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Miscellaneous news

- Sud Radio... It's noon. News of the day. Michel Rebourd.

- Good morning. A terrible accident has just happened on the A9 motorway, near Nîmes, between a
truck and five cars: eleven people were injured. On site, our journalist. Jerome Duchamp...

- Yes, hello, Michel. So there you have it, I have just arrived on the A9 motorway. at the scene of the
accident and I have Aline Besson in front of me. When the accident happened, Ms. Besson was
crossing a bridge over the highway on her bike. And she saw it all. So, lady, what exactly happened?

- Well... Like every morning, I crossed the bridge and then... I saw a truck lying down on the road.
Cars followed the truck. They wanted to stop but they were driving too fast, I think. And, what's
more, it had just rained, the road was slippery...

A first car hit the truck, and then a second, a third... I was terrified. Really !

My first love story

Today, as you all know, it is February 14, Valentine's Day, the celebration of love, of all lovers! Ah!
love! But do you remember your first love story?

1 My first love story? Oh ! there, there!... Ah yes, I was fifteen and I was on vacation in Ireland to
learn English. His name was Tom, he was tall, he was blond... he was very handsome!

2 Ah! yes, I remember very well. Today she is my wife. We met on the Paris-Bordeaux train. It was in
2000, I was twenty years old. She was twenty-two. And our first baby was born five years later.

3 I was eight years old. His name was Mathieu and, in the class, he was my neighbor. I was very in
love with him from... 94 to... 96. Yes! until 96 | Two years ! Afterwards, he went to another school...

4 My first love? Ah! Yes of course ! I went to my grandmother's house every year to spend the
holidays. But, from sixteen years old. I went with some friends to the seaside. And there. one
summer, I met Lou... It was in 85.

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