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For the population growth of any organism, there are three

phases it passes through:
1- The lag phase: when the organism becomes used to the
new environment.
2- The exponential phase, also known as the log phase:
when population rises rapidly because all requirements
are abundant.
3- The stationary phase: when population is in equilibrium
and reached the carrying capacity of the environment.
4- The environment has a carrying capacity, which is the
maximum size of a population that an environment can
support in terms of food, water, and other resources,
without damage.
Birth rate is the number of live births over time.
Death rate is the total number of deaths over time.
• If birth rate>death rate, population grows
• If birth rate<death rate, population falls.

Factors Affecting Birth Rate:

1- Lack of education makes people unaware of birth control methods (contraception)
2- Lack of education makes women marry early and have more children
3- Families have more children to financially support the family (child labor)
4- In LEDCs it is less costly to have children so they have high birth rate. While in MEDCs it is more
costly to have children
5- High infant mortality and poor health care services in LEDC makes families give birth to more
The movement of people from one area to another is known as migration
Moving from Rural areas (countryside) to urban areas (cities) is know as urbanization.

Why do people migrate?

Due to pull factors and push factors
Pull factors:
- Good standards of living
- Well paid jobs
- Good health care services
- Good quality education
- Better water supplies
- Good roads and infrastructure
Push factors:
- Unemployment
- Poverty
- Natural disasters like droughts, floods, etc
- Desertification
- Poor services
The Population Pyramid
• The young and the old are dependent (they do not work and are not economically
active therefore rely on those who are working for their needs)
• The middle aged are independent (economically active) and working.
Increasing population

Stable population

Decreasing population

How to control birth rate (ANTI-NATALIST policies):

1- Educate girls so they focus on future career and avoid early marriage
2- Educate people and increase awareness about birth control methods and dangers of high
population growth
3- Provide contraception (birth control)
4- Prevent child labor
5- Use government policies such as the One Child Policy, high taxes, etc
How to increase birth rate (PRONATALIST POLICIES)
1- Give subsidies to families
2- Provide free education and health care to children
3- Education and awareness about the importance of having children to the economy.

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