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Week: 3

Topic: Diet and health

Name: Khuat Thi Thuy Chi
Type English Vietnamese Sentence building
No New Lev
of Pronunciation
. word/phrase el explanation meaning (at least 15 words in length)
1 Excessive Phrase Using too much of something Tiêu thụ quá One of the leading causes of
consumption of nhiều cái gì liver cancer that takes millions
of lives annually is excessive
consumption of alcohol
2 Anxiety Phrase /æŋˈzaɪ.ə.ti dɪ A mental illness in which a person Những rối loạn lo Many people living in major
disorders ˌsɔː.dər/ is so anxious that their normal life âu cities are more likely to suffer
is affected from mental health problems,
such as depression or anxiety
disorders, due to busy work
work schedules and the pressure
of coping with high living costs
3 Treatment and Phrase Some efforts in curing and Các nỗ lực điều Advances in technology and
prevention preventing illness trị và phòng ngừa treatment and prevention
efforts efforts, in recent times, have
helped control cardiovascular
4 cardiovascular Noun /ˌkɑːr.di.oʊ Relating to the heart and blood Bệnh tim mạch
diseases ˈvæs.kjə.lɚ/ vessels
5 Unhealthy eating Phrase Thói quen ăn Childhood obesity is on the rise,
habits uống không lành and one of the main culprits of
mạnh this is unhealthy eating habits
6 Incurable Adj /ɪnˈkjʊrəbl/ C2 Not able to be cured Không thể cứu He got an incurable disease
7 Malnutrition N /ˌmælnuˈtrɪʃn/ C1 Physical weakness and bad health Sự suy dinh Nearly half of the population is
caused by having too little food, dưỡng suffering from malnutrition
or too little of the types of food
necessary for good health
8 In the pink Idiom In very good health Đang rất khỏe John recovered from his
mạnh operation in less than 5 days,
and is now in the pink
9 Diagnostic N /ˌdaɪ.əɡˈnəʊ.sɪs/ C2 a judgment about what a Lời chẩn đoán When we get the results of your
particular illness or problem is, blood tests, I should be able to
made after examining it give you a clear diagnosic
10 Invasive Adj /ɪnˈveɪ.sɪv/ C1 Moving into all areas of Lây lan They treated the cancer with
something and difficult to stop non – invasive surgery
11 Chemotherapy N / ˌkiː.məʊˈθer.ə.pi/ C1 The treatment of diseases using Chữa bệnh bằng Chemotherapy is often used in
chemicals phương pháp hóa the treatment of cancer
12 Be back on your Phrase To be healthy again after a period Hồi phục sức My mother is back on her feet
feet of illness khỏe trở lại after being sick for two weeks
13 Sick as a dog Phrase Vomiting a lot, extremely ill Nôn thốc nôn I was sick as a dog after last
tháo, ốm yếu night’s meal

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