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Poem- Garden snake

Class-7 English (Honeycomb)

Central Idea of the poem

The poem, ‘Garden Snake’ is a simplistic description of a harmless snake. The poet encounters a snake in the
garden and runs away from it out of fear. However, his mother informs him that certain kinds of snakes are not
dangerous. They feed merely on insects. The poet loses his fear, thereafter and begins to watch the snake pass
through the garden.
Rhyme scheme of the poem- aabbccdd.
Reference to context
1.I saw a snake and ran away….

Some snakes are dangerous, they say;

But mother says that kind is good,

And eats up insects for his food.

(a) Who does 'they' refer to here ?

Ans- Common people

(b) What do 'they' say about the snakes?

Ans- Some of them are dangerous and even poisonous.

(c) What does mother mean to say by 'that kind'?

Ans- She referred the kind - Garden snakes

(d) What is the antonym of 'dangerous'?

Ans- Harmless

2. So when he wiggles in the grass

I’ll stand aside and watch him pass,

And tell myself, “There’s no mistake,

It’s just a harmless garden snake!”

(a) Name the poem and the poet of the above poem.

Ans- Poem- Garden snake

Poet- Muriel L.Sonne

(b) Which word describes the movement of the snake?

Ans- Wiggle

(c) What will the poet do if he happens to see the snake next time ?

Ans- If the poet happens to see the snake the next time, he will stand aside. He will let the snake pass
without being frightened.

(d) Choose the line which portrays a complete change of the poet’s attitude towards snakes?

Ans- “There’s no mistake, It’s just a harmless garden snake!”

 Note-The assignment to be done in fair notebook

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