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English Grammar

Ch-28: Punctuation
A. Rewrite with the correct punctuation.
2) Mussoorie was very cold, wasn't it ?
3) What an amazing seaside view this is!
4) Seema, Deepa,Hema, Swapna and Komal went to see the play.
5) In fact, no one was hurt.
6) Yes,I would like to buy six eggs, butter,bread and a packet of biscuits.

B. Rewrite correctly by using the apostrophe.

2) the children's books
3) the lioness’ cubs
4) baby’s bottle
5) ladies’ dresses
6) Mr Vishwas’ house

C, Place inverted commas wherever needed.

2) ‘Who could have taken them?’,asked my mother.
3) ‘Where did you keep them?’, I asked my brother.
4) ‘I kept them near my cupboard’, he replied.
5) My sister came and said come quickly. ‘Look! Something is hanging from Spice’s mouth.’
6) ‘It's a bit of a shoelace’,I said.

Ch-29: Using a Dictionary

A. Arrange these words in alphabetical order.

1) around
2) artist
3) chance
4) enough
5) fourteen
6) happen
7) square
8) sudden
B. Arrange these words beginning with m in alphabetical order.
1) magic
3) manager
4) margin
6) maroon
7) marvel
8) mighty

C. Use a dictionary to find the meanings of these words.

2) income - money received especially on a regular basis.
3) Island - a piece of land surrounded by water
4) depend - be controlled or determined by
5) supply - make something needed or wanted available to someone; provide.
6) reprimand - a formal expression of disapproval.

Ch-30: Word Power

A. Tick the correct substitute of each group of words.

1. ambiguous
2. inaudible
3. abbreviation
4. zoology
5. predator
6. fatal
7. jubilee
8. brittle

B. At the prefix un-,in-,dis- or mis- to each word to make a new word.

1. unloaded
2. disorder
3. disadvantage
4. mismatch
5. inaccurate
6. misprint
7. uneducated
8. inactive

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