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Department of Education Region

Division of Rizal
SY 2022-2023


Directions: Read the following questions carefully. Choose your answer from the options and write the letter that
corresponds to answer on your answer sheet.

1. Which of the following shows factoring of polynomials with difference of two squares?
a. 4a2 – b2 = (2a+b) (2a-b) c. 25m4+15m3 = 5m2 (5m2+3m)
b. x -2xy+y = (x-y) (x-y) d. x2-x-2 = (x-2) (x+1)
2. Find the factored form of x + 11x + 30.
a. (x+6) (x-5) b. (x+6) (x+5) c. (x+10) (x+3)d. (x-10) (x-3)
3. What do you call an expression that is a quotient of two algebraic expressions where both numerator and
denominator are polynomials, and the denominator is not equal to zero?
a. Algebraic expression c. Rational Algebraic Expression
b. Rational Algebraic Equation d. Rational Number
4. Which of the following rational algebraic expression is written in simplest form?
𝑥2−𝑥−2 15𝑚𝑛3
𝑥2+2𝑥−3 4𝑎𝑏 c. d.
𝑎. 𝑥+3 b. 16 𝑥−1 5𝑚𝑛
5. Find the sum of and .
24𝑏 24𝑏
𝑎. 24𝑏 b.
1 1
4𝑏 2𝑏 d.
𝑥 𝑥+3 4𝑏2
6. Perform the indicated operation - .
𝑥−1 𝑥+2
4𝑥+3 3 4𝑥 𝑥2+4𝑥+3
𝑎. ( b. c. d.
𝑥−1)(𝑥+2) (𝑥−1)(𝑥+2) (𝑥−1)(𝑥+2) (𝑥−1)(𝑥+2)
3𝑦 6𝑦
7. Find the quotient of and .
6𝑦+9 2𝑦+3
1 18𝑦 2𝑦+3 1
a. b. c. d.
2𝑦+3 2𝑦+3 6 6
8. What is a Rectangular Coordinate System?
a. It is used for naming points in a line.
b. It is plane used for graphing linear function.
c. It is used to determine the location of a point by using a single number.
d. It is a two-dimensional plane which is divided by the axes into four regions.

9. Which of the following ordered pair will make the equation x+8y = 12 true?
A. (4,1) b. (3,2) c. (-1,2) d. (0,8)
10. Find the slope of a line that passes through (4, 8) and (1, -1).
A. 1 b. − c. 3 d. -3
3 3
11. Find the equation of the line with slope -4 and passing through (0, -3).
A. y = 4x + 3 b. y = 4x - 3 c. y = -4x + 3 d. y = -4x – 3
12. Rewrite the linear equation y = x – 8 into the form ax + by = c.
B. x + y = 8 b. x – y = -8 b. x – y = 8 d. x + y = -8
13. What is the trend of the graph of the linear equation -3y = 12?
A. increasing b. vertical c. decreasing d. horizontal
16. How many solution/s does this system of linear equations {𝑦 = 7𝑥 − 2 ; 𝑦 = 7𝑥 − 2 have?
A. one b. infinite c. none d. none of the above
17. Determine the graphs of the system of linear equations {2𝑥 + 𝑦 = 2 2𝑦 = −4𝑥 + 4
A. intersecting b. coinciding C. parallel d. none of the above
18. Which of the statements below is a linear inequality in two variables?
A. 4x – y > 1 b. x2 + y2 ≤ 10 c. 8y ≥ 6x2 d. x – y = 14
19. Based on the graph, which point is NOT a solution of the system?
a. (0, 3) b. (-2, - 2) c. (-2, - 4) d. (0, 0)
20. It is a set of ordered pairs of a real numbers.
a. relation b. function c. domain d. range
21. If f(x)= 3x-2, what is f (4)?
a. 10 b. 11 c. 12 d. 13
22. What is the y-intercept (b) of the linear equation 2x – 3y = 9?
a. -2 b. -3 c. -4 d. -9
23. What is the converse of the conditional statement,” If two angles are congruent, then they have the same
a. If two angles are not congruent, then they do not have the same measure.
b. If two angles have the same measure, then they are congruent.
c. If two angles do not have the same measure, then they are not congruent.
d. If two angles have the same measure, then they are not congruent.
24. Write this statement as a conditional in if-then form: A triangle is a polygon with three sides.
a. If a polygon is a triangle, then it has three sides.
b. If a triangle has three sides, then it is a polygon.
c. If a triangle is a polygon, then it has three sides.
25. The side of a book represents .
a. point b. line c. plane d. line and plane
26. A line contains points.
a.1 b. 2 c. definite d. infinite
27. It indicates location and has no size.
a. point b. line c. plane d. line and plane
28. What is a figure formed by two rays with a common end point?
a. ray b. angle c. vertex d. segment
29. A statements accepted to be true without proof.
a. Theorem b. Postulate c. Defined terms d. Undefined terms
30. It is flat surface on which a straight line joining any two points on it would wholly lie.
a. Ray b. Line segment c. Plane d. angle
31. Miguel knows that in ∆MIG and ∆JAN, MI = JA, IG = AN, and MG = JN. Which postulate or theorem can
he use to prove the triangles congruent?
a. ASA b. AAS c. SSA d. SSS
32. What property is illustrated in: If ∠A ≅ ∠B, ∠B ≅ ∠C then ∠A ≅ ∠C.
a. Reflexive Property b. Symmetric Property
c. Transitive Property d. Addition Property
33.Triangle ABC is congruent to triangle DEF. Which side is congruent to side BC?
a. side EF b. side DE c. side DF d. none of the above
34. What is an exterior angle theorem?
a. The exterior ∠ formed by extending the side of a ∆ equals the sum of its non- adjacent ∠s.
b. The measure of the angle of a triangle equals 180 degrees.
c. The exterior ∠ formed by extending the side of a ∆ equals the measure of its adjacent ∠.
d. The exterior ∠ formed by extending the side of a ∆ plus its adjacent ∠ equals 180 degrees.

For numbers 35-37, refer to the figure at the right.

35. If 𝑝⃡̅→ ∥ ⃡𝑞̅→, what can you say angles 1 and 2?
a. Complementary b. Congruent
c. Supplementary d. Vertical
36. If the measures of angles 1 and 2 are equal, then what can you say lines p and q?
a. Intersecting b. Parallel c. Perpendicular d. Transversal
37. Given: ⃡𝑝̅→ ∥ 𝑞⃡̅→ , m∠1 = m ∠2, for what reason?
a. Alternate-Exterior Angles b. Alternate-Interior Angles
c. Corresponding Angles d. Same-Side Interior Angles
38. Which of the following is TRUE about the properties of parallel lines cut by a transversal line?
a. Alternate-interior ∠𝑠 are supplementary. c. Corresponding ∠𝑠 are congruent.
b. Alternate-exterior ∠𝑠 are supplementary. d. Same-side interior ∠𝑠 are congruent.
39. The following are possible outcomes in tossing 2 coins EXCEPT:
a. head & head b. head & tail c. tail & tail d. head, head & tail
40. How many possible outcomes are there for the experiment of choosing rock, paper, or scissors at random?
a.1 b. 2 c. 3 d.

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