but they didn’t either. As if two Oswalds suddenly appeared in
The Army scientists who were monitoring Oswald were amazed to see the same place at the same time occupying the same space. And one of
the readouts of the various sensors that recorded Oswald’s every these Oswalds blew up and the other didn’t.
molecule. Somehow, the machine was masturbating Oswald into
another state of existence. Naked, perfectly still, Oswald stood there, looking at the ruins of his
super-secret lab.
And then…
The Five Star General got up and pointed his side-arm at Oswald.
He died.
“Mister, you better explain yourself!” He shouted.
All the sensors went dead. A Five Star General supervising the
experiment saw the sensors strapped to Oswald go flat-line. But Oswald ignored him completely. Instead, he began to “rise”.

“Is he dead!? Did he die?” He asked his top egghead. “Stop that man!” Shouted the General to his soldiers who rushed
Oswald and tried to grab him.
“It seems so… Sir!” replied the white-robed nerd.
But some kind of invisible force knocked them out of their feet the
The Five Star General walked closer and closer to the dead masturbator moment they tried to hold on to Oswald. And Oswald rose and rose
strapped to the tentacle machine. He touched the seemingly lifeless beyond the cavernous ceiling of the lab, past the bunkers, the higher-
arm of the inventor. levels and finally into the fresh air.
It was daytime outside, and Oswald rose and rose higher and higher.
1 And soon, he was no longer seen.
Helga didn’t really believe her husband had disappeared. She thought
maybe the Government had killed him to keep him quiet about the
machine and steal his project. Still, the Government let her keep her
money and her mansion and she lived the rest of her life in reclusion,
addicted to the machine.
Volkswagen was sued numerous times regarding the addictive
properties of the machine. Apparently, some folks became so addicted
to the machine that they were unable to keep a job, lost their
marriages, abandoned their kids… hell, some even lost their minds. So
the machine was pulled off the shelves and the car company went back
to making cars.
The US Government shelved the Oswald project and went back to killing
black, brown and yellow people in faraway lands.
And Oswald?
Well… Oswald sightings became commonplace. Some folks claimed he
had become a God. Others said he was the devil. A church grew out of
his ashes with masturbation as its principal communion. The machine
went underground, with adherents and devotees trying to imitate the
path of Oswald to rise up to heaven.
You could say Oswald is now everywhere always. But he was also
neither here… Nor there. His masturbatory machine had masturbated
him into transcendence.

A great applause erupted very much like a thunderstorm inside the
Mann’s Chinese Theatre. Jack allowed himself another rising and falling
of his distinctive eyebrows and his smile widened just slightly.
JACK NICHOLSON IN HELL He got up, went to stand next to Tom Hanks and received the golden
Jack Nicholson looked at the assembled usual suspects at the Academy award from his hands.
Awards and sighed. He was getting too old for this shit. He had his usual “Thanks.” He said simply.
grin well plastered on his face, but he actually felt tired and a bit
annoyed. The show was not as good as other years, and having Justin “You’re the man, Jack.” Said Tom.
Bieber as an MC was simply wrong. Not much he could do about it,
“Well, I guess this is the moment where I get to thank certain persons
for this… award…” began Jack to say.
Oh, his voice weighed lots with the studios, but not enough. Never
And suddenly, all the lights went off.
Now, here you must try to understand, dear reader, how utterly
Still, when Tom Hanks came up to the stage, Jack smiled and meant it
improbable it was for all the lights to go off in the Mann’s Chinese
this time. Tom was going to announce Jack’s Lifetime Achievement
Theatre during the Academy Awards. It’s not only that Los Angeles, and
Award, and so, watching him go up to the podium sent a well-deserved
Hollywood specifically has one of the most secure electrical systems in
and much needed jolt of electricity up Jack’s spine. Jack allowed his
the world. There are so many safeguards during the Academy Awards to
patented eyebrows to raise just so…
keep the lights on, that it makes any hospital, which has numerous
Tom was alright, but he was a bit stiff for Jack’s taste. A profoundly safeguards to keep the lights on, unsecure. Huge mobile generators, as
strawberry guy, Tom Hanks made Nancy Reagan look like a crack whore. many as six at a time might be employed to guarantee a steady supply
Jack didn’t really mind strawberries, but he didn’t hang out with them of electricity during the show. Now this is not so rare, since the
either. Academy Awards use a huge amount of lighting which pulls on a huge
amount of electric power, so having generators to keep all those lights
“Ladies and gentlemen, there are certain Hollywood figures who stand on is perfectly normal. And these generators work on diesel fuel, so
out no matter what they are doing. Their lives, their thoughts and their unless some kind of cosmic solar flare or some act of magic intervenes,
acts speak out so loud and clear that we can only stand in their shadow it is near impossible for the lights to go out during the Academy Awards
wondering at them, as if they were ancient pagan gods who stood in Hollywood.
towering over us, unreachable, untouchable but always amazing.
Always awesome! It is with great pride that I am able to present to you But the lights went out.
the Academy’s Lifetime Achievement Award, which is Hollywood’s way
And Jack thought: It must be a joke. So he didn’t panic. He didn’t
of making sure that certain individuals of a special kind reach that level
scream. He didn’t even sweat. He just stood there, in the utter dark and
of immortality that only old gods and legends might aspire to. And this
year’s Lifetime Achievement Award goes to the man himself: Jack
Nicholson!” “Tom, did you turn out the lights?”
And Tom Hanks said: “No, Jack.”
And suddenly, the lights went back up. And standing between Jack and Lucifer smiled and snapped his fingers again. Tom Hanks and the six
Tom was a most peculiar little man wearing a red tuxedo, with a security guards appeared behind them, neatly tied up and muzzled.
handsome face, a dark goatee beard, and oh, yeah, two little red horns
and a most peculiar red tail coming out of his butt. “Oh.” Said Jack.

“Jesus!” Said Jack. “So, Jack, let me tell you what I want to do for you…” said the devil.

“Eh, no, Jack, sorry. I am not Jesus. I’m actually the other guy.” “Are you going to take me to hell?” Asked Jack, slightly nervous.

“Who the hell are you? Security!.... Tom Hanks began to say…” “Oh, no, that would be such a waste… I love your movies, man. You’re
the one guy who can really make me want to watch a movie from start
“This does not concern you, Tom. I’ll come for you some other time.” to finish, and believe me, that’s pretty amazing. No, Jack, I came here to
Said the newcomer. make one of your wishes come true. It’s my way of thanking you for a
job well done. Nobody has made the devil look better than you. Not
And he snapped his fingers and suddenly, Tom Hanks disappeared. Six
even Al Pacino.”
burly tuxedoed security guards rushed the horned man, and once again,
a snap of the fingers and they too, had disappeared. Jack smiled really wide now. He licked his lips and cracked his knuckles.
This was turning out to be a wonderful, awesome day, beyond even his
The fellow took the microphone from the open-mouthed actor and
own highest expectations.
addressed the audience, smiling.
“Anything I want?”
“Ladies and Gentlemen! Allow me to introduce myself: I am Lucifer,
God’s favorite fallen angel, and the fellow charged with judging all of “Anything, Jack. Anything you want.”
you after death. I was so overjoyed with the Academy’s choice for a
Lifetime Achievement Award this year, that, I decided to make a special “Really? And… sorry to ask you this, but… what’s the catch? I mean, if
appearance to congratulate Jack Nicholson in person. Mr. Nicholson had you really are the devil and that, surely there is catch to this?” Said
the audacity to portray me in the film “the Witches of Eastwick” and I Jack, suddenly realizing that maybe things were not what really they
was so pleased with his portrayal that I decided to give Jack my special appeared to be.
thanks for having done such a wonderful job. Jack, thanks.” “There’s no catch, Jack. I’m Lucifer. I get to choose whose wishes I want
The devil gave Jack a friendly pat on the back and waited for the movie to make come true. And frankly, I don’t see anybody in this theatre, or
star to say something. And for once, Jack squinted and tried to figure for that matter in the planet more worthy of having his wish come true
out what to say next. The young man facing Jack reminded the actor of than you.”
himself when he was just starting his career doing Roger Corman “Alright. I like that.” Said Jack, feeling a little out of himself. “But I’m
movies. not sure if I can trust you, fella.”
“Eh. Thanks, I guess. I mean, but if you are really Lucifer. What did you “Just remember, Jack, that you gotta be careful what you wish for.
do with Tom Hanks and the security guards?” You’re a smart guy. Think carefully what you want and I will make it
come true. Fame and fortune you already have, so it’s probably not too
many things worth asking for, don’t you think?”
1 “Well, yeah, that’s true. Fame I have and fortune too. I don’t have any
6 enemies to speak of, and I know pretty much everything I need to know
“Can you believe that? They let anybody in at the awards nowadays.”
to be happy. My kids, my grandkids… They’re all fine. Their futures are Said Tom Hanks.
guaranteed. And it’s not like I want to wish for world peace or
something like that. I know even you have your limits.” Jack just smiled and wondered how long a long life was.

“Right, Jack.” -------------------------------------

“Alright, alright… I’m getting the picture. Give me a second here…” said It was the year 3728 and the holographic premiere of THE WITCHES OF
Jack, feeling pressured. EASTWICK XXXIV at the Mann’s Chinese Theatre. The city of Hollywood
had long ago been made into a submarine paradise for mermen and
“Folks want to know who is going to be the best actor this year. Time is other underwater creatures. It sank deep under the Pacific Ocean
wasting.” Smiled the devil. hundreds of years back and it was almost completely destroyed. But
“Right… Right…” said Jack, now really feeling hurried. decades of underwater restoration work by mermen and octopus
people had brought the old theatre back to its prominent place as the
The lights were hot and he had been longer than he wanted onstage. entertainment capital of the world… well, of the galaxy, now. A huge
Folks were looking at him, losing their patience. Arnold Swartzenegger bubble of air protected the old theatre from the elements and
farted. Tom Hanks and the security guards began to wave their heads as permitted surface-people to visit it. One such person was Jack
if to say…. “Get it over with”. Al Pacino, jealous that the devil came to Nicholson, the star of the show.
grant Jack a wish, started to clean his nails, smiling.
He stood alone, walking the red carpet as he had done millennia ago. It
“Come on, Jack… I don’t have all day.” was all exactly as it had been before. The limo. The crowd of adoring
fans. The director and co-stars. The lights. The police officers…
“Alright, I guess. It’s not really special or nothing, but it’s something
everybody wishes for and … certainly I do too at my age, and with my Except that now, huge sperm whales and giant calamari swam over his
physical condition. I want to be very healthy, Luie old friend. I want to head.
be very healthy and live a very long, long life.”
A little octopus-creature-girl somehow broke the barrier that separated
“DONE!” Said the devil. Jack from ordinary creatures and came up to him, wearing a “water
helmet”, used by aquatic creatures who wanted to attend shows at the
And he shook Jack’s hands vigorously and gave him a great hug.
non-aquatic Mann’s Chinese Theatre. Hollywood might be under the
“And now, if you excuse me, I’m off. Other souls to corrupt and other ocean, but the Mann’s Chinese was still reserved mostly for humans.
places to visit. Congratulations on your lifetime achievement award!”
An automatic translating device translated the garbled squishy sounds
He said. And as he said it he disappeared in a huge red cloud of fire-and-
made by the tentacled girl into English.
“Might I have your autograph, Mr. Nicholson? I have always been your
By now, Tom Hanks and the security guards had been untied and Tom
biggest fan!”
rejoined Jack at the podium.
Jack swallowed hard and bend over to reach for the writing device held
by the squishy girl-thing. She wore a “dress” made to look like the
original dress used by Cher in the movie. It did nothing to cover her
1 tentacles and slimy green-gray skin. But Jack was never ungrateful to his
8 fans, no matter how squishy.
The girl-thing squealed like a… squid and shook all her many tentacles
with emotion as Jack scribbled his name on her device.
Jack continued his way down the red carpet as cameras flashed on his
face. How was it possible that mankind had learned to travel to the
edges of the universe but they still had fucking paparazzi using fucking
Suddenly, a familiar face came up to him smiling. It was Lucifer. He was
leaning over next to the principal entrance.
“Louie… Eh…. Louie!”
“Hey Jack.”
“Louie, you cheated me. I never asked you for eternal life, and now look
at me! I’m signing autographs to squids!”
“You don’t have eternal life, Jack.”
“What do you mean!? It’s been over a thousand years!”
“Long ago, before the fall of man, mankind could live… almost forever,
Jack. I just gave you what you asked for.”
“All my friends… all my family. They’re dead, Lou.” Said Jack, almost
“Yeah, well…” The devil seemed calm.
“Shit… You always do that don’t you? You can’t help yourself.” Now Jack
was angry. He had been played and he knew it.
“Yeah, well… I’m the devil. What do you want? Do you want me to take
back my gift?”
Jack thought about it. He still had his fame, his fortune. His adoring
fans… even though now they had tentacles.
“Nahhhh. It’s all water under the bridge, Louie old friend. It’s all water
under the bridge.”

My master has a brother, and he wants me gone. Oh, he’s nice enough,
and gives me food and water, and yes, even love. But I know his mind, I
My life as a Guard Dog know what he wants to do with me. He told my master’s friend that I
was dangerous, and that I had to go.
It makes me sad.
My life consists of six feet.
I don’t want to go.
That is the length of the chain that holds me to my position as guard
But it makes me even sadder because my master’s children love me and
dog of my family’s house. It is not a nice life. In fact, if I were a human, it
I love them, but it is the evil brother who decides those things. He is my
would be called hell, but I’m just a Guard Dog, so…
…. What do they call him? Guardian. He even brings my food. It’s a bad
Six feet. situation.

That’s what I got to live on. But do you know what is worse?

Oh, I don’t need for anything. My Master gives me food and water, It was not always like this. When my Master was my… “Guardian” I
cleans the shits I make all over the garden, and even, occasionally, could be inside the house, and sleep with master and her children. But
bathes me. He also speaks nicely to me, and makes me think I am no longer. That damn master’s brother said I was not “potty trained”
special somehow… and I had to sleep outside. And the, because I was so sad that I lived
outside, I left, and went to see my friends, who live in another ranch.
On the six feet where I am allowed to exist.
So then… came…
Folks get really afraid of me. You can smell it in their sweat. They are
afraid because I am of that race of dogs that know how to kill things, THE CHAIN.
and I have been in a few battles, so I am scarred all over my face, my
I hate the chain. It’s tied to a post and its only 6 foot long. So my space
body. And my scars give me a fearful countenance, the look of a terrible
has been cut horribly, and now all I can do is bark in horror at my
beast, ready to kill you.
terrible imprisonment. Nobody should have to live in prison. Nobody
Once, a man tried to kill me with a machete. I was really scared, and he should have to be tied to a chain. The chain itself is the evil.
hit me first, so I ran from him. I hid under the house, bleeding. I thought
The chain is pain.
I would die.
It’s not my fault, dammit.
Whenever I go out, dogs attack me, so I am good at fighting. I even
killed one once, a little one, of those pesky Chihuahuas who bark a lot The other day, I found a way out. There were some dogs and their
but don’t have much of a bite. I don’t take no shit from nobody, and I damned owner outside, mocking me. They were mocking the chain…
will bite gleefully and gladly whoever comes into my space without an but I found a weak link in it. I know, now, that eventually, when it really
invitation. You have to be strong in this world. Especially when folks go matters, I will be able to break the chain.
around armed with machetes and guns.
I hope it is when those dogs pass by. They live next door and I am
waiting for the right time to take care of them. They have it coming. You
2 see? They don’t live in chains. They walk, every day, with their owner,
2 who must not own a chain.
They know nothing of pain. I will change that.

coming out of Redford’s room so late. It must have been around two in
the morning. So later in the day, I went up to him and asked him.

My sister Jenny and I were orphaned on my tenth birthday. She was “Don’t you know, Jackie?” he told me. “If you want special favors from
only seven, and I felt great responsibility for her. Our parents died in a the Malloy’s, you gotta learn to roll!”
tragic car accident one night. They didn’t left for a party early and we “What do you mean Jonesy?” I kept asking.
stayed with our baby sitter. But when they come home that night, and
we went to bed thinking maybe they were going to stay later than our “You let them screw you, Jack! You let them fuck you. Do you know
allowed bed time. It was a great surprise to all of us when the police what it means to fuck?” he said laughing but without a drop of humor
arrived in the middle of the night and informed the baby sitter that our on his voice.
parents had been killed.
And he let the subject drop completely and went on to read his new
Jenny and I had no other relatives, so the child-protective services sent comic book. I had always been curious why the Malloy’s always bought
us to the home of Redford and Alice Malloy, who worked as state- Jonesy comic-books. They didn’t buy anybody else comic books. Now I
sponsored foster parents. They lived in a large two story house with six understood.
other foster kids who ranged in age from eight months to fourteen
That night, I told Jenny my plans to escape. I didn’t really tell her why.
years old. The government paid the Malloy’s for each kid they kept, so
But she didn’t question me. I was the highest authority in her life, and if
for them it had become a kind of business taking in emergency cases
I told her to jump in front of a train, she would. I came up with a stupid
like ours.
reason… the only one that came to my mind.
The Malloy’s were also serial child rapists.
“We’re going to the North Pole to live with Santa.” I said.
It began one night I got up to pee and saw when Rebecca, a seven year
Jenny was crazy about Santa, and since our parents died, Santa had not
old African American kid coming out of Redford’s room. She was in her
brought us any gifts for Christmas, so the idea of going to find him in his
pajamas and holding her genitals as if she needed to go pee. She was
home turf was very much to her liking. Jenny had always been a
also crying but quietly. She was shocked to see me, and when she did,
trusting, simple soul, and getting her up in the middle of the night and
the shook her head as if to say: “don’t say anything!” Our eye contact
then convincing her of getting all her stuff together and following me to
was brutal and short, and she scuttled to her room and shut the door.
the North Pole was a cinch. I was really worried for her. She would have
At the time, I did not register what could be happening, and the next been easy prey for Redford.
day, Rebecca seemed perfectly ordinary and she did not mention the
We didn’t have much, so packing was easy. We put on our best winter
incident. But a few weeks later, I saw the 14 year old runaway, Jonesy
clothes. It was winter and very cold outside. Snow had been falling for
coming out of Redford’s room. He was also only wearing pajamas. He
had a history of prostitution and drug use, and he had this look on his
face… The same look of someone who has just stepped on dog shit. Leaving the house was a little more complex. Our room was upstairs, at
the end of a hall with the rooms of the other kids adjacent. At the other
I had, once again, gotten up to go pee. This time, Jonesy did not see me,
end of the hall was the room of Redford and his wife, so if he decided to
but I saw him, and it seemed right down curious that he would be
leave through the hallway, we risked not only waking up the other kids,
but also getting caught by Redford.
STRANGE STORIES OF ROBIN KACZMARCZYK So I would risk the window. It was a hard climb, but I had seen plenty of
prison-escape movies, and I knew I could tie up the blankets to make a
rope. It took longer than I had hoped, maybe an hour or so. During that
time, Jenny began to fantasize about going to see Santa. She made up The snow was falling hard now. And when I heard a car coming, I hoped
this crazy fantasy about becoming an elf and working in the toy factory. it was somebody who would give us a ride. But the car turned out to be
She thought that elves ate only cookies and milk and she wondered if Redford’s pickup, so I told Jenny to run into the woods with me. And run
she would eat spaghetti again. She loved spaghetti. we did…

Finally, the rope was ready, and I tied it to the heavy wooden bed. I Into the woods.
gave a few tugs to make sure it would not move the bed, and it seemed But Redford had no problem finding our tracks, and Jenny was already
okay. tired from walking in the snow so long, so he caught up to us quickly. He
“Jenny, I am going to climb down first, and then you climb after me, cornered Jenny first, near some trees. I managed to hide behind a
okay?” I told my sister. snowdrift.

“Okay!” she parroted. She loved adventure, and this was going to be the “Jenny! Where’s Jack? What were you crazy kids thinking?” He said
most epic adventure of all. sweetly.

I climbed down and then motioned for Jenny to climb after me. It was Amazingly, it stopped snowing and the stars began to shine. It was a
amazing to see how nimble she was. She climbed like a little monkey, magical moment. As if time suddenly became sluggish and everything
and much faster than I did. We had backpacks, leaving the heavier was enhanced. Like when you go from the images of the original
hand-luggage behind and we took only what I considered indispensable, Nintendo to the images of a Nintendo 4.
which meant, principally good warm clothes, but also survival stuff like a “Jack said we were going to find Santa!!” said Jenny. She was crying. Not
couple of flashlights, a couple of knives, and all the stuff they tell you to sure why she was crying, but she was crying.
take during an earthquake on the television. Food and water for
instance. “Your brother’s gone crazy, Jenny. Come here with me, before you
freeze to death. We have to find Jack.”
We were ready.
“But, I don’t wanna go back!” She cried.
And I had no clue where we would go. I only knew we had to get very
far away from this house and these terrible people. “Why!?” Redford asked, perfectly innocent.

The Malloy home was a ranch house, quite far from any town. It was a “Because Jack said you hurt children. He said you hurt Rebecca and
rural house near a freeway, so we had at least four kilometers to hike Jonesy too. That he saw you!” she cried.
before we got to the nearest town. Maybe once there, we could find Meanwhile, Redford got closer and closer to my sister, much like a wolf,
some shelter. For the moment, the key element was to put a lot of stalking some poor rabbit. Jenny was just crying and crying and didn’t
distance between us and them. With a little luck, maybe somebody move. I was terrified, but also, I was getting very, very angry.
would pick us up.
“I’d never hurt ‘Becca or Jonesy, Jenny. I love them, and they love me.
I had not expected Redford to find us so soon. They are like my own children.” Said Redford, perfectly reasonable.
“Not true!” Cried Jenny back.
2 “True!” He said.
And in one fool swoop, he snatched my sister in his huge hands. And the Pretty soon, he was no longer moving, but I just kept stabbing.
moment he snatched her, his demeanor changed completely and he
began to shake her roughly. It was only after Jenny came to me and held my arm and said: “Stop it!”
that I was able to stop.
“Where is Jack!?” He shouted at her.
Jenny and I looked at my handy work.
This froze Jenny completely, and she began to wail, but there was
nobody to come to her aid. And her wails only made Redford madder Redford was lying dead in a pool of his own blood. There was so much
and he shook her harder. blood that it was hard to see him under it. The gore covered his face
completely. The blood was sinking under the snow, sending little heat-
“Where’s Jack!?” He repeated. clouds before freezing.
“I don’t know!” She finally manage to scream between wails. “Please let We were too shocked for words. We only knew we had to leave that
me go, you are hurting me!” place. Jenny looked at me with such weird eyes, between fear, love and
desperation. Redford’s blood was warm on my hands.
Redford stopped shaking her. But he did not let go. Instead, he picked
her up and began to take off her boots. I washed it off with snow.
“You’ve been a very naughty girl, Jenny! And now, I’m gonna punish you I had the presence of mind to take Redford’s wallet.
for it!”
Later that night, Jenny and I arrived at the greyhound station. It had
Jenny wailed. Redford slapped her face. Hard. been a hard walk, and we had walked the rest of the night. We arrived
in the early morning. And Jenny was almost falling asleep.
The shock of the slap made her stop wailing completely. She had not
expected such violence. She went limp, like a rag-doll. And then Redford I went to the counter and an old black lady looked at me, all tired and
began to take down her pants. stuff and whistled.
“Jenny, you need to be punished! So I am going to punish you for “Where you kids coming from? The North Pole?” She said.
running away, and then we are going to find Jack.” He said. But now, his
voice was not angry any more. It was more… sinister. “We were visiting our uncle here in Springfield, but we need to get back
to Anchorage. Our uncle had a party last night and he’s still asleep. And
My knife hit him on the back of the neck. our parents are going to be waiting for us.”
He dropped my sister on the snow and swung around to face me. Once “Well, it’s awful early to be going to Anchorage.” She said. And she
again, I plunged my knife, but this time, it was on his right eye. He issued two tickets to Anchorage, Alaska. “Breakfast is on the house.
screamed and tried to ward the knife off with his hand, but I quickly Here’s two complimentary vouchers. Make sure you kids have a good
took it out and stabbed again, rapidly in succession. His stomach, his breakfast. It’s a long trip.”
legs, his arms. I stabbed everywhere I could, and Redford was utterly
unable to defend himself, blinded by his own blood and with the shock We had breakfast and then got on the bus. Jenny slept through the
of dying. entire trip, but I was not able to sleep at all, although I was utterly
exhausted. From Anchorage, we kept going north. The towns got
smaller and smaller… Finally, there were no more buses and we had to
3 go on foot.
0 It was still a very long way to the North Pole.
Nick Holder stood outside his favorite book store “Calhoun’s Books” in
the corner of Castro Street and Elizabeth Street. A longtime customer,
Nick knew intimately all the details of the store owner, Oliver Calhoun’s
life. And Oliver knew all about Nick. Both men shared the same tastes in
esoteric books, occult philosophies and oddly enough, young men. But
both were old, too old, meaning, over fifty-five, for such adventures as
the ones that one has with young men, so their conversations usually
took them to criticizing or praising the beauty of said people.
That particular Sunday, Nick had felt weird all day. His usual routine of
going out for coffee and muffins was over one hour late, and so when
he finally arrived at Calhoun’s he was already two hours past the usual
time he arrived to visit his friend. Usually, the store opened at 10 a.m.
sharp and Nick was there at 10:45 a.m. sharp. But unusually, it was well
past 12:00 o’clock when Nick arrived, holding Oliver’s coffee and
doughnuts, another part of the Sunday ritual between the two friends.
It was a chilly but sunny day.
“Running kinda late today, Nick.” Said Oliver as a greeting, sitting
looking at his bills which were scattered around a large oak counter.
Nick set the paper bag containing the coffee and doughnuts on the
counter, well away from the paperwork and smiled at this.
“I don’t feel well, Oliver. Must be the flu.” He replied. “But the coffee is
still hot.”
“And I am starving!” Nodded the slightly obese book-keeper.
The men were a complete contrast in form: Nick was cadaveric thin and
totally Woodstock material, he looked like an old hairy hippy bird.
Oliver, on the other hand, was about 80 lbs overweight, clean-shaven,
3 bald and dressed like an accountant, complete with ill-fitting jacket, a
2 tie too colorful and too small, and a badly ironed shirt. And yet,
The illustrations of the book were childish but quite interesting.
somehow, these totally different men were the best of friends for over Anthropomorphic creatures half-man half-animal, weird worlds with
four decades. strange buildings and many maps of places that never were. Nick was
Calhoun’s Books was a Victorian style storefront, carpeted, and transfixed by the strange book. But Oliver was always able to find the
furnished primarily with rows upon rows of pine-wood bookshelves, most exotic and incredible tomes.
both wall and self-standing. The thousands of books were cleverly Their conversation lasted a couple of hours. During that time, Oliver
arranged by subject matter and then by title alphabetically or by author attended a few sporadic clients. When Oliver had to work, Nick went
in the case of important authors. Oliver had been buying and selling back to the new book, looking at the pages and reading a few pages,
books all his life, and the store was actually third generation, passed mostly those next to the weird illustrations. The book was utterly crazy.
down from his grandfather to his father, both now passed. Books were The author wrote about stuff regarding life-after death and cosmic
Oliver’s life since childhood. issues relating to a pantheon which made Nick think about HP Lovecraft,
“How goes retirement?” Asked Oliver. although the book also spoke about more common gods as well, such as
those of the Hindu and Aztec pantheons.
Nick had retired from his job as a commercial artist with a big PR firm
just recently, and he found the extra time on his hands actually quite After a while, Nick was ready to go home and he paid Oliver for the
accommodating. He could read more books. book, which he put under his arm.

“Excellent, Oliver, excellent.” “Well, I suppose now that you are retired, you will be coming here more
often, so maybe I take out that old chessboard from the attic at home
“I found a book that might be of your interests…!” Said the pudgy and we can play chess, like when we were in school.” Said Oliver.
“I’d like that very much, Oliver. When are you going to retire?”
And Oliver pulled out a curious large leather-bound volume with no
markings whatsoever. He gave it to Nick and Nick opened the first page, “Folks don’t retire from a book-store, Nick. Besides, do you see me
encountering ink hand-writing which was clearly not copied, but working hard?”
actually made by hand. Nick laughed.
“The Grimoire of Nasrudin of Nagaloka, 1996. San Francisco, California.
” Read Nick. “See you later, Oliver.”
“It’s actually an amazing document. Probably the diary of a very “See you later, Nick.
disturbed man, but written with perfect calligraphy and there are some
amazing illustrations! Solomonic magic, demonology, goetic magic… All Nick walked outside, and suddenly, the world made no more sense.
the stuff you crave.” Said Oliver.
He was outside the store standing in the street, and nothing was
“Thanks.” Nick smiled at his friend, looking at some of the illustrations. changed, except that now, fish were swimming in the air, which had a
strange blue-tinge, as if San Francisco were under the ocean, and Nick
were standing on the ocean-floor. Huge sailfish, little crabs under his
feet, a lazy octopus near a mailbox.
STRANGE STORIES OF ROBIN KACZMARCZYK Nick dropped the book under his arm and covered his face. He thought
4 maybe he was having an LSD flashback, but he had never been in such a
strong trip before. He rubbed his eyes strongly, and shook his head
before opening them again.
He was still at the bottom of the ocean, with the rest of the city.
The street was oddly empty. A few cars were driving on the street and a
little girl was playing with a kitty cat on the other side of the street, but
neither she, nor the little cat seemed bothered by the fact that they
were under the ocean. An old lady came out of her house with clutching
a purse. A newspaper delivery boy drove in his bike. Nobody seemed to
care that fish were swimming among them.
But not only fish. There were also a great sperm whale above their
heads. She was so gigantic that much like a cloud, she covered the sun
during her progress.
Nick was losing his mind.
And then he remembered the book. One of the pages had a drawing of Nick screamed and screamed and screamed… But nobody seemed to
a whale next to it. Nick picked up the book from the street and thought care.
it was even stranger, this hallucination of his, because the book was not
even wet, although all the city was under water.
He looked for the page with the whale…
And there it was. The drawing of a whale… flying over some trees! A
little figure, surely a man stood under the whale which was swimming
above the trees. Nick read the caption on the drawing: “At the time of
death, it is widely known by certain sects, that whales come to devour
the souls of those who have died without the name of God on their
Nick dropped the book again, now with horror in his face, and it was just
in that moment that he noticed that the whale, which was swimming
slowly over the rooftops of the buildings noticed him. And when the
whale noticed Nick, she turned around and started to swim towards
him, opening her terrible toothy jaws.

You don’t know who I am?
I wagged my tail.
My grandson looked at me and smiled, but there was no recognition.
How could I expect him to recognize me? I had changed quite a bit since
my death. Still, I had forgotten nothing.
The little house had not changed, like me. My grandson, Jeremy was a
little bigger than I remembered. I had died when he was five or six, and
the big boy playing in the garden outside must be at least seven or
eight. He wore blue overalls, a plaid shirt and barefoot. Typical redneck
attire. Jeremy was a delightful little redneck, just like his mom and dad.
He was even, honest to God, chewing on a stick he picked from the
apple tree. His blond hair was wild and long… much too long. Roy was a
hippie to let his kid keep his hair so long. His blue eyes were profound
and full of joy. He was a happy kid. I wondered where Sofia would be.
His sister must be playing inside.
The garden… It looked better than before. I had let it go since my wife
died, and now, it had new flowers, sunflowers, gardenias, and a sapling
apple tree. Somebody had repaired the swing, which had been broken
since the kids had left home for collage. I had left everything to my two
sons, Tom and Roy.
Tom had sold his portion of the house to Roy, who was a steady with a
construction company. Roy was still paying Tom off, but Tom was gay,
and had no kids, and Roy had Jeremy and Sofia, so he needed the space.
The next door neighbors had moved and their home looked closed. The
windows were boarded up. It was the only other property nearby, and it
was huge, expensive and unsellable. The neighbors had bought it after
they won a wrongful death lawsuit, but they were city folk, and knew
nothing about the south, or living out in nature. They hadn’t lasted long,
although their huge two story home had cost the lives of four great
aspens. I wonder how many birds and squirrels lost their homes to allow
those damn city folk to build their home. Well, for sure that big
abandoned house was now full of rats and roaches.

3 Decades ago, when I had just bought the land to build my own home for
STRANGE STORIES OF ROBIN KACZMARCZYK me and my wife and our two kids, I had made a real effort to keep all
the trees intact in the property. I didn’t cut a single damn tree, and I
built around them, thinking always on a way to make the garden My boy. My Roy. My pride and joy. Did he know me? Did he know who I
beautiful naturally. I did love trees when I was alive. was?
I turned my attention back to Jeremy and barked at him. “What’s this dog doing in the kitchen?” He snarled. He had the look of
someone who had just woken up.
“Puppy! Where did you come from?” He smiled.
“We found him in the garden. He’s just a puppy.” Said Jeremy.
Somehow, my barking also made Sofia appear out of nowhere in
particular. I recognized her immediately. She had not changed at all, “Can we keep him? Please, daddy! Please, can we keep him?” It was
except, perhaps for being a little slimmer and taller. She was all dimples now Sofia’s turn, and she made sure to put emphasis on her request by
and smiles and long blond hair. If cute can be defined by a little girl, rushing over and hugging her dad’s legs tightly.
Sofia would define it perfectly. But her cuteness was accented by a
certain subtle beauty that made me think someday, she would be a very “Oh, Jesus. A dog. What kind of dog is he anyhow?”
beautiful woman. I was thinking: I am not a dog you fool. I am your father!
“A Puppy!” She squealed. “A real live Puppy!” “A puppy dog!” Said Sofia.
“Well he sure aint’ a read dead puppy Sof you dingbat.” “He’s some kind of schnauzer, I think…” Said my son.
I made sure to make a show for them. I hadn’t seen my grandkids since “He looks like Grandpa Stan with those big mustachios.” Said Jeremy.
my death, and I was feeling exited. In a very canine way. I jumped and
wagged my tail and barked and licked their hands and faces. They knew There. He had said it. Jeremy recognized me. I barked loudly many
me… I thought. They knew who I was, didn’t they? times, trying to tell them the truth. I was Grandpa Stanley. I was Stanley.
I had died, but I was alive again… They had to understand!
Or at least… At least I knew who they were. They were Jeremy and
Sofia, my precious, adorable grandkids. “He sure barks a lot.” Said Roy. Maybe he’s got rabies!

We played together, my grandchildren and I in the garden. It felt like a Sofia made sure to dismiss this abjectly absurd theory. She went over to
lifetime of running, wagging the tail, chasing after sticks, licking faces me and began to calm me down by caressing me over and over.
and hands, nibbling on butts and cuddling. I was feeling wonderful,
“Don’t be ridiculous, daddy. He’s not got rabies. He’s just happy.”
peaceful, I was home again!
I didn’t need to be thrown out of my own house, so I did my best to
demonstrate I had no rabies and whined in consent. I also licked her
I was a dog. hands in submission. What must a dog do to get adopted?

Later, the kids took me back to the house. Their dad was upstairs, “Oh, he looks harmless enough and we could use a guard dog. Besides
sleeping, so they fed me leftover chicken and put a bowl with water for he seems friendly. He’s even kind of cute… with those big mustachios.
me. I was halfway through a chicken bone when Roy came down. Yeah, okay, okay… we’ll keep him. But you two will have to take care of
him, and feed him and potty-train him. You understand?”
Both kids nodded their agreement.
STRANGE STORIES OF ROBIN KACZMARCZYK I was accepted! I was home again! I was… with my family!
Unable to contain my joy, I jumped into my son’s harms and licked his
face over and over in gratitude. He didn’t seem to mind.
“Friendly little bugger eh?!” was all he managed to say.
At the age of 83, I died of a massive stroke which I had in my own home,
watching television. I don’t remember much after that, except that
somehow, I managed later, maybe years later, to come back home and
rejoin my family after death.
But I was no longer a human being.
I was a dog.
Oddly enough, I remember my human life perfectly well. I have no
doubt about being who I was before I became “Mustachio”, my own
son’s family dog. The house we live in? I built it. The garden where I like
to dig holes? I bought it.
I have tried, without much success, to convince my family of my true
identity. Oh, I understand everything they say. I can understand English
perfectly. But I seem unable to speak it. All that comes out of me is
barks and growls.
For some reason, I have also forgotten how to write. I tried to make my
story known to my family by writing it down with ink which I found on
my son’s office, but all I managed was to make a mess of spilt ink and
ruined carpets. I was punished and had to sleep outside two whole days
for my efforts.
My family seems to think I am an unusually smart dog, but they fail to
see the reality of the situation. I am actually their dear, departed
Granddad Stanley.

How? How could a person live in two worlds at once? Well, if you know
Santa Claus Pedophile. anything about our illustrious leader, Elder Jigolanthas, you will know
that people living in two bodies is actually far more ordinary than most
Some of you, the clever ones, might have suspected that Old St’ Nick would think.
was always a little weird.
Nick Klaus’ soul was split in two by Elder Jigolanthas. Nick also was none
Something about running around the world going inside folks’ homes, other than our beloved leader. This is because Elder Jigolanthas had, at
targeting their children by writing them on a list, and then breaking and the moment of Nick’s birth, took a small piece of Nick’s soul into his
entering to put children’s toys under a tree when everybody is sleeping own body and in exchange, gave Nick a little bit of his own soul. It’s a
is a bit … suspicious? Is Santa really a child-stalker? What exactly does magical process that has been perfected by only a few sorcerers in the
he do with the kids on the “other” list, the list of naughty kids? universe, but it has the extraordinary effect of extending the life of the
spell-caster way beyond any normal limits.
But of course, if you are thinking all that, you are dirty-minded soul and
should probably wash your brain with soap and water. Small detail. Nick became Santa Claus when he died. Santa Claus is
immortal. That makes Elder Jigolanthas immortal.
Well, finally, I am here to set the record straight.
I have traveled with special invitation to the Pink Tower, home of our
Here is the real story. It’s the scoop of the millennium. I, Henry St. beloved leader, to interview him about his double life as Santa Claus.
Croix, star reporter of the Lollipop City News have come here to give it The interview took place inside his gorgeous garden home on the
to you in this super exclusive article just for you. And of course, you will penthouse of the Pink Tower, where a small army of naked nymphs
find it only here, on the best newspaper in the galaxy. attend to his every wish.
Santa Claus was not always the jolly old elf he became known to be in During the interview, Elder Jigolanthas sat at his throne, next to his
his later years. In fact, as a young man, he was actually a very nasty “pool of love”, at the center of the penthouse gigantic garden. I sat next
person. His real name was Nicholas Klaus, from Munster, Germany. And to him, with nothing more than my notepad and a cup of hot chocolate
before he became “Santa” or actually “Saint”, he was kind of a weirdo. to interview him. Clothing is usually forbidden once you reach the
Nick Klaus always loved children, but… he loved them in all the wrong penthouse.
ways. And guess what? Nicholas was really an avatar of another entity. Nymphs offered me whatever I wanted to eat or drink, and whatever
Nick lived on earth, sure, circa the 12 century Germany, where he
sexual favors I might require after the interview. But then, if you make it
worked as a priest. And oh, yeah, he was also a school-teacher. all the way to the penthouse of the biggest penis-building on the planet,
The weird part is that Nick Klaus, the pedophile priest and school it is only natural things might get a little hot and heavy.
teacher of Munster Germany in the 12 Century was also, Following is the interview in exclusive and in its entirety:
simultaneously, a totally different entity, living on faraway Planet, in this
case, Planet Om’Haha, the home of some really perverted, sexually HS: Elder Jigolanthas, beloved leader, immortal wisdom flows through
permissive and drug-addled hairy hobbits known as Nobbits. your sacred veins and I am humbled by your divine presence. Thank you
so much for the opportunity to interview you here in your own home.
EJ: You are welcome.
4 HS: The reason I wanted to interview you today was very specific. I have
4 investigated a little about the origins of Santa Claus on planet earth, and
not only did I discover that he is real, I also discovered that he is… HS: But he was a particularly nasty character, wasn’t he?
Somehow… Also you. And that you and Santa Claus exist
simultaneously, although you are really only one entity. How is this EJ: Yeah. I guess.
possible? HS: Care to talk about that?
EJ: Ah, yes. Most astute of you to discover all this. How did you come EJ: Well, he was a Pedo-priest and school teacher in medieval Germany.
about this information? He must have raped hundreds of kids and nobody was the wiser for it.
HS: I paid a small fortune to travel time and space and visit Nicholas He died without paying for his crimes. He used to get invited into kids
Klaus in the 12 Century earth, before he “became” Santa Claus. Nasty
th homes because he would celebrate Christmas by taking toys to the kids.
character, by the way. I watched as he “died” and then was sentenced Except that those toys had a price, and nobody suspected it, ever.
by the Gods to become an immortal. You were also him? Nobody would suspect of a priest in those days.

EJ: I have no idea how you found out about the existence of THAT HS: He had a part of your soul all the time. Since he was a kid.
peculiar character, but, yes. I was… I am… Nick Klaus. Santa Claus. EJ: Yeah, but he did his own shit. I had nothing to do with it. His crimes
HS: How did that happen? against children were his and his alone.

EJ: It happened back in my Om’Haha Days. After the genocide of HS: So why did he become an immortal?
humanity on that planet, we had a lot of time to research and EJ: Punishment. As luck would have it, one of the kids he molested was
investigate powerful magick. I discovered a way to “split” my soul into actually not human, but a demi-god of Norse origins. Odin was the kid’s
various persons to prevent myself from being killed. In fact, splitting father. And Odin himself decided on the punishment to put Nick in his
your soul is a way to become immortal, and ageless. You can “age” in place. The kid was his. She became a Valkyrie when she grew up. But
other bodies where you place a portion of your soul, and thus not really she was molested by Nick as a kid, and naturally, Odin was pissed. First
“age” in your principal body, where you keep most of your soul. he killed Nick. Horribly. Very cold death. Then, he brought him back and
Rainsong, Xan and I have all done this. We have avatars in other parts of cursed him. Turned Nick into the Santa Claus we all know, but I gotta tell
the galaxy that permit us to age more slowly. The avatars age for us, you, being Santa Claus is no walk in the park. Lots of work, no breaks
and we simply take off those years that the avatars have aged from our and basically, dealing with snotty kids the rest of eternity.
own age. We’ve been doing this for tens of thousands of years.
HS: Nick Klaus molested an immortal Valkyrie?
HS: So Nick Klaus is your “avatar”?
EJ: Oh, yes! He didn’t know it then, but from that moment, his life was
EJ: Yes. I found him as a suitable candidate to take upon a part of my changed forever. It is a fact that the first part of the punishment was the
soul before he was even born. I attached myself to his body at the Odin made him totally impotent. He just couldn’t get it up any more.
moment of his birth. I gave him a bit of my soul and in exchange I took a And then, when death finally came for him, after … an eternity of
bit of his. That happened back when I was living in Elfheim in Om´Haha. torment, Odin made Nick an immortal, but in order to atone for his
Nick Klaus died when he was 38 years old, and he gave me 38 years crimes, he would be forced to deliver toys to all the world’s children for
more of life. all eternity, and then be subjected to ridicule and scorn from the Coca
Cola Company. He died horribly and then was forced to work for free for
Odin for the rest of time.
EJ: Oh, picking up the heroic dead and taking them to Valhalla. Most EJ: Well, there are worse places to be, and worse punishments and
Valkyries do that. curses. Some day you should ask me about the tooth fairy.

HS: So how did Nick’s curse affect you? HS: Thank you so much for your time. You have been a very gracious
EJ: Well, for one, his portion of soul inside my body gave me immortality
but without having to work for it. For another, I have a pretty cool EJ: Thank you for asking.
relationship with Odin now. When he cursed Nick, he found out that Next, I went to Planet Earth to visit Santa Claus himself in the North
Nick was not “complete”, and the curse let him back to me. We hit it off Pole. Everybody knows it’s near impossible to find his Toy Factory in the
right away. North Pole unless you are a child or an elf. Fortunately, my half-elf
HS: And Santa Claus? blood helped me find trails of elf-structures and my half-elf eyes
managed to see the invisible elf-city once I got close enough.
EJ: Well, he’s gotten used to being who he is. Living in the North Pole is
no fun. Weather is awful all year. The elves form his Toy-Factory actually The elves received me with skepticism, but once old Santa found out I
work for Odin. They are from Elfheim and they get paid vacations back had interviewed with the Elder Jigolanthas, he graciously let me do an
home. Delivering all the toys takes basically a lifetime, but Santa uses a interview. The interview took place at his office inside the humongous
Time-Stop spell to accomplish his duty. Even with the time-stop, he is toy factory. I was received with cookies and milk.
forced to work like a dog in an endless Christmas Eve. And then, of HS: Thank you very much for the opportunity to interview you here, in
course, there is the cookies and milk. You would think folks would be a your home.
bit more creative and give him some carrots or broccoli now and then.
But part of his curse is that he is not allowed to eat anything not given SC: You are very welcomed. Anybody who works for the Lollipop City
to him by the kids, and let me tell you, cookies and milk get old real fast News is always welcomed in my home.
if that is all you ever get to eat. Look at him… he’s so fat! His cholesterol
HS: Talk to me about your life BEFORE being Santa Claus. You lived in
must be through the roof, and he has both hypoglycemia and diabetes.
HS: Have you even visited with him after you changed pieces of your
SC: Ho, ho, ho… right to the nuts of the matter eh?
soul with him when he was born?
HS: Well, there are some nasty rumors about your life before becoming
EJ: Oh, no. I can’t interfere in his life. That’s part of the magic. I must
the immortal champion of children that I would like to dismiss. You
allow him to be as he is, and if we actually come into contact, I could
were born in Munster, in the 12 Century. Your human name was

lose some of the potency of his soul. So I keep away from the North
Nicholas Klaus. Tell me about your childhood.
Pole and during Christmas, I make sure to have no children around me. I
don’t want to have an accidental meeting. SC: I’m not sure how you found all that out, but it’s all true, so I’ll tell
you. Yeah, I was born a human Munster in 1129. The city was ruled by
HS: Immortal torment for a crime of passion committed over a thousand
the Bishop of Munster, Egbert, and mom and I lived alone in a tiny shack
years ago. Does not sound fair.
outside the city. My father abandoned me at an early age. Mom worked
as a healer, but she was accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake
when I was barely eight years old, in 1137. The old priests of Saint Paul’s
4 Cathedral, took me in and I remained there until I became Santa Claus.
STRANGE STORIES OF ROBIN KACZMARCZYK In fact, I was quite famous in my time.
HS: A favorite among the children in the town? SC: They found her in the snow, inside a little basket. There was lots of
gold in the basket, and she was taken in by the church. They just figured
SC: Yeah. To celebrate Christmas, I would take gifts to the poorest she would be some kind of rich-baron’s bastard daughter. How were
children. This allowed me to convince them to come to school and learn they supposed to know she was the bastard child of a Norse God?
to read. I always loved children.
HS: You took a liking to her?
HS: In Valhalla, there are rumors that you loved children a little too
much. SC: She was like a daughter to me. Incredible, wise child. She had …
gifts. She could see things. And then there was the sheer physical
SC: Oh. beauty. You could not just look at her. She was a bewitching child, with
eyes so big and blue, you could literally get lost inside them. I loved her.
HS: Care to set the record straight? Do you understand love? I loved her beyond anybody I have ever loved.
SC: Look, the 12 century was not like nowadays. Children were much
th I loved every hair in her head. How could I harm such a one?
more willing and effective, especially to teachers and priests. Nobody HS: And what happened?
really looked down on you for being kind to children. Nobody accused
you of fondling kids for having a little fun now and then. I used to go SC: Well, her first eight years of life were charmed, magical. Special. But
into their homes and bring them toys. It’s only natural some of them got when she turned eight, everything changed. She was not a normal eight
very friendly with me. They were grateful, and back then, grateful kids year old. She was different. Her body was like the body of a young maid,
were just more likely to be physically amorous, do you understand? but tiny. And… she… she… seduced me.
HS: Elder Jigolanthas said… HS: Pardon?
SC: That stupid gnome might share his soul with me, but he is a SC: I know it sounds ridiculous. I know it sounds perverted. But … Erika
perverted imp. Do you really take seriously any accusation of child- seduced me! You have to believe me. Oh, she was always a very sultry
molestation from such a molester such as Jigolanthas? child. She kissed me. She hugged me. She clung to me. But I had always
considered all those advances just a child’s natural need for affection,
HS: You don’t much care for Elder Jigolanthas? not unlike all the other children in Munster. But after her 8 birthday all

SC: Look, he stole a bit of my soul when I was born. How should I feel that changed. She became aggressive somehow. She became
about that? demanding. Her hugs and kisses were suddenly much sexualized. But I
was a fool. I didn’t notice. I was thinking she was just a sultry child. I
HS: And then there is the fact that you became an immortal thanks to didn’t see until… until it was too late.
Odin. Elder Jigolanthas claims that Odin actually cursed you. Something
to do with a Valkyrie. HS: Too late?

SC: Erika. SC: One of her household chores at the church was to tend to the goats.
Well, one of the goats got feisty and hurt Erika. She got a cut in her
HS: That was her name? thigh. I was the one closest to her at that time, and none of the sisters
were there nearby, so I took her to my cell and began to tend the
wound. As luck would have it, the wound was in a very difficult place to
reach, so I had to take off her clothes to tend to it. And that’s when she
STRANGE STORIES OF ROBIN KACZMARCZYK made her move. She asked me to kiss the wound to make it better. I fell
for it. It was horrible. It was terrible. She seduced me. Do you believe
me? I could never hurt a child. But she was not an ordinary child. She
child and threw the spear directly at me. The spear struck my heart. I
was a… she was a demon.
was dead.
HS: What happened next?
HS: But you didn’t die. Or did you?
SC: Nobody knew anything had happened. We continued our love affair
SC: Of course I did. Odin’s spear went directly into my heart. For what
for months. I thought I was losing my mind. I loved her. I had never
seemed an eternity, I was plunged into an eternal darkness. There was
loved anybody like I loved Erika. She was… everything for me. And yet, I
no up, no down, no sound, no light, no mind, no body. There was
knew in my heart, in my soul, that it was all wrong. I was a tortured
nothing. And then, I was alive again, and I was dressed all in red and
soul. She was dragging me to hell. And yet? Why not? After all, love is
surrounded by elves. I was inside the toy factory, in the North Pole. And
the most wonderful expression of all. Nothing is closer to divinity than
Erika and Odin were there. Erika explained to me that Odin had
love. Why shouldn’t we love each other?
murdered me because I had taken her love. But because she actually
HS: Were you ever found out? loved me still, she asked Odin for mercy on my behalf, so Odin had
agreed, on the condition that we never see each other again. I was
SC: We kept our secret for years. Four whole years in fact. We loved given eternal life, and for my “crime” against his child, I would have to
each other. She was my whole life. serve children for all eternity, taking gifts to them on Christmas night for
HS: But eventually you were found out. the rest of time.

SC: That cold-hearted demon, Odin. First he abandoned her to us. Then,
he came back to take her to Valhalla. It happened after her 12 birthday.

Oddly enough, it happened the day after her first bleeding, when she
became a young lady. Oh, we had loved each other hundreds of times.
But she was not yet a woman. When she became a woman, her father
Odin came to fetch her. And as you know, Odin knows all. Past, present
and future. He found us traveling together to Cologne to sell our
monthly production of egg-nog. We rode in a cart full of barrels of egg-
nog. He stood in the middle of the highway, with his wide-brimmed hat
and his spear. We thought he was a bandit. But the moment Erika saw
him, she got this really weird look on her eyes, like a kind of recognition.
And she told me: “That’s my father, Odin, the allFather. I have to go
with him now.”
HS: She knew him?
SC: Perfectly. It is strange, but when she saw him, she also understood
that she was an immortal being. She got out of the wagon and ran up to
him. Then he turned his attention to me. He accused me of raping his

THE MAN WHO BUILT FAIRY HOMES Usually it was something not very important to other people. Treasures
found inside trash cans: maybe it the remains of a broken doll. Or
Everybody who knew Jack thought he was crazy. In fact, he had been perhaps an empty bottle of fine wine. A particularly beautiful shoe or a
diagnosed with schizophrenia by the authorities, so that particular broken belt-buckle. These simple treasures were, in Jack’s heart, worthy
description, crazy, could be used to describe him, and it would not be in tributes for the many restless spirits inhabiting the city… The “fairies”.
In Jack’s mind, dead cats, dead squirrels and dead birds turned into
But they didn’t know Jack. immortal fairies. Their spirits freed from the material bonds of their
Jack lived under a bridge near Tampa Bay, Florida. bodies, these immortal fairies might turn evil if they were not given
some kind of tribute or recognition for their lives. People didn’t
He moved very often, so this particular residence could not be said to understand such things. They thought it was just madness… But jack, he
be his only residence, nor even the one most used by him. But usually, knew better.
you could find Jack somewhere in the city of Tampa Bay or nearby
Clearwater, under some bridge, or behind some supermarket dumpster. Jack had built monuments to old pictures in magazines, and he had built
His favorite place, though, was the beach, but the police usually scared miniature cities with everything from paper and Styrofoam cups to
him right out of there. pieces of broken bricks and old shoes. His altars were sometimes
incredibly beautiful, but most people didn’t see that. They were also
When not “dumpster-diving”, which was his main source of food, or not quite necessary.
trying to survive the lines at the soup-kitchens always in search for some
much needed item, like a blanket or shoes without holes, you could find And it was not only dead animals that needed fairy homes. Trees, rivers
Jack on the sidewalks of Tampa Bay, building Fairy Homes. and certain rocks also had spirits that might turn rogue if not given a
final resting tribute.
To folks passing by, Jack would actually appear to be “playing with
garbage”. But this principal activity, far from being useless to Jack, was For instance, there was an old Tree that had been cut down to put a
actually a much needed and exceedingly important spiritual work: he billboard on Bourbon Street. Jack had done a whole ritual to cleanse the
made altars for old spirits. tree’s spirit and give it the honors needed to transcend and go into the
next world. Ghost trees were dangerous creatures. They caused hurt
The sacred and the profane usually don’t mix in the minds of the and anger and fear unless placated with a nice fairy home.
“reasonable” people. Fortunately for Jack, he was absolutely
unreasonable. He understood, better than any “reasonable person”, the People didn’t understand. What they could see were piles of junk,
importance, the intimacy, the sacredness of … for instance... a leftover lovingly collected by a very insane person. Usually they took them down
Christmas ornament placed over the tomb of a dead squirrel. What is shortly after Jack made them. But Jack didn’t care. Fairy homes were
the tomb of a dead squirrel you ask? Well, that would be the place outside time and space, so once he built one, nothing could tear it
where a squirrel was run over by a car. Such tombs are very common in down. Once you built a fairy home, the spirits could go in there and rest,
a big city like Tampa Bay. And it’s not just for squirrels. and everybody was happy.

Dogs, cats, birds… Jack always left monuments to their death. Jack remembered better days. Back in Minnesota, playing in the snow.
He was just a kid then. His mom and dad had been living together. And
he had a big sister. They used to throw snowballs at each other. They
5 even made a snowman. He remembered the snowman. Here is Tampa,
6 it was too cold to build snowmen.
He knew he was not like the rest of the people who lived around him,
That was his sister’s name. Emily. She had pretty green eyes and curly but didn’t really see him.
red hair. She kinda looked like the girl in Hardee’s Hamburgers. But
prettier because she was real. She and mom and dad had died. He The government gave him money. They said he was “disabled”. So they
remembered that. They were coming back from the dentist, and Jack gave him a little debit card which they filled up with 600 dollars every
and Emily were in the back seat. month. He had lost it many times, but if he was really hungry, or maybe
if he wanted to see a movie, all he had to do was to go to a Social
Their Chevy Wagon had skidded on ice somewhere in the middle of the Security office and ask for it. They usually gave him one.
bridge that bridges the twin cities. And that was it. The wagon went off
the bridge and suddenly everybody was drowning, except Jack, who The police knew him by name, and they sure checked in with him often,
somehow went out his window. Jack remembered the water. It was icy under his bridge, in Tampa Bay. They were not so nice to him
cold. But he had always been a good swimmer. Even in icy cold water, sometimes. But most of the time they were okay, and they pretty much
he could reach the shore. left him alone. He liked that.

But he had gotten to the shore all alone. Emily… and his mom and dad. He had been going south all his adult life.
They hadn’t. He had gotten kicked out of his last foster home when he turned
That’s about the time that Jack’s nightmares started. sixteen. They had caught him with a girly magazine in the bathroom,
and zap. That was it. The end of his stay. But by then, he didn’t much
From foster home to foster home, Jack had felt utterly and completely care, because Mr. and Mrs. Simmonds, his last foster parents were
alone. None of the places where he had been as a child were home. brutally sadistic. They were “born again” Christians, and they hated
They were purgatory. First, the violence. Verbal. Even physical. Then, everything and anything that did not accept their narrow view of the
the sexual abuse. The foster “parents” were nothing better than universe.
vultures, feeding on his innocence and his need. He knew it. They knew
it. He couldn’t do anything about it. They didn’t care. It was around that time that Jack began building Fairy Homes. It was his
way to deal with whatever was going on outside the Fairy Homes, and
Jack suffered every imaginable kind of abuse, and he nobody cared. He at the time, that meant the Simmonds.
was basically… alone. Very alone.
So he found himself on the street. And there was no way to finish high-
But he survived. school.
Scarred, scared and still alone. Except something had happened to him Pretty brutal for a kid.
between that horrible day on that icy bridge and now. He had lost
something. He had lost hope. But he had hope back then. And what he hoped for was to get out of
the cold. So he began to hitchhike south. And he did. He followed all the
He had lost hope of finishing high-school, and of finding a job. He had trucks and truck stops and he hitchhiked south, and then west and east
lost hope of having friends. Or even his own family. He had lost hope of and even back north for a while.
getting a girlfriend, or even talking to a girl. He knew he was different.
And the thing is that once he got to the south-most point, which in this
case had been Texas, he realized that the cold was not the problem. The
5 problem was the he didn’t have a home. He went from skid-row to skid
STRANGE STORIES OF ROBIN KACZMARCZYK row, eating from soup kitchens and getting clothing from the Salvation
Army, but he never had a home. He had been homeless since his mom especially, and above all, no Fairy Homes. Elsa knew all about Jack’s
and dad and Emily had died. decorating styles and she would have none of it.

And then, he met Elsa. And Elsa could come in any night and sleep with him.

They met on a soup-kitchen in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and she was That part was nice. Up to then, Jack had been a virgin. Although Elsa
serving spaghetti that day. She brought food to that particular soup was big, she was sweet, and gentle and somehow, very sexy. Jack fell in
kitchen every Tuesday and Sunday. It was her way to give back to her love with her and thought maybe he had found the home and the family
community. And she found Jack attractive, in a rugged kind of way. Jack he had been looking for.
hadn’t talked to a real woman since years. So Elsa was the one who did And the second and third year, Jack felt at home. And Elsa and Ely were
the talking, and talk she did. his family, and he took care of them, and Elsa’s rules got more and more
She also ate a lot of spaghetti. She liked eating. relaxed each day, until one day, Jack found himself creating Fairy Homes
And she was big. A big blonde woman, in her forties, with a pretty face
hidden behind way too much make up. She looked like somebody’s He first made one behind the tool shed. And since Elsa said nothing, he
favorite eccentric aunt. made another inside the tool shed. Then, a third, near the blueberry
bushes. And a fourth, near the mailbox. It was the fifth Fairy Home that
And the next week, she served chicken. And she talked even more to made Elsa blow up. He made it in his room. Inside the house.
It was a very small, timid and conservative Fairy House. It was for a little
By the third week, Elsa invited Jack off the streets and to her home, and spider, a dead spider that Jack found, dead, behind an old shoe box. So
she explained to him that he could apply for social security disability he cut a little door, put the spider inside and decorated it with some
because he was disabled. And suddenly, Jack's’ life changed from hell to fake flowers. A lovely Fairy House. Perhaps the most beautiful he had
heaven in just one day. ever made.
When he got to her home, she gave him a room, and some clothes from But when Elsa found it, she blew up. And then, as if she suddenly had
her ex-husband. Oliver had been a brute and an asshole and Elsa hated gotten the superpower to “find Fairy Homes”, she found all the others
him, but he had left her lots of clothes and somehow, they fit perfectly within a few hours. She looked for them like some powerful dark deity,
on Jack’s strong body. Oliver had also left Elsa a little baby. The baby’s seeking enemy temples. She destroyed all four others the same way she
name was Ely, and she had the black skin of her father, the blue eyes of destroyed the spider one.
her mother and a whole lot of smiles for everybody. She was a walking-
talking curiosity for Jack, a real life toddler. Then she turned on Jack and asked him to leave.

That first year, Elsa had a lot of rules for Jack. He had to give her his “I can’t handle it, Jack. I thought you would be able to get back on your
social security check. And he was supposed to bathe every morning, and feet. Leave your nutty shit behind. Help me with Ely. But I was wrong.
make breakfast. He was also expected to clean the kitchen, the You are not well, and I am too busy, too stretched out to help you. I
bathroom and his own room. He had to clean the yard. But most can’t help you, Jack. You have to go.”
And that was it. She gave him some money and sent him back to the
streets. No negotiations. No pleading. Nothing.
STRANGE STORIES OF ROBIN KACZMARCZYK Jack wouldn’t have asked her to let him stay.
He was angry. A real family does not kick you out. What had he done
that was so wrong? He build Fairy Homes for little dead things. That was And then he got old. His once brown hair and beard turned white. His
not a crime! Those little things that had died needed a place to rest once powerful limbs, which he used to swim in the ocean became soft.
their souls. Was it so hard to understand? And he got acquainted with the pain of old age. He stopped swimming
He took the money he gave her and flipped a coin. in the ocean. Then, he stopped walking as much as before.

Heads, he would go to California. Tails, he would go to Florida. He was New cops and new people from social services had arrived in his home,
sure both places had eternal summer, and he would never be cold and they all tried to convince him to go with them. But he was still
again. strong enough to tell them to go fuck themselves. He didn’t need
anybody. He didn’t want anybody.
It was tails.
He knew they would not let him build Fairy Homes. And he would have
And he was right. He got off the bus at Tampa Bay, Florida, because he none of that.
saw a pretty bridge near a beach. It was the kind of bridge one could
live in and never bother anybody. He wondered if the fact that he Except one day, he got really sick. And when he did, he stayed in his
usually chose bridges to live under had to do with the fact that his cardboard box much longer than usual. He didn’t even go look for food
family had died in a bridge. in the dumpsters. That night, he got so sick he didn’t even wake up.

It didn’t bother him. “Come on, son, it’s time to come with us.”

And then, time went on. And on and on. Weeks turned to months. It was his father, who woke him up. Standing there, just like the last day
Months turned to years. Years turned to decades, and Jack became a Jack saw him alive. And next to him were his mom and Emily. They all
kind of “King under the Bridge” of that particular bridge. It was an looked so young. Younger than he, even. And they were still dressed like
abandoned bridge. Something that would have worked to bridge the the day their car skidded on the ice. They were dressed for the winter,
beach to a pier, but there was no pier, only the bridge. The pier never not for a beach.
got built, so the bridge stood there, abandoned. “Dad?”
And it was Jack’s bridge. And mostly, nobody bothered him there. Ever. “Hi son. It’s been a while. Sorry we left you alone so long.”
Jack’s routine there was pretty simple. He woke up with the sun, looked “Mom, Emily…”
in the dumpsters of the nearby McDonald’s, Costco and Walmart for
breakfast, and then went searching for dead things to make them a “Hey big brother!” said the little girl who had been dead for decades.
Fairy Home. After dark, he would go back to his dumpsters to look for
His mother just came around and hugged him tightly.
dinner, then he would go back to his bridge, check if he was alone, and
grab himself some fresh cardboard boxes to sleep under. “Where have you been all this time, mom?” Jack asked, with tears in his
Day after day. Week after week. Month after month. Year after year.
Decade after decade. Time moved quickly when you loved your life. “Visiting your friends in their Fairy Houses, Jack.” Replied his mom, who
gave him a kiss.

The Day the Shit Hit the
Nobody really knows why shit became conscious, but everybody agrees
more or less when. It was the day the shit hit the fan. And as usual, you
can blame the government.
Obama was out, Trump was in, and everybody knew shit was
happening, but they never suspected shit would get so smart.
It started, as most shitty things that nobody can understand, in
California. In fact, in Hollywood. Where else? In the bathroom of the
prestigious Brown Derby restaurant.
Devon Johnson went in to take a shit. Devon was a very distant relative
of Will Smith, a young man with an attitude and the odd idea that he
was a musical genius although he played no instrument and could
hardly carry a Christmas carol without wailing totally out of tune.
But Devon considered himself a rapper, and he had come all the way
from his hometown in Greenville, Texas to Hollywood, California the
moment he graduated high school. He was going to meet his “cousin”
Will, get a recording contract, and as he told his momma: “Get all the
bitches and the cars I want.”
Of course, his mamma wanted him to go to the community college and
study something useful, like auto mechanic or electrician. But Devon
would have none of it, and since she was glad to get him out of his ass
and into a bus, she didn't much complain when he told her he was going
to Hollywood.
Hollywood, however, had not been kind to Devon. His ungrateful “cuz”
Will Smith was utterly impossible to reach. And he had spent most of his
money on a stupid motel room. Now he was desperate, and when some
“bros” down at the Sunset Strip told him that there might be a job for
6 him in the porn industry, he decided to take a chance.
So he went to meet this “big porn producer” up at the Brown Derby in man in a tweed jacket and what looked like his grandson, wearing an
Hollywood, but the dude hadn’t shown up yet. And Devon was nervous. Apollo 11 Sweater and blue jeans came into the bathroom at the exact
So he ordered a cup of coffee, and went to the bathroom to take a shit. same time that Devon was falling, ass-naked on the floor, wailing like a
banshee at his flying turd.
And exactly at that moment “the shit hit the fan”.
The scene turned a bit chaotic when the turd turned and looked at the
grandpa and the kid and snarled, like some fierce beast at both of them
The toilet stalls at the Brown Derby had just been recently remodeled, and said in a voice imitating that of Jack Nicholson:
and now, they were separated by these thin, very clean aluminum
“And now, the shit is gonna hit the fan!”
booths. Above head, a large circular fan prevented the fumes from
congregating. New mirrors and lavatories made the whole place seem “Look grandpa, a talking turd!” The little boy managed to say before the
clean and wholesome. turd flew into the ceiling fan and exploded into a million little turd
fragments which hit the walls and splattered the old man, the boy and
So Devon went into a booth, took down his pants and immediately, let
Devon liberally.
out a huge turd into the toilet. He had not eaten since breakfast and it
was well past mid-afternoon, but all the pressure in his head was And then, all four toilets inside the bathroom began to boil over, like
making him loose enough to let out all of his breakfast come out like a witches’ cauldrons. Like some kind of enormous shit-octopus, each one
rocket out of his ass. of the toilets suddenly exploded allowing a great tentacle of shit to
come out and reach all the way out of the stalls, to try and grab the
He cleaned himself up twice with paper, which he dutifully threw into
three people inside the bathroom.
the wastebasket. He might be a great rapper, but he was civilized.
One of the tentacles formed a “face” and began to talk shit.
And then, he pulled the chain.
“The shit hit the fan! The shit hit the fan! Behold, shit has become
It was a chain toilet, like the old ones you see in black and white movies.
death, destroyer of worlds!”
Damn, antiques like that one must've cost a fortune. Why didn’t they
just put a regular toilet in their bathroom? That was enough for Devon, the grandpa and the boy in the Apollo 11
shit, who ran out of the bathroom peeing their pants in fear.
The large single dark brown turd swam a few turns around the toilet
bowl and then stopped. Devon hadn’t even put back his pants on when But that was only the first.
suddenly the damn thing “stood up” inside the water and looked at him.
Across Hollywood, toilets turned rogue and shit-tentacles came out of
“What’s the fuck you looking at, nigger?” the Turd said. them to grab and devour people. It happened so quickly that the
Hollywood P.D. was not sure how to respond to it. The calls came in a
Devon almost let out another turd as he watched his own turd turn into
flood. And the toilets inside the Hollywood Police Station attacked at
a kind of “turd monster” complete with eyes, mouth and a pointy nose.
the same time.
When the monster turd flew out of the toilet directed at Devon’s face,
Hollywood cops shot the shit with everything including an old flame-
the poor fella fell on his ass outside the bathroom. By now, a kindly old
thrower that had been kept in the evidence room. But nothing worked.
Trying to kill the shit was impossible, because it was just shit, and if they
6 cut it with an axe, or shot it full of bullets, or burned it with a flame
STRANGE STORIES OF ROBIN KACZMARCZYK thrower, it just kept growing.
So all that Captain James T. Kurd, the chief officer in charge at the time
was able to do was to call a retreat from the bathrooms and have the Field Marshall Baudelaire responded quickly, sending five Abrams Tanks
doors shut tight. to the zone and creating a perimeter.

CNN, which had its headquarters in Sunset Boulevard made a special A fierce battle erupted right in Santa Monica, but the shit-monster was
announcement, advising people to stay away from their bathrooms. unstoppable, and it dragged itself out of the water and into the
Soon, the shit-panic became absolute, as shit-attacks were reported as mainland, smashing through the buildings.
far as the Beverly Center and MacArthur Park. Explosives of all kinds did little more than make the monster break into
The shit monster was growing! smaller monsters which quickly re-joined into one large mass. The best
that the National Guard could do was to pull the people back, out of the
So folks began to shit and pee on the streets. And somehow, that made path of destruction and filth of the massive shit-creature.
it worse. Because all that accumulated shit began to pile together… and
then move. It would be President Trump’s first crisis. And of course, he called in all
the great experts to the situation room, where a live broadcast from Los
The shit attacked people everywhere, somehow, killing them by Angeles was shared among his top generals and scientists.
suffocating them in shit. Hundreds of victims of the shit-monster began
to pile up in the Hollywood coroner’s office. The monster’s path of destruction was unstoppable but somehow
predictable. It was going after all the water-treatment plants in
Governor Schwarzenegger called the National Guard. Southern California. And it was growing.
Field Marshall Bruce B. Baudelaire took over the operation and quickly, Toilets all around Los Angeles let out their filth and that filth made its
he made all the sewers shut down the flow of shit. The idea of way to the main mass of the “Shit-Zilla” as the creature became known.
Baudelaire was to contain the shit in Hollywood. But his intervention
came in too late. Estimates of the creature’s size and growth rate were bleak. From the 2
million ton size it had when it came out of the ocean, it had grown to 6
Every day, 2 million gallons of shit are poured into the Pacific Ocean million tons.
around the area of Santa Monica Beach. But on this particular day,
those two million gallons of shit somehow held together and began to Now, it was making its’ way into the San Fernando Valley, and if it
swim back into the mainland. reached the water-treatment plants there, it could become utterly
catastrophic for the whole city.
100 foot long tentacles of shit suddenly erupted around the Santa
Monica Pier and began to drag people into a central, monstrous mass of And then there was the issue that folks had to shit everywhere. The
2 million gallons of shit, which surfaced roughly around the area of the sanitation crisis was terrible, and President Trump expected to have
“octopus” game in the pier. diseases and infections bring Los Angeles to its knees even if the
monster was contained.
The shit creature was so large, in toppled the entire pier into the water,
killing hundreds instantly. Those who didn’t drown were quickly pulled Chief of Armed Forces, Five Star General Duckworth McLaine exposed
into the “maw” of the monster and consumed. President Trump his options very clearly:
“Mr. President: nothing we do against this thing is working. Fire,
explosives, napalm, white phosphorous… nothing works. We only have
6 one option left. We have to deploy our nuclear option.”
“Nuke that shitty monster. And Nuke East L.A. Kill two birds with one
“I can’t Nuke Los Angeles, General. Bad thing. Bad press.” Said the
stone, won't’ I?”
“That’s right Mr. President.”
“That thing won't’ stop in Los Angeles, Mr. President. It will go to San
“Good, then let the Mexicans take care of it. For sure they will want to EPILOGUE
build a wall after that.”
Since there was nothing left of the shit-monster after the nuclear strike
“Mr. President, the Mexicans don’t have any good water-treatment in East L.A., nobody really found out what had caused it to become
plants. The monster won't’ want to go there. It will head east. Probably conscious. Scientists flocked to Los Angeles to study the shit, but they
to Las Vegas.” found nothing. Shit was just shit, and whatever caused the shit to hit
the fan didn’t matter anymore.
“Well, that’s bad.”
The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan made a huge gold statue of President
“And after Las Vegas, for sure Salt Lake City.”
Trump holding a toilet plunger and they placed it alongside the
“Oh, like that. That’s good!” Hollywood Sign. A safe-zone was established east of Cesar Chavez
Boulevard and anything East of there was considered off limits. Not that
“Mr. President. We must act now. The whole west coast is in danger. anyone would have wanted to go there, because shit and radioactive
We must deploy a nuclear weapon.” waste would make the zone uninhabitable for hundreds of thousands of
“Well, General, if I must tell you the truth, I never did like Hollywood all years. The Nuclear Blast that destroyed the Shit Monster made a huge
that much. Bad people. Nasty people. They didn’t want to come to my crater, which could be seen from space.
inauguration. They tried to rig the elections and then there is all those
damn pizza parties they did with Crooked Hillary. But I can’t just nuke
them! There’s lots of cute blondes there.”
“We can evacuate the blondes, Mr. President. Most of them, anyhow. If
we strike now, we could hit the monster somewhere near East L.A. No
problems there.”
“East L.A.?”
“That’s right, Mr. President. And the monster won't’ reach San Diego.”
“Well, General… Then let's do it.”
“Mr. President?”

The Big Stone
Randy Stone was the first to see it. Randy was an amateur
astronomer who lived in Kimberly, Australia. He was looking for
Pluto, of all planets, if Pluto can still be called a Planet. And
suddenly there it was. It came from behind Pluto, speeding
insanely fast, like a mouse, trying to hide in someone’s kitchen.

Randy did what any other amateur astronomer would do in such a

case: he took note of the location and called the big guns. The
“big guns” in Randy’s case meant the Canberra Deep Space
Communications Complex in the Capital City. The big guns would
know what to do. The big guns had better machines. They could
track the object. They could tell Randy if his observations of the
object behind pluto were a mistake.

And Randy Stone hoped dearly he was wrong. Randy had

tracked the object, roughly the size of manhattan. And it was
coming towards earth.

The chief astronomer in charge at the time was Baudelia

McClintock. She was a half-aboriginal student who had raised
from the ranks principally because she had lived her entire life
within half a mile from the observatory, and she had known all the
astronomers who worked there as a child. She was a kind of “pet”
for some of the older astronomers, who still thought of her as a
child, although she had already reached her 30s. Baudelia was
competent enough. She had worked hard to earn her degree in
astronomy and then she had worked even harder to rise through
the ranks at Canberra.
STRANGE STORIES OF ROBIN KACZMARCZYK But when she got Randy’s hurried call, she was just watching a
particular horrifying episode of “American Horror Story”, so she
waited a full forty minutes for the show to end before she actually
set the huge antenna array to the location given to her by Stone. “What is it!?” he screamed into the reciver.

When she detected the roughly 23 square mile object right behind The voice on the other end was of Reince Priebus, the Chief of
Pluto and speeding dangerously towards earth, she hit all the right Staff.
red buttons to send alarm signals to every observatory in the
planet. “There is a large asteroid on it’s way to blast our planet out of the
sky, Mr. President.”
The name “Big Stone” was given to the object by Clive Strand,
senior officer working the Hubble Telescope unit from the NORAD “Can we blast it first?”
command center in Colorado Springs. Clive was a Major in the Air
Force, but he was also a NCO working anonymously for the NSA, Back at NORAD Command Center, Clive was multitasking like
and a CIA Spook. Folks who have Clive’s authority are few are far mad. Almost all the important satellites had been pointed to
between, and usually they are thought of as the “Men in Black”, monitor the Big Stone. Clive was on the phone with China, Russia,
humorless people who always wear dark suits and give lots of Germany and obviously, Australia. The “Operation Pebbles” as it
orders. was coined by Clive would be a massive effort which would
include help from all corners of the globe. If the situation was not
Oddly enough, Clive was quite humorous. Unless he was deadly so damned dangerous, Clive would be proud to be spearheading
serious. But Clive was the kind of man who could get the it. But all he had for the moment was an absolute terror of what
president and the joint chiefs of staff on the phone. And when he could happen.
saw the “Big Stone” behind Pluto on a collision course with earth,
that’s exactly what he did. His nerds were steadfast on the fact that Big Stone was on a
direct collision course with Earth. The earth had about two weeks
President Trump was tweeting on the toilet when the call came in. of life left, and that was a fact.
It annoyed the president bigly that he could not finish his dump in
tranquility when the “red phone” was handed to him by one of his It was a little after the “Big Stone” reached the orbit of Saturn that
dark-sunglasses wearing members of the secret service. “it” happened. By now, missiles had been scrambled, bunkers
President Trump could not tell them apart, even after all these opened, apocalyptic contingency plans reviewed and the world’s
months, mostly because with their crew-cuts and dark-sunglasses, governments had finally agreed: something had to be done. But
they looked like clones. something happened that threw a total new element into the mix
“What is it? Can’t you see I’m busy?” he asked the secret service of the “asteroid that will kill the earth” scenario.
officer who could no more smile than a mountain can move.
The asteroid… the stone… turned around and showed it’s peculiar
“Joint Chiefs.” and dark underbelly. And what the astronomers were able to see
on that underbelly sent shivers down their spine.
Trump grabbed the red-colored phone angrily and flushed the
toilet. It was the Eiffel Tower.

How or why the Eiffel Tower appeared suddenly in an asteroid

STRANGE STORIES OF ROBIN KACZMARCZYK was unthinkable. Nobody even ventured to guess. The fact that
4 the Eiffel Tower was somehow simultaneously in the asteroid and
The astronaut in charge of the mission was Captain Lee Lincoln
in Paris was even more mysterious. But the Hubble telescope Roberts, an all american if there ever was one. His Russian
gave a bird's eye view of the tiny object in Big Stone’s apocalyptic counterpart was Captain Anastasia Smirnoff, an all russian femme
underbelly, and it was unmistakable. It WAS the Eiffel Tower, right fatale if there ever was one. The launch of the Space Shuttle
down to the elevators, the cute little arches, and a large piece of Horus (a secret space shuttle created by the NSA for alien attacks
french concrete under it’s great legs. in the 90s but still working and quite powerful) was done secretly
from a secret base in Iceland. It only took three days to get it
Photographs from the Hubble Telescope showed french-language going.
posters from the 1960’s hanging from the tower’s walls. On top of
the tower, the great telescope spied leftover coca cola bottles and The plan was simple. The Horus would fly extremely near to the
a leftover copy of “Die Welt” from October 28th, 1968. The Big Stone without actually landing. Smirnoff and Roberts would
headline was about the Mexican massacre in Tlatelolco. “surf” into the gravitational field of the Big Stone on a specially
prepared “space-hoverboard” which had been built from a lunar
President Putin and President Trump met in secret in Holland to rover. There, they would observe the Eiffel Tower up close to
discuss the matter. determine why it was there if possible and then, from orbit, they
would send four thermonuclear bombs to utterly destroy the Big
Although the high-ranking soldiers of most parts of the planet were Stone before it left the Martian orbit.
aware of the existence of Big Stone, a massive and sometimes
deadly effort to silence anybody who would not play ball and keep The mission was full of big gambles, but Smirnoff and Roberts
the Big Stone out of the mass media was made. In fact, Putin and were all about that. There is no sense in explaining in depth all the
Trump ordered the murder of hundreds of people all over the intricate science behind the project, but let us say that numerous
globe within a question of days. Folks who had astronomers skills “hidden technologies” were used by both superpowers in order to
and who would not keep quiet if they found the object, which was accomplish the agreed upon goal of saving the earth from
increasingly hard to hide. imminent destruction. Both Russia and the USA had hidden
various scientific findings from each other, but when they saw
After the meeting, a joint-space flight operation was agreed upon themselves at hell’s gate, they had to agree to disclose these
in secret. A group of Russian and American astronauts would fly technological achievements and when their respective scientists
into the Big Stone and determine why the 1960s Eiffel Tower had began to work together to find a solution to the Big Stone,
cloned itself on the surface of the asteroid, and then try to set everything was made clear.
nuclear warheads to detonate the asteroid before it reached Mars.
Reaching Mars was a question of less than five days. It was a
The technology for such an endeavor had existed for decades, but fact. They could had done it decades ago if they had only dared to
the financial and political costs of launching such a mission was work it out together.
such that nobody had attempted to reach Mars or beyond. Now,
the mission was not only necessary but vital to the survival of the A total media blackout regarding all these events went on effect.
human race. They had less than a week to launch. More hundreds of “conspiracy nuts” had to be silenced forever by
joint Russian and American Intelligence Agency assassins. It was
a dangerous time to be a truth-seeker. How many died so the
secret could be kept is unknown. But they were many….
STRANGE STORIES OF ROBIN KACZMARCZYK Finally, the Horus launched and Smirnoff and Roberts took off to
meet the Big Stone. They were the last chance for planet earth.
Theirs was very probably a suicide mission but they thrived in the
adventure and magic of it. Since most of their equipment was “That was not part of the plan, Stasia.”
automated, they did not need to take up more martyrs into space
with them. Together, Smirnoff and Roberts would save the world “Not part of YOUR plan. But my plan was made back in Moscow. I
and nobody would even know about it. agreed to this mission only on condition of landing on the Big
Stone. President Putin agreed to let me do it. And the whole
The four day flight to Mars was relatively uneventful. It was Russian community is waiting for the information that I will send to
machine-run and machine-like. Smirnoff and Roberts were the them.”
perfect pair. Beautiful. Deadly. Dedicated to their nations and
raving gung ho-lunatics. In fact, the sexual tension in the mission “So, you DID come on a suicide mission. And you lied to us all.”
was unavoidable. Never overt, but here were two beautiful, smart,
single, fit people of the opposite sex on a suicide mission to save “We both knew the dangers, Lee.”
the planet. How could there be anything else but absolute sexual
need between them? “But at least I have a CHANCE of returning.”

When they finally saw Mars, it was like an orgasm that took four “That is so. And I hope you live and then go to Russia and explain
days for both. to my mother my decision.”

And then, their enemy: Big Stone. It showed up underneath them. “You don’t have to do this, Stasia. You can become a refugee in
They saw it with their onboard cameras first. Then, they walked to my country. President Trump would understand…”
the belly of the shuttle to look with their own eyes at the monster.
“I want to do this, Lee.”
She was oddly beautiful. She actually looked, up close, like some
macabre mannequin torso made of brilliant ice and the stuff of “I see.”
“You can’t stop me. You don’t have the right. It is my choice.”
“I guess this is the right moment to tell you Lee.. I am not going
back to earth.” Stasia told Lee.
“Are you sure?”
Stasia. That’s what she liked to be called by friends and lovers.
“I am. I am also sure you will not report to your superiors my
“Well, we always knew it was a possibility that we would not go
back.” replied Lee, looking at the strange asteroid floating in space
Lee Roberts was not a complicated man. He was a simple soldier
under his feet.
who loved his country and loved to fly. He believed in God and he
trusted in the Constitution of the United States as his moral guide.
“You don’t understand Lee. I am not going back because I am He was, somehow, unprepared for the difficult choice upon him.
going to land on that asteroid. There is no way back for me. He had to make a report. He had to “tell the truth.”

7 But if he did, then Stasia’s entire plan would fail, and somehow,
STRANGE STORIES OF ROBIN KACZMARCZYK that didn’t seem right either. Here was this beautiful, brilliant,
incredible woman who was willing to die to further the knowledge
of her people and by default, the human race. How could he deny
her that chance? Somehow, he even applauded her choice. Their mission parameters gave them around four hours to set and
detonate the bombs once they reached the asteroid. Beyond that
Their chances of returning to earth had never been too good time, there was no guarantee of a safe return, as the asteroid
anyway. Too many variables against a safe return, and they knew would leave Mars’ orbit and make navigation a nightmare.
it. The eggheads had given them a 27.3% chance of success.
That was good enough for Lee, almost one in three. But Smirnoff They had supposed to flip a coin to see who would drive the
wanted to land. cockroach around the Big Stone’s orbit. They had supposed to.

She wanted to see the Eiffel Tower first hand. Now, Lee was forced to watch as Stasi carefully landed the
strange machine next to the Eiffel Tower. Her voice came in
Very romantic. through the radio, loud and clear, with the sound of her respiration
causing a rasping effect on the microphone inside her half-million
Very deadly. dollar helmet.

There were four bombs, each one big enough to blast Manhattan “It’s beautiful. Identical to the one in Paris, Lee.”
out of the map. The idea was to detonate them so that the
asteroid would break into smaller pieces and those smaller pieces “Stasi, you are still clear to return to orbit. Leave the bombs and
would be flown off course by the blast. A solid plan. return.”

The bombs were set on the sides of the modified moonlander, “I am going outside.”
lovingly nicknamed the “Cockroach”. The shuttle bay had been
used almost entirely to hoist the 2 ton machine. It was roughly the Her space suit would give her about two hours time to walk
size of a VW Bug and the shape had been converted into around. She had parked her cockroach roughly two hundred yards
something like a tiny jeep with folding wings and cockroach legs. away from the Eiffel Tower, so it did not take her long to reach it.
In a pinch, the moonlander could land on the asteroid using it’s
powerful cockroach legs, but the cockroach’s real objective was to Once she was there, she was utterly amazed.
float near enough to the asteroid to deliver the bombs.
Somehow, the Eiffel Tower had been moved, along with a sizable
The four bombs looked like tiny surfboard replicas of the part of the park on which it was built, to this desolate rock in
cockroach. They also had wings and six prehensive legs to grab space. She could see park benches, and the visitor's desk. The
onto whatever they could so they could be placed on the asteroid vegetation, the trees were frozen stiff from the cold of space, but
without error. The detonation would be done by radio transmission they were there, somehow mostly still green and beautiful.
once the Horus was safely out of reach of the blast. The bombs
would not detonate unless detonated from inside the Horus. So Stasi reached a garbage can full of garbage. Half-eaten hot dogs,
Lee knew that if Stasi wanted to land the cockroach, he would frozen forever. Debris from a world decades ago. How was it
have to kill her. Literally. possible? The german newspaper was there. The one spied on by
the Hubble telescope. She picked it up. It was as if it was made
out of ice, the sheets stiff and hard and brittle. She crushed them
The real Eiffel Tower was still there, back home, where it was “Our time is running out.” Lee said, worried for the first time since
supposed to be. But somehow, this magical place had suddenly the strange adventure had begun.
appeared out of nowhere, with no explanation. And this WAS the
Eiffel Tower. Stas knew it firsthand. She had been there when she “I’ve already set the bombs. Leave if you wish. You can still make
was still a student. She had gone there with her mother and Mars’ orbit.” She said coldly.
father. They had eaten crepes just outside. It was the same tower.
Back in the Space Shuttle, Lee began to sweat. It was not
Then she saw it. The absolute proof that this was indeed the Eiffel supposed to be like this. This was not the mission they had
Tower she knew: an oak tree. About five meters to the left of agreed upon. His mind was not set for these kind of situations.
where she was. Part of the garden that had somehow been
transported here, to this insanity. Stasi set the bombs to detonate. She decided that she would
climb the tower and watch them go off. She had gathered
An ancient oak with a very specific message carved into its trunk. hundreds of photographs and other data for the bosses back
Stasi remembered the tree. She remembered the message. It was home and she had sent it all. She had about half an hour before
in German, surely made by one of the many german soldiers who the orbit of the Big Stone changed. So after setting the bombs to
occupied Paris during the great war. It said: Dieter und Anne detonate, she went back to the tower.
Laure with a heart between both names. Stasi remembered the
tree and the carving, because she had been angry about it. Here She found Lee, suited up and standing under the Eiffel Tower.
was a teutonic invasor in this sacred grove, marking a tree as if he
were the owner. It was an old mark. A mark made on a great oak “What are you doing here, you crazy man?” She asked utterly
decades ago. bewildered.
The oak was frozen in space. Frozen in time. The leaves were “Back home in Wisconsin, when I was going to school, I took
gone. But the trunk was big and unmovable. As if someone had french as one of my elective classes. There, I learned for the first
duplicated an exact replica of the park under the tower and time that the only true love is that whom you can kiss under the
dropped it square on the asteroid. Eiffel Tower.”
“It’s the real Eiffel Tower, Lee. I know it. There is a frozen oak. It’s “What?”
marked. The same marks as the ones back home.”
“Will you kiss me, Anastasia Smirnoff?”
“Stasi, stop fooling around and get back to the ship. You might still
make it.”
Big Stone was detonated safely before it left Mars’ orbit. It broke
into seven different pieces none of which continued on their
“Some things are worth dying for. Seeing this tree is worth dying course to Earth. The data collected by Captain Smirnoff was
for. There are great mysteries in the universe, Lee, and now I am somehow not sent to a private server, but to a local Facebook
the owner of this particular mystery. Don’t you understand?” account owned by Smirnoff’s youngest sister, Lisa. From there,
the photos and data regarding the strange “clone” of the Eiffel
Tower went viral and spread like wildfire throughout cyberspace.
STRANGE STORIES OF ROBIN KACZMARCZYK Thousands of speculations about the possible origin of the
2 asteroid and of the strange Eiffel Tower in it flooded the internet,
and eventually made it to the mainstream news. Most agreed that
it had been a hoax.

Captain Smirnoff and Captain Roberts were given funerals back in

Moscow and Washington respectively with full military honors.
They were supposedly killed during a Russian-American joint
operation in Afghanistan. The governments of the two
superpowers denied completely all the information leaked in the

The Gravity of Ghosts
As deaths go, my own death was unremarkable. I had a heart
attack at home. I had been cutting the grass when it happened.

It was not a surprize for anybody who knew me. I was fifty years
old. I was overweight, I had diabetes, high blood pressure, and
deep and abiding addiction to pizza, beer and soft drinks. I was on
the top tier of heart-attack candidates. I didn’t care.

When I died, I fell next to my lawnmower. A terrible shooting pain

in my chest gripped me and didn’t let go. It paralyzed me. I knew I
was dying. My left arm went limp, I couldn't’ get air into my lungs
and I knew if I didn’t get help soon, I’d be dead. It’s a very
stressful death, a heart attack. Painful. It’s a kind of pain I can’t
explain, because you know you’re dying.

I had a big yard. 100 meters of pure beauty and peace in the
middle of the Blue Ridge Mountains. It was about a mile away
from the nearest highway. Beautiful pecan trees, apple trees,
squirrels, wild birds, even a deer or two would show up.. I had a
huge two story antebellum house, fully refurbished, with all the
commodities of modern life, solar panels, two car garage,
swimming pool and the most beautiful garden you could wish for.
But it was kind of isolated. That’s how I liked it.

So I was alone.

I had been living alone for the last two months after my wife, Betsy
left me. Our two kids were off to college in other states, and I had
few friends, none of which would visit me unannounced. Roy
Shillings, Mack O’Hanney and Stan McGrady, my closest friends
would come every friday for poker, pizza, beer and pornos. But
they would not be coming for another four days. It was only
Monday afternoon.

So, as I died, I figured they would wouldn’t find my body until

STRANGE STORIES OF ROBIN KACZMARCZYK friday. Friday after five. That would be the time when the poker
6 boys would find my body.
Where her eyes should be, there were two huge black holes, like
I hadn't finished cutting the grass. Weird, worrying about that two miniature black holes you would see at the end of a galaxy.
when I knew I dying. But when you die, you really don’t wanna Pure darkness. Nothingness.
leave anything undone. I was wondering if I had left the front door
open. I figured the squirrels would go into kitchen and eat up all And I wasn’t afraid of her. I felt no fear… because somehow, I
the fruit in my fruit basket. knew her words were correct: I was dead. And this… this was the
Then the pain made everything go black.
“Who are you?” I asked her.
I guess I passed out.
“They killed me in those woods years ago. Been looking to get
When I woke I was standing next to my body. The lawnmower had back home ever since, but… there is no more home. Mom and
shut off and it was still a sunny, beautiful day. Indeed, I had left dad are gone.” She replied without any expression in her eyeless
the front door open, so I went to close it. face.
“What’s your name?”
“And how do you know I’m dead, Tiffany?”
My body laid crumpled next to the lawnmower. I was dead. Or
was I? “Because your body is there, dead, next to the lawnmower.”

I was confused. I felt fine. I looked at my hands, my feet. I still had I thought about my own daughter, Rebecca. She was very
hands and feet. It was as if I was still here, but also there, different from Tiffany. When she was eight years old, she liked to
crumpled by the lawnmower. How could that be? I looked up at dress like a boy, short hair, jeans… Becca was a tomboy.
the sky, and sun was shining. There were no clouds. The woods
next to my house were like they had always been, although, And suddenly, I was standing next to Becca. But she want’s eight
maybe a little quieter. I didn’t hear any birds. years old. She was 24, and she was fighting with her boyfriend,
Jacks. They were having lunch at the Beverly Connection in West
“You’re dead, mister.” somebody said behind me. Los Angeles, California. She had gone to study medicine at UCLA
and she was still trying to finish her degree, working two full time
jobs just to get through.
I turned around and saw a little girl. She was about eight years old
and wore a cute little blue dress like the ones little girls used to
wear decades ago, with long white stockings and black shoes. “I don’t really care if you did or you didn’t, Jacks, the fact is that I
She had long brown hair, very pale skin… And no eyes. found her messages on your iPhone and you can’t really convince
me that there is nothing going on.” She said under her teeth to
the muscular, handsome mustachioed young man.

He lowered his eyes and played with his fork, tossing lettuce
STRANGE STORIES OF ROBIN KACZMARCZYK around his dish with no appetite.
“No, I’m sorry…. Honey… really… I am very sorry. That crazy
“Becca?” I said. bitch is like… Fatal attraction. I don’t want anything with her. I
don’t care about her. I care about you… I only care about you,
“Dad?” She replied and turned around to see me. Becca… I love you. Please… Please forgive me and let's put this
behind us…”
But she didn’t see me.
He reached out to her and she didn’t pull back. They hugged and
“What did you say?” Jacks asked her, looking up. he kissed her.

“I thought I heard my dad. But that’s impossible. He’s in South Now I was desperate… Really angry. This asshole was lying to
Carolina.” She replied. my preciouss little baby… He was a cheating, lying bastard!
Somehow.. My ghostly outburst had ruined the situation…
“Look Becca, Lucy is just obsessed with me. There’s nothing
going on…” Jacks tried to explain. I thought about my son, Jeffrey.

“Jacks, I don’t believe you. You’re a lying piece of shit.” And suddenly, I was no longer in Los Angeles.

“Becca, honey, you have it all wrong…” I was in Atlanta, Georgia. And my son, Jeffrey, who was now a 22
year old bum, was shooting up heroin in a dingy apartment in the
Somehow… I knew he was lying. It was not a hunch. It was a middle of the ghetto. He was alone, and he looked terrible.
certainty. It was clear as a bell. A vision of him with this black
chick having sex. Knowing he is lying and lying anyhow. “Jeff?”

I got angry…. So I threw his drink on his lap. I tried to stop him from shooting up, but my hands passed right
through his arm.
They both jumped out of their seats, surprised.
“Leave me alone, dad.” He said in the middle of his opiate dream.
“What the hell was that!?” He said.
“Can you see me?” I asked.
“I didn’t do that!” She cried.
“Yeah sure. What are you doing here?”
“You must have… otherwise…. How did that happen? The glass
didn’t jump for itself, Becca.” He accused. “Jeff, I think I’m dying. I had a heart attack back home.”
“You’re just saying that to make me worry about you. You’re fine.”
“I’m sorry….” She said…
“Jeff, why didn’t you tell me you had a drug problem?”

“Get out of my house dad. You have no right to be here.. You

9 threw me out…!”
“I didn’t throw you out, Jeff. You were supposed to go to school.”
“You threw me out and then mom left you. You’re so full of “Find your own way. I just need to tell you that you’re dead…
yourself, dad. Get out! Get out of my house! Get out of my dream!” Figure it out, mister.”

And suddenly, I was back home, looking at my dead body, And she disappeared.
standing beside a little girl with no eyes.
“Frank?” It was my wife’s voice.
“Are you convinced now? You’re dead, mister.” She said.
“Rose?” I shouted.
And suddenly, I was at the McDonalds of Buford Road, and my
“Because you had a heart attack? Too much pizza? Working too wife was eating a Big Mac and fries alone.
hard on the yard in the middle of a hot day?” She had the slightest
smile now on that terrible eyeless face. “Frank, you are such an ass.” She said.

“I mean, why did he want to throw me out? I love Jeffrey.” I asked. “Rose, can you see me?”

“There are rules.” She replied. “If one of the living does not want to “If only you had spent a little more time with me. If twenty four
see you, they can send you away. Like your son. He sent you years we never got to be together. You never listened to me. You
away because he didn’t want to see you. Also, if you spend too didn’t care.” She started crying. “You didn’t listen, Frank. But I still
much time with the living, they start to go crazy. You can’t really love you. I still love you and if you were not such an ass we would
talk to them, or they will go nuts. Then it’s on you.” She said. be together, and I wouldn’t be here, eating a shitty hamburger by
myself. I would be cooking you your favorite hashbrowns. Don’t
“How do you know all that?” you see…?”

“Been dead for quite a while… Don’t know rightly how long, but it’s “Can you see me Rose?”
been a while.”
If she did, she made no sign of it. She just kept talking.
“Are there many more like you?”
“So, I tell you what is going to happen, Frank: I am going to ask
“We dead tend to stick to the place where we died. But we can go you for a divorce. I am going to ask you for a divorce and you’ll
wherever we think of… We also know everything. Just think about have to sell your parent’s house to pay me off. And you will be
it. Time is no longer a problem. You will know all that happens, alone, and broke and I will laugh at you…. And then, maybe you
has happened or is happening. Just think about it and you will will understand how much I really hate you, Frank.”
know.” She started walking back into the woods….
I was back in my garden. She had not been talking. She had been
“Wait…” thinking. I had just heard it as words, but in fact, she had not really
used her mouth, because then I remembered that all those nasty
9 words that came out of her mouth were coming between bites of
What had I done to her?
uncomfortable. My fingers were turning dark and flies began to
look for moisture in my open eyes and mouth. I was in no mood to
When we first married, we were in love. She was everything I ever
see myself decay, so I decided to go back into the house.
wanted in a woman. Gorgeous, smart… good in the kitchen. Then
came our kids. And my career took off. I had graduated from
Clemson University with a Business Masters Degree. Started I tried to close the front door, but I found that my hand went right
working at Walmart, made it to middle management within a through the door handle. I was turning “ghostly”. I looked at my
couple of years. In ten years, I had my own Walmart and I was hands again, and it was like looking at a transparency. It was still
making a very comfortable six figure income. my hands, but I could see right through them.

We had two cars. We went on vacations. Sent both kids to I figured that if I was a real ghost, I could pass through walls, so I
college. went from the foyer into the sitting room through the wall…
Indeed, it was like crossing through water… As if the wall between
the foyer and the sitting room was made from water.
I guess I didn’t pay enough attention to Rose. We both gained
weight. We stopped dating and going out. It’s what normal married
couples do, right? I tried grabbing an apple from the table… No use. My hand went
right through it. I suddenly worried I would starve to death… If I
couldn’t eat… How would I…?
She never did care much for my friends. And maybe, if I am
honest with myself…. Maybe I didn’t care any more. We had very
little in common. I was bored with her. It’s not like I would have an I shrugged it off. Ridiculous. Ghosts don’t feel hunger. I wasn’t
affair.. I don’t think she would either… But her endless talks about hungry. I was nervous. I had wanted to eat an apple because I
her mother and her brothers and sisters bored me. was nervous and I liked eating when I was nervous because it
calmed me down.
Yeah, I could see how it all came to this. Funny that I couldn’t see
it when I was alive. I had been so busy living that I had not really I did the next best thing. I turned on the television.
considered why I had lived the way I did. Kids, work.. Wife. Had
that been all of it? I saw Bela Lugosi in his famous role as “Dracula”. He was strolling
through his castle in Transylvania, looking mysterious.
And now, Rose was there, sitting in a McDonald's, alone, thinking
about how she was going to divorce me without really knowing Wait….
that I was dead. What a surprize she had in store! If I couldn't pick up an apple, how did I manage to turn on the
television? I looked at my hand, and it still held the remote.
I went back home.
“Perhaps I can answer that, my friend…” Said Bela Lugosi,
I didn’t want to hang around in the garden, next to that horrid looking straight at me.
lawnmower and the corpse that lie next to it. Rigor mortis had
given my face a peculiar “Joker” smile that made me utterly “Dracula?” I asked.

“My name is Lugosi. Bela Lugosi. I am an actor, and like you, I am

9 already dead, friend.”
His face paint was pale-green. I had no idea. But it made him look
“Oh, Mr. Lugosi, I’m one of your biggest fans!” I said. I had never even more ghostly. He was amazing. Elegant, beautiful.
met a movie star before, and I was a little awed. Marvelous.

“You are a charming liar. Did you know that all we who die and He sat down, grabbed the apple that I was not able to grab and
have movies made are summoned by your televisions? You took a bite out of it. He seemed to savour the taste, as if he was
summoned me, my friend.” eating the most precious treat in heaven or earth.
“I don’t get to do this often, Mr. Dougherty.” He said.
“I… I’m very sorry, Mr. Lugosi, I had no idea…”
“How do you know my name?” I asked.
“Fame in the silver screen has it’s price. We are not able to
transcend into the next realm until we are utterly forgotten, and “We are dead, sir. We are omniscient. We can know anything just
many of us are never forgotten. The same happens to people who by thinking of it.”
have statues and portraits of themselves made. Our spirits linger
in that which we leave behind.” I thought about it. Indeed, once I focused on a subject, I knew it
instantly. I knew who murdered Kennedy. I knew what was in Area
“Do you want me to change the channel?” 51. The secrets of the universe were at my fingertips…. And
somehow, I knew that I was not wrong about any of it.
“It matters not. I will be summoned again and again and again… It
seems not very restful, but at least, since you are dead, we can “You are entitled to heaven, Mr. Dougherty. You have been a
…. Chat together.” good man, a righteous man.” Bella said, smiling. “What are you
doing here on earth? It’s not like you are summoned by your
Bela Lugosi smiled at me, and I thought it was strange that the set image on the television.”
behind him did not change. I knew this movie well and there was
another scene which was not playing just after his creeping “I don’t know… I guess I never thought about it. I didn’t know what
around in the castle. to expect.”

“Might I come in your house, sir?” He asked me. “Are you a religious man, Mr. Dougherty?”

“Sure.” I answered. “I used to go to church with my family growing up. We were

baptists. But I really never believed in all that jazz about Jesus…
And suddenly, Bela Lugosi was there, standing next to my and the Virgin Mary.” I said, confused.
“But you believe in me?” Smiled Dracula at me.
“Ahhhh… much better. I missed seeing things in color.” He said.
A great and terrible fear gripped me. What if this was it? Was I
condemned to roam the earth for all time as a disembodied
spectre? Was this hell? Was I in purgatory? Perhaps it was no
coincidence that I had come to Bela Lugosi first.
6 Wait…
find your house? Or you didn’t WANT to find your house? Which
The little eyeless girl… It was SHE who I saw first. Some poor little was it?”
girl… murdered. Or was she? What if she was lying? What if…
what if she was also a condemned soul… that would explain the “Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” She cried… first angry, then pleading.
eyes. Tiffany… that was her name… Tiffany. What if Tiffany was
really the devil? “What is it that you saw, Tiffany? What did you want to rip out of
your eyes?” I asked.
I had to find Tiffany…
“You know nothing! You know nothing about me!”
And suddenly, I was back, next to the lawnmower… and… the
cadaver. “Your father’s nakedness… !” I said, and almost instantly, I felt
sorry I had said it.
I don’t know how long it had passed, but my body was now
swollen and putrid. The eyes had caved in and maggots were Her shout was something between the cry of an animal, thunder,
starting to eat from them. My mouth was also full of maggots. My and the ripping of the fabric of reality. It did not only blast through
fingers black and blistered by the heat. Three days? Four? Hard to my soul, it kind of ripped it apart. Her eyes… her face… grew into
tell… I was no expert in forensic medicine. this gigantic all-encompassing hatred…. And she was gone.

I couldn’t look at myself. It was simply too horrible. Tiffany WAS a dark spirit. Something best forgotten. Something
“You know nothing about me!” Shouted the little eyeless ghost that had not found how to forgive itself for what it was. She was
behind me, startling me. not a little girl any more… she was not even a shadow of
humanity… But then… she had been…
Her shout had a kind of “force”, because it made me fall on my
ass, just behind myself as a corpse, rotting. No more.

But I knew better. I got up… Was this my future? What had I done for which I had not found
forgiveness? Would I wonder in the netherworld as a ghost until I
“Tiffany Ann Martin. Born July 1st 1812, died December 18th forgot everything except that which still held me to this world? If
1820. You killed yourself, Tiffany. You ran into the woods against Bela Lugosi had made no movies, would he be a free spirit? A
your parents wishes. You ran because you saw something. liberated soul?
Something you wanted to forget…”
What’s the word he had used? Transcendence?
“You know nothing about me!!!!” She shouted, this time a little less
terrifying. How did one transcend being a ghost?

“You didn’t rip out your eyes. Crows did. When you died of I tried to relive my entire life. I went back to my childhood… I was
hypothermia. It was really cold outside, wasn’t it. And you couldn’t a baby. A toddler. I was in Kindergarten. Dad leaving mom. My
younger brother is born to another “dad” who I never even knew.
Highschool. My first dog. My first crush. Losing my virginity.
My whole life passed before my eyes.

I had made mistakes. But I had done nothing to deserve hell. I

was innocent. Or was I? What was I forgetting?

Then, Roy Shillings, Mack O’Hanney and Stan McGrady arrived

later that afternoon. What WAS time? How was I conscious of the
passage of time?

Their shock at seeing my decomposing dead corpse next to the

lawnmower. The ambulance. They called Rose and Becca and
Jeffrey. My family is summoned to the house for the funeral. I am
buried next to my mom and dad.
It all happens so fast! Like scenes in a movie. They are sad. They
are genuine in their sadness.. They had loved me. All of them…
Their love had been sincere. Being dead begins to make sense.
Even Rose, who had just left me… or perhaps she most of all..
She is the saddest.

I remain on the earth. I look at my tombstone and I look at the sky.

Is this all of it?

Then a funny thought comes to my head… If I am dead? Why am

I standing up? I look down at my feet. They are transparent, but
solid somehow too… Firmly planted in the ground next to my

If I am dead, why do I have feet?

And suddenly, I no longer have feet. Nor legs… I don’t have

arms… or a penis, or eyes. Or a tongue… I don’t have a mind or
Our world is small. It is so small, that it’s easy to go from one end of it to
I am free. the other in just a few breaths. I wouldn’t say we live in a crowded
world, because we lived in a different world before, and that world was
crowded. In fact, there are only six people in our world.
I am Adam. I have a wife, Eve. And under us, swim four strange people
STRANGE STORIES OF ROBIN KACZMARCZYK 0 who speak a different language and think different from us. We call
0 them Sinequanon: the bottom feeders. I’m not sure if they are two men
and two women, or four women, or four men. Three of them are And I was alone.
perfectly golden, as golden as my wife. One is black. Perhaps he is the
male and they are the females. Perhaps she is the female and they are Nobody could be seen in my tiny hell. The storms, the great waves
the males. I don’t know. They are strange. crashed into the tiny world, shaking me to and fro like a bundle of
seaweed. I thought I would die again, but no death came to me.
But in such a small world as ours, we have to get along. They feed from
the bottom. We feed from the top. They swim at the bottom. We swim Barely, I could see the terrible, cruel hand of a dark god grab my pocket
at the top. world and toss it around the emptiness of space like a child would toss a
Our world is rectangular. But vast things outside of it can be seen in the
distance. Strange creatures, great, gigantic creatures live outside our What had I done to deserve hell? I was not a “sinner”, I was a righteous
world. They come and go. Some look at us, but most leave us alone. person, who lived a righteous life. Besides, I was barely a teen-ager.
They are gods. Weird beings so large, so impossible that we can’t even Why should someone as young as I be cast into hell.
fathom what they really are. They’re always there, well, almost always. And then, my pocket world “burst” and the oceans poured into the
They control day and night. They control the weather, cold or hot. They “New World”.
control the universe outside our world. That’s when I met my “Eve”. She was the only other person there. Oh,
I remember the universe before. When I was young. there were the four strange creatures at the bottom of our sea of love,
but … they were strange and did not speak our language. Behind their
It was a different universe, with many more gods than now. It was strange whiskered faces, I could see the ghost of intelligence, but they
somehow a larger universe. And we were many then. Hundreds of us, were so alien, so peculiar, that for many years, Eve and I simply hid
swimming here and there. And many of us were very different from away from them.
each other. There was every color in the rainbow. Bottom feeders. Tops
feeders. Babies. Old people. I was not alone!

Then, the “great change” came upon me. I thought I was dying. It was a Eve.
great spider’s web from the sky which came upon me. I swam for my My Eve, my wife… my sister… my daughter. She was all to me. My all.
life, but there was no escaping the terrible web. Soon, I was caught in it, The sum total of the love which burst from my heart into this new
and I was being pulled up, and up, and up. world. We had the entire world to ourselves! It was as if we were the
I left the old world, and I saw the terror of space. I couldn’t breathe! It only two beings on the planet. A cosmic love nest where I didn’t have to
WAS death, come for me. fight other males for the attention of my wife.

But somehow, I survived. The great web left me and I was swimming Was I in heaven?
once again, but now, it was in a tiny, dizzying mini-world. The mini I asked Eve about her origins. How had she gotten here? She told me a
world was one of storms, and terrible tsunamis. I thought it might be story basically mirroring my own. She had been born in a great crowded
hell. world. Then, the web had gotten to her, picking her out from among
hundreds of others.
STRANGE STORIES OF ROBIN KACZMARCZYK 0 Then, a brief stint in a hell, held by the hands of a cruel god, crossing
through the emptiness of space. And finally, arriving here.
She arrived before I did. But not much time before. Almost upon In our home world, there were always many gods, and they were not
arriving in this “New World”, I had come afterwards. particularly interested in us. But here, in our new world, God was always
We were alone in a world made for us. there. God took good care of us. God sent us food from heaven. God
changed the sea when it was dark. God made it warm when it was cold
Of course we fell in love. and made it cooler when it was too hot.
How can I describe love to you? My Eve was everything I cherished. The I thought God was a woman. I don’t know why. She was so alien, so
beauty of beauty itself. The warmth, the truth, the life. Gold-colored, strange, so humongous that there was no way to know for certain. But
with such amazing yellow eyes, so full of wisdom, patience, clarity and… something deep within me told me that God was a woman.
yes… love. I lived for her, but I also knew that she lived for me.
There were other gods, but none of them really took care of our world.
We were the only two people in the world. None of them brought us food or changed the weather to make sure we
were warm when it was cold. Our God was smaller than these other
Our world.
“Great Gods”, and sometimes, I thought that the “Great Gods” punished
Oh, there were some details. For one, this was a “smaller” world than our “God”, because I thought our God was “crying” after the Great Gods
our home worlds. I could cross from one end to the other in a few screamed to her.
swipes of my tail. And somehow, these strange bottom feeders, these
But how could I know?
creatures from the deep… What were they? They were harmless
enough, smaller and shy. But they weirded us out. Were we sharing the I wasn’t even sure if it really WAS female.
world with beings who shared nothing in common with us?
We lived with “Her”. I could see her bed. It was even larger than our
But the most terrible thing about this new world was what made it so world. But “she” slept there. I would watch her sleep. She had to lie
special: we were alone. Eve and I were totally alone. There were no down to sleep. Something strange. Why did she have to lie down to
people near us. sleep?
Certainly the new world was a more beautiful than the old world. I tried to speak to God every day. I don’t know if she listened. I don’t
Harmonious. Colorful. A great forest of plants rooted in the deep even know if she understood. But I spoke to her as best as I could,
reached all the way to the surface of the world. My home world had no asking her all the questions about the universe outside our world. What
plants. Only people. was it like? Was she really a girl? The other gods… what were they to
her and why did they sometimes make her cry?
I remember the castle. That was the best part. A huge, ancient and alien
castle, created by another race in another time. It was pink and green Sometimes, God left us.
and yellow and purple. And huge. It occupied half the world! But we
explored every inch of it. We swam inside it, outside it. We made it our There was a great door, a kind of dimensional gate to another universe,
home. and our great God went through it and then she was gone for a long
time. But she would always come back. She would send us food from
And then there was God. heaven and change our water and change the weather whenever we
needed it. We loved God. She was a Great God.
I could feel her love. I knew God loved us. She would talk to us in this
STRANGE STORIES OF ROBIN KACZMARCZYK 0 strange, unfathomable language, and she would make us see things. She
4 had, for instance, these idols of herself, they were just like her, but
She had changed radically when she got into Freshmen High School. Her
much smaller. She would dress them and play with them in front of us room was mess. She was no longer interested in playing with her dolls.
for hours. For days. Now she was rude, moody and secretive. The worst of it were her poor
goldfish. Alice was so busy with her new life as a High School student
She also showed us illustrations in books larger than our entire castle.
that she was no longer paying attention to them.
Inside the books we could see pictures of strange and magical things.
Worlds with thousands of castles like ours but infinitely larger. When she came into the house from school, she threw her backpack
Creatures for four legs, and with six legs and with eight legs. into the floor, threw herself into the sofa and turned on the television.
Our own God had two legs, so I imagined that these creatures with “Alice, two of your fish died today. Go check the fish tank.”
more legs than her must be her Gods. We didn’t have ANY legs. We had
fins. “Aww… Ma, I’ll do it later. I’m wasted.”

And then, one day, God forgot about us. “I think you forgot to turn on their heater.”

It began slowly. At first, she stopped playing with the idols and putting “Oh, yeah. I was using the wall-plug to charge my cell phone.”
clothing on them. Then, she stopped showing us images in her great “Well, it was cold last night, and two of your cat fish died. You know
books. She spoke less and less to us. Eventually, she began to forget to they can’t stand the cold weather.”
feed us.
“Yeah, don’t worry. I’ll take care of it later. Let me just chill out. School
Our world fell into chaos. is stressing me out. I’ll clean up the tank after lunch.”
We knew hunger for the first time. Not just any kind of hunger, but the “You used to love your goldfish. You used to talk to them. You’ve
real hunger of not having eaten anything during a whole season of light changed, Alice.”
and dark.
“I’m not a little child any more, ma.”
Then, we realized that God was no longer changing our oceans, so our
oceans became polluted and we couldn’t breathe.
But the worse of it came with the “big freeze”. Somehow, our God
forgot to bring warmth to our world, and the world became cold… so
cold that two of the bottom feeders died from hypothermia. Only after
the death of two of the bottom feeders did the warmth come back.
But we finally understood. We were doomed. God had forgotten us.
Margaret was getting fed up with her teenage daughter.

There are two kinds of stories here. Some that I wrote years and years
ago in a typewriter and then lost to history, which I had to re-write from
memory, such as “The North Pole” and original stories like “The Big
Stone”. I had a big folder with dozens of stories like “The Machine”,
“The Whale” and “Jack Nicholson in Hell” and somehow, it got lost… so I
wrote down some notes on the stories I remembered and then got
down to actually re-writing them. The stories that didn’t make it here
are those I couldn’t remember.
I am not big on re-writing. Usually, when I think up a story, it comes as
an inspiration and I don’t take long in writing it. It “flows”. Then, I read it
once and if it’s not utterly rubbish, I send it to my dad, who reads it
next. He usually send the stories to one or two select friends to read
who give us feedback. But basically, once I let the story “flow” I forget
about it. That’s how I roll. So if you find inconsistencies, absurdities, or
just plain bad grammar, please forgive me. I’m not a word-cruncher. I
just like to tell stories.
I appreciate you reading my stories. Thanks for your time.

God Bless,
Robin Kaczmarczyk
Valle de Bravo, México
14 of June 2017

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