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Introduction to Philippine Folkdances 5 Major Classifications of Philippine Folkdances

Folk Dance
1. Cordillera Dances
- Cultural art form handed from one generation to another. 2. Spanish Influenced Dances
- It communicates the customs, beliefs, and occupation of the 3. Muslim Dances
people of a region or country. 4. Tribal Dances
- Belongs to the people 5. Rural Dances

Historical Development of Folk Dance

- Magellan’s discovery in 1521 (Indonesians, Malays,

- Pygmies  Negritos (Sinulog – two men use bolos)
- Ritual, Occupational, Courtship, Festival and War Dances

Importance of Philippine Folkdances

- Binds community residents in the celebration of important

- Strengthens ties among community members
- Provides outlet that can wash away stressful activity
- Enjoyment and revelry for all

Characteristics of Philippine Folkdances

- Dancers stand apart

- There is little, if any, bodily contact
- Most of the dancers are done by pairs
- Hand movements play an important part
- Most of dancers are long in formation
- Dances from lowland have more foreign elements
than those found in upland
PE 4 Team Sports


- A team is a group of individuals working together to achieve

a goal


- Includes all forms of competitive activity or games

- aim to use, maintain, or improve physical ability and skills

Team Sports

- includes any sport which involves two or more players

working together towards a shared objective.

History of Team Sports

- Traces of sprinting as a team sport (France)

- Depicts people running after animals or vice versa

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