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MATHEMATICS Compulsory Part

S6 MOCK EXAM 8 (2018)
Question-Answer Book
Time allowed: 2¼ hours
This paper must be answered in English


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CP S6 MOCK 8 PAPER 1-1 1

Section A(1) (35 marks)

( p−3 q 2 )4
−5 4
1. Simplify p q and express your answer with positive indices.
(3 marks)


2. Consider the compound inequality

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5 x−2≥3 (3 x +10 ) or x >1  (*)
(a) Solve (*).
(b) Write down the number of integers that do not satisfy (*).
(3 marks)


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CP S6 MOCK 8 PAPER 1-2 2 © Hong Kong Educational Publishing Company

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3. Factorize
2 2
(a) 25 a +20 ab+4 b ,
2 2 2 3
(b) 25 a +20 ab+4 b −50 a b+8 b .
(3 marks)

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4. A tutorial school offers two kinds of tutorial classes: English and Mathematics. The numbers of
students in the English class and the Mathematics class are 42 and 29 respectively. The tutorial
fee of each student in the English class is 1.2 times the tutorial fee of each student in the
Mathematics class, and the tutorial school receives $119 100 from all the students. Find the
difference between the fees of each student in the two classes.
(4 marks)


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CP S6 MOCK 8 PAPER 1-3 3 Go on to the next page

5. The prices of a desk and a chair are $342.5 and $155.2 respectively.
(a) Estimate the two prices of the desk and the chair by rounding up the prices to the nearest
10 dollars.
(b) If Mary has $2000, will she have enough money to buy 2 desks and 8 chairs together? Use
the result of (a) to explain your answer.
(4 marks)


u+ v +6
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6. Consider the formula v+1 .
(a) Make u the subject of the above formula.
(b) Let v  0. If the value of v is increased by 25%, find the percentage change in the value of
(4 marks)


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CP S6 MOCK 8 PAPER 1-4 4 © Hong Kong Educational Publishing Company

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7. In a polar coordinate system, the coordinates of the points A, B and C are (25, 52), (22, 117)
and (14, 232) respectively. Let O be the pole.
(a) Prove that A, O and C are collinear.
(b) Find the shortest distance between B and the line AOC.
(4 marks)

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CP S6 MOCK 8 PAPER 1-5 5 Go on to the next page

8. In Figure 1, BCE and DCG are straight lines. AG // EF, AGB = 53, CDE = 82 and
CEF = 151.


Figure 1

(a) Find CBG.

(b) Prove that CBG ~ CDE.
(5 marks)

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CP S6 MOCK 8 PAPER 1-6 6 © Hong Kong Educational Publishing Company

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9. It is given that z varies directly as x2 and inversely as y3. Suppose that z = 6 when x = 3 and
y=1 .
(a) Express z in terms of x and y.
(b) If y = 2 and z = 3, find x.
(5 marks)

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CP S6 MOCK 8 PAPER 1-7 7 Go on to the next page

Section A(2) (35 marks)

10. In Figure 2, O is the centre of the semicircle ABCD. It is given that OAC = 35 and
ACB = 20.


Figure 2

(a) Find DOC and BCD.

(3 marks)
(b) Someone claims that AB // OC. Do you agree? Explain your answer.
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(2 marks)


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CP S6 MOCK 8 PAPER 1-8 8 © Hong Kong Educational Publishing Company

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11. Town X and town Y are 60 km apart. Figure 3 shows the graph for a car travelling on a straight
road between town X and town Y during the period 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. The car travels to town
Y at a constant speed. After staying in town Y for a while, the car travels back to town X at a
constant speed.
Distance from town X (km)


X 0
1:00 pm 1:30 pm Time 3:40 pm 4:00 pm

Figure 3
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(a) At what time does the car arrive at town Y?
(2 marks)
(b) How long does the car stay in town Y?
(2 marks)
(c) The driver claims that the average speed of the car during the period 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm is
higher than that of the car during the period 2:30 pm to 3:40 pm. Do you agree? Explain
your answer.
(2 marks)


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CP S6 MOCK 8 PAPER 1-9 9 Go on to the next page

12. A solid metal right cylinder of base area 45 cm2 and height 21 cm is melted and recast into
two similar solid right circular cones. The ratio of the base area of the smaller circular cone to
the base area of the larger circular cone is 16 : 25.
(a) Find the volume of the smaller circular cone in terms of .
(3 marks)
(b) If the height of the smaller circular cone is 15 cm, find the total surface area of the larger
circular cone in terms of .
(4 marks)

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CP S6 MOCK 8 PAPER 1-10 10 © Hong Kong Educational Publishing Company

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CP S6 MOCK 8 PAPER 1-11 11 Go on to the next page

13. The frequency distribution table and the cumulative frequency distribution table below show
the distribution of the scores of the 40 students in class A in a Mathematics test, where a, b, l, m
and n are integers. Suppose the scores of all the students are integers.
Score Frequency Score less than Cumulative frequency
56  65 9 65.5 l
66  75 a 75.5 25
76  85 13 85.5 m
86  95 b 95.5 n
and b.
(ii) Find an estimate of the mean of the scores of the 40 students in class A in the
Mathematics test.
(4 marks)
(b) The box-and-whisker diagram below shows the distribution of the scores of the 40
students in class B in the same Mathematics test, where h and k are constants.
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h 55 75 96 k
(i) Is the distribution of the scores in class B more dispersed than class A? Explain your
(ii) Susan is one of the 40 students in class A. She claims that she performs better than at
least 25% of the students in class B in the Mathematics test. Do you agree? Explain
your answer.
(4 marks)


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CP S6 MOCK 8 PAPER 1-12 12 © Hong Kong Educational Publishing Company

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CP S6 MOCK 8 PAPER 1-13 13 Go on to the next page

14. The coordinates of the point A are (12, 21). The equation of the straight line L is y = 29. Let P
be a moving point in the rectangular coordinate plane such that P is equidistant from A and L.
Denote the locus of P by .
(a) Find the equation of .
(2 marks)
(b) Let r and s, where r  s, be the x-intercepts of , and let t be the y-intercept of . Denote
the three points (r, 0), (s, 0) and (0, t) by R, S and T.
(i) Find r, s and t.
(ii) Prove that RT  ST.
(5 marks)
(c) Let C be the circle which passes through R, S and T. Someone claims that the area of C
exceeds 1300. Is the claim correct? Explain your answer.
(2 marks)

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CP S6 MOCK 8 PAPER 1-14 14 © Hong Kong Educational Publishing Company

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CP S6 MOCK 8 PAPER 1-15 15 Go on to the next page

Section B (35 marks)

15. Let a and b be constants. Denote the graph of

log a y=1+log b x by G. G passes through the

points (4, 4) and

(641 , 14 ) . Express x in terms of y.
(4 marks)

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CP S6 MOCK 8 PAPER 1-16 16 © Hong Kong Educational Publishing Company

16. The positive numbers 2, y, 18,  form a geometric sequence.
(a) Find the value of y and express the nth term A(n) of the sequence in terms of n.
(2 marks)
(b) Express the product A(2)  A(4)  A(6)    A(2n) in terms of n.
(4 marks)

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CP S6 MOCK 8 PAPER 1-17 17 Go on to the next page

17. In Figure 4(a), ABC is a triangular paper card. D is a point lying on AB. It is given that
DAC = 90, BDC = 120, AB = 11 cm and CD = 12 cm.

Figure 4(a)

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Figure 4(b)

In Figure 4(b), the triangular paper card is folded along CD such that AC lies on the horizontal
ground, ACD is perpendicular to the horizontal ground and BE = 4 cm, where E is the point
lying on the horizontal ground vertically below the point B. DB produced meets the horizontal
ground at the point F.

(a) Find the distance between B and F.

(2 marks)
(b) Find the area of DCF.
(2 marks)
(c) Find the inclination of the plane BCD to the horizontal ground.
(3 marks)

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CP S6 MOCK 8 PAPER 1-18 18 © Hong Kong Educational Publishing Company

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CP S6 MOCK 8 PAPER 1-19 19 Go on to the next page

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CP S6 MOCK 8 PAPER 1-20 20 © Hong Kong Educational Publishing Company

2 2
18. The equation of the circle C is x + y +kx−6 y −2 k−11=0 , where k is a real constant.
Denote the straight line y = 5 by L.
(a) Prove that L and C intersect at two distinct points.
(3 marks)
(b) The points of intersection of L and C are P and Q.
(i) Let p and q be the x-coordinates of P and Q respectively. Prove that
( p−q)2 =k 2 +8 k + 64 .
(ii) Is it possible that the distance between P and Q is less than 6? Explain your answer.
(5 marks)

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CP S6 MOCK 8 PAPER 1-21 21 Go on to the next page

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CP S6 MOCK 8 PAPER 1-22 22 © Hong Kong Educational Publishing Company

19. A restaurant manager conducts a survey to measure the extent of customers’ satisfaction on
overall performance of the restaurant. A score from 1 to 10 is used to measure the extent of
customers’ satisfaction on the overall performance, with 1 indicating strong dissatisfaction and
10 indicating strong satisfaction. The scores rated by 15 customers are recorded as follows:
4, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10
It is found that if the score given by a customer of the restaurant is greater than 6, then the
probability that the customer will go to the restaurant again is 6 . Otherwise, the probability
that the customer will go to the restaurant again is 3 .
(a) If a customer is randomly selected from the 15 customers, find the probability that the
selected customer will not go to the restaurant again.
(3 marks)
(b) Two customers are now randomly selected from the 15 customers.
(i) Find the probability that the two scores rated by the two selected customers are not
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greater than 6.
(ii) If the score rated by one selected customer is greater than 6 and the score rated by the
other selected customer is not greater than 6, find the probability that both of the
selected customers will go to the restaurant again.
(iii) The restaurant manager claims that the probability that the two selected customers
will go to the restaurant again is greater than the probability that only one of them
will go to the restaurant again. Do you agree? Explain your answer.
(7 marks)


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