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Ma’had Al-Quran
Universitas PTIQ Jakarta

Name : mohamad noufal Faculty :USHULUDDIN

Subject : ENGLISH Time : 90 Min
Day/Date : Wednesday/ 20 – 12 -2023 Signature :

PART I - Phonetic And Phonology ( 10 Points )

Answer And Fix The Error Sentences Below!

Paragraph for Error Correction:

Learning a new language are perceived by many people to be difficult.

Mastering the
grammar, vocabularies, and correct pronunciations seems
really overwhelming and intimidating at first. However, with dedicated efforts,
clever strategies, and a lots of practice, fluency in a new language is
ultimate achievable over times.
One recommendation trick is surrounding
yourselfs fully immersed in the
languages. Listening to speakers conversations, reading popular
books or news articles, and even watching televisions shows or movies in
the target language helps. Don't getting discouraged by initial struggles to
understanding everything completely either. Comprehending bits and pieces
at first is normal. be patient properly
Also with speaking and avoid afraid of
making many mistakes at early stages.
pronunciations will
developing with more experiences.
In addition,
finds language lessons at your actual level starting out. Then
slowly progress
to more advanced expressions and difficult grammar
principles when you have built foundational proficiencies. Highlights
common everyday vocabulary and conversational phrases to use when
traveling. Memorizing the basics through fun activities like songs, games, or
culturally immerse experiences makes learnings more engaging and sticks
better than textbook studies alone.
Stay committed in your regular studies for the long-term goals of fluency.
With strategic immersions, fun practice, and patient persistence day by day
and year over year, mastering the new language will eventual become
second nature! It may not be easy at first, but don't gets discouraged -
proficiencies in languages is truly attainable for those willing to put in the
times .

 Consonants:
1. Identify all the consonant digraphs in the paragraph.
2. Give two examples of consonants that can be pronounced as either
voiced or voiceless depending on the context.
 Vowels:
1. Find two instances in the paragraph where the letter "o" makes two
different vowel sounds based on the word.
2. Identify two vowels that have related "short" and "long" pronunciations
in English. Give one word example for each.
3. How many distinct vowel sounds are contained in the word "strategies"?
Write them out.

Guess the Phonetic Symbol and Write it Down

Llama -
Beige -
Jeans -
Champagne -
Volume -
Azure -
Genre -
PART II - Vocabulary Worksheet ( 5 Points )

Antonyms Provide an antonym for Synonyms Give a synonym for the

each word: words below :
Big - Mistake -
Up - Joyful -
Push - Purchase -
Happy - Slim -
Heavy - Robust -

Fill In The Blanks Use The Word Bank To Fill In The Blanks:
 Hostile
 Benevolent
 Meticulous
 Nexus
 Convoluted
 Myriad
 The new video game has a of settings and customization
options for characters.
 Mapping the brain's neural pathways requires a
understanding of its complex structure.
 His
attention to detail is appreciated but sometimes

 The peace treaty aimed to ease tensions between the two
 My grandmother always had a kind and spirit that made
everyone feel welcomed.
PART III - Reading Comprehension ( 10 Points )
The rise of social media over the past 15 years has drastically transformed
communication and connection. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
and TikTok have given people new digital spaces to share updates, photos,
ideas and moments from their lives. Some hail social media for breaking
down barriers, allowing diverse voices to spread messages and mobilize
social movements from #MeToo to Black Lives Matter to climate activism
around the world. Through these networks, influence now comes not from
fancy titles or big budgets but from the power of viral posts.
Yet social media has also unleashed caustic cultures, cyberbullying,
the erosion of truth, and rising reports of anxiety and depression. Outrage
and extremism tend to spread the fastest, algorithms can trap users in
bubbles and questionable content, and profiteering platforms are accused of
purposefully addicting people to their screens. Behind the nonstop
notifications and endless scrolls lies a persistent ambivalence — the
connectivity people crave also disrupts organic interactions. Critics
increasingly condemn social media’s central role in amplifying societal
So are these technologies that dominate so much human attention
forces of social progress or decay? The debate rages on. Wise regulation
might temper dangers but risks clamping innovations. Some idealists still
hope ethical design could resolve this tension between the promise and peril
of platforms built to sustain attention, not uplift humanity. A realist might
argue the profit motive driving big tech makes that unlikely. Yet everyone
agrees this digital age is not disappearing, so the questions of social media
remain essential to face, even if definitive solutions stay unclear.

 What are two competing views on social media that the author presents?
 List three negative impacts of social media discussed.
 What rhetorical technique does the author employ by asking the direct
question “So are these technologies...forces of social progress or decay?”

 What does the author suggest might help address social media’s
tensions between promise and peril?
 Based on context, what is the closest definition for the word “caustic” as
used? A. Inspiring B. Toxic C. Unusual D. Uncivil
PART IV - Wordplay ( Addition 5 Points )

Guess The Word !

[ ig-zam-in ] -
[ kuh-myoo-ni-tee ] -
[ ik-spand ] -
[ kuhn-struhkt; ] -
[ in-kuhn-veen-yuhnt ] -
[ ver-uh-fahy ] -
[ pri-dik-tuh-buhl ] -
[ uh-poh-zing ] -
[ wawk ] -
[ truh-jek-tuh-ree ] -

part 1
Learning a new language is perceived by many people to be difficult. Mastering grammar,
vocabulary, and correct pronunciations seems really overwhelming and intimidating at
first. However, with dedicated efforts, clever strategies, and lots of practice, fluency in a
new language is ultimately achievable over time.
One recommendation trick is surrounding yourself fully immersed in the languages.
Listening to native speakers conversations, reading popular books or news articles, and
even watching television shows or movies in the target language helps. Don't get
discouraged by initial struggles to understanding everything completely either.
Comprehending bits and pieces at first is normal. Also be patient with proper speaking
and avoid being afraid of making many mistakes at early stages. Perfect pronunciations
will develop with more experience.
In addition, find language lessons at your actual level starting out. Then slowly progress to
more advanced expressions and difficult grammar principles when you have built
foundational proficiencies. Highlight common everyday vocabulary and conversational
phrases to use when traveling. Memorizing the basics through fun activities like songs,
games, or culturally immersive experiences makes learning more engaging and sticks
better than textbook studies alone.
Stay committed in your regular studies for the long-term goals of fluency. With strategic
immersions, fun practice, and patient persistence day by day and year over year,
mastering the new language will eventually become second nature! It may not be easy at
first, but don't get discouraged - great proficiencies in languages are truly attainable for
those willing to put in the time.

1 "ch" dalam "difficult"
"sh" dalam "phrases"
"th" dalam "the"
"ng" dalam "long-term"

1 - 'seems,' the consonant 'S' is pronounced as a voiced sound (/z/)

- 'stays,' the consonant 'S' is pronounced as a voiceless sound (/s/).


1. example 1: kata "progress," suara "o" sebagai vokal pendek (/ɑ/).

example 2: kata "more," huruf "o" sebagai vokal panjang (/ɔː/).

2 "A": Short sound /æ/ as in "cat" and long sound /eɪ/ as in "cake."
"E": Short sound /ɛ/ as in "pen" and long sound /iː/ as in "see."

3 "strategies," there are four different vowel sounds :

/ɪ/ as in "strategies"
/eɪ/ as in "a"
/æ/ as in "a"
/iː/ as in "i"
Phonetic Simbol

Llama: /ˈlɑːmə/
Beige: /beɪʒ/
Jeans: /dʒiːnz/
Champagne: /ʃæmˈpeɪn/
Volume: /ˈvɒljuːm/
Azure: /ˈæʒər/
Genre: /ˈʒɒnrə/

Part 2

Antonyms Provide an antonym for Synonyms Give a synonym for the

each word: words below :
Big - Small Mistake - Error
Up - Down Joyful - Happy
Push – Pull Purchase - Buy
Happy - Sad Slim - Thin
Heavy - Light Robust - Strong

Fill in the blanks





Part 3
1. Two competing views on social media presented by the author:
-Social media as a force for social progress: Breaking down barriers, amplifying diverse
voices, and facilitating social movements.
-Social media as a force for decay: Unleashing negative cultures, cyberbullying, erosion of
truth, and contributing to rising reports of anxiety and depression.

2. Three negative impacts

- Caustic cultures, cyberbullying, erosion of truth.
- Rising reports of anxiety and depression.
- Outrage and extremism spreading rapidly.

3. Rhetorical technique
a rhetorical question to prompt contemplation and to emphasize the contrasting
impacts of social media, framing it as a dichotomy between being forces of social
progress or decay.

4. The author suggests that wise regulation might temper dangers but risks clamping
innovations. Additionally, ethical design is proposed as a potential resolution to the
tension between the promise and peril of these platforms.

5. B] Toxic

Part 4


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