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My First Coding Project

This program is not perfect, so it has a few bugs. Before, I did not know about concepts
such as truncation and roundoff error. The figure below shows this program working as intended,
but it will not always correctly find critical points for every quadratic, cubic, or quartic equation.
Despite its downfalls, this is a program I am proud to display. Combining my interests in
calculus and computer programming was challenging, and overcoming each little problem I
encountered was greatly rewarding.

The User Interface:

The Code:
// Individual Final Project
// This program will perform the first derivative test and find any possible critical points.
// Connor Robison
using namespace std;

/* This class will help store needed information about the equation */
class Polynomial
static const int CS = 6;
static const int DS = 5;
const string term[6] = { " ", "x", "x^2", "x^3", "x^4", " " };
const int exponent[5] = { 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 }; // Holds the degree of each term
int coefficient[CS]; // Holds the coefficient of each term
int derivative[DS]; // Helps to store the derivative of the user's
int numPS; // The number of possible solutions
int fndSol; // The number of solutions that have been found
vector<int>numerator; /* These two vector will help to store possible solutions */

void setCoe(int); // This function helps the user to create their
void setDer(); // This function finds the derivative
void setNum(int); // This function will find factors of the leading
void setDen(int); // This function will find factors of the constant
void setNumPS(int); // This function will store the number of possible
int getNumPS(); // This function returns numPS
int getFndSol(); // This function returns fndSol
int findC(int[], int); // This function will find the constant
int findLC(int[], int); // This function will find the leading coefficient
void displayEq(int[], int, int); // This function will use an array to display an

/* This class will eliminate extraneous solutions */

class Solution
vector<int>nSol; // This vector will hold the numerator of true
vector<int>dSol; // This vector will hold the denominator of true
bool checkSol(int, int, int[], int, int); // This function checks possible solutions from
the numerator and denominator vectors
void setNSol(int); // This function will add the numerators of true
solutions to nSol
void setDSol(int); // This function will add the denominators of
true solutions to dSol
void displayPCP(); // This function will display the possible
critical points

/* Function prototypes */
int validateInput(int, int);
int displayMenu();
int gcd(int, int);
int findGCD(int[], int);

int main()
Polynomial eq;
Solution sol;
int choice;

choice = displayMenu();

cout << endl; system("pause");

return 0;

int validateInput(int min, int max)

int choice = -1;

while (choice < min || choice > max) {

cin >> choice;

if ((choice > max || choice < min) || (choice % 1 != 0))

cout << " Enter an integer between " << min << " and " << max << ": ";

return choice;

int displayMenu()
Polynomial eq;


cout << "This program will test to to see if possible critical points exist\nfor any of the
following functions using the first derivative test." << endl;
cout << "A critical point is any point on a graph where the slope is equal to zero or
undefined." << endl;
cout << "Quadratic and quartic functions are the most likely to contain critical points\nand
linear functions do not have any critical points." << endl;
cout << "\nFeel free to check any answers provided with a separate graphing utility." << endl;
cout << "\nPlease choose one of the following:" << endl;
cout << "1. Linear\n2. Quadratic\n3. Cubic\n4. Quartic" << endl << endl;

int choice = validateInput(1, 4); // The user has 4 options to choose from


return choice;

/* Member functions for class Polynomial */

Polynomial::Polynomial() {
coefficient[0] = derivative[0] = 1; // This element holds a GCD

for (int i = 1; i < CS; i++) {

coefficient[i] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < DS; i++) {
derivative[i] = 0;


numPS = fndSol = 0;
void Polynomial::setCoe(int c) {

cout << "Time to create your equation." << endl << endl;

switch (c)
case 1:cout << "Linear:\n parent function : f(x) = x\n standard form : f(x) = mx + b"
<< endl; break;
case 2:cout << "Quadratic:\n parent function : f(x) = x^2\n standard form : f(x) = ax^2
+ bx + c" << endl; break;
case 3:cout << "Cubic:\n parent function : f(x) = x^3\n standard form : f(x) = ax^3 +
bx^2 + cx + d" << endl; break;
case 4:cout << "Quartic:\n parent function : f(x) = x^4\n standard form : f(x) = ax^4 +
bx^3 + cx^2 + dx + e" << endl; break;

const int min = 1, max = 50;

cout << "\nPlease enter " << (numPS + 1) << " integers between " << min << " and " << max <<
"." << endl;
cout << "For the best results, your last value should be greater than the first" << endl <<

switch (c)
case 4: {
cout << "Enter the number of x^4 you would like: ";
int num = validateInput(min, max);
coefficient[1] = num;
case 3: {
cout << "Enter the number of x^3 you would like: ";
int num = validateInput(min, max);
coefficient[2] = num;
case 2: {
cout << "Enter the number of x^2 you would like: ";
int num = validateInput(min, max);
coefficient[3] = num;
case 1: {
cout << "Enter the number of x you would like: ";
int num = validateInput(min, max);
coefficient[4] = num;
default: {
cout << "Enter a constant: ";
int num = validateInput(min, max);
coefficient[5] = num;
setDer(); break; // Calculate the derivative once the user has entered all their
values and break

cout << "\nYour equation: ";

displayEq(coefficient, CS, numPS);

cout << "\nDerivative: ";

displayEq(derivative, DS, (numPS - 1));
if (numPS != 1) {
derivative[0] = findGCD(derivative, DS); // Find a GCD if there is one
if (derivative[0] != 1) {
cout << "Extracting a GCF..." << endl;

for (int i = 1; i < DS; i++) {

int temp = derivative[i];

derivative[i] = (temp / derivative[0]);


cout << "\nNew derivative: ";

displayEq(derivative, DS, (numPS - 1));

setNum(derivative[findC(derivative, DS)]);
setDen(derivative[findLC(derivative, DS)]);
void Polynomial::setDer() {
for (int i = 1; i < DS; i++)
derivative[i] = (exponent[i - 1] * coefficient[i]);
void Polynomial::setNum(int c) {
for (int i = 1; i <= c; i++) {
if ((abs(c) % i) == 0) {
void Polynomial::setDen(int lc) {
for (int i = 1; i <= lc; i++) {
if ((abs(lc) % i) == 0) {

cout << "\nThere are " << 2 * (numerator.size() * denominator.size()) << " possible critical
points. Checking solutions..." << endl;

Solution sol;

for (int d : denominator) {

for (int n : numerator) {
if (sol.checkSol(-n, d, derivative, DS, (numPS - 1))) {
} cout << endl;
if (sol.checkSol(n, d, derivative, DS, (numPS - 1))) {
} cout << endl;

void Polynomial::setNumPS(int ns) {
numPS = ns;
int Polynomial::getNumPS() {
return numPS;
int Polynomial::getFndSol() {
return fndSol;
int Polynomial::findC(int list[], int size) {
int index = (size - 1); // Used as a subscript to search array
int position = -1; // Used to record position of search value
// Flag to indicate if the value was found
bool found = false; // Flag to indicate if the value was found

while (index < size && !found)

if (list[index] != 0) // If the value is found
found = true; // Set the flag
position = index; // Record the value's subscript
Index++; // Go to the next element
return position; // Return the position, or -1
} // -1 indicates the value was not found
int Polynomial::findLC(int list[], int size) {
int index = 1; // Used as a subscript to search array
int position = -1; // Used to record position of search value
// Flag to indicate if the value was found
bool found = false; // Flag to indicate if the value was found

while (index < size && !found)

if (list[index] != 0) // If the value is found
found = true; // Set the flag
position = index; // Record the value's subscript
Index++; // Go to the next element
return position; // Return the position, or -1
} // -1 indicates the value was not found

void Polynomial::displayEq(int a[], int s, int hp) {

int start = findLC(a, s); // Start at the leading coefficient
int end = findC(a, s); // End and the constant
int k = 0;

if (a[0] != 1) // This is necessary to display the GCD if

there is one
cout << a[0] << " ( ";
for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) {
if (a[i] != 1 || i == end) { // cout a[i] if it is not a constant or equal
to one
cout << a[i];
} cout << term[(hp - k)]; k++; // cout the respective term and increment k
if (i != end && start != end) // cout a + in between terms
cout << " + ";
if (a[0] != 1) // end with a parenthesis if there is one at
the beginning
cout << ")";
cout << endl;

/* Member functions for class Solution */

Solution::Solution() {
bool Solution::checkSol(int n, int d, int de[], int s, int hp) {
double sum = 0;
int k = 0;

for (int i = 1; i < s; i++) {

sum += (static_cast<double>(de[i] * static_cast<double>(pow((static_cast<double>(n) /
static_cast<double>(d)), (3 - k)))));
} sum *= static_cast<double>(de[0]);

if (sum < 1e-10 && sum > -1e-10)

sum = 0;

cout << " f'" << "( " << n;

if (d != 1)
cout << "/" << d;
cout << " ) = " << sum;

if (sum == 0) {
return true;
else {
return false;
void Solution::setNSol(int n) {
void Solution::setDSol(int d) {
cout << "; adding argument to the solution set";

void Solution::displayPCP() {
if (nSol.empty())
cout << "\nThere are not any possible critical points" << endl;
else {
cout << "\nPossible critical points include:" << endl;

for (int i = 0; i < nSol.size(); i++) {

cout << " x = " << nSol[i];
if (dSol[i] != 1)
cout << "/" << dSol[i];
cout << endl;


// Function to return gcd of a and b

int gcd(int a, int b)
if (a == 0)
return b;
return gcd(b % a, a);

// Function to find gcd of array of

// numbers
int findGCD(int arr[], int n)
int result = arr[1]; /* THE SEARCH FOR A GCD NEEDS TO BEGIN AT */
for (int i = 2; i < n; i++) /* THE SECOND ELEMENT OF THE ARRAY */
result = gcd(arr[i], result);

if (result == 1)
return 1;
return result;


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